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2019-2020年九年级上册第三单元讲学案2【学习目标】1.掌握重点单词 2.掌握重点短语3.掌握重点句子 4.掌握本单元语法【重点难点】 学会描述青少年的问题及产生的原因,同时提供帮助和建议。掌握动词不定时在句中作不同成分的用法。【预习指导】 1、青少年的烦恼 teenage problems 2、使我发疯 drive me mad 3、有太多的测验与考试 get too many tests and exams 4、有充足的睡眠 have enough sleep5、和我家人没有交流 have no munication with my family members6、熬夜到很晚去完成练习 stay up late to plete the exercises7、拒绝做如此多的作业 refuse to do so much work8、有时间从事我的业余爱好 have some time for my hobbies9、对此感到糟糕 feel bad about that 10、对我来说很有价值 be of great value to me11、有大量的朋友 have plenty of friends 12、陷入困境 get into trouble13、 be strict with sb in sth 14、只关心分数 care only about marks15、仔细计划你的时间 plan your time carefully 16、以学业而自豪 be proud of your schoolwork.17、把烦恼守在心里 keep their worries to themselves18、注意拼写错误 pay attention to your spelling mistake 19、以这种方式 in this way20、更好地组织他们的时间 organize their time better【学习过程】 一,语言点1、青少年的烦恼 teenage problems 青少年 teens / teenagers 观看青少年演出 watch the Teens Shows2、尽力做更多的运动 try more exercise (n.) = try to do more exercise (n.) =try to exercise(vi) more3、使我发疯 drive me mad (drive-drove-driven)4、打搅我 disturb me5、有时间陪我 have time for me6、有太多的测验与考试 get too many tests and exams7、有充足的睡眠 have enough sleep8、和我家人没有交流 have no munication with my family members9、一些最普通的学生的问题 some of the most mon students problems10、完成句子 plete the sentences 完成练习/表格plete the exercises/form=finish the exercises /form11、我不知道如何来解决这个问题(它)。 I dont know how to deal(vi.) with the problem.(it) = Ive no idea what to do with the problem.(it.)12、我没有选择只能去做 choice复choices I have no choice (n.) but to do it. = I dont have any choice but to do it. 有许多选择 have many choices 选择sb去做sth choose sb to do sth(1)选择做一个业余爱好 choose a hobby to do(2)选择做部分(作业) choose to do only part of it (the homework)13、熬夜到很晚去完成练习 stay up late to plete the exercises14、拒绝做如此多的作业 refuse to do so much work15、接受它 accept it = take it willingly16、交作业 hand in the homework (hand it in)17、按时 on time = at the correct time18、我几乎没有任何时间从事我的业余爱好。 I hardly have any spare(adj.) time for my hobbies.(反意疑问句)(do I?) have spare time = have free time19、有时间从事我的业余爱好 have some time for my hobbies20、对此感到糟糕 feel bad about that21、例如打排球和乒乓球 such as playing volleyball and ping-pong (table tennis)22、我经济怀疑这么辛苦学习是否值得 I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard.doubt: (1)vt. doubt sth: doubt the truth of the news (2)doubt + if / that. (3)n. have some / no doubtsth be worth doing某事值得去做e.g. The book is worth reading.这本书值得一读。 His advice is worth taking.他的建议值得采纳。23、我盼望没有作业的假期这样我便可以放松。I am looking forward to a holiday without homework so that I can relax. =In order to relax, I am looking forward to a holiday with out homework.24、你能给我提供些建议吗? Can you offer me some suggestions / advice. =Can you offer some suggestions to me?offer: (vt.) (1)提供给某人某物 offer sb sth = ofter sth to do (vi.) (2)主动提出做sth offer to do sth. (n.) (3)出价an offer / a special offer25、对我来说很有价值 be of great value to me 我希望我的回答会对你有些价值。 I hope my answers will be of some value to you.value: (n.)(1)价值 realize the value of humor (2)对有些价值be of some value to sb.valuable: Thanks for your valueable sugestions.感谢你宝贵的建议。26、对足球的热爱 my love of football27、有大量的朋友 have plenty of friends=have a lot of friends 大量的雨水 plenty of rain 有大量的作业要完成 have plenty of homework to finish28、在外面待得很晚 stay out late22、陷入困境 get into trouble29、允许我在外面玩 allow me to play outside allow (1)允许做 sth allow (vi.) doing sth (2)允许sb做sth allow sb to do sth30、对我严格 be strict with sb in sth 例:be strict with me in my study31、使我们的生活更加有趣 make our lives more interesting make +n.+adj. (adj在句中作“OC”)32、我希望我能得到我父母的支持。 