2019年高中英语 Module 3 第3课时 Cultural Corner同步练习 外研版必修4.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 3 第3课时 Cultural Corner同步练习 外研版必修4.根据汉语提示写出单词1Mr. Smith made a_(请求) that I should help him.2Her_(社会的) life got in the way of her study.3He enjoyed the situation and wanted to _(延长) it.4His speech won the_(掌声)of the audience.5Some young people still like_(古典的)music.6Touch your toes without_(弯下)your knees.7All three children have_(平等) in our family.8She_(紧抱) the baby in her arms and ran out.9It is not polite to_(盯着看)at a person.10Lets drink a _(干杯)to our friendship.答案:1.request2.social3.prolong4.applause5.classical6.bending7.equality8.hugged9.stare10.toast.完成句子1He came to my house to_(向我问好)2Can you_(举起) the big stone without any help?3Lets_(干杯)to your good health!4I_(弯下腰去拾)the book from the ground.5Have you_(接到邀请) to his wedding party?6Her giggles_(很的感染力) and soon we laughed.7What_(到底) are you doing?8We are_(与竞争) four panies for the contract.9When the earthquake takes place suddenly, people usually_(陷入恐慌)。10Can you_(帮我一个忙) and take my things upstairs?11Lets_(打开) the radio and get some morning news!12. When the bell rang for the end of the exam my mind_(一片空白)答案:1.say hello to me2.lift up3.have a toast4.bent to pick up5.received the invitation6.were quite infectious 7on earth8.in petition with9.go into a panic 10do me a favour11.switch on12.went blank.语法填空1(xx孝感高一检测改编)Success in life doesnt happen by_.Its the result of devoting your time and energy to what youve set out to do.答案:accident句意:生活中的成功不是偶然的,它是你全身心把你的时间和精力投入到你做的事情中的结果。by accident偶然地。符合句意。2All the students were in_of my suggestion that we should go for a picnic the next week.答案:favou句意:所有的学生都同意我提出的下周去野炊的建议。in favour of支持,赞同,符合题意。3_difficult the task may be ,we must finish it on time,because we cant meet such a precious opportunity_we have expected.答案:However;as句意:无论这个工作有多困难,我们必须如期完成,因为我们不可能再遇到正如我们所期望的这样的好机会了。第一个空格后面有形容词,howeverno matter how修饰形容词difficult,而在定语从句中先行词有such修饰,关系词用as。4The shop assistant just switched _when I spoke to him.答案:off句意:当我和店员讲话时,他就是不理睬我。switch off关闭,对不理睬,符合题意。5The students peted_the honor of winning_each other_the school sports meeting.答案:for;against;in句意:这些学生在校运动会上为了赢得荣誉而相互竞争。pete for.为而竞争;win against打败。6(xx鹤岗高一检测改编)He is believed to be one of the best_ (live)posers.Although old,he is very much_(live)and he can give a _(live)description of what happened.答案:living;alive;lively句意:他是当今最好的作曲家之一。尽管上了年纪,但他非常有活力,并且他对于发生的事情能描述得活灵活现。living活着的,作前置定语,可修饰人也可修饰物;alive活着的,有活力的,常作表语,作定语时必须后置;lively活泼的,活跃的,充满生气的。7My father walked up_down in the room,looking as if he was thinking over something.答案:and句意:父亲在房间里走来走去,好像在思考着什么。up and down 来来回回,上上下下。8Without Sir Tim,the father of ,keeping up with the latest_(not be)so convenient.答案:wouldnt be句意:要不是因为万维网之父蒂姆爵士,我们没法这么便利地与时俱进。Without Sir Tim是含蓄虚拟条件句,等于If we hadnt been for Sir Tim.;而主句是对现在事实的虚拟,所以答案是wouldnt be。9The sudden big fire caused a _in the cinema,and the crowd all ran away in all directions.答案:panic句意:突然的大火在电影院内引起一阵惊慌,人们朝四面八方跑开了。panic惊慌,慌乱。10Whole villages were wiped_by the earthquake.答案:out句意:地震把整座整座的村庄夷为了平地。wipe out 消灭,彻底摧毁。符合句意。.