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2019-2020年九年级英语全册Unit7Teenagersshouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes教案新人教版类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题 In this unit, students learn to talk about rules.单元语法 should be allowed to教学目标1.理解并正确运用本单元的重点词汇。2.熟练运用 “should (not) be allowed to do”谈论应该被允许和不应该被允许做某事;熟练运用 “I agree / disagree.”或“ I dont agree.”表达自己的观点。3.通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生日常行为准则、规范自己的言行,养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯和优良品德;正确看待“家规”“班规”“校规”等,并能认真遵守、明白父母、教师的合理建议对自己成长的重要性,树立理解他人的交际能力素养。4.了解中外审美观的差异,形成自己的审美观,展示个性;了解中西方关于青少年的不同文明准则。学情分析经过两年多的英语学习,学生有了一定的英语基础和语言学习的能力,也有学生在英语学习上出现了分压现象,本单元以“规则”为话题,引导学生用目标语言谈论学生该做和不该做的事,为了让学生积极参与到课堂讨论中,应当让学生进行必要的交流互动,鼓励他们对某一件事阐述各自的观点。类别课时要点重点单词1.safety n. 安全 2.smoke v. 吸烟 3.earring n. 耳环;耳朵 重点词组1.the drivers license 驾照2.no way 休想3.have parttime jobs 有兼职工作4.get their ears pierced 穿耳洞 5.cut the hair 理发 6.take photo 拍照7.use a flash 使用闪光灯 重点句式1.I dont think sixteenyearolds should be allowed to drive. I agree, they arent serious enough.我认为16岁的青少年不应被允许开车。我同意。他们不够严肃认真。2.Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke.青少年不应被允许吸烟。3.Students should not be allowed to have parttime jobs. 学生们不应当被允许有兼职工作。4.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 青少年应当被允许选择自己的衣服。5.Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we dont use a flash? 你认为如果我们不用闪光灯,我们可能被允许拍照吗? 每个青少年在生活中都会碰到允许或者不允许做的事,例如在商场购物时,我们应该允许选择自己的衣服,而作为父母却不允许我们选择自己的衣服,你们有这样的经历吗?你们是赞同还是不赞同呢,请大家说出自己的观点。Teacher: Could you tell me what students should be allowed to do or shouldnt be allowed to do?Students:_ Students should be allowed to have parttime jobs.Students shouldnt be allowed to get their ears pierced.Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation) 1.要求学生翻开课本P49,迅速阅读1a部分的内容。然后自己判断赞同还是不赞同1a的内容。(1分钟) 2.检查答案,先要求全班一起给出答案并检查讨论。然后要求小组就should be allowed to do sth.的用法进行讨论,并通过以下问题对青少年应该做什么或者不允许做什么进行反馈,与学生互动。(3分钟)参考案例Teacher: I dont think students should be allowed to go to Net Bar.Students: I agree.3要求学生听第一遍录音,并完成课本上1b的听力任务。(1分钟)参考答案1T 2.F 3.T4要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。(2分钟)5完成教材1c的任务,要求学生根据1a中的陈述,利用方框内的短语编写对话,进行练习,然后要求23位学生上台表演。(3分钟)6听力内容巩固训练。要求学生根据所听到的内容完成下列问题。完成后要求若干学生给出自己的答案。以巩固对听力内容的了解。(4分钟)(1)根据所听内容回答问题。What is the relationship of the two speakers? Mother_and_daughter.(2)再听,完成填空。 The woman doesnt think sixteenyearolds should be allowed to drive because they arent serious enough.Anna thinks teenagers should be allowed to choose_their_own_clothes because they are not children.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice)1要求学生翻开课本P50。播放录音一遍,完成2a,2b的听力任务。(1分钟)2要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。(2分钟)Step 4 运用与生成 (Production)1完成教材2c的任务,要求学生模仿听力内容,使用“should be allowed to”进行对话练习。并邀请23对同学当堂进行演示。(3分钟)2小结训练。要求学生在规定的时间内完成一个小练习。并请若干学生给出自己的答案。有错误的及时解决纠正。(2分钟) 汉译英。1青少年应该被允许选择他们自己的衣服。Teenagers should be allowed_to_choose_their_own_clothes216岁的青少年不应该允许驾车。Sixteenyearolds should not be allowed to drive.3老师来的时候,你们应该停止说话。