2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit 2 What should I do(1).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit 2 What should I do(1)单元教材分析学会should ,Why dont you和 could在英语中的习惯用法。使用这些习惯用法,就自己生活、学习中存在的某些实际问题提出建议;拒绝、接受别人的建议。在学习贴近学生生活实际的语言知识的同时,特别关注学生生活和学习中的真实困难和烦恼。进一步引导学生对自我和周围世界进行比较客观的认识、评价,发展学生主动解决问题的自我意识和行为能力。发展学生与人和谐交往的能力;培养在学生交流中寻求帮助。既坚持自己观点、又听取别人建议。单元总体目标1.The students will learn to talk about problems.2.The students can help people in trouble and how to give advice.3.Practice the sentences with “could, couldnt, shouldnt”.4.To learn the words and expressions about reading passage.单元重难点一览重点难点1词汇:serious, stereo, loud, argue, could, argument, either, bake, teen, family, tutor, original, trendy, haircut, caller, except, upset, lose, aunty, fight,2词汇: out of style, keep out, call up, pay for, ask for, the same as, at school, leave out, get on well with, look for, want sb to do sth, argue with, write sb a letter, a ticket to a ball game, have a bake sale, get a tutor, find out, invite sb to do sth, leave at home, be angry with, give sb some advice3句型:Whats wrong?My parents want me to stay at home every night.My brother plays his stereo too loud.What should I do?Why dont you talk to him about it?You could give him a ticket to a ball game.I think you should ask your parents for some money.My friend wears the same clothes and has the same haircut as I do.1语法:could, should的用法。2句型:Why dont you?3. I dont know what to do.单元学情分析 In this unit students learn to talk about problems and give advice. First make up a problem you might be having and write you could do about it. Secondly read the problem to the class again and help the class give advice using the words could, should, shouldnt. In the end, make sentences with the words and write some letters or make conversations.单元教学建议Ask the students to read papers or magazines to find some problems the people have, then ask the students to make a chart with each problem. Ask some students to write a paragraph about the worst advice they ever got, and guess what the problem is. Maybe ask three or five students to work in group for a radio talk show where people call in for advice. 单元课时分配Five periods第一课时教学内容1. To learn the words and expressions about this period. 2. To talk about the problems serious or not for them in daily life.3. To learn how to describe the problems you have or how to help others to give him or her some advice.教学目标知识与能力1. Knowledge aims: Words and expressions; How to use should, could, shouldnt;2. Ability aims: Express the good ideas to solve the problems;Help others when they are in trouble.过程与方法首先谈论生活中严肃或不严肃的事情;通过听力训练和口语表达学会如何表达自己的困难,如何给别人提建议等;通过谈论表达自己对有些困难的理解,提出个人不同的建议。 情感态度价值观 通过合作学习,发展学生人际交往的能力;开阔思路,寻求帮助。通过与别人交流思想,达到互相学习和拓展知识的目的。教学重、难点与教学突破通过对话训练和模仿训练,解决实际中的问题,既巩固所学知识, 又通过实践活动,培养学生的实际运用语言的能力,调动学生的情感态度,兴趣等非智力因素。教学准备制作幻灯片和巩固练习教学步骤 一、复习、导入新课师生活动补充1. To learn some key vocabulary. Explain the usage of the words.serious, stereo, loud, argue, could, argument, out of style, keep out, call up2.Write a problem, make a group work to describe the advice. For example: I want to buy a new guitar but I dont have enough money.1) Wait until next year.2) Dont buy a guitar.3) Borrow one from your friends.4) Buy a used guitar.5) Get a part time job to save some money.6) Join the music club.3Look at the pictures and guess what is the matter. Have a discussion to solve one of them.Describe the advice. Try to use different ways. For example: Wait until next year.= Why dont you wait until next year?二、知识点讲解师生活动补充1.My parents want me to stay at home every night.