2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit8 Topic2《The summer holidays are coming》教案 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit8 Topic2The summer holidays are ing教案 仁爱版The main activities are 1a, 1b and 2. 本课重点活动是1a,1b和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn other useful words and expressions:soon, local, hope,together, stay,places of interest,each2. Learn to express plans and intentions:They want to go to different countries.I plan to travel around the country and take pictures of the local people.I hope to get together with them.I would like to travel to some places of interest.3. Learn to talk about travels and holidays, maps and countries.The summer holidays are ing.I want to go to Australia.I want to go back to Cuba.Each of us has a good plan for the holidays. Teaching aids 教具一张世界地图录音机10张教学挂图: 每张的正面写上P86页2中所列10个国家的名称,背面画上代表本国家的特色的名胜,动物,国旗等画面。. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)1.(班级活动。复习巩固上节课内容。)T: Good morning, everyone. Now, Lets begin our class. But, first lets chant together.Turn to Page 86. Read 4 by yourselves. Try to understand it.(班级一起chant三次。然后分组chant.最后四组进行四重chant,整个课堂掀起高涨的热情。活动chant内容如下。)I want to go on holiday.In the summer when the weather is hot,We wear shorts and T-shirts on the beach.And we swim in the sea.I want to go on holiday.In the winter when the weather is cold,We wear coats and hats in the park.And we play in the snow.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 10分钟)1.(听短文,把正确的图片用线连起来。培养通过听力,获取信息,处理信息的能力。)T: Really the summer holidays are ing. There are many places of interest in China and in the world. It is a good time for traveling. On Page 85, there are four students, who are they?Ss: Kangkang, Jane, Maria and Michael.T: Listen to la, find their favorite places to travel. Match the pictures above the passage.Ss: All right.(老师检查纠正连线错误的同学。)2. T: Now, listen again, please read after the tape, then make a dialog with the tape.(学生大声跟读录音,进行人机对话。老师板书生词,词组和关键词在黑板上,并纠正发音错误。)3.(填表格。根据表格练习对话,直至不看表格描述。)T: Listen again, and then plete the form.(老师板书表格在黑板上。)T: After finishing it, practice the conversation in 1a with your partner with the help of the words in the form.KangkangJaneMariaMichaelEnglandChinaCubaAustraliaHe likes it.She would like to travel to some places of interest.She misses her parents. She wants to celebrate her birthday with her old friends.It is cool. He wants to take pictures of the local people.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)1.(四人小组活动。一个装扮成Kangkang,一个扮Jane,一个扮Michael,另一个装扮成Maria。表演1a的对话。)2.(两小组一起讨论自己假期旅游的情况。)3.(巩固,复习重点句型。分四组,举行造句比赛。)T: In 1a, there are four important sentences as follows: Kangkang: I want to go to England.Michael: I plan to travel around the country and take pictures of the local people.Maria: I want to go back to Cuba. I hope to get together with them.Jane: I would like to travel to some places of interest.Please make sentences as many as possible with the four structures in 1a. You have four groups in all. Let us see which group can make the most sentences.Example: My brother wants to stay at home for his summer holidays.Her friend plans to visit her grandparents this Sunday.We hope to see the Great Wall in China next month. Kangkang would like to wear T-shirt today.I plan to travel around the world.They hope to be a weather reporter.All of us would like to sing an English song.He wants to celebrate his birthday party with his parents together.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 15分钟)1.(取出十张教学挂图。根据画片、提示,呈现相对应的国家名称。)T: Now, Look at this picture. What can you see?Ss: The Great Wall.T: Which country is it in?Ss: China.T: Right.T: Next one, please. What can you see?Ss: Animals.T: What kind of Animals?Ss: 袋鼠。T: Yes, In English, Kangroos. Which country is the home of Kangroos?Ss: Australia.T: Good. Next, please.Ss: Maria.T: Oh? Where does Maria e from?Ss: Cuba.T: This one, please.Ss: 金字塔。