2019-2020年七年级英语下册《Unit5 Why do you like pandas》知识点自测题 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit5 Why do you like pandas知识点自测题 冀教版知识应用自测答题向导.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.What a do you like?I like dogs best.答案:animals “dogs”为复数形式。提示词:dogs。2.Class begins.Please be q .答案:quiet 原因为“开始上课了”。Class begins.上课。3.There are many green l on the tree in summer.答案:leaves 树上有很多叶子,故leaf用其复数leaves。注意名词的单复数。4.The g have long necks.Many people want to see them.答案:giraffes 有长脖子且首字母以g开头的,本单元所学的只有giraffe,关键词necks,them表明“长颈鹿”为多个。看特征。5.We have Chinese,math,English and o subjects.答案:other “其他的”。.单项选择6.He is _.He is very good at math.A.busyB.lazyC.clever答案:C 从后一句“他擅长数学”看,busy“忙”lazy“懒”不合适,故选C“聪明的”。注意前后句的因果关系。7._ doesnt she go with you?Because she has much homework to do.A.WhatB.WhyC.When答案:B 回答用“because”引导,则问句应询问原因。回答用because.。8.Where do lions e_?A.fromB.inC.into答案:A e与三个选项搭配的含义如下:e from意为“来自”;e in意为“进来”;e into意为“进入”。注意句意的合理性。9.Lets _ the pandas first.A.seeingB.to seeC.see答案:C “让某人做某事”为let sb. do sth.,所以let之后的动词须用原形。let的用法。10._ are koalas from?Australia.A.WhenB.WhatC.Where答案:C 回答表示地点。看回答。11.My mother doesnt like _.A.runB.swimmingC.skating答案:C like可以加两种形式:like to do sth. 或like doing sth.,swim应双写m加ing,即swimming。注意like的用法。12.I like this story-book because its very _.A.cuteB.interestingC.smart答案:B cute和smart修饰人或动物,一般不修饰没有生命的东西;“我”喜欢的原因是“故事书”有趣。提示词:story-book。13.The koala gets up and _ at night.A.eats leafB.eat leafC.eats leaves答案:C and表示并列,故应用动词eats,leaf应该用复数leaves。注意动词、名词的形式。14.Look!The dolphins _ in the water.A.is swimming B.are swimming C.swim答案:B 标志词“Look!”表明句子要用现在进行时态;主语“The dolphins”为复数形式。标志词:Look!15._ she _ during the day?Yes,she does.A.Does;sleep B.Do;sleep C.Are;sleeping答案:A 回答用助动词does;故问句也应用助动词does帮助构成一般疑问句。看回答。.完成句子。请根据中文意思完成句子,每空一词。16.大象有点意思。Elephants are _ _ interesting.答案:kind of kind of有点、稍微。英语和汉语对照一下,看看每个句子重点考查哪个词组或单词的用法。17.白天他和他的朋友们玩耍。He _ _ his friends _ the day.答案:plays with,during he作主语,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式;during the day在白天。18.让我们先去看长颈鹿。_ _ giraffes _.答案:Lets see,first let sb. do sth.“让某人干某事”,let后加动词原形。19.狮子也来自非洲。Lions _ _ from Africa.答案:also e 或are also also用于助动词、系动词和情态动词后,行为动词前。20.你还喜欢其他什么动物?_ _ animals do you like?答案:What other.句型转换21.I want to see the lions.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you want _ _?答案:What do,to do 对“动作”提问用“What.do?”,want to do sth.表示“想要干某事”。对一个动作提问时要注意什么?22.Can you tell me how I can get to the airport?(同义句转换)Can you tell me _ _ _ the airport?答案:the way to the way to表示“去的路”,这是复合句与简单句的转换。问路的不同方式。23.Mary wants to go to the zoo with her friends.(同义句转换)Mary _ _ to go to the zoo with her friends.答案:would like want to do sth.其同义词为would like to do sth.“想要干某事”;want有人称和数的变化,而would则没有。注意同义词的转换。24.His brother likes dolphins.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _his brother _?答案:What animals does,like 对动物提问用What animals或What animal,句中dolphins为复数形式。25.Lets see the pandas first.(同义句转换)_ _ seeing the pandas first?答案:What about Lets.是表示建议的句型,此句型还有What/How about doing sth.?Shall we do sth.?Would you like to do sth.?表示建议的句型有哪些?.用所给单词的适当形式填空26.The animal usually _(sleep)and _(relax)20 hours every day.答案:sleeps;relaxes usually为一般现在时的标志词,主语the animal为单数形式,故动词应该用第三人称单数形式。注意主语的单复数形式。27.Koalas like to eat _(leaf).答案:leaves 按常理“树袋熊要吃很多叶子”,故用leaf的复数形式leaves。注意leaf的单复数。28.Why not _(take)a taxi to go home?答案:take 句型Why not do sth.?29.The dolphins are very _ to us.They are our _(friend).答案:friendly;friends be friendly to sb. 对某人友好;主语“the dolphins”为复数形式。friend的词形转换有哪些?30.What other _(animal)_ Tom _(like)?答案:animals does,like what other animals意思为“其他的动物”;主语Tom为单数形式。注意句子的时态和主语的单复数。.阅读理解,根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)Susan is a little girl.She is five years old.She doesnt go to school and doesnt know how to read and write.But her sister Mary is a school girl.She is ten.One day,Susan sits at the table with a pen in her hand and a piece of paper in front of her.“What are you doing,Susan?”Mary asks.“Im writing a letter to my friend,Rose.”Susan says.“But you cant,”Her sister says.“You dont know how to write.”“Well,”Susan says.“Rose is only four.She doesnt know how to read.”31.Susan is a maths teacher.She is a good girl.答案:F 由第一段前三句可看出,Susan只是一个小女孩。32.Mary knows how to read and write.答案:T 由“But her sister Mary is a school girl.She is ten.”可看出。33.Susan doesnt know how to read and write.答案:T 34.Rose studies very hard.答案:F 由短文最后两句可获知34、35两题的答案。35.Rose is over five years old.答案:F


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