2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 First aid Period One课时作业 新人教版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 First aid Period One课时作业 新人教版必修5.用适当的介、副词填空1You have three layers _ skin which act _ a barrier _ disease,poisons and the suns harmful rays.2First aid is a very important first step _ the treatment _ burns.3You can get burned _ a variety _ things:hot liquids,steam,fire,radiation,the sun,electricity and chemicals.4Burns are called first,second,or third degree burns,depending _ which layers _ the skin are burned.5These burns are not serious and should feel better _ a day _ two.6Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused _ touching a hot pan,stove or iron _ a moment.7Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck _ the burn.8_ second degree burns,keep cloths cool _ putting them back _ a basin _ cold water,squeezing them _ and placing them _ the burned area over and over again _ about an hour until the pain is not so bad.9Hold the bandage _ place _ tape.10If burns are _ the face,the victim should sit _.佳句翻译与仿写1The functions of your skin are also very plex:it keeps you warm or cool;.翻译_仿写闭上眼睛,我让你睁开时再睁开。_2So as you can imagine,if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.翻译_仿写我的汽车在周末被偷了。_3Burns are called first,second or third degree burns,depending on which layers of the skin are burned.翻译_仿写这些动物的饮食随季节的不同而不同。_4Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.翻译_仿写(1)仔细检查你的答案,必要的话,可以做些修改。_(2)如果天气没有好转我就呆在家里。_.单项填空1First _ is a temporary form of help _ to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.Afavor;to give Bbenefit;giving Caid;given Dhelp;give2Your skin can _ your body losing too much water.Akeep Bprevent Cprotect Dbe stopped3So _ you can imagine,if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.Aas Bit Cthat Dwhich4It is best _ burns under gently _ water for about 10 minutes.Aplace;run Bplaced;ran Cplacing;running Dto place;running5I have told you _ but you still make the same mistake.Aover and over again Bagain and againCtime and time again Dall of the above6The man got _ in the mire (泥潭),and started falling.Astick Bsticking Cstuck Dstruck7Hold the bandage _ with tape.Ain place Bin the place Cout of place Dout of the place8If burns are on arms or legs,keep them higher than the heart,_.Aif it possible Bif possible Cif you are possible Dif is possible9Sam _ a kettle full of boiling water onto his legs.Agot over Bknocked out Ctook over Dknocked over10While _ clothes,Miss Good accidentally touched the iron.Aironing Biron Cironed Dto iron.阅读理解First aid means the aid or help that can be given to an injured person first,that is,before any other help arrives.Nowadays there is usually a telephone not far away and the first thing we should do,if a serious accident happens,is to telephone for an ambulance.Sometimes quick action by us may save someones life.ShockPeople often suffer from shock after receiving an injury,sometimes even when the injury is a small one.The face turns grey,and the skin bees damp and cold.They breathe quickly.They should be kept warm.Cover them with a blanket and give them a warm drink.Broken bonesDo not move the patient.Send for an ambulance at once.Treat for shock if necessary.BleedingA little bleeding does no harm.It washes dirt from the wound.But if the bleeding continues,try to stop it by placing a clean cloth firmly over the wound until the bleeding stops or help arrives.PoisonA person who has taken poison should be taken to a hospital at once.With some poisons,sleeping pills,for example,it is a good thing to make the patient sick by pressing your fingers down his throat.Remember:When an accident happens,send someone to telephone for an ambulance at once.Keep the injured person warm and quiet.Give him plenty of air.Do not let other people crowd around him.1According to the passage when a serious accident happens,the first thing we should do is to _.Atake some actionsBsave the life of the injured personCphone for an ambulanceDkeep the injured person warm and quiet2Which of the following statements is NOT true?AFirst aid means giving the injured person the aid or help at once before the doctor es.BWhen a person has broken his legs,we should send him to hospital at once.CA little bleeding does no harm because the blood can wash dirt from the wound.DWhen a person has taken poison,you should take him to hospital at once.3Why cant an injured person be crowded by people around him?ABecause the people around him may hurt him.BBecause he needs plenty of air and to be quiet.CBecause they will be in the way of the ambulance.DBecause they will disturb his rest.4The passage mainly tells us_.Asome advice on how to deal with mon accidentsBsome facts about some mon accidentsCsomething we must rememberDsome examples of mon accidentsapply v应用,运用,适用;申请,请求。生义:vt.涂,敷,搽1This rule applies to all students.这项规定适用于所有学生。2How can I apply for an online course?我该如何申请在线课程?3Dont forget to apply the night cream before bed time.睡前不要忘记涂晚霜。答案 .1.of;as;against2.in;of3.by;of4.on;of 5within;or6.by;for7.to8.For;by;in;of;out;on;for9.in;with10.on;up.1.皮肤的功能十分复杂:它可以保暖或御寒;Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them.2因此,你可以想象的到,如果你的皮肤烧伤了就可能非常严重。My car got stolen at the weekend.3根据皮肤烧伤的层次烧伤分为一度烧伤,二度烧伤和三度烧伤。The diet of these animals will be different depending on the season.4除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把衣服脱掉。如果需要的话,可以使用剪刀。(1)Check your answers carefully and make some changes if necessary.(2)Ill stay at home unless the weather gets better.1.Cfirst aid急救;第二个空用过去分词短语作后置定语。2Bkeep.from doing sth.prevent/stop.(from) doing sth.阻止做某事;protect.from/against.保护免受伤害。3A此处是as引导的非限制性定语从句,as指代整个主句的内容。that不能引导非限制性定语从句;which可引导非限制性定语从句,但不能位于句首。4DIt is best (for sb.)to do sth.(某人)最好去做某事;running water流动的水;自来水。5DA、B、C三项都表示“再三,反复”之意。6Cget/be stuck in. 卡住,陷入。7Ain place在适当的位置,适当;out of place位置不当,不得体,不适当。8B把B项补充完整为:if it is possible,常省略为if possible。9D此处knock over 表示“打翻,撞倒”。get over 克服,从(疾病等)中恢复常态;knock out把淘汰出(比赛),使震惊;take over接收,接管。10A当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句中有be动词时,可以省略从句的主语和be动词。此句的完整形式为:While she was ironing clothes,Miss Good accidentally touched the iron.1.C细节理解题。根据第一段的第二句“Nowadays there is usually a telephone not far away and the first thing we should do,if a serious accident happens,is to telephone for an ambulance.”可知答案是打电话找救护车。2B细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“Do not move the patient.Send for an ambulance at once.”可知当时需要做的是找救护车,并且不能随便移动病人。B项的表述与此相悖,故选B项。3B细节理解题。从最后一段可知正确选项为B项。4A主旨大意题。本文是说明文,根据文章的结构可以看出A项为正确选项。


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