2019年高考英语 同步精练 训练1.doc

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2019年高考英语 同步精练 训练1.介副词填空1With annual rainfall close_zero,Antarctica is technically a desert.2Antarctica holds 90% of the worlds ice,and most of its fresh water is_a frozen state.3_average it is two kilometers thick.4Yet Antarctica is full of wildlife,which has adapted_its extreme conditions.5The rest of the plants are made up_mosses,algae and lichen.6Gases and minerals,_the form of volcanic dust trapped in the ice,can tell us a lot of about what the worlds climate was like in past ages.7One rock,known_the “Alien” rock,may contain evidence of extraterrestrial life.8A Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became the first man to set foot_the Antarctic mainland.9_particular,it aims to keep Antarctica free from nuclear tests and radioactive waste.10Today scientists_many countries travel to Antarctica to study its resources.答案1.to2.in3.On4.to5.of6.in7.as8.on9In10.from .单词拼写1Covering about 14 million square kilometers around the South Pole,it is the fifth largest c_in the world.2Strong winds driven by g_blow from the pole to the coastline.3But the long Antarctic winter night,which lasts for 182 days,as well as the e_cold and lack of rainfall,means that few types of plants can survive there.4With annual r_close to zero,Antarctica is technically a desert.5In some places it reaches a d_of five kilometers.698% of the surface is covered_(永久地)in the ice cap.7In 1961,a_(公约) signed by 12 countries,including Britain,France,and the USA,made Antarctica the worlds biggest nature reserve.8The aim of the treaty is to prevent the_(商业的) and military use of the continent.9Greek geographers believed that there was a large land mass in the south which_(使平衡) the land in the north.10When Europeans discovered the continent of America in the fifth century,the great age of_(探索) began.答案1.continent2.gravity3.extreme4.rainfall5depth6.permanently 7.treaty8mercial9.balanced10.exploration.翻译与仿写1Yet Antarctica is full of wildlife,which has adapted to its extreme conditions.翻译:_仿写:小孩子往往很快就能适应新环境。_答案但南极洲仍然栖息着很多野生生物,它们已经适应了那里极其恶劣的条件。Young kids often adapt themselves quickly to a new environment.2But more than two thousand years ago Greek geographers believed that there was a large land mass in the south which balanced the land in the north.翻译:_仿写:他在墙头上用胳膊保持平衡。_答案但是xx多年以前,希腊的地理学家认为地球南边有一块陆地与北边的陆地保持平衡。He kept his balance with his arms on top of the wall.3Sunrise and sunset e once every six months,and in the winter the total absence of daylight can be tiresome,and for some,depressing.翻译:_仿写:我不在时,由莱顿女士负责。_答案日出和日落每6个月才有一次,冬季完全不见日光会令人厌倦,对有些人来说令人沮丧。Ms.Leighton will be in charge during my absence.4Since most Antarctic rocks are dark in colour,they stand out against the white background and are easy to identify and collect.翻译:_仿写:高大的弗雷德在人群中特别显眼。_答案南极洲的大多数岩石是深色的,它们在白色冰雪的映衬下格外显眼,也就易于识别和搜集。Fred was very tall and stood out in the crowd.5But when land came into sight,the Endurance became trapped in the ice and began to break up.翻译:_仿写:她在找钱时把玻璃打碎了。_答案但是当陆地出现在眼前时,“耐力”号却陷入冰层并开始解体。She broke up the glass in her search for money.