T: Yes. How to say金字塔in English, do you know?Ss: No.T: It is pyramid.(老师板书pyramid,领读数遍。同时领读Kangaroo一词。)T: Where is the pyramids?Ss: 埃及。T: Right. In English Egypt.(老师板书,领读)T: Next, please. What is this?Ss: We dont know.T: The Big Ben. In Chinese大本钟.It is in England. OK. Next one.Ss: The White House.T: Where is it?Ss: The United States.T: In which country do people speak both French and English as official language?Ss: Canada.T: Now, this one is Germany, in Chinese德国.What do you know about Germany?Some of the Ss: Car. Benz car.(奔驰)T: Yes. And France. What do you know about France?Ss: In Chinese,香水(perfume).T: The last one is New Zealand. Can you guess which country?Ss: 新西兰。T: Yes. It is near Australia. Its capital is 惠灵顿Wellington.2.(老师用卡片,轮流呈现画面,国家名称,让学生跟读,加深印象。)Example: T: Egypt音标Ss: Egypt音标T: Pyramid音标Ss: Pyramid音标T: Germany音标Ss: Germany音标T: Kangaroo音标Ss:Kangaroo / 音标 /3.(完成2。)T: Look at the map on Page 86, read after the tape. Please match the country with the right letter.Answers: the United States EnglandCuba GermanyCanadaAustraliaChina France New Zealand Egypt4.(完成3。)T: Listen to the dialog and check () the correct answer. Check your answers with each other.Answers: (1)Where does Zhou Weilun want to go for a holiday?Cuba. India.England.(2)Where does Wang Junfeng plan to go? France. the United States.Russia.(3)Where would Tony like to go?Australia. Canada.Germany.(4)Where does Zhang Ming hope to go? Germany. Cuba. England.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 10分钟)1.(挂出世界地图。让学生尽可能多的找出国家及其准确的位置。并收集有关国家的风俗、习惯、文化、名胜等信息。)2.(弹性课堂。让学生自由发挥,对照世界地图,谈自己熟悉的国家及其特色,包括风俗、习惯,文化等。)T: Talk about your favorite country.Ss: All right.Example: My favorite country is China. It is big. It has many places of interest. There are the Great Wall, Tian an men Square and so on. Chinese food tastes good. Chinese people are friendly. Chinese clothes are beautiful. Some big cities such as Beijing, Xian, Kunming are beautiful, too. Chinese national flag is red. The xx Olympic Games will be held in China.Australia is a big country. The weather is sunny and dry. It is very rich. It has many sheep. When China is in summer, it is winter in Australia. While when it is winter in China, it is summer in Australia. Only Australia has Kangaroos in the world. Australians like outdoor sports all year round.3.(布置作业。把收集到的各个国家的情况写下来,成为短文。为下节课作准备。)T: Write down what you know about your favorite country. Get ready for Section B.附录: (挂图)(略)Section BThe main activities are 1a, 2 and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a,2和3a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.(1)Learn some new words about travels and holidays: camera, famous, tent, raincoat, notebook, whom, prepare(2)Learn words of describing a journey: exciting, fantastic(3)Review words of countries and maps: China, England, United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Egypt, Cuba2. Learn to make suggestions: What places should I visit in Yunnan?You should visit Dali and Lijiang. And you shouldnt miss Xishuangbanna.3. Review how to make future plans and intentions: Next month, I plan to go to Yunnan for my summer holidays.What would you like to know?Whats the best time to go there?I think you can go anytime. Teaching aids教具上节课所用的十幅教学挂图一张世界地图一张中国地图学生每人带一件旅游出行需带的东西或物品(尽可能不重要). Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)(利用头脑风暴法复习上节课内容countries and maps。)T: Ill show you some pictures one by one. Please tell me the countries names and point out the positions on the map. Are you ready? Anyone can answer my questions, but please be quick, to be the first one. Then you can have the chance of answering questions.Ss: Please begin.T: Kangaroos.S1: Australia. Here, on the map.(学生在地图上准确地指出了位置。)