I wish I could have my parents support(n.) I wish+过去式33、请你能给我建议如何在我的学业与业余爱好上获得平衡? Can you please advise me how to achieve a balance between my school work and my hobbies? advise=suggest (1)建议做sth advise doing sth (2)建议sb做sth advise sb to do sth向老师寻求建议ask teachers for adviceadvice名词 不可数 some advice, a piece of advice采取建议take ones adviceachieve (vt.) achieve sth 例:achieve his goal / achieve success34、在sth上成功 be successful in sth / in doing sth = do sth successfully =succeed in doing sth35、完成任务 do a task 任务、苦差 task复tasks a boring task36、在学习与业余爱好上保持平衡的好方法 a good way to keep a balance between study and hobbies37、别放弃你的爱好,但也忘记你的家庭。Do not give up your hobby, do not forget about you family, either.eighter (1)连词,或(之一) either.or (2)形容词,两者之一的 on either side of the road Either book will do.两本中哪一本都行。 (3)either of+名复 =either+名单 either of the girls=either girl (4)用于否定句中,也不38、乘车 get / take a bus39、变得生气 get / bee angry40、得高分 get / achieve a high mark41、有许多作业 get / have a lot of homework42、回家迟 get / arrive home late34、收信 get / receive a letter43、复习备考 revise for tests44、没有勇气让朋友分担我的烦恼 have no courage to share with my friends my worries have courage to do sth有勇气做sth45、告诉你真相 tell you the truth(名词)46、与我表妹吵架 quarrel with my cousin47、匀出时间给我 spare some time for me spare (1)匀东西给sb. spare sth for sb (2)adj. have some spare time48、为学好跳舞,我需要更多练习 To learn dancing well. I need much more practise. practise (n.)练习 a lot of practise (v.) practise dancing49、只关心分数 care only about marks50、他们似乎没有注意我已尽了力 They dont seem to notice that I have tried my best. notice(vt.) (1)notice sth. (2)notice sb doing sth. He was noticed breaking the window.有人注意到他打破窗户。 (3)notice that / wh从句51、仔细计划你的时间 plan your time carefully52、有时间跳舞 have some time to dance53、让父母看到你的进步 let your parents see your progress54、从青少年辅导员获得帮助 get help from youth workers55、在你自己的学校 at your own school56、不止一次 more than once57、不得不学到很晚 have to study till very late58、帮我走出(困境) help me out (of trouble)59、用尽可能多的信息帮助他完成笔记 help him plete the notes with as much information as you can.60、考试成绩好 do well in exams61、伤心时和好朋友谈谈。Talk to your best friend when(介) feeling sad. (when(连) youre feeling sad)62、Pay no attention to the students who laugh at you.(定语从句) (the student who laughs at you )63、以学业而自豪 be proud of your schoolwork. proud(adj.) be proud of sth (to do sth. / that.) = take pride in sth pride: the pride of China 中国的骄傲64、似乎比以前更快乐 seem much happier than before65、发现运动对她而言很难 find sport difficult for her find +sth+adj+for sb.66、我的笔友还未回复我的上3封邮件。My penfriend hasnt replied to my last three e-mails. reply (1)v. reply to my letter=answer my letter (2)n.复replies the reply / answer to my letter67、感谢你倾听我的问题并给我建议。-Thank you for listening to my problem and giving me your advice. 不用谢。这是有朋友的目的。-My pleasure. Thats what friends are for.68、通过检查作业而改正许多错误 correct a lot of your own mistakes by checking work.69、改错 make the corrections犯错 make (a few) mistakes70、承受压力 suffer from stress71、使他们担心 make them worry (vi.) = make them feel worried(adj.) worry about sth = be worried about sth. (more / less worried)让朋友与我分忧。Share my worries(n.) with my friends.把烦恼守在心里 keep their worries(n.) to themselves72、注意拼写错误 pay attention to your spelling mistake73、以这种方式 in this way74、更好地组织他们的时间 organize their time better二,语法动词不定式1、主语:名词用法的不定式和名词一样,可担任句子的主语。种些植物是非常重要的。To grow plants is very important. = It is very important to grow plants.2、表语:不定式像名词一样,可以放在be动词后面,形成表语。我的梦想就是成为一名医生。My dreams is to be a doctor.3、宾语:不定式用在及物动词后,担当宾语。常见的及物动词有want, hope,wish,like,begin,start,try,need,forget,agree,know,learn,promise, refuse, help等。你长大了想做什么?(想当什么?)What do you want to be when you grow up?4、宾语补足语:She asked me to speak more loudly.她要求我再大声点儿。 宾语 宾补5、定语:不定式有时起形容词作用修饰名词或代词,在句中担任定语。不定式作定语时,它的位置在它所修饰的名词或代词之后。你还有什么要说的吗?Have you got anything to say?6、表目的:不定式在不及物动词后担当状语表目的情况很多。为了掌握英语,我们必须努力学习它。In order to master English we must work hard at it. = We must work hard at English in order to / so as to master it. = To master English, we must work hard at it.