2019-2020年高考英语复习 时文阅读 错题回顾.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语复习 时文阅读 错题回顾导读:美国时间9月19日,马云带着他一手创建的阿里巴巴在纽交所上市,创下美国市场最大规模IPO纪录。除了商业头脑,多年对语言学习的坚持也成为马云成功的助力,流利的口语、幽默的表达,让他受到国内外媒体的好评。一起去看他的故事!In the year xx, with the help of more than a dozen friends who pooled(联营) their resources - some $60,000 - Jack Ma, founded Alibaba, a business-to-business online platform. No one at that time would have thought a small start-up would initiate the worlds largest initial public offering (IPO) on Wall Street, earning higher profits(利润、得益) than _ of international giants like Amazon and eBay bined. xx年,数位朋友集资6万美元,帮助马云创建了阿里巴巴一个B2B的在线交易平台。当时,没有人会想到这家刚起步的小公司会在华尔街上市,并且融资额超过亚马逊,eBay等国际巨头,创下美国市场最大规模IPO纪录。Mas bold(大胆的) ambitions, which were birthed in a time _ China was a digital backwater, were realized last week. 马云的无畏抱负在中国数字化落后的年代产生,上周终于得以实现。The initial public offering, which will raise as much as $25 billion, cements(巩固) his position as one of Chinas richest.(阿里巴巴)首次公开募股,股指就达到250亿美元,使马云一跃成为中国首富。Charismatic and energetic, Ma is nicknamed “Crazy Jack Ma” and is seen as Chinas version(译本) of Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, according to AP. And his story of starting an empire from scratch already makes him an inspiration to millions across China. 马云的超凡魅力和活力,被美联社昵称为“疯狂的杰克马”,将其视为中国的乔布斯或比尔盖茨。而他白手起家创建电商帝国的故事也早已激励了数百万中国人。Ma isnt just popular because of his wealth. He also possesses munication skills that allow him to municate with audiences from a wide variety of cultural contexts through roadshows and TV interviews. 马云不仅因其财富而出名,在路演与电视采访中,他还展示出与各文化背景观众无障碍交流的强大沟通能力。Reflecting on his success as a startup manager and English major, we try to analyze how Ma used his language skills to bee an _ (国际的)superstar and profound visionary.不论身为企业创始人还是英语专业毕业生,马云都是成功者。下面,就为大家分析马云是如何运用他的语言能力成为国际注目的商界明星,成为富有深刻远见卓识之人。Underdog who seized the moment抓住机遇的“失败者”Ma failed his college entrance exams twice. He managed to enroll(注册) in Hangzhou Normal University on his third attempt(尝试), where he studied English. 经历了两次高考落榜后,马云终于在第三次勉强考进杭州师范大学学习英语。He _in 1988 and taught English for years at the Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Engineering. 1988年毕业后,他进入杭州电子工业学院,教授了数年的英语。Ma first experienced the Internet in 1995 on a short trip to Seattle. He can remember searching for the word “beer” on Yahoo!. 马云第一次接触网络是在1995年。当时是短暂途经西雅图,他第一次在雅虎上搜索了“啤酒”这个单词。Ma noticed there was not a single online listing for “China” and “beer”, unlike those that popped up(突然出现) for American and German beer.他注意到没有一家网站上有“中国”的“啤酒”,而当时弹出框中美国或德国的啤酒随处可见。He quickly became obsessed with this online information system. Gradually, his obsession turned into a vision.他很快就沉迷于这种在线信息系统。渐渐地,他的沉迷变成一种愿景和远见。According to USA Today, he believed in the Internets business potential when few other Chinese did. So in xx, Alibaba, which is dedicated to promoting(促进) online businesses, was born in his apartment. 根据今日美国的报道,在鲜有中国人注意互联网的时候,马云已经开始看好网上市场的潜力。于是,xx年,致力于连接商家之间的网络交易平台“阿里巴巴”公司在他的公寓中诞生。At the time e-merce was unheard of in China.那时,电商在中国还闻所未闻。“I called myself a blind man riding on the back of blind tigers,” he once said to The Guardian. 谈到当年的决定,马云对卫报的记者说:“我觉得自己就像骑在盲虎背上的盲人。”It turns out he was right.结果证明,他是对的。“The business model Ma Yun created in China suited the Chinese market,” said Feng Pengcheng, director of the China Research Center for Capital Management at the University of International Business and Economics. 外经济贸易大学中国资本运营研究中心主任冯鹏程说:“马云在中国创建的商业模式很适合中国市场。“Ma seized opportunities as China was transforming into a market economy with the middle class unleashing(释放) buying power online on a significant scale.”