T: The Big Ben.S2: England. Here. London is its capital.T: The pyramids.S3: Egypt. Here. It is a small country.T: Washington D.C.S4: The capital of the United States. It is here on the map.T: Maria.Ss: Cuba. Marias hometown.T: A car with sign B M W on it.S6: Germany.T: The neighbor of America.S7: Canada.T: The red flag with five stars on it.S8: China.T: Which country speak French?S9: France.T: The city of Wellington.S10: New Zealand.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈 现(时间: 10分钟)1.(看图Page 87,谈谈昆明的天气及适宜旅游情况。)T: There are three pictures on Page 87. Look, can you tell me which city it is?Ss: Kunming.Yunnan.T: How do you know?Ss: There are words石林in the picture.T: Now, talk about Kunming with your partner.(学生互相讨论。复习以前关于昆明天气的描述。)T: Do you like Kunming?Listen to the conversation. Try to find Zhou Weiluns description of Kunming.Ss: OK.(学生边听边读,边找答案。)T: Whats the answer?Ss: Zhou Weilun says the weather is always nice and Kunming is the Spring City.T: What are Wang Junfengs questions?Ss: Can you tell me something about Yunnan?Whats the best time to go there?Whats the weather like in Kunming?What places should I visit in Yunnan?It sounds really interesting and exciting! Is it expensive there?And what should I take with me?T: What are Zhou Weiluns suggestions for him?Ss: I think you can go anytime.The weather is always nice. Kunming is the Spring City. You should visit Dali and Lijiang. And you shouldnt miss Xishuangbanna. Its fantastic.You should take a camera, a pair of sunglasses, some money and so on.T: Whats Wang Junfengs plan for next month?Ss: He plans to visit Yunnan on his summer holidays.T: Now, listen again, read after the tape.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)1.(完成1b。)T: Listen again and plete the chart. Then practice the conversation with your partner.Answers: Weather: always niceCost: not very expensiveFamous Places: Lijiang and XishuangbannaThings to take: a camera,a pair of sunglasses2.(两人一组,在班级表演对话。)T: Work in pairs. Act it out in class.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)1.(小组活动。学生每人取出自己所带的旅行物品。互相说出物品的名称,谈论所带物品的原因。)T: Now, take out your things you want to bring for traveling. Tell the others what it is, and why you want to bring it.Example: S1: Here is a cell phone. If I get lost, I can use it.S2: I want to bring water with me. Or it will be expensive to buy.S3: A camera. We can use it to take pictures.S4: If it rains, we may use an umbrella or a raincoat. So I bring them with me.S5: If it is hot, I want to wear my sunglasses. Here they are.S6: The first thing I want to take is a backpack. It is so necessaryuseful.S7: Money is important, too. I want to bring some.S8: I want to write something interesting down, so I bring a notebook with me.S9: A tent can be used for sleeping. I have one here.S10: And a map is necessary, too.S11: Fruit.S12: Food.S13: Some clothes.S14: . 2.(完成2。)T: Michael, Kangkang, Jane and Maria are going on a trip. What do they want to take? Listen and number the words in the order you hear.3.(完成3a。)T: Make a list of other things you think we should bring on our travels.local area: Tianan men Square, sunny, ¥1000, a backpack, cell phone, some plastic bags, old newspapers. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 15分钟)1.(老师挂上中国地图。学生进行小组活动。)T: Now, work in pairs. One of you acts as a foreigner, the other one acts as a Chinese student. The foreigner wants to visit China, please introduce some places of interest to the foreigner, and make suggestions for him.Then repeat your conversation to our class.Example: Foreigner: Excuse me, my boy. Im new in China. Would you like to tell me something about China, then I can make my travel plans in China.Student: OK. Its my pleasure. Wele to China. First, there are many famous cities in China, you shouldnt miss them. They are: Shanghai, Guangzhou, Kunming, Chengdu, Qingdao, Xian. and the capital city is Beijing. Many places of interest are in Beijing. You can stay there for several days. I think you should visit the Great Wall. It is the biggest wall of all in the world. The Chinese call it The Tenthousand Great Wall. When you visit it, you may want to know how the Chinese people could build such a great wall thousands of years ago. Qingdao is a most beautiful city in China. It is near the sea. It has many different styles of houses there. Kunming is the Spring City. 2.