2019-2020年九年级英语全册《Unit 9 When was it invented》教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语全册Unit 9 When was it invented教案 人教新目标版ILearning objectives 教学目标SkillFocusTalk about the history of inventionsWrite and read about inventionsLearn to remember information using mind-mappingLearn to use imagination to invent things to deal with problems and do role playsLanguageFocus 功能句式Talk about inventions(P68-70)When was (the telephone .) invented? I think it was invented in . I think (the telephone .) was invented before / after .Who was it / were they invented by? It was / They were invented by . What is it / are they used for?It is / They are used for . What do you think is the most helpful / annoying invention?I think the most helpful / annoying invention is .词汇1. 重点词汇invent, mistake, ancient, produce, pleasant, pie, throw, century, notice, including, knock, basket, metal, below, towards, develop, risen2 认读词汇scoop, adjustable, heel, battery, operate, slipper, bulb, light bulb, microwave, microwave oven, crispy, salty, sour, chef, sprinkle, beverage, according, legend, boil, bush, remain, flying disk, bakery, Bridgeport, Connecticut, lemon, cookies, abacus, binoculars, rank, indoors, create, wooden, divide, aim, hoop, shoot, backboard, guide, court, Berlin, popularity, worldwide, association, equipment3 词组be used for, by mistake, in the end, by accident, according to, fall into, in this way, knock into语法The Passive Voice:1. When was / were . invented?2. Who was / were . invented by?3. What is / are . used for?StrategyFocus1. Brainstorming2. Role playingCulture FocusThe history of chips which are popular with westerners.The invention of tea.II. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和重组1. 教材分析本单元以Inventions为话题,共设计了四个部分的内容:Section A 该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕When and in what order were they invented? 这一话题展开讨论(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕3个inventions 进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块继续围绕inventions这一话题展开训练,要求列出两类不同的发明(3a)并以pairwork形式对此展开讨论和对话训练(3b);第四模块设置情景alone on a tiny island,以小组活动形式讨论在该情景下什么inventions重要及原因。这部分主要训练口语、学生处理问题的思维能力和想象力。Section B该部分有4个模块:第一模块是词汇的学习(1a)与运用(1b);第二模块围绕the history of chips继续进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块围绕Who invented tea?这一话题展开阅读理解(3a),并要求学生能够以“From pie plate to flying disk”为题目进行应用写作训练(3b);第四模块以inventions这一话题训练学生的创造力、解决问题的能力和想象力(4a), 并且以小组讨论和角色扮演(4b)的形式展开口语训练。Self check该部分有2个模块:第一模块对所学词汇进行填空训练(1);第二模块要求就不同的inventions搜集信息并进行写作训练(2)。Reading该部分共设置了5项任务:第一项任务以问题讨论的方式激活学生相关背景知识(Section 1);第二项任务要求学生通过快速阅读获取信息(Section 2);第三项任务利用填图、回答问题等练习形式进一步加深学生对阅读内容的理解(Section 3);第四项任务要求学生对“play on Chinas national basketball team one day”问题发表观点、进行口语训练(Section 4);第五项任务要求学生对某一项发明进行调查研究。2 教材重组和课时分配Period 1 (Section B: 1a, 1b) Vocabulary buildingPeriod 2 (Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c) New function presentingPeriod 3 (Section A: 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 4)PracticePeriod 4 (Section B: 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b) Integrating skillsPeriod 5 (Section B: 4a, 4b; Self check: 1, 2) Self checkPeriod 6 (Reading: Section 1Section 4)Reading prehensionIII. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案Period 1 Vocabulary buildingLanguage goals 语言目标1. Words & expressions生词和短语invent, scoop, adjustable, operate, mistake, thin, sprinkle, sweet, salty, crispy, sour, discover, annoying, special, ancient, legend, boil, fire, nearby, remain, notice, produce, pleasant, throw, thousand, century, taste, smell, create, divide, shoot2. Key sentences重点句子 (P71)Who invented them? They were invented in 1863.Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to understand and use the new words of this unit. Emotion & attitude goals 情感和态度目标Enable the students to be aware of different inventions around them.Strategy goals 策略目标Enable the students to use what they know to explain new words.Teaching important points教学重点Understand and use the new words and phrases.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Lead-inT: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls. This week we will begin a new unit about inventions. You can see inventions all around us, from TV to car, from food to clothing. We should say nobody can live without them. Dont you think so? Can you imagine one day without inventions?Ss: Thats impossible.T: Yes, we live in a world of inventions. These inventions make our life easier and more fortable. In this unit, we will learn some inventions and their history. First, lets get to know some new words.Step II Card Game Ask the students to play a card game to help them remember the new vocabulary of this unit. T: Close your books. Here are some cards. On each card there is a word with English