2019-2020年高考英语 英语完成句子专练.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 英语完成句子专练(12月20日3月10日使用)训练一1. Up till now I _an ideal flat. But the house price is too high for me to accept. (look)目前,我一直在寻找理想的公寓。但房价太高我不能接受。2. Tom got another C in the end-of-term exam. If only he _ E-books! (waste) Tom在期末考试中又得了C。要是他没浪费时间看电子图书该多好!3. Chinese tele equipment giant Huawei seemed _ than ZTE and it secured a stable profit increase last year. (behave) 去年,中国电信设备巨头华为似乎比中兴表现得更好,它获得了稳定的利益增长。 4. So _ new campus life that in the first month almost all freshmen were at a loss how to arrange their schedule. (know) 在第一个月,几乎所有新生对校园生活了解甚少,以至于他们不知道如何安排时间。5._the man,I realized that he was the very one the police were searching for.(instant) 我一见到那个人,就认出他就是警方正在寻找的那个人。 6. Have you seen scenes _ the roads together without observing the traffic lights? This is a typical Chinese way. (cross)你有没有见过这样的场景:人们过马路而无视交通灯?这是真正的中国特色。7. Mistakes are unavoidable in our life. Nevertheless, _, the closer we will get to ourambition. (make) 生活中错误是难以避免的。然而,我们犯的错误少,离目标就会越近。8. In xx,my daughter and I would watch “Where Are We Going, Dad?” produced by Hunan Satellite TV,_.(be)xx年,无论我们有多忙,我和女儿都会观看湖南卫视的“爸爸,去哪儿?”9. When asked _that he did to make his students crazy about his lessons, the teacher smiled without saying anything. (what)被问及他是做了什么让学生如此喜爱他的课时,他笑而不答。 10._a lot that the retirement age will be delayed little by little with China entering aging society. (worry)随着中国进人老龄化社会,退休年龄将逐渐推迟,这让他妈妈很担心。训练二1.With the fog-haze weather appearing frequently, nowadays many a citizen _ live where the air is fresher. (long) 由于雾霾天气频繁出现,现在很多市民正渴望能生活在空气更清新的地方。2.Hardly _ amazed when he received the admission notice from Beijing University because he thought it was the result of his efforts. ( feel)当他收到北京大学的录取通知书时,他并没感觉意外,因为他认为那是他努力所得。3.But for the fact that I _ in that accident, without doubt, I wouldnt be alive today. (fasten)在那次事故中,要不是我系了安全带的话,毫无疑问我是活不到现在的。4. The sports meet, originally _last Friday, was finally delayed because of the bad weather. (due)原本定于上周五举行的运动会最终由于恶劣的天气而推迟。5At first, the way, _ pictures, was laughed at by others, but it didnt discourage him. (draw)起初,他绘画的方式遭到他人嘲笑,但那并没有使他气馁。6. At the foot of the mountain _, where people lived a peaceful life. (lie) 在那个山脚下有个村庄,那里的人们过着宁静的生活。7. Several deaths from drowning _ in the past few days, swimming in that river is said to have been banned. (happen) 近几天发生了几起溺水身亡的事件,据说在那条河里游泳已被禁止了。 8. It never occurred to me _a new life in a strange city. ( tough) 我完全没想到在一个陌生的城市开始一种新的生活有多么的难。 9. Because the wireless network is widely applied , the users surfing the Internet by cellphones is about _ those by puters. (as) 由于无线网络的广泛应用,现在使用手机上网的用户大约是使用电脑上网的用户的两倍一样多。 10. I am afraid that I didnt see the speed limit just now, officer. I _(dream )警官,恐怕我刚才没看到时速标志,我肯定是正在开小差。训练三1.Without his help,we _(fail) 没有他的帮助,我们可能就挂科了.2. But as Chinese citizens _ the offshore wealth held by the countrys elites, banks are increasingly at risk of a regulatory backlash.(aware) 但是随着中国居民通过国家的精英越来越意识到离岸财富的意义,银行即将面临监管反 弹的风险3. Reed said that not only _the attack, Zavala was actually struck and knocked to the ground herself during the incident(client) Reed说他的当事人不仅没有参与攻击,而是Zavala自己在事件中撞到地上的4. There is no question that as a doctor, I will _ help my patient the more I know about them.