You should stop_talking when the teacher es in.4他想花费些时间与妈妈在一起He wants to spend_some_time_with his mother.Step 5 巩固与提高(Progress) 播放2d的对话录音,让学生跟读,模仿并理解大意。然后让学生分角色朗读并表演2d的对话。(5分钟)探究点一 allow与get sth.done I dont think sixteenyearolds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.我认为不应该允许十六岁的孩子穿耳洞。1allow为动词,意为“允许;承认”,其常用结构有:allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事allow doing sth.允许做某事be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事 eg.My parents wont allow me to stay out late.我的父母不允许我在外面待得很晚。We are not allowed to smoke in the reading room.我们不被允许在阅览室吸烟。 May I be allowed to use this knife, please?可以允许我用这把小刀吗? 2get ones ears pierced属于:get/have名词过去分词结构,表示“叫/让/请别人干某事”。 eg.Ill have my hair cut tomorrow.明天我要理发。eg.He got his bike repaired yesterday.他昨天修理了自行车。 针对训练 ( B)1.Your hair is too long.You must have it_.Acutted Bcut Cbe cut Dbe cutted ( C )2.She decided to get a new coat _. Amake Bmakes Cmade Dmaking ( B )3.No parking _in this street.Aallow Bis allowed Callowed Dallowing ( B )4.The teachers dont _ talking in class.Aare allowed Ballow Callowed Dbe allowed探究点二 I dont think sixteenyearolds should be allowed to drive.我认为不应该允许十六岁的孩子开车。 1当主句的主语是第一人称I或We,谓语动词是think, believe, suppose, guess等词时,其后的从句不能是含not的否定句,若要否定,须将not提到主句中。 2sixteenyearolds相当于sixteenyearold teenagers/boys/girls。针对训练 5He isnt clever.I think.(合并为一句)I dont_think he is clever.6The young aged 18 should not be allowed to drink.(改为同义句)Eighteenyearolds shouldnt be allowed to drink.Step 6 家庭作业(Homework)1列举一些在学校的校规或家里的家规。2完成本单元学生用书第一课时的练习。教学反思:_第二课时Section A(3a 4c) 类别课时要点重点单词1.tiny adj.极小的;微小的2.lift v. 举起n. 电梯3.awful adj. 很坏的,讨厌的 4.regret v&n. 感到遗憾,懊悔5.cry vn.哭,叫喊 6.field n田野,场地7.hug nv.拥抱,搂抱 8.badly adv.严重的,差9.chance n机会,可能性 10.educate v. 教育11.manage v. 完成,应付重点词组1.stay by my side 陪伴在我身旁 2.run through the field 在地上奔跑3.keep me from danger 让我远离危险 4.give me a hug 给我一个拥抱5.liftup 把举起来 6.talk back顶嘴 7.think back to回想起 8.make ones own decision 自己做决定 9.do social work for the munity为社区做社会工作10.keepaway from 避免接近,远离 11.give sb.a chance 给某人一个机会12.move out 搬出去 13.take care of oneself照顾自己 14.manage their own lives 应对自己的生活 15.in many western countries 在许多西方国家重点句式1.When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side. 当我还是小婴孩整夜哭闹时,我妈妈给我唱歌并且一直陪伴我。2.When I was seven coughing badly, she said no icecream for me.当我七岁咳嗽的严重时,她对我说不能吃冰淇淋。3.I should be allowed to eat some! Give it to me now!我应当被允许吃一些,现在就给我。4.When I was a teen going out with friends, she said“ Please be back by ten!”当我是青少年要和朋友外出时,她说“请在10点前回来”。5.I should not be told what to do. 我不应当被告诉要做什么。6. I regret talking back, not listening to Mom. 我很后悔顶嘴没有听妈妈的话。7.Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions? No, I dont agree with this.Teenagers are too young to make their own decisions.你认为青少年应该被鼓励自己做决定吗?不,我不同意。青少年太小不能自己做决定。8.Should teenagers be asked to move out when they start working?当青少年参加工作了应当被要求搬出去吗?9.Their parents believe that they should be educated to take care of themselves from a young age.他们的父母相信他们在很小年龄时就应被教育来照顾自己。 10.Members should be allowed to use dictionaries.成员们应当被允许使用字典。 