2019年高考英语总复习 Unit 4 Sharing课时作业 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019年高考英语总复习 Unit 4 Sharing课时作业 新人教版选修7.单词拼写1She must learn to _(使适应)herself to English life.答案adjust2The _(安排)of the furniture in our new house took me a long time.答案arrangement3Ones ability isnt_(有关的)to where he is from.答案relevant4All the_(剩饭) ought to be warmed up before eating.答案leftovers5Every year on May Day when they got married,they hold a party to celebrate the _(纪念日)答案anniversary6Students should do at least two months_(义务的)work per year.答案voluntary7He has _(捐献)thousands of pounds to charity.答案donated8It is said that some Chinese women_(宇航员)will be sent to space.答案astronauts9Check that the equipment is_(运转)in a safe manner.答案operating10Hes so devoted to scientific study that hes never concerned about_(政治的)affairs.答案political.用适当的关系代词(副词)填空1They rushed over to help the man _car had broken down.答案whose2Is this the reason for _he refused our help?答案which3This is the most interesting play _I have ever seen.答案that4I would like to buy the same skirt _Rose is wearing.答案as5The room _ he used to live in has now been turned into a museum.答案which(that).单句改错1Anyone who break the rules will be punished._答案break改为breaks2Children eat a lot of sugar often have bad teeth._答案在children后加who/that3That can be done has already been done._答案That改为What4It was in the kitchen where the fire broke out._答案where改为that5This is the last lesson which Mr. Smith taught me._答案which改为that.完成句子1The factory_(我们下周将要参观的)is not far from here.答案that/which well visit next week2Is there anyone in your class_(他的家庭在乡村)?答案whose family is in the country3I_ in New York yesterday.我昨天收到了纽约的姐姐的来信。答案heard from my sister4_(不是)that Im unwilling to lend you a hand,_(而是)that Im too busy for the moment.答案Not;but5Do you know the girl_(站在树下的)?答案standing under the tree.短文语法填空Mark: Peggie,can I borrow your notes for history? I_1_(return) them tomorrow.Peggie: Sorry,_2_I usually go to the cafeteria and review them. Why_3_copy them in the library?Mark: OK.Peggie: Here you are.Mark: You are a great help,Peggie.Peggie: I dont quite understand_4_you need my notes,Mark. You havent missed any classes.Mark: _5_(honest) speaking,I work in a supermarket from 7 to 10 oclock every evening.Peggie: I see. So youre pretty_6_(tire) when you e to class.Mark: Thats exactly why I want to borrow your notes. My notes arent very good.Peggie: So what do you usually do in class?Mark: Im always awake in the _7_,but thirty minutes after the class begins,I feel sleepy,and have trouble_8_(keep) my eyes open.Peggie: Well,I need someone to study with and you need someone to keep you awake._9_we be study partners?Mark: Oh,sure. Thats a good idea. So give me a push_10_you see me sleep in class.Peggie: OK. Lets start today in the library. We are going there anyway and I dont have to go to the cafeteria.Mark: Sounds great.1_2._3._4_5._6._7_8._9._10_1解析考查动词的时态。难度较小。由空格后的“tomorrow”可知是指将来,所以要用will return。答案will return2解析考查连词。难度中等。“sorry,but”意为“我很抱歉,但”,but后面解释原因。答案but3解析考查句式。难度较小。why not意为“为什么不”。根据句意可知,说话者向对方提出建议。答案not4解析考查疑问副词。难度中等。由下一句“You havent missed any classes”可推知,此处是问原因,所以用why。答案why5解析考查副词。难度中等。honestly speakingto be honest意为“老实说,说实话”。答案Honestly6解析考查形容词。难度中等。pretty意为“相当地”,是副词,用来修饰形容词;又因为此处的主语是you,指人,所以要用tired,意为“疲劳的”。答案tired7解析考查名词。难度中等。句意为:开始的时候我是醒着的in the beginning意为“开始,最初”。答案beginning8解析考查非谓语动词。难度中等。have trouble/difficulty (in) doing意为“做某事有困难”,为固定表达结构。答案keeping9解析考查情态动词。难度中等。从下一句的“sure”可知,此处应是询问对方的意愿,shall用于一、三人称表示征求对方的意见,意为“要不要好吗?”答案Shall10解析考查连词。难度中等。句意为:当你看到我在教室里睡觉时,推我一下。when是连词,连接后面的句子“you see me sleep in class”。答案when.阅读理解(xx安徽省“江南十校”联考)Passage 1Australian National University BEE A FUTURE BUSINESS LEADER Study an ANU Master of Management in BeijingWith approval from the Chinese Ministry of Education and the Degree Office of the State Council,Tsinghua University and the ANU College of Business & Economics jointly (联合地)offer this degree program to provide the Chinese economy with toplevel managerial talents.The program is taught jointly by Tsinghua University an ANU in Beijing. Designed to provide experienced business people with the opportunity to further enhance their skills and knowledge,the ANUTsinghua Master of Management program equips students to bee leaders of the future.Since xx,over 200 students have participated in this highly