2019-2020年七年级英语Do you have a soccer ball教案1 新课标 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语Do you have a soccer ball教案1 新课标 人教版Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)Structures: Present tense to have; Yes/No questions and short answers; Lets; Adjectives of qualityTarget language: Do you have a basketball? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Lets watch TV. No, that sounds boring. That sounds great.Vocabulary: TV, ball, basketball, soccer, bat, tennis racket, volleyball, interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxingLearning strategies: Guessing; ClassifyingSECTION AGoals To learn to use present tense to have; Yes/No questions and short answers; Lets; adjectives of quality To learn to talk about ownership To learn to make suggestions To enable the students to describe what he ownsProceduresWarming up by learning about present tense to have; Yes/No questions and short answersHi, everyone. First I like to ask you, “Do you have a brother?” Some of you may say,“Yes, I do.” Bur most of you may say, “No, I dont.”Lets try to ask and answer each other questions as are shown in the Grammar focus.Do you have a TV?Yes, I do.No, I dont.Do they have a puter?Yes, they do.No, they dont.Does he have a tennis racket?Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.Does she have a soccer ball?Yes, she does.No, she doesnt.Doe Chi-Yong have a baseball?Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.Do you have a bookcase?Yes, I do.No, I dont.Do they have a cassette?Yes, they do.No, they dont.Does he have a puter?Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.Does she have a hamburger?Yes, she does.No, she doesnt.Doe Chi-Yong have a volleyball?Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.Warming up by greetingHello, everyone!Today we shall take up unit 5. The title of this unit is Do you have a soccer ball?Look, here are some balls on the desk. Can you name them? Whats this? Yes, its a basketball. This is my basketball .I have a basketball. Say after me, I have a basketball. Good! Do you have a basketball? Repeat after me, Do you have a basketball? Good! Maybe some students will say, Yes, I, do. Others will say, No, I dont.Repeat please. Now lets talk about the other balls. Read the following sentences after me.He has a soccer ball. Does he have a soccer ball? Yes, he does.She has a volleyball.Does she have a volleyball? No, she doesnt.1a Matching the words with the picturesPlease look at the picture on page 25. What can you see? We can see a tennis racket, a ping-pong ball, a soccer ball, a volley, a basketball, and a TV. Now focus your attention on the word list, number1 is c, tennis racket. Please match the words and picture. Answers: 1. tennis racket c 4. volley ball f2. ping-pong ball a 5. basketball d3. soccer ball e 6. TV b1b Listening and circlingYou are great! Now please look at the four items in the list in 1b and read them. Ill play the recording twice. Please listen carefully and circle the words you hear.Tapescript:A: Do you have a puter game? B: No, I dont.A: Do you have a ping-pong bat? B: Yes, I do.Read the tapescript to darken present tense to have; Yes/No questions and short answers.1c Doing pairworkNow please read the conversation in the box in 1c and practice in pairs. You can use various objects from the illustration to make your own conversations. When you practice, please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Ill offer vocabulary and pronunciation support if you need.The sample: S1: Do you have a tennis racket? S2: No, I dont.S1: Do you have a ping-pong bat? S2: Yes, I do.2a Listening and numberingNow lets go to page 26. Please look at these four pictures and well hear the