(进行采访活动。以小组为单位。提前预约外国朋友到教室。设想他已在中国做完短期旅游,让他谈谈对中国的印象。)T: Everyone wants to speak English with real English. They think it is interesting and useful. But, they are a little nervous, because they dont know how to start their talk. They have no chance to talk with foreigners. Today a foreigner has e to our class. Its Mr. Li, the teacher of English in one school in the same city. Hes sitting at the back. Please make a preparation in groups and then make an interview.(学生分组进行准备。)T: Well, class. I see each group has made a good preparation. You are ready for the interview today. And I believe you know the rules of the interview. Do you?(停顿) Good. Lets begin!Example: Group 1: Excuse me, Mr. Li. May I ask you some questions?Mr. Li: Yes, please.Group 1: What do yo think of China?Mr. Li: It is great. I like it. Its beautiful, too.Group1: Do you like Chinese food?Mr. Li: Yes, very much. They are delicious. There are so many kinds. Especially Chinese people are friendly.Group 1: Whats your favorite place? Have you ever been to the Great Wall?Mr. Li: My favorite place is Kunming. The weather is so nice. I went to the Great Wall two days ago.Group 1: May I take pictures with you?Mr. Li: Yes, of course.Group 1: Can you write something for me?Mr. Li: OK.Group 1: Thanks. Wele to China again.Mr. Li: Sure. Bye. 3.(完成3b。小组活动,写短文,作汇报。)T: Choose one place to visit. Answer the following questions to write a passage about your trip plan, and then report it to your class.1. Where would you like to go and whom would you like to travel with?2. What places of interest would you like to visit?3. How much money do you plan to take?4. Before you go on the trip, what would you like to pack for it?4.(布置作业。结束课堂。)T: Please collect more information about different countries and customs, write it down and get ready for next section.Section CThe main activities are 1a and 3a.本课重点活动是1a和3a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn other useful words and expressions: enter, take off, point, touch, finger, arrive, gift, pass, person, during, had2. Make suggestions: You should take off your shoes before entering someones home.You shouldnt eat with your left hand.3. Talk about customs in different countries.(1)In Japan, when you enter someones home, you should take off your shoes.(2)In Brazil, people never go out with their hair wet.(3)Dont eat with your left hand in Muslim countries. Teaching aids教具录音机世界地图. Fivefinger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 7分钟)1. (将全班分成四个小组,每组抽的每一位同学轮流说出一个已学过的国家名称,后面的同学不能重复前面说过的国名。)T: Lets play a game. Please say the names of countries you know. The group which uses the shortest time is the best group.T: Group 1, begin.S1a: England.S1b: France.S1c: .Group1234Time(以上是一个评价表,在Time的一栏里分别记录各小组的用时,既便于评价,也对学生起到激励作用。)2.(让学生说出自己所知道的和并未教学过的英文国名,鼓励学生拓展思维。)T: Do you know any more names of countries?S1: Peru. (秘鲁)S2: Mexicol.(墨西哥)(展示一幅世界地图,教学Indonesia及Muslim等词汇。)T: Look at the map. Here is Indonesia. Here is Pakistan. Here is Iran. Pakistan and Iran are Muslim countries.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 8分钟)1.(在黑板上写出如下问题。)1. Are the customs the same in different countries?2. Should you take off your shoes before entering someones home in Japan?3. Can people go out with their hair wet in Brazil?4. Can you point to a thing with your foot in Indonesia?5. Do people in Muslim countries eat with left hand or right hand?6. In Thailand, can people touch a child on the head?