完形填空The train shakes back and forth,its wheels making a loud noise against the tracks. Outside the window the freezing cold of winter rules. The carriage is filled with cold,_1_passengers.Suddenly a little boy_2_his way through the grownups legs and sits down by the window. He is all alone among the_3_grownups. What a brave child, I think. His father_4_to stay by the door behind us.The train begins to crawl into a tunnel. Then something very strange happens suddenly. The_5_ little boy slides (滑) down from his seat and leans (斜靠) his hand on my knee._6_,I think that he wants to_7_me and return to his father,so I help him to stand up. But instead he leans forward and holds his_8_up towards mine.He wants to say something to me, I think. I lower my head to receive the_9_. Wrong again! What I receive is a_10_kiss on the cheek.The boy calmly returns to his seat, leans back and continues looking out of the window. I am_11_. What just happened? A child kissing_12_grownups on the train. How can anybody want to kiss such a man that has so much beard? Soon enough,all of my neighbors are duly _13_. Nervous and a little surprised,we_14_at the father. When he sees our questioning_15_as he gets ready for his stop,he offers a clue (线索)“Hes so happy to be alive,” the father says. “He has been very sick.”Father and son_16_ into the crowd moving towards the exit. Then doors close and the train goes on. On my cheek I can still_17_the childs kissa kiss that has triggered (触发) some soulsearch inside me. How many grownups_18_kissing each other from the joy of being alive? How many even give much thought to the privilege (特权) of_19_?The little kisser had taught us a sweet but serious lesson: Be careful. You dont let yourself_20_before your heart stops!语篇解读:本文描述了作者在干冷枯燥的火车上接受了一个陌生小孩的吻,通过这个小故事作者认识到,人一生中要始终保持快乐。1A.excitedBtiredCpleasedDsurprised答案:B逻辑推理题。与空前的cold相顺接。“又冷、又疲劳”的旅客。2A.feelsBfightsCpushesDpicks答案:C短语搭配题。根据下文,从大人的腿间“挤着往前走”。push ones way意思为“努力地行走”。3A.unfriendlyBfriendlyCangryDkind答案:A逻辑推理题。从第一段最后一句“.with cold,tired passengers”“又冷、又疲劳”的旅客肯定对这个孩子并不是十分友好。C有一定干扰性。联系上下文我们可以得知尽管车上的人们并不十分友好,但他们并没有对孩子生气。4A.likesBprefersCchoosesDagrees答案:C逻辑推理题。当孩子在我们旁边的窗子边坐下时,他父亲选了门旁的一个地方坐下或站在那里。like喜欢;prefer喜爱;choose挑选;agree同意。5A.sickBseriousCluckyDugly答案:B逻辑推理题。此时人们并不知道他生病了。因此A项不合题意。sick生病的;serious严肃的,真诚的;lucky幸运的;ugly丑陋的。6A.In no timeBFor a momentCIn a whileDOnce in a while答案:B逻辑推理题。for a moment在这里意思是“曾经”,其他答案不合题意。in no time立即;in a while一会儿;once in a while偶尔,有时。7A.beatBstrikeCkissDpass答案:D逻辑推理题。从空后的“return to his father”,我判断他从我这里“经过”。beat轻拍;strike打击;kiss吻;pass经过。8A.eyesBearCheadDlip答案:C逻辑推理题。从下文的“他想对我说什么”来看可判断是“头”倾向作者。9A.newsBmessageCkissDopinion答案:B逻辑推理题。因为我以为他是想对我说什么,所以判断是“信息”。10A.loudBfoolishCstrangeDfortunate答案:A逻辑推理题。根据四个选项,在脸颊上亲吻应该是“响亮的”,其余选项不符合句意。11A.pleasedBshockedCsatisfiedDinterested答案:B逻辑推理题。我对一个陌生小孩突然吻自己感到“震惊”(shocked)。pleased高兴的; satisfied满意的;interested感兴趣的。12A.wellknownBsmartCunknownDfamiliar答案:C逻辑推理题。从上下文得知他们都是旅客,互相都不“认识”。13A.praisedBkissedCscoldedDpersuaded答案:B逻辑推理题。从上文可知“我周围的人也肯定被吻了”。14A.stareBsmileCwarnDwhisper答案:B逻辑推理题。因为作者对这件事感到惊奇,又因为他是个孩子,所以向他爸爸“微笑”。15A.glancesBangerCmouthsDfeeling答案:A逻辑推理题。此处指“我们”质疑的眼光(glance)。16A.appearBbackCdisappearDfollow答案:C逻辑推理题。从下文“向出口走去”得出答案“消失在人群中”。disappear into意思是“消失在中”。17A.touchBtrustCsmellDfeel答案:D逻辑推理题。根据前后意思得出答案“作者还能感觉到小孩在脸上所留下的吻”。18A.go aroundBmindCkeep onDinsist on答案:A短语搭配题。