conversations in the pictures. Listen carefully and number the pictures (1-4). Ok, lets check the answer: 3, 1, 4, 2TapescriptConversation 1A: Do you have a soccer ball, Peter? B: No, I dont.A: Does your brother Alan have one? B: Yes, he does.Conversation 2A: Hi, Mike. B: Hi, Ed. A: I want to play basketball. Do you have a basketball? B: Yes, I do.A: Great.Conversation 3A: Hi, Sally. B: Hi, Jane. A: Sally, this is my friend, June. B: Hi, June. Nice to meet you. C: Nice to meet you, Sally. B: Lets play tennis. Do you have a tennis racket, Jane? A: Sorry, I dont.Conversation 4A: Do you have a volleyball, Barry? B: No, I dont. But my brother does. Lets go and find him.2b Listening and matchingYou have heard the conversations twice and have got to know what people are talking about in each picture. Listen to the recording again and write the numbers from the pictures in 2a next to the correct balls.Lets check the answers: 3, 2, 1, 4Read the tapescript to darken present tense to have; Yes/No questions and short answers and Lets structure.2c Doing a pairworkNow look at the picture in 2c on page 26. It is the picture of a room. Is it the same as or different from your room? Please ask about the vocabulary items in the room with your partner. You should tell the truth when you answer the questions. The samples:A: Do you have a basketball? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you have baseball?B: No, I dont. Do you have a dresser? A: Yes, I do.3a Reading and filling the blanksPlease look at the pictures in 3a. Do you want to know what they are talking about? OK, please read the conversations in the speech bubbles and write the four words from the box in the correct blanks in the speech bubbles. Check the answers:Lets play ping-pong.No, I (1) dont have aping-pong ball.(2) Lets play tennis.I dont (3) have a tennis racket.Well, lets play (4) soccer.That sounds good. That sounds good means That is a good idea or That would be fun.3b Doing pairwork Now please pay attention to the pictures in 3b. Do you know the meaning of the mark on the soccer ball in the sample picture? It means dont or no just as a picture of a cigarette with a line through it means no smoking. Read the sample conversation and make your own conversations with your partner using the pairs of the pictures as substitutes.For example: A: Lets play basketball. B: I dont have a basketball.A: Well, Lets play baseball. B: That sounds good.After you finish practicing, Ill ask some pairs to perform the conversations for the class.4 Doing pairworkWhat sports do you like to play? Who are your favorite sportsmen and sportswomen? Please look at the poster in part 4 on page 27. Imagine that our school has a Sports Club with all the sports that you like to play. Please fill in the form with your personal information. Then role play conversations with your partners. One of you is a student, the other is a coach.Sample conversation: Coach: Whats your first name? S: Jim. Coach: Whats your last name? S: Green. Coach: What sports do you like? S: I like basketball.Closing down by discussing the main points Do you have s baseball? - Yes, I do. Does he have a tennis racket? -No, he doesnt. Lets play volleyball. -That sounds good.SECTION BGoals To learn to use some adjectives to describe sports To write an short passage about what you ownProcedures1a MatchingWarming up by greetingWele back to the English class. I think most of you like sports. Some students like the soccer ball, the others like ping-pong ball, and still others maybe like basketball. Why? Because you have your own likes and dislikes. Today well learn some new words to describe the sports.1a MatchingHere on page 28 are five words in 1a. Lets see if they can express your feeling about sports and other things. Read them loudly and match each picture with one of the words.Check the answers:1. interesting c 2. boring d 3. fun e 4. difficult b 5. relaxing a1b Drawing a picture Now please draw pictures that show something interesting, boring, fun, difficult or relaxing. Then show the pictures to your classmates and let them guess which of the five words the picture shows. 