(prepare) “毋庸置疑的是作为一个医生,我越了解病人,我就会更好的准备去帮助我的病人”5. His remarks were seen partly _ Saudi.(response) 他的言论被看做是作为对Saudi 的部分回应.6. If it does, the Middle East will be a safer place, _a nuclear arms race.(free) 如果是这样,中东地区将会变的安全,脱离核军备竞赛的恐惧。7.The incident has also put a spotlight on Americas card system, _ the sort of chip and PIN technology that has been in place in Europe for years.(rely) 这个事件也将焦点投向美国的卡片系统,该系统不用依赖在欧洲运用多年的芯片和密码技术。8.This is the first time _ unequivocally detected on Ceres (vapor) 这是第一次水蒸气被明确的检测到在克瑞斯星球上9.One approach is to think of your home equity as a means of last resort _. (case) 一个方法是把你的房屋净值视为最后的手段以防它发生。10.The monthly payment obligation will be greater _.(tax)每月支付的义务将变的更大如果税收和保险都包括在内.训练四1.Seeing the old buildings, we cant help considering _.(e)看到这些古老建筑时,我们不禁想它们是什么时候建成的。2._,we must keep the whole thing in low key.(what)不管发生什么事情,我们必须让整个事情保持低调。3.Nowadays China_ and more and more opportunities can be found there.(develop)现在中国发展很快了,那里有越来越多的机会。4._, he can not do it all by himself.(as)尽管他是一个聪明的男孩,但他不能完全独立地做这事。5. I _ if you could give me an early reply.(appreciate)如果你能早点给我回复,我将感激不尽。6. Ill never forget the days _, which has a great effect on my life.(spend)我将不会忘记在那个村庄度过的那段日子,这对我的生活有着巨大的影响。7. Go out in couples, with friends who can help you _(case)外出时跟那些可以帮助你的朋友结伴而行以防遇到麻烦。8.The little girl never dreamed of _ to go aboard.(there)那个小女孩从来没有梦想有机会去国外。9.The old lady treated the boy as if _. (be)这位老太太对待这个男孩就好像他是她的亲生儿子一样。10.Mr.Baker has taught me how to municate with my parents_.(grateful)Baker先生教会了我如何跟我父母交流,对此我非常感激。训练五1.The young lady _ with her husband about money and housework. (hear) 经常听到那位年青女士为钱和家务事与丈夫争吵。2. Many new technologies, such as Google Glasses, 3D printing, and cloud puting, our lives in the past five years (affect)在过去五年里,像谷歌眼镜、3D打印、云计算这样的许多新技术一直在影响着我们的生活。3. Many of the soldiers were diagnosed with cancer after they came back from the front because they _ radiation during the war. (expose) 很多士兵从前线回来都被诊断出了癌症,因为他们在战争期间曾暴露在辐射中。4. The chief engineer including his colleagues _state secrets to America over these years. (betray)这些年来,这位总工程师与他的同事们一直在向美国泄露国家机密。5.That was the first time in fifteen years that _. (meet) 那是十五年后我们的第一次见面。6. To beautify our city, a large number of old houses along the street _ up to the present (pull)为了美化城市,到目前为止大量沿街房屋已经被拆除。7. The administration of the government _ that once caught playing games or shopping on line in the office,the civil servant must be fired at once without any reason.(make)政府行政部门已经制定规矩:一旦被发现在办公室玩游戏或网购,该公务员必须毫无理由地立即被解雇。8. It is said that the project _ by the end of this November and many college students will benefit from it. (plete)据说这项工程在11月底将会完成,届时很多大学生将会受益。9. Because it was the first time she _ on stage, she felt very nervous. (sing)因为这是她第一次在舞台上唱歌,她觉得非常紧张。10. My money _ and I have to cut down some of the living expenses. (run)我的钱快要用完了,我得削减部分生活开支了。训练六1. It was demanded from the local residents that the chemical plant _ as soon as possible. (move) 当地居民要求那家化工厂尽快搬走。2. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head sadly, not _. ( say) 他紧闭双眼,伤心地摇摇头,一句话也没说。3. Never again _in the fast food restaurant where poisonous oil is used. (eat) 我再也不到那家快餐店吃东西了,那里用有毒的油。