我的父母让我每天晚上都呆在家里。want sb. to do sth.让某人做某事妈妈让她每天早上喝牛奶。 Mother wants her to drink milk every morning.父母想让我们打扫自己的房间。 Parents want us to clean our own rooms.2.I dont have enough money.我没有足够的钱。enough 足够的 修饰名词:enough +n.修饰形容词或副词:adj /adv + enough他时间不够了,不能马上回来。 He didnt have enough time. He couldnt e back at once.这间房间够大,能容纳一百人。 This room is big enough to hold 100 people.3.He doesnt have any money, either.他也没有钱。either 也(用于否定句) too:也(用于肯定句或疑问句)你也喜欢住在北京吗? Do you like living in Beijing, too?他没有钱。 我也没有钱。 He doesnt have any money. I dont, either.4argue with sb.about sth 与某人争论某事5i advice是不可数名词,可用some,any, much, a little, a piece of等修饰。 advice后接on引出对某个方面内容的建议。6.I dont want to surprise him. 我不想使他感到吃惊。surprise是动词,“使感到吃惊“,做名词时,表示”一件奇怪或吃惊的事“That was a surprise!真是奇怪!We were surprised at what he said.我们对他的话感到惊奇。surprised 和surprising是形容词,surprised与人连用,指人“对感到惊奇”。而surprising与物连用,表示“令人感到惊奇”。 What she said was surprising. 他的话令人吃惊。7You could give him a ticket to a ball game.你可以给他一张球票。 a ticket to a ball game中to表所属关系。表示所属关系一般用of,但有几个用to, 如:the answer to the question这个问题的答案, the key to the door门上的钥匙, the way to the station到车站的路8I dont want to talk about it on the phone.我不想在电话中谈这事。 talk about谈论内容;talk with与交谈 ;talk to对说 Lets talk about the picture.让我们看图说话吧。My father is talking with my headteacher. 我爸爸正在跟我的班主任交谈。on the phone”通过电话,打电话”, 而表示“给某人打电话”用call/ring sb up, give sb a call, phone sb, give sb a call9maybe 与may bemaybe 是副词,一般作状语,“很可能,大概“相当于perhaps。而may be是情态动词加动词原形,共同做谓语。Maybe you are right. = You may be right. 或许你是对的。10 could 与should的用法could用于过去时或表示委婉的说法,还可以表示可能性和许可。在表示许可时,may比较正式。should是助动词shall的过去式,也相当于一个情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,用以表示劝告或推荐,译为“应该”,shouldnt “ 不应该”, 后面直接跟动词原形。He should stop smoking.You shouldnt drink too much.1.write sb a letter2.clothes作主语时,谓语动词用复数,但前面有suit, pair时,后面谓语动词用单数。三、活动设计师生活动补充1.Read the problems in 1a and talk about whether it is serious or not. Please try to give your reasons.2.Listen to the conversation in 1b, circle the problems the students hear. Then listen again, and repeat, try to make the similar conversations with the pictures on Page 49.3.Look at the picture on Page 50, and answer what they are doing. Then have a discussion about how to solve the problem. Last listen to the conversation and write down the problem, listen again and match the advice and the reason why Nari doesnt like.4.Role play to give advice about classmates problems. 1. Talk about the advice, what do you like or you dont. 2. Make a survey and try to report with I, he, she, we, they and so on.本课总结通过基础知识的训练,让学生更好的掌握目标语言,并运用目标语言完成任务,锻炼学生的思维能力,鼓励他们用英语表达自己的思想;培养学生主动解决问题的能力。板书设计 Unit 2 What should I do? Section A 1a-2c1. want sb to do sth 2. enough +n; adj/adv+ enough3. argue with sb about sth 4. out of style5. call up/ giave sb a call/ phone sb 6.a ticket to a ball game7.Whats wrong? 8. Maybe you should buy some new clothes.随堂练习设计一、翻译词组1.leave out _ 6.课外活动小组 _2.get on _ 7.习惯于做 _3.out of style _ 8.与相同 _4.keep out _ 9.索要,要求 _5.call up _ 10.为做准备 _二、选择最佳答案1.What are you going to _?_ how we should learn spoken English well.A.talk about;About B.talk;Talk about C.say about;About D.say;Say about2.Could you tell me _ were going to be _? About a month. A.how many times;away B.how long;away C.how much time;left D.how often;left3.I want to find information _ Hainan Island on the internet. But I dont know _.A.of;how B.about;how C.on;where D.to;why4.Could you teach me _ the internet? _.A.search;OK B.find;Certainly C.how to search;Sure D.look for;All right教学反思:


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