2019年高考英语 同步精练 训练18.doc

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2019年高考英语 同步精练 训练18.用适当的情态动词填空1They_have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.2Im afraid Mr.Harding_see you now.Hes busy.3Peter_e with us today,but he isnt very sure yet.4When Galileo told people his discovery,no one_believe him.5My new dictionary is lost.Who_have taken it?6What a fine day! Lets go climbing,_we?7Will you read me a story ,Mummy? OK.You_have one if you go to bed as soon as possible.8If you_smoke,please go outside.9You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers_not like the design of the furniture.10Mr.Bush is on time for everything.How_it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?答案1.should2.cant3.may4.would5.could6shall7.shall8.must9.may10.can.完成句子1愿你平安归来。_you return in safety.2我很惊讶,他考试竟然失败。Im surprised that he_have failed in the exam.3我本来能做出这题目的,但是没有。I_have worked out the problem,but I didnt.4这不可能是他干的。This_be done by him.5这可能是他干的吗?_this be done by him?答案1.May2.should3.could4.cant5.Can.单项填空1But for the help of my English teacher,I_the first prize in the English Writing petition.Awould not win Bwould not have wonCwould win Dwould have won解析虚拟语气。此处虚拟语气表示与过去事实相反,句子谓语动词用would/should/could/might have done结构,故选B。答案B2Its the office! So you_know eating is not allowed here.Oh,sorry.Amust Bwill Cmay Dneed解析句意为:这是办公室!因此你必须知道吃的不允许带到这里。must表示“绝不”的意思。答案A3What do you mean,there are only ten tickets? There_be twelve.Ashould Bwould Cwill Dshall解析你这是什么意思,只有十张票吗?应该有十二人。should表示“应该,应当”。答案A4Its already seven oclock.Mary _be at home by now.Oh,I forgot to tell you she was going to a party and wouldnt be home until 10.Amust Bshould Cmight Dcould解析考查情态动词表推测的用法。句中already暗示了答案应具备“理应,按理应该”之意,而四个选项中只有should有此意思。答案B5Where_Mary have put the library books?She_them away.They must be somewhere.Acould;cant throw Bcan;cant throwCcould;must have thrown Dcan;cant have thrown解析考查“情态动词have done”结构。can have done表示对过去某事发生的可能性的质疑,常用于否定句和疑问句中;cant have done 过去不可能做了某事。They must be somewhere.也提示出了答案选D。答案D6Youre late.You_here earlier.Ashould e Bought to e Cshould have e Dought have e解析should have done 本应该做但实际上没有做到的事;neednt have done本来不必做但实际上做了的事;oughtnt to have done本不该做但实际上做了的事; could have done本来能做但没有做的事。这类结构通常表示责备、埋怨或遗憾的语气。答案C7I thought you_like something to read,so I have brought you some books.Amay Bmight Ccould Dmust解析thought为过去式,must没有过去式,could一般只用于疑问或否定句中,表示推测。答案B8There was plenty of time.She_.Amustnt have hurried Bcouldnt have hurriedCmust not hurry Dneednt have hurried解析neednt have done 本不必做但实际上做了的事。答案D9The plant is dead.I_ it more water.Awill give Bwould have given Cmust give Dshould have given解析should have done 本应做但实际上没有做的事。答案D10You_return the book now.You can keep it till next week if you like.Acant Bmustnt Cneednt Dmay not解析neednt表示“不必”。从后一句可判断出C项。答案C11Where is my pen? I_it.Amight lose Bwould have lost Cshould have lost Dmust have lost解析在使用情态动词表示推测用法时,首先应掌握其推测用法的基本句式:can主要用于疑问或否定句中表示推测;may常用于肯定或否定句中表示推测;must用于肯定句中表示推测。答案D12Could I borrow your dictionary? Yes,of course you_.Amight Bwill Ccan Dshould解析could,might,would用来提问时,表示语气婉转的,客气。因此,用can,may或will来回答。答案C13If you go from Changchun to Beijing,you_a passport.Aneednt Bdont need Cneednt to have Doughtnt need解析此处need是实义动词。答案B14A puter_think for itselfit must be told what to do.Acant BcouldntCmay not Dmight not解析can表示“能力”。答案A15Its nearly seven oclock.Jack_be here at any moment.Amust Bneed Cshould Dcan解析只要抓住nearly这个信息词和后面at any moment 这个信息词语就可以选出C项。 at any moment 相当于 very soon now。答案C.