spelling. When I hold up a card, you must tell me what it means in Chinese, how to read it and some words related to it. Are you clear?Show the cards to the students one by one. Correct their mistakes in pronunciation and understanding.Step III Practice the new vocabulary Ask the students to explain in their own words the words in Section A in the workbook.T: Very good. Please turn to Section A of workbook, the first part. Discuss these words in groups and explain their meanings in your own words. Sample answers:S1: Invent: There was not such a thing in the world. Someone made it and then there is such a thing. So we can say someone invented it. S2: Discover: There is a thing. But people dont know it or few people know it. Someone find it and make it known to people. We can say someone discovers it. S3: Scoop: When it is a noun, it means a short-handled tool for taking up and moving something. When it is a verb, it means lifting something with a scoop.S4: Mistake: If I say 2 and 2 is 1, you can say I make a mistake.S5: Annoying: make one angry, unhappy or unfortable.S6: Adjustable: that can be made more helpful or useful.S7: Microwave: very short wave.S8: Braces: something used to tighten.Ask the students to circle the words in the table.T: Very good. Now please find these words and circle them in the table. Volunteers?Show a hanging chart with the same table to the students. Ask them to e to the front and circle the words in the table in the hanging chart.Check the answers and correct the mistakes if there are any.Step IV Words about food taste (1a, 1b: P71)Ask one student to e to the front to do a blind taste test.Show a bag to the students.T: Look, there are 4 kinds of food in it. I will let one of you e to the front and taste them. But I will use a piece of cloth to cover his or her eyes. After tasting, he or she has to tell how each food tastes and what food it is. Are you clear? Sophie, please.Cover Sophies eyes and give her the food one by one. Sophie tastes each food and tries to guess what it is.S: It is sweet. I think it is an apple.They are salty and crispy. I think they are potato crisps.It is sour. I think it is a tomato. It is salty. But I dont think I have eaten this food before. It is delicious.T: Do you enjoy the food? Now you can take off the cloth. The last one is Pizza, which is popular with westerners. You can take it with you and go back to your seat. Thank you.Sophie goes back to her seat.T: Hi, class. What are the four different tastes of the food Sophie had? S: They are sweet, crispy, salty and sour.T: Yes. They are words used to describe different tastes of food. Try to use them to describe the food in the picture of 1a, Section B.Ask the students to read the pictures of 1a in Section B and describe how the food tastes.T: Now, look at the four pictures. What are they?Ss: They are potato chips, lemon, ice cream and tea. T: You are right. Please use the words weve just learnt to describe how they taste. S1: Potato chips are crispy. Lemon is sour. Ice cream is sweet. Tea is sweet. T: How about you? Do you have a different idea?S2: Potato chips are crispy and salty. Lemon is sour. Ice cream is sweet. Tea is sweet.T: Good. I think S2s answer is better. Now lets repeat the description together.Ss: .Ask the students to write the name of a different food after each word in 1b of Section B.T: Now, write the names of different foods after each taste as many as possible. I think this is an easy job for you. Think of the food you eat everyday at home or in restaurants. Collect the answers and put them down on the blackboard.Sample answers:sweet: apple, orange, banana, honey, orange juice, cakes and candiescrispy: salad, potato chips, lettuce and cucumber salty: pizza, French fries, olivessour: grapes, pickle and vinegar Step V Do a quizAsk the students to finish the following exercises in 10 minutes.T: Next well do a quiz. Your task is to finish the exercises in 10 minutes. Anyone who does his best without looking at the textbooks will be invited to my home this Sunday for a pizza meal. When I say “begin”, you can begin. After you finish, hold up your hands and let me know. Are you ready? One, two, begin!Fill in the blanks with the words youve learnt according to the Chinese.1. Who _ the telephone? ( 发明)2. When was the car _? (发明)3. It _ _ _ scooping really cold ice cream. (被用来)4. What do you think is the most _ inven-tion? (令人烦恼的)5. The potato chips were invented _ _. (错误地)6. The customer thought that the potatoes werent _ enough. (薄)7. The customer was happy _ _ _. (最终)8. The customer said they werent _ enough. (咸)9. The chef _ lots of salt on the potato chips. (撒)10.The tea was invented _ _. (偶然地)11.This beverage was _ (发现) over 3 _(千) years ago.12._ _ (根据) this legend, people _(煮) water