2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 1 E-pals Lesson 4教案 教科版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 1 E-pals Lesson 4教案 教科版课堂教学设计授课日期: 月 日 Lesson _ Unit _课 题Unit 1 E-pals Lesson 4授课类型Revision能力方法目标To improve the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing.知识技能目标To make the students know how to grasp the knowledge in this unit.情感态度价值目标To let the Ss know how to make friends with each other.教学重点Think of / think about / think over教学难点The present continue tense教学方法presentation-practice-production ,简称 3Ps媒体使用Tape, puter教 学 流 程 设 计教学活动设计设计意图ReviewAsk three or four students to e up to the front and bine two sentences with relative pronouns.T: I would like to ask the students sitting at the third seats of each row to e to the front and bine these sentences using relative pronouns.On your ownT: This is a dialogue about e-pals. Number the sentences in order.T: pare your answers with those of your partners.Answer: 6142537If time allows, ask some prehension questions.T: Who is Susans e-pal?S: She is a German girl who likes snowboarding.T: Who is Mikes e-pal?S: He is Wang Ming from Qingdao. He likes playing the guitar.Ask the students to create a new dialogue with their partner.A: Is your e-pal from Australia, Chin?B: Yes, Dandan.A: You told me something about her. Shes the girl who plays basketball, right?B: Thats right. You have an e-pal, too. Where is your e-pal from?A: His name is Fred. He is from Canada.B: Is he the one who sent you some pictures?A: Yes, he is. He sent me some pictures of his family.Pair workThis is a sort of a guessing game. Students have to think of a classmate and describe him or her using relative pronouns. The teacher can show how to play this game by describing one of the students first.T: Guess whom I am thinking of. This person is a boy who is good at soccer.S1: Is this Liu Chang?T: No. This boy won the race that was held last week.S2: Is he Jun?T: You got it. Now, try this game with your partners.Group workActivity AThis activity is a game called, Chinese Whispers or Pass is Down. The players pass sentences in a whisper. In this game four sentences will be passed on from one member to another. It is expected that the sentences will get altered in transit. So it might just be fun to hear the final sentence from the last members of the groups. However, because this activity is designed to apply a guessing game to this whispering game, the winner should be the one with the most correct guesses as well.Scoring One point for each correct sentence from the last member One point for each correct guess. The highest possible score is 8. The group with the highest score is the winner.T: For this activity, you need to get into groups of eight and sit in a circle.T: In your group, choose four classmates and try to describe them as clear as possible. Make sure you use relative pronouns.T: Write each sentence on a separate piece of paper.T: Are you done with your descriptions? Then give your papers to the group on your right.T: The leader of each group receives the strips. When I say “Go!” the leader will whisper one sentence from one of the paper strips. Each member should pass the sentence to the last person in a whisper.T: The last person is going to say the sentence aloud. See whether the sentence is the same as what the leader read from the paper strip.T: Let me state the rules again. Each group will get a point for passing down the sentence without any hesitation. If the final member of the group says the sentence exactly as it was started by the group leader, the group gets one point. And if the group guesses the person correctly, they will earn another point. The group gets only one guess for each question. But any member of the group can give a suggestion to the group for consideration. Then, as a group, you should decide which suggestion the group leader will guess.T: For each group the highest score is 8, four points for the clear whispering and another four points for the correct guess.Look at the dialogue. Put the sentences in the correct order from 17.Practice acting the dialogue. Let the students use their own answers.问题预测应对措施学生可能只为学单词,语法而研究个别问题,应该也让学生总结一下本单元的内容,从宏观上了解本单元,这对于写作等都有好处。This units function is to motivate the students to municate in written form using technology with puters and the internet being necessary tools in life.作 业Revise the whole unit.板书设计Unit 1 E-pals Lesson 4_ is a _ who _.Is it _?He / She likes _ that _.教学反思

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