Yes, but they should only use EnglishEnglish dictionaries. 是的,但他们只能使用英英字典。 自主学习案翻译下列词组。1整夜哭闹 cry_all_night 2待在我身边 stay_by_my_side 3确信 make_sure 4使某人免受危险 keep_sb.from_danger 5拥抱某人 give_sb.a_hug 6顶嘴 talk_back 7和朋友们出去 go_out_with_friends 8.鼓励某人做某事 encourage_sb.to_do_sth. 9自己做决定 make_ones_own_decisions10教育某人做某事 educate_sb.to_do_sth. 11从工作中学习到很多 learn_a_lot_from_working 12避免接近,远离 keepaway_from 13给某人机会做某事 give_sb.a_chance_to_do_sth.14应付他们自己的生活 manage_their_own_lives 15在大多数亚洲社会中 in_most_Asian_societies 16继续做某事 continue_to_do_sth. 课堂导学案Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) 本课时的主要内容是一篇称颂母爱的诗歌;在学习这首诗歌之前教师可准备几个与诗歌内容相关的问题,然后邀请几位同学就提出的问题给出自己的答案或见解。(4分钟)Questions:1Do your mother love you? How do you know?2How do your mother care about you?3What bad things did you do to against your mother?Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation)1要求学生快速默读诗歌,熟知大意,并完成课本3a的任务:discuss what the title means,然后邀请几位同学给出自己的答案,全班一起学习讨论。(3分钟)2先邀请几位同学阅读诗歌(可一人一段),教师要注意学生的语音,给予必要的朗读指导。然后播放录音,全班同学一起跟读。(3分钟)Step 3练习与体验 (Practice)1完成教材3b的任务,要求学生再次阅读诗歌,回答3b中所提出的问题。(5分钟)2想一次你做的一件你父母不让你做的事,把你的故事和你的同伴分享。Step 4 运用与生成 (Production)诗歌内容巩固练习。教师可给出一篇改写了的短文,将一些重点的表达方式空出。让学生在规定的时间内补全短文。然后邀请若干同学给出自己的答案。(4分钟)Only mothers love is true love in the world.She gives everybody everything all her life.When you are still a tiny crying baby, mother takes good care of you as much as possible.When you are awake, she always holds you in her warm arms.When you can run through the field, she feels very worried about your safety and keep you away from danger.When you fall and hurt yourself, she will give you a hug and lift_you up.On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on more clothes.She usually stands in the wind waiting for you back from school.When you rush to school without breakfast, she is always worried about you at home.She often cares about your study.When you make some progress in your study at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face.Mother is always ready to give her children everything she has, never to receive anything.What true love it is in the world! So I will say to my mother, “My dear mother, I love you forever!”Step 5 呈现与输入 (Presentation)要求学生分角色问答并翻译表格中的句子。说出be allowed to do的各种句式的变化形式。并能造出相仿的句子。简要归纳被动语态的结构及用法,并完成本单元学生用书单元语法小专题Grammar Focus 的精讲专练部分。Step 6 练习与体验 (Practice)1要求学生翻开课本P52,参照4a所提供的信息和例句,用被动语态改写句子。给出5分钟的时限,并请4位同学在黑板上改写,全班集体核对答案。(5分钟)参考答案2Teenagers should be encouraged to do social work for their munity.3. Can Lucys homework be done tomorrow instead?4. Do you think teenagers must be kept away from the Internet?5. Teenagers should be given chances to make their own decisions.2用所给单词的正确形式完成4b短文。给出5分钟的时限,并请5位同学朗读短文,全班集体核对答案。参考答案1be asked 2.are allowed3.be educated4.start5.move6.take7.continueStep 7 运用与生成 (Production)1你和你和朋友将创办一个英语俱乐部,请参照4c的对,列举一个什么可以做,什么不可以做的清单。2小结训练。要求学生在规定的时间内完成一个小练习。并请若干学生给出自己的答案。有错误的话及时解决纠正。(2分钟) 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Lin Tao thinks he is old enough to make his own decision (decide) 2. In China, its very important to get the college education (educate) for teenagers. 