阅读表达We now think of chocolate as sweet,but once it was bitter.We think of it as a candy,but once it was a medicine.Today,chocolate can be a hot drink,a frozen dessert,or just a snack.Sometimes its an ingredient(配料)in the main course of a meal.Mexicans make a hot chocolate sauce called mole and pour it over chicken.The Mexicans also eat chocolate with spices like chili peppers.Chocolate is a product of the tropical cacao tree.The beans taste so bitter that even the monkeys say“Ugh!”and run away.Workers must first dry and then roast the beans.This removes the bitter taste.The word “chocolate”es from a Mayan word.The Mayas were an ancient people who once lived in Mexico.They valued the cacao tree.Some used the beans for money,while others crushed them to make a drink.When the Spaniards came to Mexico in the sixteenth century,they started drinking cacao too.Because the drink was strong and bitter,they thought it was a kind of medicine.No one had the idea of adding sugar.The Spaniards took some beans back to Europe and opened cafes.Wealthy people drank cacao and said it was good for the digestion.In the 1800s,the owner of a chocolate factory in England discovered that sugar removed the bitter taste of cacao.It quickly became a cheap and popular drink.Soon afterwards,a factory made the first solid block of sweetened chocolate.Later on,another factory mixed milk and chocolate together.People liked the taste of milk chocolate even better.Besides the chocolate candy bar,one of the most popular American snacks is the chocolate chip cookie.Favorite desserts are chocolate cream pie and,of course,an ice cream sundae with hot fudge sauce. 1.What is the main idea of this passage?(No more than 7 words)_2What does the underlined word“spices”mean?Write down another two spices,please.(No more than 11 words)_3Why do the Spaniards think that cacao was a kind of medicine?(No more than 7 words)_4What food can chocolate make of today?(No more than 12 words)_5Do you like chocolate things now and say why?(Open)(No more than 35 words)_答案1.A Brief History of chocolate.2Something can make food tasty,like salt,sugar,vinegar.3It was strong and bitter.4A hot drink,a frozen dessert,or just a snack.5Open.书面表达请你根据以下提示,结合你生活中的一个事例,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈诚信(honesty)的作用。Honesty means always telling the truth and never cheating.Honesty is a kind of courage and responsibility,an invisible power and wealth.Honesty wins trust,respect and friendship.So it pays to be honest.注意:1无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语; 2内容必须结合你生活中的一个事例; 3词数不少于100。_【写作分析】词汇热身:1all the time 2no longer3from then on4be determined to do sth重点句式:1Honesty is a good virtue.2Although nobody discovered it,I had no sense of success at all.3So from then on,I have been determined never to be dishonest.4In conclusion,to be honest will ensure you a happy life.【范文赏读】Honesty is a good virtue.If you are honest all the time,youll be trusted and respected by others.I have learned a lot from my experience of dishonesty.When I was in Senior One,I was so eager to get a high score that I cheated in the exam.Although nobody discovered it,I had no sense of success at all.Instead,I felt guilty and it bothered me for a long time.What was worse,I was afraid that my friends would know about it and trust me no longer.So from then on,I have been determined never to be dishonest.Otherwise I will be looked down upon and lose all my friends.As you can see from my experience,if you are honest,you can say and do what you like without fear.In conclusion,to be honest will ensure you a happy life.

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