2019-2020年高三第八次月考英语试题 Word版含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三第八次月考英语试题 Word版含答案本试卷分为四个部分,包括听力理解、语言知识运用、阅读和书面表达。考试结束后,将答题卷和答题卡一并交回。时量120分钟。满分150分。PART LISTENING PREHENSION (30 marks) 略PART LAGUAGE KNOWLEDGE (45 marks)Section A (15 marks) Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best pletes the sentence.21. _ theater for more than 20 years since his early drama experiences in New York, he once again appeared on the stage.A. AbandoningB. Having been abandonedC. Having abandonedD. Being abandoned22. _ people think the show is funny, it doesnt matter who tells the jokes.A. Even thoughB. As long asC. As ifD. In order that23. My mother would be standing at the top of the stairs, smiling down at me with a look that suggested I _ the most important person in the world.A. am B. was C. were D. be24. It was in Beihai Park, _ they had their first date, _ the old couple told us their romantic love story.A. where; that B. that; that C. where; when D. that; when 25. The production of grain this year is _ in xx.A. as six times asB. as six times thatC. six times as much that D. six times as much as that26. It was her turn to get into the managers office for an interview after_ seemed an endless wait.A. thatB. howC. whatD. why27. As a newer, he _ have achieved the sales target so soon, because it is difficult even for the experienced salesmen.A. cant B. shouldnt C. neednt D. mustnt28. I had to interrupt him, or some confidential information of our pany _ by the innocent young man.A. had been leakedB. would have been leaked C. should have been leakedD. must have been leaked29. Mary received an invitation to the birthday party for her best friend, and, with her work _, she gladly accepted it. A. finishingB. finishedC. having finishedD. to finish30. -Oh, dear! I forgot to bring my passport with me. - You _ something behind.A. have always leftB. are always leavingC. always leftD. will always leave31. Though he often takes advantage of his little sister, today he was made _ by her. A. cryingB. criedC. cryD. to cry32. - Is it real that my father will e back from America tonight t celebrate my birthday? - Yes, of course. There _!A. es heB. he does eC. does he eD. he es 33. Mary, along with her friends, _ discussing IPARTMENT Season 3, which _ recently shown on TV.A. are; wereB. is, wereC. are, wasD. is, was 34. _ she speaks with an accent, shes really a good interpreter. A. Except forB. By contrastC. Except thatD. Apart from35. - I came across the next-door boy in the countryside. Do you still remember him? - Of course, he _to help us whenever we had a problem.A. would eB. esC. has eD. had eSection B (18 marks) Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.I had to go into town for an art exhibition. Since it was winter, I had not left the house for a long time. So I thought I would 36 myself to lunch! I walked around and looked at all the choices like a child in a toy shop. It was really hard to 37 what to eat!Finally, I settled in a Thai restaurant. When I sat down, I 38 a man walk by and sit down a few tables away. He had a small dish of yogurt, which he ate quickly. There was no any food left when he had done. As our eyes met, I saw a sad, lonely man with dirty hair. He had dirt on his coat and pants, 39 from sleeping outside. I was pretty sure he was 40 .I looked at my food and felt 41 that I had this full plate of food and he had nothing. I went over and asked him if he was hungry, and he 42 .I paid for another plate of food that 43 him to pick anything he wanted. His plate was piled high when he sat back down in the table. I loved sitting there and looking at him enjoying his beans and other foods he had 44 .When I had finished eating, I remembered my very last smile card, which I had been 45 someone special to give to. On my way out, I handed it to him. He did not look up when I told him to have a good day and 46 the card in front of him, but he clearly said “Thank you.” As I walked away, I hoped with all my heart that my last smile card had brought a 47 to this worn-down mans face. I hoped that some day he would have an opportunity to pass the card on.36. A. persuadeB. treatC. adaptD. serve37. A. decideB. discussC. convinceD. doubt 38. A. informedB. recognizedC. recalledD. noticed39. A. obviouslyB. finallyC. regularlyD. generally40. A. hungryB. illC. coldD. homeless41. A. scaredB. terribleC. relaxedD. tough42. A. repliedB. respondedC. noddedD. accepted43. A. allowedB. supportedC. droveD. manded44. A. providedB. chosenC. offeredD. afforded45. A. looking intoB. looking upC. looking forD. looking through46. A. droppedB. threwC. abandonedD. placed47. A. cardB. foodC. smileD. warmthSection C (12 marks) Directions: plete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.Most people want to get more done in life and increase their chances of success. Yet (48)_remain far away from their goals. In fact, they can do amazing things in life. The secret lies in being organized and focused.First, be proactive(前瞻的). In order to be proactive, you should be in control of yourself. This change can make (49)_ difference in your life. Then, give(50)_a few concrete goals. Let these concrete goals drive you and have determination to achieve them, no matter (51) _ it takes. This will help you translate your dreams (52) _ reality. After that, work out a detailed action plan. You also (53) _avoid distractions at all costs to concentrate on achieving your goals without wasting your limited time.Success is possible, and it is possible for you (54) _ achieve. So dont just sit there (55) _ wait for things to happen. Make things happen actively.PART READI NG PREHENTION (30 marks) Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.ASchouten University is a highly respected online education provider offering officially-recognized degree programs across the globe. Our mission is to provide students with a high-quality mixed learning MBA program and personal coaching to help them to bee world-class managers.MBA with Unique Skills & Personal Development ProgramStudents will benefit from 30 years of soft skills training experience from Schouten & Nielsen, the leading soft skills training institute in Europe. To bee an effective manager, theory alone is not enough, and being able to put theory into practice is more important today than ever before. With the Schouten University MBA program you will have the unique opportunity to develop such soft skills as influencing skills, leadership skills, munication skills and motivational skills.International Network + 2 Residential Study weeks in Cambridge & ShanghaiAt Schouten University, students, tutors and coaches meet each other online. But there is also the opportunity for students to study face to face by way of the two Residential(居住的)Study weeks. One week will be held in Shanghai (China) and the other week at Cambridge (UK). Shanghai is the mercial and industrial center of the worlds leading economy. Cambridge is home to some of Europes oldest and best universities. Residential weeks will be held several times a year. Therefore, you can choose when to participate, depending on the progress of your study. In the residential weeks cooperation between students will be an important element. Students will work together on real pany cases. During the residential week students will be supervised by a professional trainer.