2019-2020年高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior重难点解析 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior重难点解析 外研版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior重难点解析 外研版必修11. What are the main differences between Junior High school and Senior High school?初中和高中的主要不同是什么? difference 可用作可数名词亦可用作不可数名词,常与介词 between 连用,表两者间的不同。 典例 :初中和高中的主要不同是什么? Its hard to see many differences between the two parties. 很难看出两党之间有多少不同。(两党之间并没有很多差异。) What is the difference between American food and Chinese food? 中国食物与美国食物有什么不同? There is not much difference in price. 在价格上没有太大差异。 拓展 : different 形容词 different from 与 不同; different in 在某方面不同 典例 : The two boys are very different from each. 这两个男孩有很大不同。 Our bags are different in color. 我们的书包颜色不同。 反馈练习: 1. - Can you see any differences _( 这两幅画之间 )? -Yes, I can see _ 有两点不同 . 2. The color of her skirt is different _ that of mine. A. in B. with C. between D. from 答案 : 1. between the two pictures; there are two differences 2. D 2. Are Senior High teachers similar to Junior High teachers? 高中的老师与初中老师相似吗? similar 形容词 相似的 , 类似的 表与 相似时,常与介词 to 搭配。 典例: We have similar tastes in music. 我们在音乐上有相似的爱好。 They are all similar. 他们都类似。 My opinions on the matter are similar to Marys. 我在这件事上的观点与玛丽相似。 拓展 : 1. be similar to 与 be different from 构成反义词组 2 similarity U ; C 相似之处 反馈练习: 1 _ 这本书和那本书相似。 答案: This book is similar to that one3. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. 老师们很热情友好,教室也(好的)令人惊奇。 ( 1 ) enthusiastic 热心的; 热情的;感兴趣的 表示对某事热心,感兴趣时常与 about 连用. 典例: The football star got an enthusiastic reception. 那位足球明星受到了热情的招待。 All teachers in our school are enthusiastic. 我们学校所有的老师都很热情。 Xiaoming is very enthusiastic about the concert. 小明对这场音乐会很感兴趣。 ( 2 )friendly 友好的 表对某人友好时通常与 to 连用 典例: My classmates are all very friendly. 我的同学都很友好。 There was a friendly smile on her face. 她脸上挂着友好的微笑。 People in Qingdao are always friendly to visitors. 青岛人对游客很友好。( 3 ) amazing 形容词 (好到)令人惊奇的; 令人吃惊的; 难以相信的 典例: He is an amazing player to watch. 他是一个(好的)让人惊奇的运动员。 Something amazing happened last night. 昨天晚上发生一件令人惊奇的事情。 反馈练习: 1 _ 汤姆给我们讲了很多令人难以置信的故事。 答案: Tom told us a lot of amazing stories.4. The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen. 老师是一个非常热情的姓申的女士。 called 在此处为过去分词作定语,修饰 the woman ;同 named; 可译为“被称 / 叫做 ; 名叫 ”典例: A girl named Wangping won the game. 一个叫王萍的女孩赢了比赛。 Do you know a person named John Wilson? 你知道一个叫约翰。威尔逊的人吗? 反馈练习: _ 他们有一个叫朋朋的三岁的儿子。 答案: They have a three-year-old son called Pengpeng.5. We are using a new textbook and Ms Shens method is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. 我们用新的教科书,而且申老师的教学方法和我们初中老师的一点也不同。 nothing like ( 1 )。一点儿也不像 典例: He is nothing like his brother. 他和他的弟弟一点也不像。 Your mobile phone is nothing like mine. 你的手机和我的一点也不像。 ( 2 ).没有比某事更好的了 典例: There is nothing like a hot bath after a days work. 一天工作之后,没什么比洗个热水澡更舒服的了。 There is nothing like music when you are tired. 当你疲劳的时候,没有什么比音乐更好的了。 that 可用来代替前面提到的物体,避免重复。 ( 注意,当指代物为复数名词时,用 those) 典例 : The climate of Beijing is quite different from that of Qingdao. 