3. As a teenager, we should get more chance to do some social(society)work. 4. At the meeting, Amy disagreed (agree) with Mr.Liu about this wrong activity. 5.In China, smoking isnt_allowed (allow) when teenagers before sixteen.Step 8 巩固与提高(Progress)探究点But I talked back again I should not be told what to do.但是我又顶嘴了我说不应该告诉我该做什么。what to do做什么what to do为疑问词动词不定式的结构,在句中作及物动词的宾语,动词不定式前面可以加上疑问代词what, which或疑问副词when, where, how等,用在know, tell, decide, ask, wonder等及物动词后作宾语,也可单独使用作主语。eg.Li Lei has told me when to leave.(作宾语)李雷已经告诉了我什么时候出发。I dont know what to do.(作宾语)我不知道该做什么。How to do it well is still a problem.(作主语)怎样做好这件事仍然是一个问题。The difficulty was how to cross the river.(作表语)困难在于怎样过河。 针对训练 ( A )1.Boys and girls, attention, please.Now let me tell you _to the Bird Island.Ahow to get Bwhat to get Cwhom to get Dwhere to get 【拓展】当主句和从句的主语一致时,宾语从句可以转换为“疑问词不定式”结构的简单句。eg.He doesnt know what he should do with the money.He doesnt know what to do with the money.他不知道如何处理这笔钱。针对训练 2. The writer of the poem doesnt know what he should say next.(改为简单句)The_writer_of_the_poem_doesnt_know_what_to_say_nextStep 9 家庭作业(Homework)1写一篇短文介绍当你小时候你妈妈是如何照顾你的。2完成本单元学生用书第二课时的练习。教学反思:_第三课时Section B(1a1e) 类别课时要点重点词组1.get to class late上课迟到2.finish the test early提前交卷3.fail the test考试不及格 4.pass the test 通过考试 5.take the test later补考 6.be strict with 对严格要求重点句式1.Do you think Peter should be allowed to take the test later? No, I dont agree/disagree.你认为彼特应被允许补考吗?不,我不同意。 2.I think parents should not be too strict with teenagers.我认为父母不应对青少年太严格要求。3.Do you ever get to class late? Yes, I sometimes get to class late.你曾经上课迟到过吗?是的,我有时上课迟到。 自主学习案翻译下列词组。1上课迟到 get_to_class_late 2参加考试 take_the_test3担心考试不及格 worry_about_failing_a_test4提前完成考试 finish_a_test_early5和朋友一起学习 study_with_friends6对某人要求严厉 be_strict_with_sb.课堂导学案Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) 回顾:在前面的课程我们已经学习并了解了一些学校的规矩。下面通过回答几个问题来进行一下简单的回顾。邀请几位同学尝试回答以下问题。(3分钟)1Do you always choose your own clothes?2Do you usually go to the movies on weekends?3Do you never go home late?Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation) 1要求学生翻开课本P53,迅速阅读1a部分的内容。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务。然后要求510名同学给出自己的答案,教师可把这些问题在黑板上列举出来并进行一下统计,看哪个问题是最多同学碰到的。(3分钟)参考案例get to class late1study with friends1finish a test early3worry that youll fail a test52.针对1a中的问题,每个学生都有自己的回答,请根据学生自己的答案来完成1b的任务。然后邀请几名同学在全班汇报表演。(3分钟)Step 3练习与体验 (Practice)1听第一遍录音,完成课本上1c部分的任务。并与黑板上先前列出的问题进行核对,看有没有相似的。2听第二遍录音,完成课本上1d 部分的任务。黑板上列举的相似的问题同样得到了解决。Step 4 运用与生成 (Production)1听第三遍录音,并打开听力材料,全班逐句进行跟读。(2分钟)2放下听力材料,要求学生模仿听力内容,利用1c,1d的信息分角色练习对话。然后邀请23对同学当堂演示。看哪一对的表现最佳。(5分钟)3完成1e的任务。这一部分要求读教材上的陈述,然后与同伴谈论学校的校规。然后邀请23名学生当堂展示自己的观点。可采用下面的形式: I think the school rules are because In fact, we need / dont need strict rules becauseTeachers should / should not be too strict with studentsStep 5 巩固与提高(Progress) 探究点一Do you ever worry about failing a test?你有没有曾担心过考试不及格呢?1worry about担心,可与be worried about转换,其后接名词、代词、动名词。eg.He always worries about his little dog when he is away.