4. Have you got ready for the ing job interview _by KFC next week? (give) 你为下周KFC举行的求职面试作好了准备吗?5. You must remind him of the deadline for applications, _. (forget) 你一定要提醒他申请的截止日期,以免他忘记。6. These foreign English teachers, to whom I _the other day, have e here from Canada. (introduce) 这些英语外教是从加拿大来的,前几天我被介绍同他们认识了。7. You can buy the handbag online with one third _the market price, (than) 你可以在网上买这款手袋,价钱比市场价少三分之一。8. It is always _ hope for that we realize it is not so important as we expect. ( obtain) 我们总是在得到我们想要的东西后,才意识到它们不像我们希望的那么重要。9. I dont think _her to show off wealth everywhere. (wise) 她到处炫富,我认为这不明智。10. Criticism can even negatively influence ones life if not_ properly. (cope) 如果不能正确应对,批评甚至会对人的一生产生负面影响。训练七1. If I _ alcohol last night, I could have driven my car home. (drink) 如果我昨晚没有喝酒,我就能自己开车回家了。2. Who _ went to the concert with you yesterday? (it) 到底是谁昨天跟你一起去听音乐会的?3. Only by balancing our diet _ our body functioning well. (keep) 只有通过均衡我们的饮食,我们才能保持身体的各项功能正常。4. We rushed to the football court, _ a sign on which was written “Periodic Maintenance“. (see) 我们冲进足球场,结果只看见球场上一块牌子上写着“定期维修“。5. _ and you will be admitted into a key university. (work) 好好学习,你会被重点大学录取的。6. When she heard her mothers steps on the stairs, she pretended _ her position. (write) 听到妈妈上楼梯的脚步声,她假装在写作文。7. By the time she es here tomorrow, we _. (leave) 她明天来到这里的时候,我们已经离开了。8. The student _is looking forward to going abroad for further study. (refer) 所提到的那个学生渴望去国外进修。9. The murderer was brought in, with _ behind his back. (tie) 这个凶手被带了进来,双手绑在背后10. It _ that I had left the door unlocked. (occur) 我突然想起来忘了锁门。训练八1. Had he been able to afford an operation, he _ his right leg.(lose) 如果有钱做手术,他就不会失去右腿了。2. pare the two designs, _ what problem there is with yours.(find) 比较这两种方案,你就会发现你那个方案存在的问题。3. Though we used to write to each other regularly but rarely _ my letters now.(respond) 尽管我们过去经常通信,但他现在很少回我的信。4. It has been announced that _ in the exam will be graded zero. (catch) 已经宣布任何在考试中被抓住作弊的人将被记零分。5. The employee wont _ by his new boss. Hell leave the factory. (stand) 雇员忍受不了被新老板那样的对待,他要离开这个工厂。6. When you are taking the entrance examination, you _. (careful) 当你参加入学考试时,越仔细越好。7. My father made a bargain with me _ in this physics petition, he would buy me a puter. (progress) 我和爸爸达成一个协定:如果我在这次物理竞赛中取得一点进步,他就给我买台电脑。8. His eyes _, he was totally lost in his thought, unaware of something happening. (fix) 他盯着那张照片,完全陷入思索中,没注意到发生了什么。9. The earlier you get rid of smoking, _ protect yourself against serious illnesses in later life. (likely) 你越早戒烟,你就越可能在今后的生活中保护自己不得重病。10. Thank you for all your hard work last week. I dont think _ the project without you. (manage) 感谢上周你的努力工作。要是没有你的话,我认为我们就不能完成这项工程。训练九1. It was at a Christmas party _ my American friend Jack. (acquaintance) 我是在一次圣诞晚会上认识我的美国朋友杰克的。2 Obama won his reelection on November7,xx,which was the second time that he _ _ as president of the United States. (elect) 奥巴马在xx年l1月7日赢得了总统连任,这是他第二次当选为美国总统。3. did Mary fall asleep last night because of too much homework. (until) 由于作业太多,玛丽昨晚直到午夜时分才入睡。4. _ in the exam made his head teacher very angry.(catch) 他被抓住考试作弊令班主任很生气。5. How time flies! It will be less than 6 months _ high school. (graduate)时间过得真快!还有不到6个月的时间我们就要高中毕业了。