2019-2020年高考英语 常用句型翻译.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 常用句型翻译【名词性从句】1. 调查表明,虽然明星受到62%男生与56%女生的欢迎,男孩子倾向于(tend)喜欢体育明星。(宾语从句)2. 有现象表明(demonstrate),父母是女孩的第二最受欢迎的偶像。(主语从句)3. 他建议,应该避免过度用眼(overuse),鼓励多参加户外活动。(宾语从句)4. 同时他提醒我们,握笔的姿势也与近视有关(related to)。(时间状语从句)5. 前往动物园的人很想和动物拍照,这也是情理之中的(reasonable)。(主语从句)6. 我们不能参加会议真遗憾。(主语从句)7. 你不知道那些日子我们有多忙。(宾语从句)8. 他们表达了要再来中国的愿望。(同位语从句)9. 你们愿意写什么话题就写什么话题。(宾语从句)10. 毫无疑问,我们的朋友约翰会来加入我们。(同位语从句)参考答案【名词性从句】:1. The survey shows that though stars are popular with both boys (62%) and girls (56%), boys tend to love sport stars.2. It is also demonstrated that parents are the second most popular with girls. 3. He suggested that overuse of eyes be avoided and more outdoor activities be encouraged.4. He also reminded us that how to hold a pen is also related to short-sightedness.5. It is reasonable that many people who go to the zoo want to take photos with the lovely animals. 6. It is a pity that we cannot attend the meeting.7. You dont know how busy we were in those days.8. They expressed the hope that they would e to China again.9. You can write whatever topic you want to.10. There is no doubt that our friend Tom will e around to join us.【定语从句】1. 数据表明,父母的重要性在女孩心中位居第二。(非限制性定语从句)2. 你把我保护在你的羽翼(wing)之下,给我最好吃的,给了我你能够提供的最温暖的庇护(shelter)。(限制性定语从句)3. 高中生活是艰苦的,因为我们得拼尽全力(do our utmost)为高考,高考很大程度上(to a large extent)决定了我们的未来(非限制性定语从句)4. 理想中(ideal)的大学生活是一种我们能够从学习中找到快乐的生活。(限制性定语从句)5. 与动物照相对它们有坏的影响,这行为打扰它们的休息。(非限制性定语从句)6. 他工作的地方离市中心很远。7. 那个生产手机的工厂建于xx年。8. 那位她照顾了十年的老人上个月去世了。9. 他考试不及格,这使他十分沮丧。10. 那座正在建设的大楼是给孤寡老人住的。参考答案【定语从句】:1. As the data show, parents ranks the second for the girls. 2. You protected me under your wing by giving me the best food and the warmest shelter that you could afford. 3. High school life is hard because we have to do our utmost for the college entrance exam, which will determine, to a large extent, our future. 4. An ideal college life should be one in which we can study for joy.5. Taking pictures with animals has a bad effect on the animals, which greatly disturb their rest.6. The place where he works is far away from the city centre.7. The factory that turns out cell phones was built up in xx.8. The old man whom she had looked after for ten years died last month.9. He failed the examination, which upset him a lot.10. The building that is being set up is intended for the old people who have no children.【非谓语】1. 中国是一个发展中国家,属于第三世界。(the Third World)2. 清华大学成立于1911年,它培养了一大批杰出人物。(Tsinghua University)3. 春节的时候,大多数人更喜欢呆在家里吃大餐以及和家人聊天。4. 作为一个正为即将到来的考试做准备的高三学生,他把大部分的时间花在提高解决问题的能力上。5. 最近,一项比较同样商品在两个不同超市的价格的调查在市民中引起了激烈的争论。6. 在被带去看了实验室之后,我们又被带去参观校图书馆。7. 昨天发生了一场可怕的事故,九人死亡,近80人受伤。(用with结构)8. 既不懂当地的语言,在这国家又没有朋友,她觉得要找到工作是不可能的。9. 为了提高我们的英语口语,我们学校组织了一次英语演讲比赛。10. 随着时间的推移, 中国已建起更多的公路,使得人们从一个地方到另一个地方变得容易得多。参考答案【非谓语】:1. China is a developing country, belonging to the Third World.2. Tsinghua University, founded in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures.3. At the Spring Festival, most people prefer to stay at home, having big meals and chatting with family members.4. As a senior 3 student preparing for the ing test, he spends most of his time improving his problem-solving ability.5. Recently a survey paring prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.6. Having been shown around the lab, we were taken to see the school library.7. A terrible accident happened yesterday, with nine people killed and almost eighty injured.8. Not understanding the local language and having no friend in the country, she found it impossible to find a job.9. In order to improve our spoken English, our school held an English speech contest/petition.10.With time going by, more highways have been built in China, making it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.【强调句与倒装句】1. 人民英雄纪念碑矗立在广场的中央。(the Monument to the Peoples Heroes)(倒装句)2. 他们不但照顾我,还像女儿一样对待我。(倒装句)3. 直到空气受到严重污染,人们才意识到环境保护的重要性。(倒装句、强调句)4. 正是他在会上的发言激励了学生们。(强调句)5. 尽管钱很重要,但它买不来幸福。(倒装句)6. 只有当我们将计划付诸实践,我们才有可能会成功。(倒装句)7. 比赛刚开始,就下起了大雨。(倒装句)8. 正是生活中的障碍增加了我们的意志力,促使我们成功。(强调句)参考答案【强调句与倒装句】:1. At the centre of the square stands the Monument to the Peoples Heroes.2. Not only do they take care of me, but they also treat me as if I were their daughter.3. It was not until the air was seriously polluted that people realized the importance of environmental protection.Not until the air was seriously polluted did people realize the importance of environmental protection.4. It was what he said at the meeting that encouraged/inspired the students.5. Important as/though money is, it cannot buy happiness.6. Onlywhenweputourplanintopracticearewelikelytobesuccessful.Onlywhenweputourplanintopracticecanwepossiblyachievesuccess.7. No sooner had the game begun than it began to rain heavily.Scarcely/Hardly had the game begun when it began to rain heavily.8. It is the obstacles in our life that increase our willpower and contribute to our success.


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