2019-2020年七年级英语Module9 Unit1教案 外研社.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语Module9 Unit1教案 外研社FunctionTalking about ones favourite animalStructurePresent simple questionsListening/SpeakingFinding specific information; recognizing third person verb endings -s Asking and answering questions about animalsReading/WritingFinding specific information Describing a place; using punctuation: capital lettersCulturePandas and tigersTaskMaking a poster of your favourite animalUnit 1 Does the tiger eat meat? Warming upHello, class! Today we start our new lesson. I will take you to the zoo. Of course we will not go to the real one, but the zoo in our textbook. What is your favourite animal? Do you like camel, elephant, lion, giraffe or kangaroo? Do you like monkey, panda, snake, tiger, wolf or polar bear? The kangaroo es from Australia, the polar bear from the Arctic, the tiger from Asia and the wolf from Europe. What does the polar bear eat? It eats meat. Does the tiger eat meat? Yes, it does. It eats meat and it likes to run. Is there a panda in our zoo? Yes, there is. Does the panda eat meat? No, it doesnt. It eats bamboo. Now lets turn to page 54 and have a look at our animals!Listening and vocabulary1 Look at the picturesWhich animals can you see?There are six pictures here. There are six kinds of animals on the pictures. Is the first one a snake? Yes, it is. Three giraffes are in the fourth picture. Do they e from Europe? No, they dont. They e from Africa. Does the panda in the second picture e from the UK? No, it doesnt. It es from China. Do you know the names of all these animals? Do you know all the words in the box? 1 snake 2panda 3elephant 4giraffe 5tiger 6monkey2 Listen and check.Listen to the tape. What animals can you hear from the tape? Now work in pairs and say what you can see.Work with your partner. Talk about the animals in Activity 1. What can you see in the above pictures? We can see a panda, a snake, an elephant, giraffes, monkeys and a tiger in these pictures. Thats a tiger. Yes, and there is a snake. Thats an elephant. Yes, and there are some monkeys. -Thats a panda. -Yes, and there are some giraffes.-Thats a snake. -Yes, and there are some monkeys.-Thats an elephant. -Yes, and there is a tiger.3 Listen and read.Now we are going to listen and read. Lingling and Daming are visiting Beijing Zoo right now. The guide is telling them something about the animals in the zoo. The guide also answers them questions to the animals. Listen carefully.Now lets go on to read the conversation. While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑)the predicates, shade(加影)the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions.Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book.wele to, many more, e from, lets go, ones favourite, Would you like to? live in Talk as they do. (仿说)Guide: Wele to Xian Zoo. Thirty thousand people visit it every week. The zoo has three thousand animals-tigers, pandas, elephants, zebras, snakes and many more. The tigers e from Guangxi, the pandas from Sichuan, and the elephants from Africa. Lets go and see a tiger first.He Yunni: Does the tiger e from Heilongjiang?Guide: No, it doesnt. It es from Guangxi. The tiger eats meat.Xu Xiaojun: Does the panda eat meat?Guide: No, it doesnt. It eats bamboo and it likes to climb trees.He Yunni: Is there a zebra? The zebra is my favourite animal.Guide: Its my favourite animal, too. Would you like to see the zebra, Xu Xiaojun?Xu Xiaojun: Im glad to!Guide: Look, there it is. It lives in China now and it loves bamboo.4 Check()the true sentences.Hi, class! Let me ask you some questions about the zoo and the animals. How many animals are there in the zoo? There are five thousand animals in it. Does the kangaroo live in Europe? No, it doesnt. The kangaroo lives in Australia. Where does the polar bear e from? It es from the Arctic. Does the tiger eat meat? Yes, it does. The tiger eats meat. Read the conversation again and check ()the true sentences.1 There are 7,000 animals in the zoo. 2 The kangaroo lives in Europe.3 The polar bear lives in the Arctic. ()4 The polar bear es from China.5 The tiger eats meat. ()6 The tiger es from Asia. ()7 The panda es from China. ()8 The panda doesnt eat bamboo.Now correct the answers:There are 5,000 animals in the zoo.The kangaroo lives in Australia.The polar bear es from Arctic.The panda eats bamboo.Pronunciation and speaking5 Listen and repeat. We are going to do a pronunciation practice. Here are two sounds and two lines of words. Listen and repeat after the tape recorder. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the native speaker. / here/ bear there6 Listen and repeat the questions and answers.Listen to the tape. We can hear questions and answers about the animals. Pay attention to the structure of the sentences. Read aloud the questions and answers below.-Does the panda eat bamboo? -Yes,it does. It eats bamboo.-Does the tiger e from Europe? -No, it doesnt. It es from Asia.7 Work in pairsAsk and answer the questions.Work with your partner. Ask each other questions about the animals in the zoo. Try to answer these questions. You can also make your own questions if you like. -Does the polar bear like to swim? -Yes, it does. It likes to swim.-Does the tiger eat meat? -Yes, it does. It eats meat.-Does the panda eat bamboo? -Yes, it does. It eats bamboo.-Does tiger like to swim? -Yes, it does. It likes to run.-Does the polar bear eat bamboo? -No, it doesnt. It eats meat.-Does the polar bear e from China? -No, it doesnt. It es from the Arctic.


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