他说,“马云抓住了中国向市场经济转型的机遇,此时,中产阶级正释放出空前规模的网上购买力。”词汇积累_Success in munication 交流上的成功Many are surprised to see how good Mas mand of English was in his IPO roadshow video and interview with Bloomberg after the listing (both video clips went viral online). He was always an English enthusiast. Starting at age 12, Ma says he awoke at 5 am to walk or bicycle to Hangzhous main hotel so he could practice his English with foreign tourists. He did this for nine years and_ _(充当) a free tour guide to many, befriending several groups along the way. 在IPO路演与上市后接受彭博社采访的视频中,马云都展示出惊艳的英语水平(这两段视频已在网上被疯转)。其实,马云一直是狂热的英语爱好者。他说,12岁开始,他每天都早上5点起床,步行或骑自行车去杭州一些主要的酒店,与那里的外国游客练习口语。这一练就是9年,期间,他还给很多游客做过免费导游,甚至帮助过一些旅行团。“He is the opposite of stuffy and canned. Hes a funny, creative and a pelling speaker. I often thought he could have another career in stand-up edy,” Said Duncan Clark, a Beijing-based technology consultant.来自北京一家公司的技术顾问邓肯克拉克曾评价道,“他(马云)一点也不沉闷古板。相反,他说话风趣,很有想法,也很吸引人。我总觉得,他如果去做脱口秀,也能做得很好,”To use the wording of the BBC, it is a “rags-to-riches” story both for Ma and the millions who _ _the eco-system he forged(稳步前进) in the digital age of Alibaba. 正如BBC所言,不论对于马云,还是千千万依靠着马云依托数字时代建起的阿里平台发家致富的人,这都是一个“白手起家”的神话。词汇积累_错题回顾I动词的适当形式填空:、1. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures _ in your mind instead of before your eyes.(form)2. The careless driver has just been _ (fine) $10 for parking his car at a sign that _ (read) “NO PARKING”.3. If city noises _(not keep) from increasing, people will have shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20years from now.4. John was made_the truck for a week as a punishment. (wash)5. I will go to have my bicycle (repair).II选词填空Few in clean up Reducing Nearlymainly greater making died linkSeven million people died as a result of air pollution in xx,the World Health Organization estimates Its findings suggest a _ between air pollution and heart disease,respiratory(呼吸)problems and cancerOne _ eight global deaths were linked with air pollution,_ it “the worlds largest single environmental health risk”,the WHO said _ six million of the deaths had been in South East Asia and the WHOs Western Pacific region,it foundThe WHO said about 33 million people had _ as a result of indoor air pollution and 2.6 million deaths were related to outdoor air pollution,_ in low-and middle-ine countries in those regionsWHO director Dr Maria Neira said:“The risks from air pollution are now far_ than previously thought or understood,particularly for heart disease and strokes” _ risks have a greater impact on global health today than air pollutionThe evidence signals the need for concerted action to_ the air we all breathe “_ air pollution could save millions of lives,”said the WHOIII. 选择题1. - What did you do last weekend? - Nothing _. A. much B. else 2. I think Mrs. Stark could be _ between 50 and 60 years of age. A. anywhere B. anything 3. September 30 is the day _ which you must pay your bill.A. by B. in 4. -You know Mr. Green has been ill for days? -Yes, I wonder if he is _ better now.A. some B. any 5. Chinese arts have won the _ of a lot of people outside China.A .enjoyment B. appreciation 6. Judge Kelso has a _ for being strict but fair. A. reputation B. fame 7. The number of registered participants in this years marathon was half _.A. that of last years B. those of last years IV 词义连线:without hesitation 更不用说abolish 加强,巩固restore 危及let alone 毫不犹豫strengthen 废除endanger 归还,恢复box office 释放,发布 release 票房participate 把手;处理, handle 参与,参加附:时文阅读填空答案:those;when; international; graduated; acted as; depended on.

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