2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Going Home课时训练 重庆大学版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Going Home课时训练 重庆大学版选修8.品句填词1His heart wont _(承受)the strain much longer.答案:stand2The rope holding the boat suddenly _(绷紧)and broke.答案:tightened3This condition _(需要)urgent treatment.答案:requires4I was_(愚蠢的)enough to believe what Jeff told me.答案:foolish5The property has been_(估价)at over $2 million.答案:valued6I _(认为有重要性)great importance to this reseach. 答案:attach.选词填空1She_for her son to see the doctor.答案:make an appointment2Its cheaper if you book the tickets_.答案:in advance 3I go to bed early_.答案:as a rule4He should have paid.He suggested it,_.答案:after all5She _running her own business.答案:dreams of.单项填空1Yesterday I tried to call you several times but I couldnt_to you.Acall up Bring upCget through Dgo through解析:选C。get through to sb.“打通电话给某人”;而call up和ring up意为“打电话给”,go through意为“通过;经受”,三者的意义不符合语境。2Sorry,I have to_now.Its time for class.OK,Ill call back later.Ahang up Bbreak upCgive up Dhold up解析:选A。hang up“挂断电话”;break up“分解;分裂;拆散”;give up“放弃”;hold up“支撑;耽搁”。句意:对不起,现在我得挂断电话了。该上课了。好吧,等会儿我再打电话。由此可知,A项为正确答案。3The moment I got home,I found I_my jacket on the playground.Ahad left BleftChave left Dwas leaving 解析:选A。found为一般过去时态,而leave发生在find之前,故leave须用过去完成时态。the moment是连词。4Water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature,thus creating a_environment.Apeaceful BsensitiveCmon Dstable解析:选D。peaceful“平静的”;sensitive“敏感的”;mon“普通的”;stable“稳定的”。由句意D项符合题意。5Dont stop_you e to a word or a phrase you do not know.Afor the first time BbecauseCevery time Dsince解析:选C。句意:每次你遇到不认识的单词或短语时,不要停下。every time引导时间状语从句,意为“每次”。6He couldnt_being bothered by the loud noise from the stores and the light on the street so he moved on.Aignore BconquerCbear Dsuffer解析:选C。句意:他无法忍受商店的噪音和街道上的灯光,因此搬家了。bear“忍受;忍耐”,bear doing.“耐得住”,符合题意。ignore“不理睬;忽视”;conquer“征服;占领”;suffer“遭受;忍受;经历”。7Hardly could he_this amount of work in such a short time.Aget through Bget offCget into Dget down解析:选A。句意:他几乎不能在如此短的时间内完成这些工作。get through“做完”;get off“下车”;get into“从事”;get down“记下,写下”。8They_finding a solution to protect the snakes from being injured by other animals.Theyll make a difference.Aset up Bset aboutCset out Dset off解析:选B。句意:“他们着手寻找保护蛇免遭其他动物伤害的办法。”“他们会有所作为的。”set about“开始;着手”,后接动名词。set out“开始(做)”,后接不定式;set up“设立;建立”set off“出发;动身;使爆炸”。9As far as the American children are concerned,the Christmas is_with excitement,happiness and gifts.Aassociated Bget Cdeal Dsatisfied解析:选A。句意:对于美国的孩子来说,圣诞节与兴奋、幸福和礼物连在一起。associate“联想;联系”,be associated with“与有联系”,符合题意。be satisfied with“对感到满意”;其余两项搭配不当。10Its hard work,but if you_on long enough youll succeed. Ainsist BhangCstick Dgo解析:选B。insist on sth.“坚持某事”;stick to“坚持”;go on“继续”。hang on相当于hold on,表示“坚持,不气馁”。.完形填空(xx年山师大附中高三英语第二次模拟试题)“Hey,Dad,are you going to e to my award ceremony tonight?”I_1_asked my father.“I have to work late tonight.I doubt Ill be able to_2_it on time.I am just too busy right now,”he replied.My mind could not_3_the idea that he would be too busy working late.He was also too busy to_4_my horse show and the 15th birthday party.He always used the same_5_.Why had I even bothered to ask?_6_,there was always a slight hope that tonight would be_7_.As my mother and I arrived at school,two friends_8_me.“Jill,meet my dad.Dad,this is my friend Jill.” I shook the hand of a tall man.Camera flashes lit up the room,and _9_filled the air as students accepted their awards.My name was finally called,_10_three other.I followed my classmates to the_11_.When I reached out my hand to shake the_12_,a big smile lit up her face.The blinding flash from my mothers camera_13_my eyes and I knew my dad wasnt there.I walked back to my seat_14_.I told myself he would not be_15_.However,a tall and strong figure suddenly greeted me as I_16_backward casually.I saw my father seated on the bench_17_at me among the audience!At that very moment I could feel my tears_18_.I showed my_19_to him,tears rolling down my face at last.I wondered_20_anybody else in the world could ever be any happier than I.【文章大意】父亲因为工作忙而可能不会按时参加儿子的颁奖仪式,儿子感到很失望。在领奖台上,看到观众席上父亲的身影,儿子感动得流下了热泪。