从上文“作者想象到,这孩子因为愉快地活着,到处吻别人不知多少次了”。go around到处;mind介意;keep on保持;insist on坚持。19A.a childBa kissClivingDdeath答案:C逻辑推理题。根据上文的being alive得出答案。20A.dieBstopCsleepDlive答案:A逻辑推理题。最后一句是全文主旨。作者由这一事件引发感慨:“心脏没有停止跳动,就不要让自己死亡。”.阅读理解The“ThumbsUp”While western culture has bee used to the thumbsup as a positive signal, probably ing from World War pilots using the signal to municate that they were “good to go” with ground crew(地勤人员), there are cultures where a thumbsup may land you in trouble. In West Africa as well as Greece,Italy and Middle East,the thumbsup is pretty much the biggest insult (侮辱). Rather more charming is a thumbsup in Germany and in parts of Japanthey just see it as the hand signal for the number one.The“AOK”This sign is mainly used by divers (潜水员) to mean “OK” (to prevent being confused with the thumbsup sign, which means “rise”). Basically the meaning es out as “great”, or “pletely fine”. However, in a few countries in Europe, people may think youre telling them that you think theyre a “zero”The“V Sign”The sign es in two formats; one with the palm faced outwards, and one with the palm inwards. In America they mean the same thing“victory”. However, if the outside of your hand is facing your target , youre giving somebody a long established insult in Great Britain and many Englishspeaking countries such as Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. Winston Churchill(丘吉尔) famously used the “incorrect”version of the V sign during the early years of the war, turning the outside inside later. The V sign is also considered rude in Italy.The“Corna”The corna hand gesture has most recently been accepted by fans of rock and heavy metal music. Nowadays many Americans use the gesture simply to mean “rock on” or in support of the University of Texas in Austin (known as the “Hookem Horns”). Today it is still popular in Spain, Brazil and Slovakia (斯洛伐克)Historically, however, the symbol possibly dates back to Ancient Greece.1Which of the following signs doesnt have an insulting meaning?AThe “Thumbsup”.BThe“AOK”CThe“V sign”.DThe“Corna”答案:D推理判断题。细读文章可知,前三种手势在不同的国家或地区都有侮辱别人的意思,只有D项没有此意。2The pilots in World War used to make the “ThumbsUp” sign to show _.Athe plane was very goodBthe plane was ready to take offCthey were going to land on the groundDthey were thankful to the ground crews答案:B细节理解题。从第一段第一句内容可知,在二战时期,飞行员用竖起大拇指的手势向地勤人员表示“已经准备好了,要出发了”。3What information can we get from the passage?AItalians often use the“ ThumbsUp” to praise others.BThe “AOK”and the “ThumbsUp”have the same meaning to the divers.CThe “V Sign”was first used by Churchill.DYou can see the“Corna”in a heavy metal music concert.答案:D细节理解题。从最后一段第一句“The corna hand gesture has most recently been accepted by fans of rock and heavy metal music。”可知,在重金属音乐会上你能看到该手势。4If you travel abroad, youd better not use the “V sign” in _.AGreece or ItalyBGermany or JapanCIreland or ItalyDSpain or Brazil答案:C推理判断题。从第三段第三句和最后一句可知,在澳大利亚、爱尔兰、新西兰等讲英语的国家,该手势意味着对别人的侮辱,在意大利也被认为是粗鲁无礼的表现。5What can we learn from the passage?ANever too old to learn.BDo as the Romans do.CFour eyes see more than two.DEvery country has its own customs.答案:D推理判断题。文章主要介绍了四种常见的手势,然而它们的含义却由于国家的不同而不同,甚至有天壤之别,由此我们可以理解:每个国家都有自己独特的文化习俗。


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