to drink over an open fire.13.He _ _ the river yesterday. (掉进)14.She _ beautiful after these years. (保持)15.The emperor _ (发现) that the leaves in the water _ (发出) a pleasant smell.16.Dr Naismith _ (分) the men in his class into two teams.17.Dr Naismith _ (创造) a game to be played on a hard wooden floor.18.Many young people _ _ (梦想) being famous basketball players.19.Here is a _ present for you. (特别的)20.Can you _ the puter? (操作)Sample answers:1. invented 2. invented 3. is used for 4. annoying5. by mistake 6. thin 7. in the end 8. salty 9. sprinkled 10. by accident 11. discovered, thousand 12. According to, boiled 13. fell into 14. remains 15. discovered, produced 16. divided 17. created 18. dream of 19. special 20. operateT: Lily, you are the one who finished the exercises fastest and correctly, so I will invite you to my house and I will cook some pizza for you. Step VI HomeworkReview new words and phrases learnt in this period. Finish the following exercises on homework paper.Homework paper1. Fill in the blanks and translate the sentences.(1)When _ the car _? (被发明)(2)What _ the heated ice cream scoop _ _? (被用来)It _ _ _ scooping really cold ice cream. (被用来)(3)Basketball is _ (喜欢) by all the people.(4)A game was _ (创造) to be played on a hard wooden floor.(5)This beverage was _ (发现) two thousand years ago.(6)A pleasant smell was _ (发出).2. Change the sentences into the passive voice.(1)I watered the flowers._.(2)He turned on the light._.(3)Who invented the air-conditioner?_.(4)Who invented the battery-operated slippers?_.Period 2 New function presentingLanguage goals 语言目标1. Words & expressions 生词和短语invent, discover, scoop, mistake, annoying, adjustable, microwave, braces2. Key sentences 重点句子 (P68)When was the telephone invented? I think it was invented in 1876.I think the telephone was invented after the car.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to use the passive voice to talk about “when it was invented”.Emotion & attitude goals 情感和态度目标Enable the students to know about when some important inventions were invented.Strategy goals 策略目标Listening and matching.Culture awareness goals 文化意识目标Know about inventions in different countries.Teaching important points 教学重点Help the students to understand and use the grammar: the passive voice.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionCheck the homework and help the students to correct mistakes if any.T: Hello, everyone, have you finished your homework? Take out the homework paper. Please read the plete sentences in Ex.1 and then translate them into Chinese. This line, please.Sample answers to Ex. 1:(1) When was the car invented? 车是什么时候被发明出来的?(2) What is the heated ice cream scoop used for? 被加热的冰激凌勺子是被用来干什么的?It is used for scooping really cold ice cream. 它是被用来舀凉凉的冰激凌的。(3) Basketball is enjoyed by all the people. 篮球被所有人喜欢。(4) A game was created to be played on a hard wooden floor.一个游戏被创造出来了,为的是能在坚硬的木质地板上玩。(5) This beverage was discovered two thousand years ago. 这种饮料在2千年前就被发现了。(6) A pleasant smell was produced. 一种令人愉悦的味道被制造出来了。Sample answers to Ex. 2:(1) The flowers were watered by me.(2) The light was turned on by him.(3) Who was the air-conditioner invented by?(4) Who was the battery-operated slipper invented by?Step II Warming Up (1a, 1c: P68)Ask the students to talk about when the things in picture of 1a on P68 were invented. T: Look at the pictures on P68. What are they? Ss: They are telephone, car, calculator, television and puter.Write the following sentences on the blackboard.When was (the telephone .) invented?I think it was invented in (1876 .).T: Look at the blackboard. When was the telephone invented? You can tell me by using the second structure.S1: I think it was invented in 1873.S2: I dont agree. I think it was invented in 1876.T: Yes, you got it right. It was invented in 1876.Write the following sentence on the blackboard.I think it was invented after / before (the car .). T: When was the car invented, then? I think it was invented in 1865. So I think it was invented before the telephone. S1: I dont think so. I think it was invented in 1890. I think it was invented after the telephone.S2: I think it was invented in 1885. I think it was invented after the telephone.Ask the students to discuss in groups.T: You can have a discussion in groups. Try to find out the correct dates when the things were invented. Try to use the sentence structures on the screen. Check the results of their discussion.Sample dialogues:Dialogue 1:S1: When was the telephone invented?S2: I think it was invented in 1876.S1: When was the car invented?S2: I think it was invented in 1930. I think it was invented after the telephone.S3: I dont think so. I think it was invented in 1873, so it was invented before the telephone.S4: I dont agree. I think it