1A.confidently BeagerlyCproudly Durgently解析:选B。作者希望父亲参加颁奖仪式,所以“急切地”问父亲而不是“自豪地”问。2A.reach BkeepCtake Dmake解析:选D。make it意为“及时到达;取得成功”。3A.follow BsupportCappreciate Daccept解析:选D。我不愿接受他太忙,工作到很晚的想法。4A.join BavoidCattend Dafford解析:选C。attend意为“参加;出席”。5A.excuse BreasonCpromise Dtrick解析:选A。每次他都是用同样的“借口”,而不是“原因”。6A.Besides BThusCOtherwise DHowever解析:选D。不过,这次还会有一线希望。7A.active BformalCdifferent Dserious解析:选C。今晚会和前两次不同,父亲有可能到场。8A.recognized BgreetedCintroduced Dweled解析:选B。两个朋友向我“问候”,其中一个朋友让我跟他爸爸握手。9A.claps BflowersClights Dnoise解析:选A。学生领奖时,观众鼓掌。10A.as well Bother thanCout of Dalong with解析:选D。叫到我的名字时,我同另外三个学生一起走上领奖台。11A.stage BpositionCroom Dexit答案:A12A.classmates BteachersCmothers Dfathers解析:选B。我伸出手去握老师的手。13A.fixed BtouchedChurt Dinserted解析:选C。母亲给我拍照时,闪光灯很刺眼,“伤”了我的眼睛,我就知道爸爸没来。 14A.successfully BdisappointedlyCdelightedly. Dhopefully解析:选B。我失望地走到我的座位上,心想,这次我不再原谅父亲了。 15A.loved BdisturbedCforgiven Drespected答案:C16A.steppedBnoticedCexamined Dglanced解析:选D。我随意地往后扫了一眼,看到父亲在观众席上对我微笑。17A.smiling BstaringClaughing Dcrying答案:A18A.getting off Btaking downCbuilding up Dturning around解析:选C。build up意为“逐渐增加”。19A.pride BawardCreward Dcongratulations解析:选B。我给父亲看我的奖品。20A.when Bhow Cwhether Dthat解析:选C。我不知道世界上是否还有别的人比我更幸福。 .阅读理解How do you know if your home is an easy aim for thefts(偷窃)?Around the holidays,many families dont consider taking proper measures to prevent their homes from suffering holiday thefts.With just a few simple steps,you can better make sure of the safety of your home during all of the holiday celebrations.Here are a few tips for making it difficult to tell you are away from home.Either have a trusted neighbor pick up your mail and newspapers,or tell your mailperson to hold your mail until you return.Nothing says “Hey,we are not home!” like when your postbox is filled with all kinds of mails and you have many different newspapers in your driveway.Set several different lights in your house on random timers(随机定时器)Dont leave your outdoor lights on all the time.Instead,put your outside lights on timers to be on during the nights.If an outdoor light remains on for days at a time,it means that nobody is home to turn it off.If you have pets that you are not taking with you on vacation,leave them with a friend,rather than having someone e into your house every day to take care of them.When thefts see a neighbor or friend entering your house every day,they will know you are not home.Close all your curtains when you leave town.This is effective to deter possible thefts,as no one can see what is in your house.If they dont know what there is to take,then the risk is even greater for them to break in.This article just has suggested a few tips to help you keep your house safe while you are on holiday.Nothing can truly protect your home unless you have it monitored by a professional home security system.【文章大意】假期期间容易发生家庭盗窃,本文从几个方面为你支招。1What is the main idea of the passage? ATo tell us how to prevent the thefts around the holidays.BTo let the outdoor lights on all the time.CTo tell us many families suffering from the thefts while they are on holiday.DTo tell you to have your neighbor go to your house to take care of your pet.解析:选A。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章告诉我们的是假期如何防盗。2If you are on holiday in other places,the lights in your house should_.Abe lit in an irregular wayBbe kept on all the nightCbe replaced by random timers Dbe turned on only once one day解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段set several different lights in your house on random timers可知,让房子里的灯不规律地亮。其中的random与选项中的irregular吻合。3To make sure your home is well protected,what does the writer advise you to do?AHave all the curtains closed.BStop your mail service at once.CTurn to your close neighbors or friends.DEquip your home with security system.解析:选D。事实细节题。根据最后一段中Nothing can truly protect your home unless you have it monitored by a professional home security system.可知,确保假期防盗的最好方法是安装一个专业家庭安全系统。4The underlined word “deter”probably means “_”AdiscoverBdiscourageCsurprise Dattract解析:选B。猜测词义题。根据下文.as no one can see what is in your house.(因为没人知道房子里的情况)可推知deter意为“阻止”。

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