6. Our city government has approved the proposal that the new traffic regulations _ _ from January 1,xx. (carry) 市政府已经批准了从xx年元月1日实施新的交通法规的提议。7. It was a pity that the book to _should not have attracted her students attention. (significance)遗憾的是,她认为有意义的那本书竟然没有引起学生们的重视。8. Owing to the guards carelessness, the thief was lucky to escape, otherwise he _ _ stealing so many valuable things. (get)由于保安的疏忽大意小偷侥幸逃脱,否则的话他不可能偷走那么多贵重物品。9. The mountain village _ from the outside for a long time, the villagers here are still living a primitive and quiet life. (cut)这个山村长期与外界隔绝。村民们仍然过着原始宁静的生活。10. _ puter games, Wang Ping has fallen behind the other students in his study. (abandon)沉溺于玩电脑游戏。王平的学习掉队了。训练十1. _her mother, she is not beautiful in appearance. (resemble) 她不像她的母亲,在外表上不如她母亲漂亮。2. The factory produces a million puters every year, _abroad. (sell) 这个工厂每年生产一百万台电脑,其中80% 销往海外。3. By the time they got back to the camp, they _water. (run) 到他们返回营地时,他们已经用完了水。4. When _the news that a plane crashed and exploded in Yichun, all of us felt shocked and deeply saddened. (inform) 当被告知宜春飞机失事爆炸的消息后,我们所有人都陷入深深地痛苦中。5. _ between Mary and my husband is none of your business. (happen) 无论玛丽和我丈夫间发生了什么事情,这都不关你的事。6. The mudslide is reported _ more than 1,400 lives in Zhouqu County. (claim) 据报道,舟曲泥石流已造成超过1400人丧身。7. It is the first time that the EXPO _in a developing country. (hold) 这是第一次在发展中国家举办世博会。8. When was it _yesterday? (call) 昨天你究竟是什么时候给我打电话的啊?9. _is that Africa had contacts with India from the earliest times. (know) 众所周知,非洲在最早的时候就与印度有密切联系。10. After the Philippines hostagetaking incident, the Chinese government demanded that the problems _be paid special attention to. (refer) 在菲律宾人质事情后,中国政府要求特别关注被提及的问题。训练十一1. Luckily a large pany agreed to sponsor us, without which our work_. (stop) 幸亏一家大公司同意赞助,否则我们的工作就会停止了。2. _, he always tried to avoid me, pretending not to have seen me at all. (approach) 不管什么时候我接近他,他总试图躲避,假装根本就没看见我。3. _it is today! Shall we go out for a walk? (weather) 今天的天气多好啊,我们出去散步如何?4. He is such an ill-tempered man that on no condition_. (team) 他的脾气太坏了,我绝对不会再和他合作。5. He has done so much for the poor in his munity _him enough. (think) 他为自己所在的社区的穷人做的亊实如此之多,以至于你怎么评价他都不过分。6. They _for almost one week before I joined them, and now we are still working on it as no good results have e out so far. (carry) 在我加入前,他们一直执行这个计划有一个学期了。我们现在仍然在继续进行,因为到目前为止还没有好的结果产生。7. A survey indicates that, on account of the difficulty they have_,many college students are in favor of running online shops, (find) 一项调查显示,由于很难找到一份满意的工作,许多大学生倾向于在网上开店。8. Qian Xueshen went to California from 1935 to 1955,_the research into jet planes, (concentrate) 钱学森在1935到1955年去了华盛顿,在那段时期他专心于喷气式飞机的研究。9. Nowadays young people just cant live without the Internet; they depend on it for _ _. (need) 现在的年轻人离开网络就无法生活,不管他们要什么信息他们都会通过互联网来获取。10. Mark is always diligent in his studies because he firmly believes that hard work _ _. (fundamental) 马克是勤奋学习,因为他坚信努力是成功的基础。训练十二1. The couple were engaged in decorating their new flat last summer and seldom _ _ the study of their children. (care) 去年夏天两口子忙着装修新居,很少关心孩子们的学业。2. I suppose by the time I e back in ten years time all these old houses _. (pull) 我想十年以后我回来时所有这些老房子都会拆除了。