语篇填词Antarctica,the coldest place on Earth,is the fifth largest 1._in the world.The conditions there are quite 2._with nearly no 3._.98 percent of the surface is covered 4._by ice and strong winds driven by 5._blow from the pole to the coastline.However,it is full of 6._like the famous penguins,which can 7._its hard conditions.The ice there has bee a window on the past with gases and minerals trapped in it.It was not until 1895 that the Norwegian explorer called Carstens Borchgrevink 8._the Antarctic mainland.In 1961,12 countries signed a 9._to make it the worlds biggest nature reserve.Today scientists from all over the world go there to study its resources and to work together for progress and 10._.答案1.continent2.extreme3.rainfall4.permanently5gravity6.wildlife7.adapt to8.set foot on9.treaty10peace.单项填空1It was not until she had arrived home_her appointment with the doctor.Adid she remember Bthat she rememberedCwhen she remembered Dhad she remembered解析此句为强调句型,基本结构为 It is /was 被强调部分that其他成分。该句中是对not until.句型进行强调。答案B2All the employees except the manager_to work online at home.Aencourages BencourageCis encouraged Dare encouraged解析考查动词的一般现在时与语态问题以及主谓一致原则。主语为all the employees,而except the manager为介词短语,不影响主语与谓语关系,即谓语动词应用复数形式,排除A项和C项;又因 all the employees 与encourage之间为被动关系,故选D项。答案D3If your race car isnt insured,you may_losing everything when it hits something solid.Adelay Bdeny Cavoid Drisk解析句意:如果你的赛车不入保险的话,当它撞了硬物后,你可能会一无所有。risk doing sth冒着做某事的危险,符合题意。答案D4_I ask you something if you are not too busy?Yes,of course you_.AShould;should BCould;canCCould;could DCan;could解析考查情态动词。could 用于疑问句中,表示有礼貌的请求,不表示时态,因此回答时用can。答案B5_the poem a second time,the meaning will bee clearer to you.AYour reading BWhile readingCIf reading DWhen you read解析read的主语和bee的主语不一致,所以应用从句。答案D6The newers found it impossible to_themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.Asuit Badapt Cregulate Drelate解析adapt oneself to使自己适应;suit(1)合某人意;(2)衣服款式(色彩)适合某人;(3)使适合于(口味、兴趣、工作);regulate v(用法律)掌管;控制(机器、设备);调节;relate.to把联系到一起。答案B7The bomb exploded,_victims in the building.Atrapped BtrappingCbeing trapped Dhaving trapped解析句意:炸弹爆炸了,受害者被困在大楼里。现在分词作结果状语,“trap sb in.”。答案B8It is wellknown that advertising is often the most effective method of_.Amotivation BextensionCcontribution Dpromotion解析promotion表示“推销;促销活动”,为不可数名词。句意:大家都知道广告是最有效的促销方法。motivation动机;extension延长,扩充;contribution贡献。答案D9To keep market prices steady,the government should first keep demand and supply_.Astocked Bpreserved Cprovided Dbalanced解析keep demand and supply后面需要一个形容词作宾语补足语,balanced意为“平衡的”。句意:为了使市场价格稳定,政府首先应该使供需平衡。stock进货,采购;preserve 保护,维持;provide提供。答案D10One of the important factors in determining whether you get good grades is your_of mind.Acondition Bstate Ccase Dsituation解析state在这里表示“状态;状况”。句意:决定你是否能够取得好成绩的重要因素之一是你的思想状态。答案B11He was_being killed yesterday.A car passed him at what he thought was a dangerous speed.Aused to Bgoing to Cup to Dclose to 解析close to表示“接近于,几乎”。句意:昨天他几乎死掉了。一辆小汽车以他认为很危险的速度从他旁边擦肩而过。答案D12Young as she is,the girl_because she won the first prize in the Super Girls contest.Aes out Bstands outCmakes out Dworks out 解析stand out表示“突出;显眼”。句意:这个小女孩虽然年轻,但是她在超级女生比赛中获得了一等奖,使她很突出。答案B13Have you e to an agreement?No,we havent discussed the problem_.Ain case Bin totalCin mon Din detail解析in detail表示“详细地”。后半句表示“没有,我们还没有详细地讨论这个问题”。答案D14In many developed countries,the rich_richer and the poor poorer,which_a social problem.Abees;are Bare being;is Cbecame;is Dis being;is解析the rich表示“富人”,作主语时看作复数。后面which is a social problem是非限制性定语从句,其中which指代的是前面的这个现象,所以看作单数。