2019-2020年七年级下人教新课标 Unit2教案三.doc

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2019-2020年七年级下人教新课标 Unit2教案三Step1 1aPoint to and name all the places in the pictures again without the describing words and have students repeat.Now point to each half of each picture and ask about the difference between the halves. For example, you might say: This is a park. Is it a clean park or a dirty park? Clarify the meaning of the words clean and dirty by pointing out details in the pictures.Point out the pairs of words or phrases. Say each one and ask students to repeat.Then ask students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures. Point out the sampleCheck the answers.Answer:a clean park e a dirty park fa new hotel d an old hotel c a small supermarket h a quiet street a a busy street d an old hotel ca big supermarket g a busy street bStep2 1 bThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Call attention to the conversation in the picture. Ask a pair of students to readit aloud. Then ask several different students the same question. Ask them to tell the truth.Point out the list of phrases in la. Ask students to work in pairs. They take turns asking each other questions about the things on this list. Ask them to tell each other the truth.As students work together, move around the room checking on their progress.Ask several students to present some questions and answers to the class.Step3 2a.This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language.Point out the list of places in la. Say the name of each one to the class.Say, Now I will play a recording of a conversation. Listen carefully and circle the words in la that tell about Michaels street.Correct the answers.These words should be circled: a quiet street, a new hotel, a small supermarketTapescriptMichael: Hey, John.John: Hi, Michael.Michael: What are you doing?John: Reading a book.Michael: Do you want to e over to my house? We can watch a video.John: OK. Where is your house?Michael: Its on Pine Street. Its a quiet street off Fifth Avenue.John: Oh, OK. I know where that is. Theres a new hotel on the corner.Michael: Yes. Theres a small supermarket onthe street. Our house is across from the supermarket.John: OK, Ill see you at two-thirty.Step4 2b.This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language.Call attention to the street map in the boxSay, Now I will play the conversation again. Listen to it and draw the places in Michaels neighborhood on the street map.Play the recording. Students only listen.Demonstrate the activity by saying, What are the three places on the tape? (a hotel, a supermarket,Michaels house). Answer any questions students may have.Play the recording again. Students draw maps of Michaels neighborhood.Move around the room, offering assistance if needed.Have some students show their pleted drawings to the class.Step5 2c.This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Say, Now lets work in pairs. The first person makes some statements about the picture in 2b. The second person says true if the statement is true and “falso” if the statement is false. The second person also changes each false statement into a true one.Call attention to the conversation in the picture in 2c. Ask a pair of students to read it aloud.Demonstrate the activity with a student. Have the student close the book. Then say one true thing and one false thing about the picture. Guide the student to answer true for the true statement and to say false for the false statement and change it into a true one.Ask students to practice in pairs and to take both roles. Move around the room helping students get started and answering any questions they may have.Ask several pairs of students to present some statements and responses to the class. Ask students to correct any mistakes they hear.


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