(让学生阅读短文,并回答以上问题)T: Please read passage in 1a, and try to wirte down the answers.2.(核对答案)T: Please answer the questions.S1: No.S2: Yes.S3: No.S4: No.S5: With left hand.S6: No.3.(播放录音,让学生跟读。)T: Please listen to the tape and repeat.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 15分钟)1.(在黑板上列出关键词。)customsdifferent countriesshouldtake off shoesJapango out with their hair wetBrazilpoint to anythingIndonesiashouldnteat with left handMuslim countriestouch a child on the headThailand (让学生根据关键词复述短文。)T: Please retell the passage.S: Different countries have different customs. You should take off shoes before entering someones home in Japan.2.(让学生完成1b的活动。)T: Please match the countries with the right pictures and fill in the blanks.3.(核对答案。)T: Lets check the answers.S1: Picture A. You shouldnt eat with your left hand in Brazil.S2: .Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 7分钟)1.(分小组,让学生用You should shouldnt.介绍本国当地的风俗。)T: We have our own customs. For example, we should eat two red eggs on our birthdays. We shouldnt point to the moon on Mid-autumn night.Please tell us some customs with You shouldshouldnt.S1: You should.S2: You shouldnt.2.(让学生阅读2中图表里列出的国家的不同习俗,然后写短文。)T: Please read the chart, find the different customs in those countries and write down.(让学生阅读自己的短文)T: Please read your passages aloud.S1: .3.(老师举例说明不同地区的人除了风俗不同,饮食也不同。)T: Different areas have different customs. And the people in different areas eat different food. Fuzhou people like sweet food. Sichuan people like hot food. Please tell us something about different foods.S1: We like rice.S2: People in Beijing like noodles.4.(带着问题听3a的录音。)T: Now please listen to the tape, and then answer the question. Is Tibetan food the same as ours?5.(核对答案。)T: Is Tibetan food the same as ours?S: No, its very different from ours.6.(让学生跟读对话。)T: Please listen to the tape and repeat.(让学生练习对话。)Practice the conversation in pairs.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 8分钟)1.(让学生说出不同国家的不同习俗,看哪位同学能说得最全,最流利。)T: We learned different countries have different customs. Please tell us some.S: In Japan. In Brazil.2.(讲一些场景片断,让学生判断这些人的行为对不对。)T: Ill tell you some stories. Please tell me in stories, who is right or wrong and why?Kumiko came back from school, he went into his home with her shoes. Mr. Green is eating lunch with chopsticks at home in England. Mr. Lee likes children. He touched a child on the head when he was in Thailand. Lucy had a party, her friends went to the party early.(让学生做判断,并回答。)T: Please tell me who is right or wrong, why?S1: Kumiko is wrong. She should take off her shoes. S2: Mr. Green is wrong. He shouldnt eat with chopsticks.S3: Mr. Lee is wrong. He shouldnt touch a child on the head.S4: Lucys friends are wrong. They should go to the party on time or a little later. 3. Homework:Please write some more different customs on the exercise books.(可以让学生通过上网,去图书馆查资料获得信息。)Section DThe main activities are 1、2 and 5.本课重点活动是1、2和5。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn the useful expressions: greeting, foreigner, polite into2. Review the wh-questions of the simple past tense:(1)How was your trip?(2)How long were you there?(3)When did you e back?3.(1)Talk about holidays and travels.(2)Talk about countries, customs and culture: Are these questions polite or impolite in English-speaking countries?Do you have any brothers or sisters?Where do you work?. Teaching aids 教具录音机北京风光明信片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 8分钟)1.(复习世界及国内的一些著名旅游城市。)T: We know Kangkang, Maria, Jane and Michael are going to different countries. Wang Junfeng plans to visit Yunnan on his holiday. Where are you going for your holiday?S1: Xiamen.S2: Fuzhou.S3: Anhui.S4: Tokyo.S5: Sydney.(板书这些地名。)Xiamen TokyoFuzhou SydneyAnhui(让学生说出以上城市的风景名胜。)T: They are famous cities


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