2019-2020年七年级英语下册《Unit 6 Pets Grammer1》教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit 6 Pets Grammer1教案 牛津版年级学科Grade EightEnglish课题备课人教学目标1.To use positive and negative imperatives when giving orders and instructions.2.To organize and understand how to use imperatives appropriately.重难点To use positive and negative imperative sentences.课时One时间Difficulties shocking walk the dog 遛狗 walk 既可作动词,又可以作名词,请记住下面的短语: take a walk 散步 walk to school 步行上学 go out for a walk 出去散步 walk the horse 遛马 look after 照料、照顾/照看 ,如: look after a patient 照顾病人 look after the pet 照料宠物 give advice 提建议 advice 意思是“忠告,建议”。 我们用a piece of advice 表示一条建议 Dont give her fish bones. 不要给她鱼骨头。 give sb. sth 意思是“给某人某物”,give 后面跟的是双宾语。还可以用介词“to”构成 give sth. to sb. 类似的动词有: show sb. sth = show sth. to sb. pass sb. sth = pass sth. to sb 如:Please show me your new watch. = Please show your new watch to me. keep her warm 给她保暖 这里keep 意思是“保持”,还可以和介词,分词构成短语。 Its very hot today. Please keep the windows open. 今天天气很热,请把窗户打开着。 Im sorry to keep you waiting. 抱歉,让你久等了。Step I Presentation1.Tell students One of my friends will leave home for some timeSo he asked me to look after his dogI dont know how to look after a dogMy friend gave me some instructionsCan you help me take some notes? Please take out yournotebooks and write down the following instructions2.Let students read these sentences and find out the differences with the ones we use. 3 .Explain that We start a sentence with the base form of a verb when we want to tell people to do somethingWe add dont in front of the verb when we want to tell people not to do somethingImperative sentences do not normally include a subject, because the subject you is implied. However, a noun or pronoun can sometimes be used to identify the person receiving an order or instruction, e.g., the speaker wants to attract Marys attention and so he/she says, Mary, dont push. / Dont push, Mary. To be polite,we always use please with the instructionsStep II TaskWrite some instructions on the board. Then ask them about the situations when we use them. Ask classes to create a list of different instructions and then write the different situations as titles above it, e.g.,Classroom Step III Task1.Go through the explanations and grammar table on page 98 to clarify the rules for using imperatives when giving positive and negative instructions.2.Ask students to study the pictures in Part A1. Check their understanding of the situations presented in the pictures. 3.Ask less able students to work in pairs to select the correct word to fill in each gap, then match the pictures with the instructions. When they have finished, ask them to read each instruction to their partner.4.Explain the rubric in Part A2, making sure students understand the exercise. Students rearrange the words to make positive and negative instructions.5.Ask students to read out the instructions they formed.StepIV Exercises用所给的词的适当形式填空。 quiet! Dont bark! (be) When I the cats tail,(pull) It me.(bite) He ought to often the dogs fur.(brush) Dont any noise. The baby is sleeping.(make) Please the cat some clean water. Hes thirty.(give)Grammar1(1)Give him enough food every day(2)Give him clean water(3)Brush his fur every morning(4)Take him out for a walk at least once a day板书设计教学反思


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