2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module4 Unit3课时提升作业(十二).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module4 Unit3课时提升作业(十二). 单项填空1. Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. He certainlythat honor, for his works are so popular. A. reservesB. deservesC. observesD. respects2. (xx六安模拟)Over fifty passengers were injured in the accident, and every _ doctor was called to the scene. A. convenientB. available C. vacantD. conscious3. The policeman stopped him when he was driving home, him of speeding. A. chargingB. accusingC. warningD. blaming4. (xx济南模拟)The moment I saw him, his name simplyme, and I stood there not knowing how to address him. A. chokedB. escapedC. failedD. confused5. (xx兰州模拟)Leave it to me! I feel much moreabout myself and my abilities these days. A. confident B. energetic C. generous D. curious6. (xx黄冈模拟)In a sense, no country, big or small, should object to the trend of peace and development, creating trouble to others. A. constantly B. eventually C. finallyD. immediately7. (xx包头模拟)Helplessly, the package I was expecting wasto the wrong address. A. written B. given C. packedD. delivered8. Vitamin C helps our bodies make a special chemical, whichaffects our brains, making us feel happy. A. in need B. in turn C. in advanceD. in reality9. How did you find tonights pop concert? I had never been to a better one. A. What a disappointment! B. It was amazing!C. Quite by accident. D. Through a third person. 10. the guests arrival at the school gate, we gave them a warm wele. A. BeyondB. Upon C. WithinD. Over11. With more forests being cut down, the environment of this town has bee worse and worse, which has greatlythe local economic development. A. held backB. held on to C. held downD. held out12. So great! Is there anythat can make you our choice? Oh, I am good at cooking and know how to look after a senior. A. advantageB. curiosity C. importanceD. impression13. How do you like your college life? Terrible. Not onlyless spare time, butmyself even busier than before. A. do I enjoy; do I findB. I enjoy; I findC. do I enjoy; I findD. I enjoy; do I find14. While having a thorough cleaning, Ian old photo in the drawer, which called up my childhood memory. A. referred to B. came across C. put forward D. got away15. mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf. A. Remembered B. To be rememberedC. Having been remembered D. Though remembered. 完形填空(xx德州模拟)When I entered the Latin class as a high school freshman, I had no idea that the teacher would be one of the most influential people in my life. Miss Siegesmund1out as a graceful lady, dressed2in a colorful suit. Her dark brown hair shone like gold, and she was elegant. “3are not supposed to be attractive, ”I thought to myself. However, she soon proved to have a winning personality to4her looks. At first, I was so shy that I often crossed the street to5talking to classmates and remained6around others. My mother did not believe in praise as it would7too much pride in myself. This strange8had a negative impact on my childhood. I9in my Latin class as Miss Siegesmund believed in me. I listened to10she said. Her Latin class was fun and the stories from Roman history seemed to e11. She taught good study habits, 12I received an A in every class. I even participated in a speech contest before the entire student body. Can you imagine the13I had made to arrive at that point? I14third in the contest. Miss Siegesmund said, “You should have won. You were15!”I thought to myself, “She has so16faith in me. ”Soon, my high school days hit an even17peak. I think of myself as a little dove with a18wing. My teacher became my19on Earth. She mended my wing and20me to fly freely. I shall never forget her for she was one of the most influential people in my life. (282W)1. A. sangB. spokeC. stoodD. picked2. A. fashionablyB. fortunatelyC. casuallyD. particularly3. A. StudentsB. TeachersC. Classmates D. Freshmen4. A. matchB. adjustC. changeD. ruin5. A. keepB. practiseC. enjoyD. avoid6. A. disappointedB. embarrassed C. delightedD. astonished7. A. result inB. make up C. go with D. take out8. A. excuseB. causeC. caseD. belief9. A. changedB. sufferedC. relievedD. admitted10. A. howeverB. whateverC. wheneverD. whichever11. A. simpleB. trueC. aliveD. lovely12. A. asB. butC. andD. yet13. A. progressB. fortuneC. promiseD. decision14. A. spokeB. placedC. believedD. found15. A. realisticB. flexibleC. reliableD. fantastic16. A. fewB. muchC. littleD. many17. A. widerB. deeperC. higherD. larger18. A. brokenB. lostC. fallenD. ruined19. A. motherB. modelC. aimD. angel20. A. appliedB. droveC. allowedD. informed. 书面表达随着科技的发展, 越来越多高科技的电子产品走进了人们的生活, 尤其是“苹果”家族中iPhone5和iPad2已经成了中学生的新宠。对于某些学生而言, 它们不再仅是单一的可供娱乐的电子产品, 也是炫耀的资本。假如你是李华, 请根据以上内容用英语给某英语报社写一封信, 反映这种情况, 同时提出自己的看法和建议, 并说明理由。1. 要求: 开头和结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数。2. 词数150个左右。Dear Editor, Im Li Hua, a middle school student from Nanjing. _Yours Sincerely, Li Hua


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