2a Listening and checking Look at the five words again. Next well listen to a conversation. When you hear the word of them in the conversation, put a checkmark to the left of each word in 1a. Ill play the recording twice, listen carefully please. The answers: 1. interesting 2. boring 3. fun 4. difficult 5. relaxing TapescriptA: Lets play puter games!B: That sounds interesting, but I dont have a puter.A: Well, do you have a volleyball?B: Yes.A: Then lets play volleyball.B: Oh, volleyball is so difficultA: OK, lets watch TV.B: That sounds boring. HmmmLets play soccer! Do you have a soccer ball?A: No, I dont.B: Oh. Well, do you have a basketball?A: Yes, I do. Lets play basketball!B: That sounds fun!Read the tapescript to underline the expressions and darken the Lets structure.2b Listening and writingFrom the conversation above we got to know about the four activities they mentioned. And we know that they have decided to play basketball at last. What does Tony say about each activity? Listen to the conversation again and write in the word on the blank line next to each activity.Check the answers: play puter games (1) interestingplay volleyball (2) difficultwatch TV (3) boringplay basketball (4) fun2c Doing pairwork Now practice the dialogue in pairs. One student plays Tony and the other one plays Jenny, talking about the activities in 2b. You should read the dialogue in 2c first, and then make your own conversation.Sample dialogue:Jenny: Lets play puter games.Tony: That is too difficult. Hmmlets play basketball!Jenny: That sounds fun!Jenny: Lets play volleyball.Tony: That is too difficult. Hmmlets play football!Jenny: That sounds fun!3a Reading and circlingLook at the picture in 3a please. Can you name the sports things that Ed Smith has in the picture? Good! He has a great sports collection. Read the passage and circle the words that are about sports activities. When you read, please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ed Smith has a great sports collection. He has 8 tennis rackets, 9 basketballs, and 7 baseballs. He has 3 soccer balls and 5 volleyballs. But he doesnt play sports-he only watches them on TV!Read the magazine article aloud to the recording. And try to find and underline the expressions. Copy them into your Expression Book after school.3b Reading and writingLook at the picture and name everything you see in the picture. Read the article and write in the missing words on the blank lines.Sonia Hall has a sports collection. She has five baseballs, eight basketballs, four tennis tickets, and three volleyballs. She plays sports every day!3c Writing about sports thingsNow please write about yourself. What sports do you play? What sports things do you have? What other things do you do? For example, collecting stamps. You can say, “I collect stamps. I have many beautiful stamps”. You can start with “I play, I have”Sample article:I play sports every day. I have a soccer ball, a tennis racket, ten ping-pong balls and two Ping-Pong bats. I also collect CDs. I have fifty CDs. Please read your article to your partners in your group. 