= We must work hard at English to master it.7、表结果Linda e back home to find(表结果) her house on fire.8、“疑问词+不定式”的用法:不定式可以和疑问代词who, what, which及疑问副词when, how, where连用,构成不定式短语,在句中担当主语、宾语、表语等成分。9、不定式中省去to的情况(1)当两个或两个以上的不定式并列在一起时,第一个不定式带to,后面的不定式往往省略to,参见下面第一个例句;但是,如果是在对照的场合,就不能省去to,参见下面第二个例句。他对我说:“完成作业并把它交上去。”He told me to finish my homework and (to) hand it in.笑比哭好。It is better to laugh than to cry.(2)在感官动词see, watch, look at, hear, listen to, feel和使役动词make, have, let等所接的宾语中(不定式作宾语补足语),不定式应省去to。但是在被动语态中,则to不能省掉。*主动:I saw him dance.我看到他跳舞。 被动:He was seen to dance.*主动:The boss made them work the whole night.老板迫使他们工作了一整夜。 被动:They were made to work the whole night.【教学后记】牛津英语中考一轮复习9A第三单元当堂检测主备人:张荣江 2011年4月18日一、根据中文、英文解释或首字母写出句中单词1. I wish I could have my parents (支持).2. Can you teach me how to improve my football (技巧)?3. My father bought me a (珍贵的) gift for my birthday.4. Would you please give me a cup of (咖啡)?5. Our school (成功) in holding the sports meeting last month.6. I dont understand why they are so (严厉的).7. He was _ (打分数) the tests when I came in.8. Can you give me some (advice)?9. My brother and I used to ( have an angry argument)with each other all the time.10 The food is so d that I want to eat it up.二、用括号内单词的适当形式填空1. Clod food is bad for our (stomach).2. I think their school life is _ (colour).3. Eating too much makes you (health).4. The classroom is always (noise) after class.5. I have a problem and I want to know how (solve) it.6. _ (keep) your worries to yourself can make them worse.7. Sandy wants to know where _ (ask) for help.8. My parents often ask me (not stay) out late.9. I wish I (can) spend enough time football.10. My friend _ (not reply) to my last letter yet.三、单项选择( ) 1. I always advise my father _ smoke. I think it is _. A. not to, a good idea B. not, a piece of good advice C. not to, a good advice D. not, a piece of advice( ) 2. Sandy likes to share her happiness _ his friends. A. on B. in C. with D. for( ) 3. _ ahead is very important for your study. A. Plan B. Plans C. Planned D. Planning( ) 4. Having _ homework makes me feel stressed. A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too( ) 5. Jackson is crazy _ music and Im fond _ football. A. about, about B. about, of C. of, of D. of, about( ) 6. Choose the correct structure of this sentence “We consider John the best student.” A. S+V+ DO B. S+V+ IO+DO C. S+V+ P D. S+V+ DO+OC( ) 7. Sam seemed much _ today. A. happy B. happily C. happier D. more happily( ) 8. He lives _ but he never feels _. A. alone, lonely B. alone, alone C. lonely, alone D. lonely, lonely( ) 9. I agree _ your parents that it is better for you _ home earlier. A. to, to go B. with, to go C. with, go D. to, go( ) 10. “What a wonderful film!” belongs to _. A. statements B. questions C. imperatives D. exclamations六、根据汉语提示完成句子1请准时交作业。 Please .2我父母对我非常严格。 My parents .3我喜欢逗留在外很久踢足球。 I like to play football.4我爸爸很生气当他得知我数学分数得的很低的时候。 My father when he knew I in the maths exams.5你能教我如何才能达到学习与玩乐两者之间的平衡吗? Can you teach me how to study and play.6我们经常踢三小时的球只是忘记何时结束。We often play football for 3 hours and just forget .7谢谢你的宝贵建议。 Thank you .8他还没回我的上三封邮件。 He my last three e-mails.牛津英语中考一轮复习 第三单元参考答案参考答案一、1. support 2. skills 3. valuable 4. coffee5. succeeded 6. strict 7. marking 8. suggestions 9. quarrel 10. delicious二、 1. stomachs 2. colorful 3. unhealthy 4. noisy 5. to solve 6. Keeping 7. to ask 8. not to stay 9. could 10 hasnt replied三、 ACDBB DCABD四、1. hand in your homework on time 2. are very strict with me 3. to stat out late/ staying out late 4. got angry, got low marks 5. achieve the balance between 6. when to stop 7. for your valuable advice 8. hasnt replied to


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