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2019-2020年七年级英语上册Unit5FamilyandHomeLesson29ABirthdayCard同步练习A卷新版冀教版一、单项选择1He will have _ party for his friend.Aa Ban Cthe D/2This is a photo _ my aunt.It is nice.Ain Bto Cof Dat3In summer, we often stay _ and count the stars (数星星)at night.Aoutside Baround Cbehind Dinside4Mom, can I have _ to eat? Im hungry.Sorry, theres _ in the fridge. But I think we can go out for dinner now.Anothing; nothing Bsomething; nothingCanything; something Danything; anything5This kind of shirt feels _ and sells (卖) _. Asoftly; nice Bsoft; goodCsoft; well Dsoft; nice6My grandma gets _ on her birthday.Apresents Bpresent Cmoney Dcard7I dont like that film. It always makes me _.Ato sleep BsleepyCsleeps Dsleeping 8How many _ do you need to finish this article?Apaper Bpiece of paperCpiece of papers Dpieces of paper9Sam, lets go and play basketball.Not now. I _ Dick with his English.Ahelp Bhelped Cam helping Dhave helped10Have a wonderful birthday, Jenny!_AOf course. BThank you.CThe same to you! DOK. Im happy.二、根据汉语提示完成句子11我要去(参加)一个生日聚会。I will go _ a birthday _.12他正在穿衣服。He _ _ _ his clothes.13我用钢笔做作业。I _ my pen _ _ my homework.14在她书包前面的表面上有一个漂亮图案。_ _ _ _ her bag is a nice picture. 15你会制作生日卡片吗?Can you _ a _ _?三、连词成句16is, a, letter, writing, he_.17like, poems, I, reading_.18have, day, we, wonderful, a_.19a, picture, this, mine, is, of_.20lucky, whats, number, your_?四、完形填空(词数:约90;建议用时:3分钟)People love parrots (鹦鹉)_21 their beautiful and bright colors.They are clever birds.They can learn to talk.They can _22 if (是否)objects are the “same” or “different”Like other birds, parrots are animals in the wild (野外)They enjoy _23 and they like trees.When people buy them from pet shops, parrots have to be in cages.They feel bad there.So if you keep parrots, youd better _24 them a big cage.Many people think parrots are lovely birds.That is _25 so many people keep parrots at home and talk with them all the time.21A.for Bto Cat Dwith22A.talk Bsing Ctell Dspeak23A.fly Bflying Cto fly Dflies24A.give Bto give Cgiving Dgives25A.what Bwhere Cwhen Dwhy五、阅读理解 (词数:约90;建议用时:4分钟) In England, it is a tradition for a child to have a cake on his or her birthday. The cake has the same number of candles as the childs age. During the birthday party, the candles are lighted and the birthday boy or girl blows the candles out with one blow. He or she can make a birthday wish. Then friends and family members sing the famous song Happy Birthday and eat the birthday cake. They give presents to the birthday child. It is really nice to have a birthday party.根据短文内容,完成下列句子, 每空一词。26In _, it is a tradition for a child to have _ _ on his or her birthday. 27The birthday child can make a wish _ eating the cake.28_ _ _ blows the candles out with one blow. 29The birthday child can light the candles, _ _ _ _, make a wish and _ _ _ _ during the party. 30The passage (文章) is about a childs _ in England. 答 案一、1.A2.C3.A4.B5.C6.A7.B8.D9C10.B二、11.to; party12.is putting on13.use; to do14On the front of15.make; birthday card三、16.He is writing a letter17I like reading poems18We have a wonderful day19This is a picture of mine20Whats your lucky number四、21.A22.C23.B24.A25.D五、26.England; a cake27before28The birthday child29blow the candles out; eat the birthday cake30birthday

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