2019年高考英语一轮专项复习 专题11 数词和主谓一致训练.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮专项复习 专题11 数词和主谓一致训练1. How many people came to the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the shop?I cant say it exactly. Maybe there were ten_(dozen) people.答案: dozen解析:考查dozen的用法。dozen与具体数字连用时,不用复数形式,其后也不接介词of,当dozen所修饰的名词前有the, these, those等限定词修饰时,或dozen后接的词是us, them等人称代词时,需加介词of。2. It is reported that a large quantity of food _(be)wasted in that college every year.答案:is解析:考查主谓一致。a large quantity of后跟名词作主语时,谓语动词应与quantity的单复数形式保持一致。3It is not rare in _(90年代) that people in their fifties are going to university for further education.答案:the 90s解析:考查数词的用法。句意:在90年代,50多岁的人去大学深造的现象并不少见。在90年代,用in the 90s。4. The_(number) of boys and girls in that school are almost equal, of which both of the headmasters are proud.答案:numbers解析:考查短语及主谓一致。句意:那所学校里男生和女生的人数基本相同,这令两位校长感到很自豪。the numbers of意为“数量”,其后的谓语动词应用复数形式。5. Many a teacher _(serve) students heart and soul.答案:has served/serves/is serving解析:考查主谓一致。句意:许多教师全心全意为学生服务。many a 后加单数可数名词,其后谓语动词用单数形式。6. Of how many states_(be) the United States made up?Im not sure.答案:is解析:考查主谓一致。句意:美国是由多少个州组成的?我不确定。be made up of“由组成”,本句的主语the United States是一个国名,可看作一个整体,故谓语动词用单数形式。7. 58% of the drinking water_ polluted by the factory so that 98% of the people there_ not able to live their normal life.(be)答案:has been; are解析:考查主谓一致。当“百分数of名词”结构作主语时,其谓语动词的单复数形式应与of后的名词的单复数保持一致,故第一空用单数,第二空用复数。8. The drug used to treat this disease causes bad side effects, some of which _(be) deadly.答案:are解析:考查主谓一致。句意:过去常常用来治疗这种疾病的药物有副作用,有的甚至是致命的。some of which引导非限定性定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰先行词“bad side effects”,故从句中谓语用复数形式,由主句的时态及语境可知,此处表示客观性,应用一般现在时。9. The number of new energy vehicles in Chinas cities _(expect) to reach 39,000 by the end of this month, according to Wan Gang, Chinese Minister of Science and Technology.答案:is expected解析:考查主谓一致与被动语态。“the number of名词复数”意为“的数量”,作主语时谓语动词用单数。expect意为“期待,盼望”,与句子主语之间是被动关系。10. Not only my classmate but also I _(attract) by the idea of seeing the edy Lost in Thailand.答案:am attracted解析:考查主谓一致和语态。not only.but also. 连接两个主语时,谓语动词根据就近原则来确定其单复数形式,且I与attract为动宾关系。11. Mary as well as those who_ fond of travelling_ going to Dalian next Saturday.(be)答案:are; is解析:考查主谓一致。who引导定语从句的先行词是those,所以定语从句中的谓语动词应用复数形式;as well as连接两部分作主语时,谓语动词要根据前一部分来判断,因此第二个空即主句谓语动词应用单数形式。12. Either you or one of your classmates_(be) to be sent to attend the training class for the project next week.答案:is解析:考查主谓一致和动词时态。主语是由并列连词either.or.连接的并列结构,在英语语法中谓语动词遵循就近原则,而最靠近动词的主语是“one of your classmates”,表单数,故谓语动词用单数;根据“next week”可知用is。13. It is reported that another new school_(build)at present in the poor mountain area.答案:is being built解析:考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:据报道,目前在那个贫困的山区有另一所新学校正在被建。主语是another new school,谓语动词应用单数形式,再根据句意可知此处表示另一所学校正在被建,应用现在进行时的被动语态。14_(九分之二) of the students in our class are from the north.答案:Two ninths解析:考查分数的用法。句意:我们班九分之二的学生来自北方。分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1时,分母用复数形式。15. Nothing but some ancient Chinese coins _(find)in the sunken ship since they began the exploration.答案:has been found解析:考查时态、语态及主谓一致。but表示“除了”,后接名词或代词用于主语后时,谓语动词的单复数形式根据前面的主语Nothing而定,因此用单数形式,根据“since they began the exploration”可知,主句应用现在完成时,此处find和Nothing构成逻辑上的动宾关系,因此用被动语态。

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