2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 1 Vocabulary特色教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 1 Vocabulary特色教案 牛津版一、年级:七年级二、教学内容:7A Unit 1 This is me!三、课型:Vocabulary四、教学目标:1、知识目标: 1)、会用本课时的四会单词。 2)、词组 football field play football swimming pool3)、句型 I play play football on the football field. They play badminton on the badminton court. They swim in the swimming pool.2、能力目标: 1)、学会使用动词和名词来谈论各种运动。 2)、学会描述不同种类的运动及运动场地。3、情感目标:热爱运动,强身健体。五、教学重难点:1、重点:掌握基本的运动词汇。2、难点:运抵场地前的介词搭配。第二部分 教学流程 Part One Leading in Step 1. T: We have known the six new students at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. Now, lets introduce them one by one.我们已经认识了来自北京阳光中学的六位新同学,现在请大家逐一将他们介绍一下。PPT 6-11 Mille is _ years old. She lives in _. She is in the _ Club. She loves _. She has a _ Eddie. Sandy is quite _ and _. Her hair is _ and _ . She likes _. Kitty is _ years old. She is _. She loves _. She works _. Amy is not very _. She has _ hair. She is good at _. She is _. Daniel wears _. He enjoys _. He is _ and _. Simon was _ in Shanghai. He lives in _ now. He plays _ after school.Step 2. T: Simon likes playing football very much. Do you love playing sport?S: Yes.T: OK. PPT 12-21T: Now, look at the picture. What sport is it?S: Badminton.T: Yes. Read after me. badminton. badminton.( 照此方式展示其余幻灯片 )Step 3.PPT 22-25T: I want to be a volunteer of Beijing Olympic Games. I found some interesting pictures. Can you help me match them with their right meanings?想当奥运会志愿者的我发现了一些有趣的图片,你们能帮我找到他们所对应的含义吗?T: Picture1 S: Table-tennis.T: Yes,its table-tennis. What about picture2?( 照此方式展示其余幻灯片 )Step 4.PPT 26T: To be a volunteer, I must introduce our sport stars to the foreigners. Look at these stars. What spot are they good at? 作为志愿者我必须要将我们的运动明星介绍给外国朋友。看看这些明星们,他们擅长什么运动呢?Have a discuss, then tell me the answer.讨论一下,然后告诉我答案。Ss discuss in pairs.T: Now, Lets introduce them together.现在让我们一起来介绍一下他们。PPT 27-31Part Two Playing sport & Sport and equipment Step 5.T:Millie and her classmates are having a PE lesson now. Where are they now? What are they doing? Turn to Page 11, finish Part A and B in two minutes. Millie 和同学们正在上体育课,他们在哪里,在做什么运动呢?请完成书本A和B 的内容。完成后请现场老师帮助核对答案。Step 6.PPT 32-35 T: I have some other questions. Lets try to answer. What sport do Sandy and Daniel love? Where are Sandy and Daniel now? What sport does Amy love? Where is Amy? What sport do Millie and Kitty love? Where are Millie and Kitty now? What sport does Simon love? Where is Simon?(通过幻灯片完成校对)Part Three Practice Step 7. PPT 36T: Now, look at this table, can you help me plete it?下面请大家完成这张有关运动及其装备的表格。(通过幻灯片完成校对,用超链接扩展部分运动词汇 PPT45-48)Step 8.T: Here are some sentences, please plete them with the help of the pictures.老师准备了一些句子,请大家在图片的帮助下将句子补充完整。 PPT 37-39(通过幻灯片完成校对)Step 9.PPT 40T: Look! Eddie and Hobo are talking about sport. Which sport does Eddie like? (播放DV短篇)T: Yes, Eddie likes football. Lets Read the dialogue together.PPT 41T: Can you make a new dialogue with your desk mate? Have a try, please.试试看自己也来编个类似的对话,好吗?Part four Homework 1. Try to learn more sport vocabularies in the dictionary.2. Interview your best friend about sport.Which sport do you like?Who is your favourite sport star?Where do you play sport?What do you need when you play sport? Who do you play sport with, your families or your friends? 第三部分 说明 对一节英语课而言,语言知识与技能是基本学习目标。语言知识包括语音、语法、词汇、功能和话题。语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力。听和读是理解的技能,说和写是表达的技能;这四种技能在语言学习和交际中相辅相成、相互促进。学生应通过大量的专项和综合性语言实践活动,形成综合语言运用能力,为真实语言交际打基础。因此,虽然是一节容量不是很大的词汇课,我精心设计许多活动,并辅以听说内容。充分调动了学生的学习积极性,并使学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能都得到有效训练。


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