答案B15It is_that so many young athletes are ing into the team.Aencouraging BdiscouragingCencouraged Ddiscouraged解析由句意推断“如此多的年轻运动员加入进来”应该是“令人鼓舞的”。答案A.完形填空Antarctica is the continent which is the most southern area of land on the Earth and is mostly_1_with ice.This is one of the driest and_2_in the world.But people from all over the world e to_3_there.Near the South Pole,three thousand people live together in a place_4_AmundsenScott Station.The station_5_libraries,cinemas,shops,sports rooms,canteens and laboratories.There is electricity(电),and they have_6_the system that they use to have a conversation with someone in_7_place.And they have_8_electronic machines that store information and use programs to help them find,organize,or change the information.But the people here_9_travel by car,or train,or bus,because there arent any roads or railways near the station.They_10_by ship,helicopter,plane,or snow tractor,or_11_dogs.There arent_12_trees or flowers there,but there are hundreds of different birds and other_13_.Most of the people here are_14_.They study plant and animal life and how ice_15_.The ice can_16_us about changes in climate.Ray Kingman is an expert at AmundsenScott Station,telling us_17_the phone,“This is my second year here.Its a very interesting and beautiful place,but life is very_18_in winter.In summer we can go_19_in hot pools of water.We wele newers here for further_20_of the continent!”1A.filled BfullCdiscovered Dcovered解析 be covered with由覆盖。答案D2A.warm areas Bcoldest placesCcool areas Dhottest places 解析由常识可知,南极洲气温很低,所以是coldest places。答案B3A.travel Bsettle Cwork Dlive解析由第五段可知,生活在这儿的人大部分是科学家,他们研究,可以推出此空应为“工作”。答案C4A.called Bcall Ccalls Dcalling解析called为过去分词做定语。答案A5A.built Bhas Cexists Dlies解析exist和lie是不及物动词,后不加宾语,故排除;build应为被动,所以选B。答案B6A.telephone BfilmCtelevision Drecord player解析根据句中的have a conversation with someone可以选出答案。答案A7A.other Banother Cthe other Dothers解析此处用作定语来修饰place,place为单数,可用another或the other来修饰。another为“另一个”;the other为“(两个中的)另一个”。答案B8A.printers BiconsCmice Dputers解析破折号有解释说明的作用。此处由后面的electronic machines that store information and use programs to help them find,organize,or change the information可知作者指的是电脑。printer打印机;icon图标;mice(mouse的复数形式)鼠标。答案D9A.dont BmustntCneednt Dshouldnt 解析由下文because there arent any roads or railways near the station可得出答案。答案A10A.go Bwalk Crun Dtravel解析由前面的travel by car,or train,or bus可知答案。答案D11A.with Binstead ofCon Din front of解析with后跟某种具体的交通工具,与前面的by并列。答案A12A.much Bany Cmany Dsome解析句意:这儿没有树木和花草。前面是否定句,故用any。答案B13A.plants Bthings Canimals Dlife解析根据上下文猜测,鸟类和其它的动物。因为birds属于animals。答案C14A.teachers Bscientists Cdoctors Dworkers解析根据下文They study plant and animal life and how ice moves可推出,只有科学家才研究动植物。答案B15A.flows Bmelts Cfreezes Dmoves解析这里指科学家们研究动植物以及冰层的漂移(move)。flow流动;melt融化;freeze结冰。答案D16A.show Btell Csay Dsuggest解析tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事。其他词不和about搭配。show sb sth/show sth to sb向某人展示某物;suggest sth to sb向某人建议某物。答案B17A.in Bon Cwhich Dby解析on the phone/by phone用电话交谈;在通话。固定搭配。答案B18A.pleasant BeasyChard Dfortable解析but表示语义转折,空格处应与前面的interesting and beautiful相对,因此这里应填hard。答案C19A.swimming BboatingCfishing Dwashing解析根据in summer和下面的in hot pools of water推断出,这里是游泳(swimming)。答案A20A.life Bvisit Cstudy Dclimate解析科学家去南极的目的是搞科学研究,这里意思是欢迎新人来南极进行进一步的研究。答案C

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