4 Making a surveyJust now you wrote about yourselves. Do you want to know what your classmates have? OK, lets make a survey. Look at the sample questions and read them aloud. Then write four questions like these ones and putt them to your classmates.1. Do you have a TV? Name: Li Hongmei2. Do you have a tennis racket? Name: Wanglanfang3. Do you have a puter game? Name: Ju Liangwen4Do you have a stamp collection? Name: Tian HongClosing down by singing an English songColours Red, Yellow and BlueRed, yellow and blue Red, yellow and blue Lovely colours for youRed, yellow and blue Pink, orange and green Pink, orange and green Lets paint a lovely sceneWith pink, orange and green Red, yellow and blue Red, yellow and blue Lovely colours for youRed, yellow and blue Pink, orange and green Pink, orange and green Lets paint a lovely sceneWith pink, orange and greenSELF CHECK 1 Look at the words on page 30. Please check all the words you know. If some words are not known to you, please find out their meanings.Basketball, tennis racket, baseball bat, baseball, soccer ball, volleyball, interesting, boring, fun, different, relaxing, television (TV)2 Please put five new words in your Vocab-builder. After you finish writing, share your lists with your partners in groups of four.3 Look at the pictures carefully and number the boxes to make a conversation.Check the answers: 5 Yes, I do. Do you have a tennis racket? 1 Lets play soccer.4 That sounds good. Do you have a tennis racket?2 No, its boring.3 Lets play tennis.6 Yes, I do. I have a basketball.(Silence) Just for fun!Lets go on to sing a song in English.英语儿歌:Row, row, row your boatRow, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.Part2: Teaching resources (第二部分:教学资源)I. Background readings What is sports?A sport consists of a normal physical activity or skill carried out under a publicly agreed set of rules, and with a recreational purpose: for petition, for self-enjoyment, to attain excellence, for the development of skill, or some bination of these. A sport has physical activity, side by side petition, and a scoring system. The difference of purpose is what characterises sport, bined with the notion of individual (or team) skill or prowess. What winter sport bines cross-country skiing with rifle marksmanship? Which pro baseball player was known as the Sultan of Swat?Sports, athletics, racing, hunting, baseball, football, basketball, soccer, hockey, card games, etc.Any sporting activity. Examples: Baseball, Football, Basketball, and Hockey are the most popular sports games.Adventure Sports, Aerial Sports, Ancient Sports, Animal Sports, Business, Cheerleading, College Sports, bat Sports, petition, Court Sports, Field Sports, Gymnastics, History, Skating, Sports Figures, Strength Sports, Target Sports, Track and Field, Vehicle Sports, Water Sports, Winter SportsGames that have to do with sports, such as Baseball, Soccer, American football, Boxing, Golf, Basketball, Ice hockey, Tennis, Bowling, Rugby, etc. Backyard Sports series Knockout Kings series NBA Jam series Tecmo Super Bowl series All Star Baseball xxII. Word studies 1. have 和have got英美说“有”句法不同。如:Have you any sisters? (英) Have you got any sisters? (英,口语)Do you have any sisters? (美) 但只“经常性、反复进行”时,只能用have。如:Ive got a toothache. (一时性) I often have a toothache. (经常性) have 与由动词转化的名词组成的短语时,不能用have got代替。只能用have 如:have a dance, have a dream, have a drink, have a fight, have a joke ,have a look, have a rest ,have a swim。一些习惯用语和句型中的have不能用have got代替。如:have a bath, have a holiday, have a lesson, have breakfast/ lunch/ supper以及have a talk with , have a word with 等。 2 have和there be(1)have表“所属”关系的“有”;there be指某处“有”。如:The man has a brother in Beijing. 此人有个弟弟在北京。There are many books on the desk. 桌子上有很多书。The desk has four legs。书桌有四条腿。There are many people in the room. 房间里有很多人。(2)在have含“所有”的意义较弱的情况下,可与there be互换。如:We have much rain this year.= There is much rain this year.今年下了不少雨。There is a map on the wall.= We have a on the wall.