was invented in 1885 and it was invented after the telephone.Dialogue 2:S1: When was the calculator invented?S2: I think it was invented in 1971.S1: When was the puter invented?S2: I think it was invented in 1976. I think it was invented after the calculator.S3: I dont think so. I think it was invented in 1927. I think it was invented before the calculator.S4: I dont agree. I think it was invented in 1876. I think it was invented before the calculator.Dialogue 3:S1: When was the television invented?S2: I think it was invented in 1927.S1: When was the telephone invented?S2: I think it was invented in 1910. I think it was invented before the television.S3: I dont think so. I think it was invented in 1853. I think it was invented before the television.S4: I dont agree. I think it was invented in 1947. I think it was invented after the television.Step III Listening (1b: P68)Ask the students to listen to the recording and pare their answers with those in the recording.T: You have quite different answers. Which are right? Lets listen to a dialogue between a woman and a girl. They will tell us the correct dates when these things were invented. What would you do if you are going to do some listening practice? S1: I think we should know what we are asked to do.T: Then what are you asked to do according to the instruction?S1: To match the inventions with the dates when they were invented.T: So what should you pay more attention to when you are listening?S1: Dates and numbers.T: Good. The recording will be played twice. For the first time, listen carefully to the dates when the things were invented.Play the tape for the first time.T: For the second time, listen and match the inventions with the dates.Play the tape again. Then check the answers.Step IV Summary of the grammar (Grammar Focus: P69)Help the students to make a summary of the grammar the passive voice. Ask them to take out the homework paper and read the first sentence in Ex. 2 again.T: Why do we use “was” before “invented”? Can we remove “was” here?S1: No, we cant. Because it is a passive voice. The structure is “be + done”.T: Why do we use “by” here?S2: I think it is used when we want to express “什么事被谁做”, we should use “by sb” to express “被谁”.Point to the grammar points on the blackboard and make a conclusion.T: Well, I think you are quite right. When we talk about “被动语态”, we mean the passive voice in English. Show the following to the students. The passive voice被动语态基本形式:be done 被(做)be done by . 被(谁)做e.g. be invented 被发明 be invented by被谁发明出来Ask the students to make sentences with the passive voice.T: Please make sentences on your own with the passive voice.Sample sentences:1. The novel was written by Jack London.2. My glasses were broken by Xiao Ming.3. His bicycle was stolen yesterday.Step V HomeworkAsk the students to finish the listening part (2a and 2b) on P69.Period 3 PracticeLanguage goals语言目标1. Words & expressions 生词和短语invent, be used for, heated, style, slipper, slippers, scoop, adjustable, heel, battery, operate, battery-operated, special2. Key sentences 重点句子 (P69)Who was it / were they invented by? It was / They were invented by . What is it / are they used for? It is / They are used for . Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to learn more passive voice structures and learn to express their views on different inventions.Emotion & attitude goals 情感和态度目标Learn to tell helpful inventions from annoying inventions.Strategy goals 策略目标Listening for key words;Matching the answers with the information given and make similar dialogues.Culture awareness goals 文化意识目标Similar characters of the great inventors in different countries. Teaching important points教学重点Enable the students to express opinions on different inventions.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Check the homeworkT: Hello, everybody. Lets check the homework. Whod like to share your answers with the others?Collect answers and correct the mistakes if any.T: You really did a good job.Step II Warming Up (2a: P69)T: Look, whats this? Point to the scoop on the right of the picture of 2a on P69.S1: It is a heated ice cream scoop.T: What is it used for? Who was it invented by? Write the following two sentences on the blackboard.What is it used for? Who was it invented by?S1: It is used for scooping really cold ice cream. But I dont know who it was invented by.T: How about these? Point to the shoes and slippers.S2: They are battery-operated slippers and shoes with adjustable heels.T: What are they used for? Who were they invented by? Show the following two sentences on the blackboard.Who were they invented by?What are they used for?S2: Sorry, I dont know.T: It doesnt matter. We will listen to the tape and you w


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