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2019-2020年高考英语限时训练(25)Recently,I stopped by a convenience store to get a newspaper and a bottle of drink. The young woman at the checkout _1_ said,“Thatll be five dollars in all please.” She then _2_ down at the paper I was buying and said,“Im _3_ all these negative(消极的)words on the front pages. I want to read some _4_ news for a change.” She then said,“_5_,I think someone should just _6_ a good news newspapera paper with wonderful,inspirational _7_ about people overing difficulty and doing good things for others.” She _8_ me for ing in and said,“Maybe well get some good news,”and she _9_.She made my day.The following day after my business appointments,I _10_ the same store again to pick up bottled water and a newspaper,but a _11_ young lady was behind the counter. As I checked out I said,“Good afternoon” and _12_ her my money. She said nothingnot a word,not a smile or not _13_.She just gave me my change and _14_ a negative tone ordered “Next!”It _15_ me right between the eyes:Two people,the same age;one made me feel _16_,but the other,well,made me feel that I had inconvenienced her by _17_.Every morning,you should ask _18_ this important question:“Who do I want to be today?The Grouch(不高兴的人)or The Good News Girl”?Your answer will go a long way toward _19_ the joy and happiness that you will experience in your _20_.1Abed Bcounter Ctable Dshop2Aput Bgot Cglanced Dturned3Atired of Binterested in Ccareful about Dfond of4Alatest Bgood Cinteresting Dreal5AIn fact BAs usual CHowever DBy the way6Acollect Bprint Csell Dpublish7Astories Bideas Cpictures Dhabits8Atold Bthanked Cpraised Dcongratulated9Adid Bagreed Claughed Dpointed10Adropped by Bstood by Cbrought in Dtook in11Abeautiful Bdifferent Cclever Dstupid12Acarried Bpassed Chanded Dshowed13Agesture Bmovement Cshake Dproblem14Afor Bat Cthrough Din15Acaught Bhit Cpushed Dsaw16Agreat Bsad Cexcited Ddisappointed17Amoving on Bgoing away Cshowing up Dshowing off18Aher Bthem Cyourself Dthemselves19Acreating Bdetermining Csharing Dforming20Ahome Boffice Cstudy Dlife(2) Two minds with a single thought!The young fisherman is thinking of a way to cross the stream without getting his _1_wet.The engineer is thinking of a _2_ to get automobiles across the river without getting their wheels wet. You know the answer to _3_ problems:a bridge.The fishermans bridge doesnt take _4_ to build. Just place a board across the little stream and you _5_.If the board is strong enough and if the fisherman doesnt _6_ too much,all will be well.Will the engineer _7_ the same kind of bridge?You know he _8_ and you know why. Automobiles are much heavier than _9_.The river is much _10_ than the stream. A long wood bridge just wont _11_.It isnt strong enough. It would _12_ and break under its own weight. The fishermans problem is very _13_.However,the engineers is not.But dont _14_ sorry for the engineer. He doesnt have to _15_ the very beginning with a long board. People have been thinking about bridges for thousands of years. They have designed many types of bridges. Each bridge is suited to its special _16_.The engineer can choose the type best suited to the river and the _17_ nearby.What choice does he have,and why is one _18_ than the others?One way for you to find out is