墙上有张地图。The wall has a hole in it.=Theres hole in the wall.墙上有个洞。A year has 365 days .= There are 365 days in a year.一年有365天。3Good和wellgood是形容词,用作表语和定语;它表示戏剧、电影、书籍等某种东西的内容好;表示人品好善良和对其他人的和睦、亲切。如: I have a good book. 我有一本好书。What a good play it is! 多好的一部戏呀!She is good student.她是个好学生。Its very good of you to help me.你来帮助我太好了。well是形容词和副词。作形容词时只作表语,指处于满意的状态或指身体健康状况良好。如:All is well with us. 我们一切都很顺利。I think he will get well. 我想他会好的。I am quite well today. 我今天身体很好。Well作副词,修饰动词。如:Kate doesnt sing well, but she dances well. 凯特唱歌唱得不好,但她跳舞跳得很好。4class和lessonclass表示“(一节课两节课的)课”,指以四十(五十)分钟为单位的课堂教学活动,可指“(学校的)班级”或“全体学生”。如:They have no classes on Sundays.他们星期天不上课。Class Four is a big class.四班是一个大班。Lesson的意思是“课文”、“功课”或“(一节课两节课)课”着重指教学内容而言。作“课”解时可和class换用。如:We have two English lessons/classes every day。我们每天上两节英语课。He has no lessons/classes on Sundays.他星期天不上课。She gives lessons in English.她用英语讲课!Please read Lesson Five.请读第五课。This book has 15 lessons.这本书有十五课。He often helps me with my lessons.他常帮助我做功课。注意:作“功课”解时,要用复数。5interesting 和interestedInteresting 是“令人感兴趣的”之意,表示事物本身能使人发生兴趣。如:The book is very interesting.这本书很有趣。Its an interesting story.这是很有趣的故事。interested常表示某人对某事物感兴趣,多用be interested in sth.句型。如:She is interested in the story.她对这个故事很感兴趣。说明:源于同一动词的现在分词和过去分词被用作形容时,一般都有这种区别,现在分词作形容词用时,表示事物本身具有“令人.” “使人.”之意, 过去分词作形容词用时,表示主语对某事“感到.”。常见的还有exciting,excited,bored,boring,moving,moved等。修饰interesting用very, 修饰 interested用much, very much和very。6them和theythem为人称代词宾格。在句中作宾语。如:She often helps them with their work.她常常帮助他们干活。(作动词的宾语)Mike is playing football with them.迈克正在和他们一起踢足球(作介词的宾语)。they是人称代词主格,在句中做主语。如:They have many books.他们有很多书。They are my good friends .他们是我的好朋友。7it, oneit所代替的是前面提到过同一事物,而one所代替的同类事物中的“一个”。如:I need the a bike but I have no money to buy one.我需要一辆自行车,可没钱买。(one指的是任何一辆自行车,此处不能用it去代替,注意bike前用不定冠词a)I need the bike but I have no money to buy it.我需要自行车,可没钱买。(it特指上文的the bike,而不是别的自行车,此句中的it不能用one去代替,注意bike前用定冠词the。)one只能代替可数名词,其复数形式是ones,而it既可以代替可数名词,也可代替不可数名词。如:This story is a true one .这个故事是真实的。(句中的one代替上文的可数名词story.)The white dresses go with the hat better than the blue ones.白色套装比兰色套装更适合那个帽子。 Look, there is a book on the floor .Please pick it up.你瞧,地板上有一本书,请把它捡起来。(句中的it代替上文的可数名词a book.)May I borrow some money? I will give it back to you next week.我可以借一点钱吗?下周我会把钱还给你。(句中的it代替上文的不可数名词money)it通常不加修饰语,而one可以加上不同的修饰语。如:This shirt is too big .Can you show me a smaller one? 这件衬衣太大了。能给我那小一点的衬衣看一看吗?8every day 和everydayevery day作状语,意为“每天”如:He reads newspaper every day. I play sports every day.everyday用作形容词,意为“每日的,日常的。在句中作定语。” 如: Reading newspapers bees one important part of his everyday life. 看报成了他日常生活中的一个重要部分。9many和muchmany与可数名词的复数形式连用。可用在肯定句、否定句和疑问句中。如:I have many story-books.我有许多故事书。Tom hasnt many books.汤姆没有许多书。Dose he have many friends here? 他在这有许多朋友吗?Much是对量和程度而言,只能修饰不可数名词。如:He doesnt know much English .他懂得英语不多。Is there much ink in the bottle? 瓶子里有许多墨水吗?10LetsLets是let us的缩写。包括说话人和听话人双方在内,含有催促、建议或请对方一起行动的意思。在听话人表示赞同建议时,只用lets .如: “Shall we go to park? ” “Yes, lets”let意思是“让.”,后接动词原形作宾补。如:Let me think.让我想一想。Let him go out 。 让他出去。11play volleyballPlay volleyball意思是“打排球。”在进行球类运动时,表示球类运动的名前,不用任何冠词。如:play football踢足球, play basketball打篮球III. Grammar studies 1.What is Adjective?An open word class which expresses an attribute. The attribute is expressed either by an ATTRIBUTIVE adjective (a red car) or by a PREDICATIVE ADJECTIVE (my car is red).2. 一般现在时动词have的一般现在时态,除了单数第三人称用has外,其余都用have.如:I /You/We/They/The boys have; He/She/It/The boy have其否定结构是dont + have.主语是第三人称时,其否定句结构是doesnt + have 如:I/You/We/The/The boys dont have; He/She/It/The boy dont have.其疑问句结构是dont + 主语 + Have.主语是第三人称时,其疑问句结构是does+主语+have 如:Do you/they/the boys have? Does he/she/it/the boy have?星沙英语网

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