3. Retirement is obviously a very plex adjustment period and _ planning for it, the better. (start) 很明显,退休是一个非常复杂的适应期,你越早开始规划越好。4. Maria passed the driving license test. She came back _. (wear) 玛丽娅通过了驾证考试,她面带微笑地回家了。5. Fully _ the housework, she doesnt have time to enjoy various activities in the club any longer. (occupy) 由于全部的时间都忙于做家务, 她再也没有时间去参加俱乐部丰富多样的活动了。6. Wed like to know how _a businessman like your age has succeeded in remaining energetic. (it) 我想知道一个你这样年龄的商人究竟怎样成功地保持精力充沛。7. You neednt _ all the calculations! We have a puter to do that sort of things. (do) 你本不必做这些计算。我们可以用电脑来做。8. _ most in the Harry Porter series is not only the fantastic plot but also the charming characters in the story. (attract) 哈里波特丛书最吸引孩子们的不仅是奇特的故事情节,还有故事里吸引人的各色人物。9. It is the most instructive lecture _since I came to this school. (attend) 这是自从到这个学校以来我听过的最有教育意义的讲座了。10. He _ a phone call,for the telephone is broken and needs repairing. (make) 他不可能在打电话,因为电话坏了需要修理。 训练十三1. But for his help, we _ the program in time. (finish) 要是没有他的帮忙,我们就不可能按时完成这个项目了2. With _ he didnt know what to do next. (arise) 随着很多问题的出现,他不知道下一步该做什么了。3. _ before we take the college entrance examination. (be) 要不了多久我们就要参加高考了。4. He _ aloud in the study when he heard his father open the door. (pretend) 当他听到爸爸的开门声,他假装在书房大声读书。5. Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble _the History Museum. (find) 他在这个城市已经呆了一段时间,因此毫不费力就找到了去历史博物馆的路。6. So _ with my work that I havent had time for social activities. (occupy) 我一直忙于学习,以至于没有时间去参加社交活动。7. When we went shopping last week, Mary spent _ as I did. (much) 我们上周去购物的时候,玛丽花掉的钱只有我花掉的一半。8. Now that she is out of work, Lucy _ back to school, but she hasnt decided yet.(consider) 因为露茜失业了,她一直在考虑重回学校,但还没最后决定。9. Charlie Chaplin made the people laugh at a time _ so they could feel more content with their lives. (depress) 在人们感到沮丧的时候,卓别林可以使他们开怀大笑,于是人们就对自己的生活感到比较满足。10 It was more important to me to know how people thought, because that gave me insight into the way _. ( work ) 对我来说更重要的是去了解人们的想法是怎样产生的,因为这能让我洞察到与他们最好的合作方式。训练十四1. With so many audience _ in the live show, the program “I am a singer“ enjoys great popularity. (lose) 在现场很多观众沉浸在音乐中,“我是歌手“节目很受欢迎。2. _ is that the H7N9 spreads more easily to people than similar viruses. (worry) 令专家们担忧的是H7N9比其他同类病毒更容易传播给人。3. Kobe Bryant was hurt attempting a game-tying jumper on the baseline; otherwise, he _ the match. (participate) 科比因跳跃抢球落地不稳而受伤,不然,他就参加比赛了。4. Mrs. Bathurst _ to leave New Zealand by the hope of marriage or alternatively by loneliness. (persuade) 巴瑟斯特夫人很可能已经被说服离开新西兰,要么是想结婚,要么是因为太寂寞。5. Lower educational levels make it difficult for women _. (find) 较低的教育水平使女性很难找到工作。6. A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to bee well known, then wears dark glasses to avoid _. (recognize) 明星努力工作只为出名,然后又戴着墨镜以免被人认出。7. By the time housewives returned fully loaded from Wal-Mart, they _ all the year-end bonus. (run) 当主妇们从沃尔玛满载而归时,她们已经用完了所有的年终奖金。8. Under no circumstances _ unpleasant ments at your petitors blog or at the blog of the pany that did not hire you. (leave) 在任何情况下,你都不应该在你对手的博客里留下恶意评论,或者在那家没有聘用你的公司的博客里留恶言。9. Hiring an international student is a more plex and often _ process to many U.S. employers than hiring an American. (familiar


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