to make a few bridges out of cardboard. They wont be strong enough to _19_ a fiveton truck,but you will find out some of the main _20_ of bridge design by doing some experiments.1Aclothes Bsocks Clegs Dfeet 2Aroad Broute Cway Dcourse3Aall Bboth Cnone Dneither4Along Beasy Cmoney Dstrength5Ahave it Bfind it Ctry it Dsee it6Awant Bwork hard Ccare for it Dweigh7Apromote Bpermit Cplan Dprofit8Awill Bwont Ccan Dcannot9Acars Btrucks Canimals Dpeople10Awider Bdeeper Cmore shallow Dmore popular11Ado Bmake Cpass Darise12Abreak out Bbring up Cbend Dburst13Asimilar Bsimple Csingle Dskillful14Abelieve Bthink Cfeel Drealize15Adeal with Bdo with Cend with Dstart from16Atypes Bpurpose Cshapes Dresults17Aland Blake Cmountain Darea18Alonger Bcheaper Cmore expensive Dmore suitable19Aconvey Bcalculate Ccarry Dclassify20Ausage Bideas Cattempts Dfactorxx届高三英语限时训练(25)参考答案(1)1B从下文第11空后的counter可知,此处表示“收银台”,故选B项。2C她向我买的报纸瞥了一眼(glanced)说:“我早就厌烦了(tired of)头版那些消极的消息了,我想读些好(good)消息,换换口味。”这里glance at是固定词组,表示“对看一眼,瞥见”。3A根据下文说“想换换口味”可知,这里应是指已经厌倦了现在的头版消息。4B参见第2题解析。这里表达的意思应该与negative相反,所以选good,也可从第6空后的a good news newspaper得到提示。5A实际上(In fact),“我”认为人们应该出版(publish)一种只有好消息的报纸。6D参见第5题解析。7A报纸上讲些美好的、鼓舞人心的故事,讲述人们如何克服困难这里用stories表示“故事,事情”,选A项。8B这位女收银员对“我”能够光顾她们的便利店表示了感谢,所以用thanked。9C从上下文可知,“我们”告别的时候,彼此都很高兴,所以她应该是“笑着”跟我说再见的,用laughed。10A第二天,“我”又顺路经过这家店。drop by表示“顺便经过”,stand by表示“站在旁边”,bring in表示“引进”,take in表示“欺骗,让进入”,根据语意选A项。11B从上下文可知,这次的收银员不是上次的那位,用different。12C作者买了报纸和水后,付钱给收银员,所以用handed,表示“交给”。13A但这位收银员什么也没说,微笑也没有,甚至连一个手势都没有。所以根据上下文,该空用gesture,表示“手势,姿势”。14Din a negative tone表示“用消极的语调”,故选D项。15B 这让作者非常震撼。此处hit表示“使某人突然意识到并感到惊讶”。16A从上文可知,第一位收银员让作者感觉非常好,所以用great,但第二位收银员给作者的感觉好像是作者的出现(showing up)给她带来了很多麻烦和不便。17C参见第16题解析。move on“向前进,继续”,go away“走开”,show off “炫耀”,都与语境不符。18C从上下文可知,你每天早上都要问问自己,所以用反身代词yourself。19B从语境可知,这将极大地决定(determining)你人生(life)中要经历的幸福和快乐。determine“决定”。create“创造”,share “分享”,form“形成”.20D参见第19题解析。(2) 1D这是一个常识题,即能够过小溪而不湿鞋或脚。A、B和C三项虽然符合语法,但却不合常理。2C工程师正在想一个办法,所以用way,且“to get automobiles across the river without getting their wheels wet”是不定式短语作该词的定语。road “马路”;route“路线”;way“方式,方法,办法”;course“河道,航线,过程”。3B前文交代了the young fisherman和the engineer这两者提出的问题,所以选择both“两者,两者都”。4Atake long“花费很长时间”;根据后文的“just place a board across the little stream”可知,渔夫的桥不会花很长时间就能建成。5A“have it”在此的意思是“达到目的,实现”。此句补全意为“只要在小溪放一块木板就搞定了”。6D因为是人要过小溪,所以这个临时木板桥只要够结实,只要渔夫不那么重,一切就没有问题,所以此处要选D项,weigh“称重”。7C根据上下文内容可知应该选择C项,“设计,策划”。8B前文问:那位工程师会计划做同样的桥吗?此空所在的句子:你知道他不会这样做的。根据下文可知应该选择B项。9D两个人,一个人要徒步过小溪,另一个是乘车过河,所以此处应该选择D项,就是说“车比人重得多”。10A河流与小溪比较,应该是宽得多,所以A项正确。如果选择B项,则表示小溪本身很深,才会说河流更深。再结合下文“A long wood bridge just wont.”这部分,更是表明这里讨论的是河流和溪水的宽度。11Ado在此的意思是“够用,足够”,为不及物动词,补全后句意为:长的木桥还不够。make需和it搭配意为“成功”;pass意为“通过”时是及物动词;arise“产生”,不合逻辑。12C根据空后面的“and break under its own weight”可知答案为C项。it指前面的a long wood bridge。因为木桥不够结实,那么在自身的重力下就会变弯曲甚至是断掉。13B渔夫的问题很容易解决,但是工程师的就不那么简单了。根据句意可知答案为B项。14C四个选项中只有C项feel是系动词,后面可以接形容词作表语。句意:别为工程师感到难过。15D根据后面的“the very beginning”可知,此处用D项,start from the very beginning “从一开始”。16B 即“每座桥都要适合其特殊目的”。be suited to“适合”。17A后面的“nearby”指的是前面“河流的附近”, 即“河附近的陆地”。18D根据前面的“choose the type best suited to the river”可知应该选择D项,意思是“要选择更合适的桥”。19C该句主语“they”指的是前面“用纸板做的桥”,后面的宾语为“fiveton truck”,据此应该选择C项,即这个桥不能承受5吨的卡车。20BA项“用途,用处”;B项“想法,主意,观点”;C项“尝试,企图”;D项“因素”。句意:但是你可以通过多做一些实验来弄清桥梁设计的一些主要思想。

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