2019年高考英语二轮专题复习与测试 语言知识及应用专题演练(三).doc

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2019年高考英语二轮专题复习与测试 语言知识及应用专题演练(三)第一节完形填空(xx年广州市普通高考毕业班综合测试)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。In America,if you are invited to a wedding,baby shower,bar mitzvah(成人礼)or other celebrations,youre expected to bring a gift.Usually,it should be modest in _1_,about $25.For a wedding,the bride will often have“registered”a list of gifts at a local department store,indicating the items she_2_When you buy a registered item,tell the store that youre doing this,so the couple doesnt receive the_3_gift twice.For a baby shower,bring a gift_4_for a new born baby.For a bar mitzvah,bring a gift appropriate for a 13yearold boy.Because they are such important occasions,gifts for bar mitzvahs tend to be more_5_,for example,a goldplated pen._6_the pen by carving the boys full name will be appreciated.If you wish to give a gift to American friends,choose something that is_7_to your country.It neednt be valuable or_8_,just typical of your homeland._9_include a book about your country,an inexpensive souvenir,or something else that reflects your_10_Young children who like collecting will probably be very_11_with a set of your countrys coins or stamps.Items that are_12_in your country but difficult to find abroad are also good.If staying with an American family,a good way of expressing your thanks is to take them to a form of_13_,such as a baseball game or a concert.When giving gifts to a business acquaintance,dont give anything too personal,_14_to a woman.A scarf or a hat is OK,but other types of _15_are not.Something appropriate for the office is best.1A.size BvalueCweight Dappearance解析:考查上下文语境。下文有$25,此处应指礼物的“价值”。答案:B2A.prefers BownsCuses Dimagines解析:考查上下文语境。此处指新娘预先选定自己“喜欢”的物品。答案:A3A.first BbestCsame Dsimilar解析:考查上下文语境。宾客告诉店家自己是在为新娘购买礼物,这就避免她收到“相同的”礼品。答案:C4A.general BsuitableCdemanding Dexpensive解析:考查词语复现。suitable与下文appropriate是同义复现。如果参加新生儿洗礼,就要挑选“适合”新生儿的礼物。答案:B5A.modest BcheerfulCnormal Dformal解析:考查词语同现。上文有“important occasions”,此处需用formal表示“正式、 庄重”与之相对应。答案:D6A.Personalizing BReplacingCDesigning DChanging解析:考查语意复现。下文有“carving the boys full name”,此处用personalizing“在上刻上姓名”,使钢笔成为个性化的礼品。答案:A7A.convenient BappropriateCunique Dbeneficial解析:考查同义词复现。下文有“just typical of your homeland”,typical与unique同义。答案:C8A.colorful BrareCheavy Dnice解析:考查同义词复现。前有valuable与rare是同义词。答案:B9A.Opportunities BExpectationsCInventions DPossibilities解析:考查语意理解。此处指“可能的选择”。答案:D10A.character BinterestCculture Dprogress解析:考查语意复现,culture与上文的“typical of your homeland”和“a book about your country”等语意相同。答案:C11A.annoyed BimpressedCamused Dpuzzled解析:考查语意理解。be impressed with“印象深刻”。答案:B12A.limited BbannedCmon Dpriceless解析:考查反义复现。mon后有“difficult to find”语义相反。答案:C13A.education BdiscussionCexercise Dentertainment解析:上下义复现。“a baseball game or a concert”都属于entertainment。答案:D14A.directly BespeciallyCmerely Ddeliberately解析:考查逻辑理解。especially表示递进的逻辑关系。答案:B15A.clothing BperfumeCjewelry Dequipment解析:考查上下义复现。scarf,hat都属于clothing。答案:A第二节语法填空(xx年广州市高三英语备考)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Last Wednesday,about 7,400 American bankers went back to school again.This time they did not go to learnthey went to teach.16._1997,the American Bankers Association has sponsored Teach Children to Save Day.Every April 26,bankers across the USA teach over 1.5 million primary and secondary school students how to handle 17._money.In the USA,children,especially teenagers,are often big spenders.In xx,for example,American teenagers spent $175 billion.This is 18._average of $104 per week per teenager.Few teenagers have any savings.They typically spend money as fast as they can.Nearly all will continue their 19._(spend)habits when they grow up.Its necessary that children learn proper money management 20._they are still young.The bankers show students how to budget and make smart 21._(decide)about money.They explain how to balance their expenses against their ine.They help the students understand their familys shopping and household expenses as well.Of course,students 22._(teach)how to invest and save money too.As Benjamin Franklin said,“A penny saved is a penny earned.”Moreover,money 23._(save)at interest can increase greatly in value over time.Children,24._adults,need to understand the value of saving money.This is 25._Teach Children to Save Day is all about.16解析:since引导时间词作状语,“自1997年以来”。答案:Since17解析:用形容词性物主代词their修饰名词money。答案:their18解析:average 是名词,且首字母为元音音素,故用不定冠词an。答案:an19解析:现在分词作定语,修饰habits。答案:spending20解析:从属连词引导状语从句。答案:when(while)21解析:make是动词,后跟名词,这里用复数形式。答案:decisions22解析:teach作谓语,孩子们得到教育,用被动语态。答案:are taught23解析:过去分词作定语。答案:saved24解析:孩子们“像”成人一样,也需要懂得存钱的重要性。答案:like25解析:what引导表语从句。答案:what


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