当他离开时,他总是担心他的小狗。 此外worry亦可作名词,表示烦恼、焦虑、担忧,其复数为worries.eg.What a worry that child is!那孩子真令人心烦啊! 2fail a test考试不及格fail (in)还可以表示“在某方面不成功”。eg.He failed in his driving test three times.他三次参加驾驶考试都没有通过。 fail还可以与不定式连用,构成短语fail to do sth.意为“不能做某事,没有做某事”。eg.He often fails to keep his word.他经常不守约。 针对训练 1Tell him not to worry_about_me (不要为我担心)( D )2.He failed _ my questions.Ato replying Bto reply Cto answering Dto answer 探究点二Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.父母不应该对十几岁的孩子太严格。be strict with sb.对某人要求严格eg.Mr.White is always strict with us.怀特老师总是对我们很严。be strict in sth.对某事要求严格eg.John is a doctor and he is strict in his work.约翰是医生,他对工作一丝不苟。针对训练 ( C )3.He is always strict_ his children_their study.Awith;with Bin;in Cwith;in Din;withStep 6 家庭作业(Homework)完成本单元学生用书第三课时的练习。教学反思:_第四课时 Section B(2a2e) 类别课时要点重点单词1.support v&n.支持2.enter v. 进来;进去3.choice n. 选择,挑选 重点词组1.get in the way of挡的路,妨碍 2.a running star 一名赛跑明星 3.achieve ones dream 实现梦想 4.have nothing against running 没理由反对赛跑5.other possible jobs 其他可能的工作 6.end up as a professional runner最终成为一名职业的赛跑者7.enter university进入大学 8.be serious about (doing) sth.对认真 9.play the puter games玩电脑游戏 10.make a choice做出一个选择 11.solve the problems解决问题 12.keep off the mobile phones 屏蔽手机重点句式1.Are you allowed to make your own decisions at home?你在家被允许自己作决定吗?2.Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want.青少年经常认为他们应被允许尽可能多的锻炼他们的爱好。重点句式3.I think I should be allowed to decide for myself.我认为我应当被允许为自己作决定。4.He needs to spend more time on his homework because it is difficult to bee a professional sports star.他需要在功课上花更多的时间因为成为一名职业的运动明星是很困难的。5.I think I should be allowed to make this choice myself. 我认为我应被允许自己作出选择。6.Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.只有到那时我才将有一个实现我的梦想的机会。7.How do you think the rules should be changed?你认为这些规则应当怎样改变?8.No matter how many difficulties we have, I believe all problems can be solved in the end.无论我们有多少困难,我相信所有的问题最终会得到解决。9.Mobile phones should be kept off during the meeting.手机在会议期间应当被屏蔽。10.Teenagers under eighteen must not be allowed to smoke or drink.十八岁以下的青少年必须禁止吸烟和喝酒。11.Many parents think going to school must be put first, so teenagers should not be encouraged to work parttime.许多家长认为上学应被放在首位,因此不应鼓励青少年进行兼职工作。 自主学习案翻译下列词组。1挡的路,妨碍 get_in_the_way_of 2担心 worry_about/be_worried_about3实现某人的梦想 achieve_ones_dream4一个11岁的男孩 an_elevenyearold_boy5不反对做 _have_nothing_against_doing_sth.6需要考虑 need_to_think_about7认真对待,对认真 be_serious_about8有机会做某事 have_a_chance_to_do_sth.课堂导学案Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) 1情景导入:本文是一篇议论文,在学习短文之前教师可参照2a准备几个与短文内容相关的问题,然后邀请几位同学就提出的问题给出自己的答案或见解。(4分钟)Question:1Are you allowed to make your own decision at home?2How old is Liu Yu? What is his dream? 2进行短文学习之前,教师要准备几个有助于理解短文的判断题。要求学生带着问题去阅读短文。在阅读完短文之后应该能回答所给出的问题。参考案例( F) 1.Hobbies always get in the way of schoolwork.( T) 2.Liu Yu is very fast.( F) 3.Liu Yus parents want him to achieve his dream, so they allow him to practice running every school night.( T) 4.Liu Yus parents care about him.( F) 5.Its easy for people to bee professional athletes.Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation) 1.要求学生快速默读短文,熟知大意,并找出各段的主题大意。 然后邀请几位同学给出自己的答案,全班一起检查讨论。(3分钟)2先邀请几位同学阅读短文(可一人一段),教师要注意语音,及时纠正。然后播放录音,全班同学一起跟读。(3分钟)Step 3练习与体验 (Practice)让学生再细读短文, 回答2c所提出的问题。(3分钟)(1) Liu Yus hobby is running.(2) He wants to be professional runner when he grows up.(3) Because they think Liu Yu should study hard in the evening.(4) The answer may vary. Step 4 运用与生成 (Production)2在2a短文中找出2d所给的黑体单词,并用他们完成2d自己的句子。给出5分钟的时限,并请8位同学朗读自己的句子。3让学生分组先讨论2e的问题:What is your dream job?Do your parents support your dream?并用2b短文中的信息支持你的观点。Step 5 巩固与提高(Progress)探究点一But sometimes these can get in the way of their schoolwork但这些爱好有时会妨碍他们的学习get in the way (of)妨碍,碍事,也可用be in the way表示。eg.Her social life gets in the way of her study.她的社交生活妨碍了她的学业。He was not going to let anything or anybody get in his way.他不让任何事或任何人妨碍他。【拓展】含way的常用短语in the way妨碍人的,挡道的by the way顺便说go out of ones way不怕麻烦地,特地 on the way来到,接近,在进行中anyway不管怎样,无论如何 no way决不,无论如何不针对训练 (D)1.Some parents might worry that their childrens hobbies can _schoolwork.Aget the way of Bget on the way ofCget on well with Dget in the way of (C)2.He wouldnt allow emotions to_ him doing his job.Aget out of the way Bget on well withCget in the way of Dget on the way of探究点二 Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.只有那时我才有实现梦想的机会。only位于句首且修饰状语或作状语的从句时主句要部分倒装。eg.Only on Sunday can I play puter games.我只有在星期天才能玩电脑游戏。Only in this way can you learn math well.只有用这种方法你才能把数学学好。Only when you are 18 years old can you drive.只有到十八岁时你才能开车。针对训练 ( B )3.Only then_know I was young.AI do Bdid I Cdo I DI did ( B )4.Only when you told me the news_know what happened.AI do Bdid I Cdo I DI didStep 6 家庭作业(Homework)1.Write a diary entry explaining which rule(s) you do not agree with at home and how you think the rule(s) should be changed.2完成本单元学生用书第四课时的练习。教学反思:_第六课时 Section B(3a3b) 类别课时要点重点短语play puter games,watch TV,agree with,be allowed to,would like to重点句式1.Why do you agree or disagree with it? 2.How do you think the rule should be changed? 课堂导学案Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) 复习对话导入:T:What shouldnt be allowed to do in our school?S1:We shouldnt be allowed to be late.S2:We shouldnt be allowed to get our ears pierced.S3:Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)1让学生讨论完成3a表格的内容。2根据3a所给表格列举出的内容提示,和你的同伴讨论你同意或不同意的家规,并写出提要填在表格中。Step 3练习与体验 (Practice)要求学生完成下列练习,通过练习来加强学生的理解,使所学语言得到及时的运用。( B )1.He has nothing against _my homework.Afinish BfinishingCto finish Dfinished( A )2.He has no chances to _his dream.Aachieve BachievingCe true Ding true( B )3.I want to decide_.Ato myself Bfor myselfCmyself decision Da decision( C )4.I think the poor health will get _of your study.Aon the way Bby the wayCin the way Dat the way( B )5.My father is a good doctor and I am_about wanting to be a doctor like him.Aangry BseriousCsurprised DworriedStep 4 运用与生成 (Production)1根据3a写的提要以及3b方框中所给的句型提示写出一篇日记来阐述你不同意你家的哪个家规以及应如何改变。2学生完成后评出优秀的作文在班上展示,对于存在的问题,予以指导纠正。Step 5 家庭作业(Homework)完成本单元学生用书第六课时的练习。教学反思:_


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