北京的气候与青岛(的气候)有很大不同。 The size of my shoes is larger than that of yours. 我的鞋的号码比你的大。反馈练习: 1; _ His way of life is nothing like his fathers. 2; _. 我家乡的建筑和北京的一点也不同。 答案 : 1; 他的生活方式和他父亲的一点也不同。 2; The buildings in my village are nothing like those in Beijing.6 And we have fun. 我们很开心。 fun 不可数名词 乐趣; 玩笑; 娱乐 (在美语中有时可用作形容词,表“有趣的”) 典例: What fun it is to do sth! 做某事是多么快乐的事啊! What fun it is to visit Suzhou gardens! 参观苏州园林是多么令人开心的事啊! -We are going to have a party. 我们计划开一个晚会。 -Have fun! 玩的开心一点。 We do this in a fun way. 我们以一种有趣的方式 反馈练习: 1:_. 每天学习一些新东西是多么快乐的事啊! 答案: What fun it is to learn something new every day! 7. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. 换句话说,女生是男生的三倍。 ( 1 ) . in other words 换句话说 I dont want to leave you here. In other words, I want you to run away with us too. 我不想让你留在这儿。换句话说,我想让你和我们一起逃走。 拓展 : that is to say 也就是说 in a word 总之; 总起来说 ( 2 ) 倍数表达法 表示 A 是 B 的几倍时,可用下列几种方法表达 A+ B + 倍数 + as B 典例 : There are half as many students in this school as in that one. 这所学校的学生数是那所学校的一半。 The husband is twice as old as the wife. 丈夫年龄是妻子的两倍。 A + B + 倍数than B 典例: The population in this town is three times more than it was in 1980. 这个小镇的人口是它在 1980年时的三倍。 The laptop is three times more expensive than that desktop. 这台手提电脑比那台台式电脑贵三倍。 A + be + 倍数 + the size/length/height/widthof B 典例: Our school is three times the size of yours. 我们的学校面积是你们学校的三倍。 反馈练习: 1: _. -这所房子(面积)是那所的两倍大。 答案: This house is twice as big as that one. (This house is twice the size of that one.) 8. Im looking forward to doing it! 我正期待着做这件事呢! look forward to 期待; 期望; 期盼 (注意其中的to为介词,其后需接名词或动名词) 典例: We are looking forward to your arrival.我们正期盼着你的到来。 Im looking forward to receiving your letter.我期待着收到你的来信。 反馈练习: _. 很多学生期盼着去参观长城。 答案: Many students are looking forward to visiting the Great Wall. 9. So have I. 我也是。 So + 助动词 + 主语 表”某人也” 典例: He is sixteen, so am I.他十六了,我也是。 Tom likes playing football, so do I.汤姆喜欢踢足球,我也是。 注意: 助动词及其时态的选择要根据前句确定 He has finished his homework, so has Mary.(so have the other students.) 他已经完成了他的家庭作业,玛丽也完成了。 (其他学生也完成了。) The teacher will go to America, so will the students.老师要去美国,学生们也要去。 拓展: So + 主语 + 助动词 表示对前一说话者的意思进行肯定 典例: -Mary is good at music.玛丽音乐很好。 -So she is. (是的,的确很好。) -They have moved away. (他们已搬走了。) -So they have. (是的,他们已搬走了。) 10Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years, grades six to twelve. 美国中学通常要上七年,从六年级到十二年级。 cover在本句中作及物动词 意为“涵盖(内容); 覆盖(面积,长度,宽度等); 包含; 包括”,有时也作“报导”讲 典例: The city covers 50 square miles.这座城市(覆盖)面积为50平方公里。 The book covers all the information you want.这本书包含有所有你想要的信息。 They covered 100 miles yesterday. 他们昨天走了100英里。 The plan would cover only a few of the three million people without jobs. 这项计划只涉及到 300万失业人口中的少数人。 Qingdao Daily has sent a reporter to cover the event. 青岛日报已了一名记者去报导(采访)此事。 反馈练习: 1 _. 我们的学校占地两百亩。 2 ; _. 他的回答涵盖了大部分要点。 答案: 1. Our school covers 200 mu. 2. His answer covered most of the key points.


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