selective program,offered by two of the worlds leading institutions.Information:Old. see. tsinghua. edu. cn/ANU College of Business & EconomicsPassage 2UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN,HUNGARYCooperative research projectsmarketable knowledge Degree programs for international students in English,Health Science Programs Business Programs Humanities Programs Engineering,IT and Science Programs Agricultural ProgramsPhD programs,modern research and innovation facilities International Education Center Phone: 36 52/258051;258055edu.unideb.huinfocdu.unideb.hu1Where will you probably find the two passages?AIn a newspaper. BIn a students book.CIn a travel book. DIn a research paper.解析根据全文,两校联合设计这样的课程,为的是吸引人们去学习,所以推断选A。答案A2Who may probably be interested in Passage 1?AHigh school students.BSuccessful businessmen. CParents of college graduates.DOfficials serving in the government.解析细节理解题。根据第三段中“Designed to provide experienced business people with the opportunity”可以推出B项正确。答案B3The underlined word “enhance” can be replaced by_.Aimprove Benjoy Cpractise Dexperience解析词义推断题。因为是为有经验的商业人士提供机会,所以目的在于提高他们的技能和知识,以便将来成为更好的成功人士。A.提高。B.享受。C.练习。D.经历;体验。答案A4Which of the following is true according to the above passages?AOnly students from Tsinghua University can attend ANU.BStudents can call University of Debrecen at 36 52/258055.CTsinghua University and ANU got in touch with each other in xx.DYou can get more information about ANU by visiting edu.unideb.hu.解析根据Passage 2,Phone:3652/258051;258055.答案B.(七选五)阅读填空(xx黑龙江省四校联考)Most people would never even consider quitting without having another job lined up,and even fewer would remend it._1_And someone dear to me is also going to quit.Its definitely not a solution for everyone and a lot of people are just able to figure out their path in life while employed fulltime.But it is an option and one that requires a lot of strength,determination,and preparation from a financial,emotional and mental standpoint.Three things you must have before being deliberately unemployed:1A solid support system.Surround yourself with people who will encourage you and accept your decision even if they dont agree with it 100 percent.Its important that theyre honest with you but not in a tryingtoscareyou kind of way._2_Its also important to know who are not to be told.Not everyone needs to know every detail about your life,especially if you know youll receive a lot of negative ments.2Money._3_You need enough money to support you in two or three months of life,or a way to earn money on a parttime or contract basis.3Confidence.You need to know that youre going to make great achievements.Chances are that you will experience emotional ups and downs once youre deliberately unemployed._4_At the same time anxiety and fear will appear.Trust and constantly remind yourself that you do the right thing and that you will be okay and happier than ever._5_AThe risk is worth the reward.BYoure already scared enough.CBut I quit.DIts the stupidest decision youve ever made.EThis is when your emergency fund es in handy.FTo many people,it makes no sense.GDoubt will gradually destroy your selfconfidence.答案15CBEGA.短文改错(xx河北石家庄第二次模拟)We are very gladly to have received your money and some reading materials. Thank you very much.We had been studying hard since we came back to school. Under the help of our teachers and classmates,we have made great progresses in our studies. So we often praised and encouraged by our teachers or parents. We have made up our minds to study hard than before in order to be admitted to key universities in the future. We are looking forward to see you,but we have no chance to go to Nanjing myself. So we hope you can post us photo of you soon. Best wishes. Yours, Li hua 答案We are very to have received your money and some reading materials. Thank you very much.We been studying hard since we came back to school. the help of our teachers and classmates,we have made great in our studies. So we often praised and encouraged by our teachers or parents. We have made up our minds to study than before in order to be admitted to key universities in the future. We are looking forward to you,but we have no chance to go to Nanjing . So we hope you can post us photo of soon. Best wishes. Yours, Li hua


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