*Residentials are an obligatory (必须的) part of the program and the costs of the residential weeks are covered by your tuition.*The fee includes the study weeks housing, food and participation but not the costs of travel.Maximum FlexibilitySchouten University introduces a new way of learning: Study 2. 0. Students will study online through my.schoutenuniversity and interact via rich social media. It allows busy working professionals like you to study a world class MBA degree anytime, anywhere at any pace.Great SupportAccess to the Universitys virtual learning environment (VLE) 24/7, and your study coach, tutors are all here to give you strong personal support to ensure your success.56. Most graduates of Schouten University will work in the field of _. A. education B. business C. medicine D. military57. According to the advertisement, which of the following DOESNT belong to soft skills? A. Leadership skills. B. munication skills. C. Driving skills. D. Motivational skills.58. The time to participate the residential weeks is _. A. flexible B. fixed C. unnecessary D. inconvenient59. If you attend the two Residential Study weeks, you will have to pay for _ besides your tuition. A. housing B. participation fees C. meals D. travel costs60. The advertisement is probably intended for _. A. full-time college students B. working businessmen C. studying teenagers D. retired managersBShould doctors ever lie to benefit their patients to speed recovery or to cover the ing of death. In medicine as in law, government and other lines of work, the requirements of honesty often seem dwarfed (变矮小)by greater needs: the need to shelter from brutal news or to uphold a promise of secrecy or to promote the public interest.What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man ing in for a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months. Is it best to tell him the truth? If he asks, should doctors lie that he is not ill, or minimize the gravity of the illness? Should they at least hide the truth until after the family vacation? Doctors face such choices often. At times, they see important reasons to lie for the patients own sake; in their eyes, such lies differ sharply from self-serving ones.Studies show that most doctors sincerely believe that the seriously ill patients do not want to know the truth about their condition, and that informing them risks destroying their hope, so that they may recover more slowly, or deteriorate (恶化)faster, perhaps even mit suicide.But other studies show that, contrary to the belief of many physicians, a great majority of patients do want to be told the truth, even about serious illness, and feel cheated when they learn that they have been misled. We are also learning that truthful information, kind-hearted conveyed, helps patients cope with illness: help them tolerate pain better, need less medicine, and even recover faster after an operation.There is an urgent need to debate this issue openly. Not only in medicine, but in other professions as well, practitioners may find themselves repeatedly in difficulty where serious consequences seem avoidable only through deception (欺骗). Yet the public has every reason to know the professional deception, for such practices are peculiarly likely to bee deeply rooted, to spread, and to trust. Neither in medicine, nor in law, government, or the social sciences can there be fort in the old saying, What you dont know cant hurt you.61. The requirements of honesty often seem dwarfed by the following needs except _.A. the need to shelter from brutal newsB. the need to promote the public interestC. the need to expose big corruptionsD. the need to uphold the promise of secrecy62. As to the 46-year-old man mentioned in the passage, doctors _. A. may be in a dilemma B. should tell him the truth C. should hide the truth D. must let him go on vacation63. According to some studies, most of the doctors believe the followings except _. A. that the seriously ill patients do not want to know the truth about their condition B. that the truthful information may make the patients recover slowly C. that the patients do want to be told the truth D. that the truthful information can even make the patients mit suicide 64. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the last paragraph? A. There is a need to discuss whether to lie or not. B. The writer believes “What you dont know cant hurt you”. C. Many practitioners may try to avoid serious consequences through deception. D. The public has every reason to know the professional deception.65. What does the author mainly discuss in the passage?A. Deception is beneficial to patients.B. Whether patients should be told the truth of their illness.C. Whether patients really want to know the truth of their illness.D. Who benefits from deception.CSeals may be able to detect fish up to 100 m away using only their whiskers (胡须), say scientists. Researchers used an artificial fish in their experiment, to create a “trail” in the water that a seal could detect. They described how a trained seal, named Henry, was able to indicate, with a rapid movement of its head, whether the fish moved to the right or to the left.The study was led by Wolf Hankie of the Marine Science Center at the University of Rostock, Germany. He explained how the seal wore a blindfold (眼罩) and headphones during the experiment to ensure that it could only pick up waves created by the fish with its whiskers. “The animals are actually enthusiastic to wear the mask because it means play time and food rewards,” explained Dr. Hankie.“We had a small box in the pool to achieve calm water conditions,” he explained. “The seal stayed in the box.” Inside the box, the scientists created a trail with their artificial fish, which was actually a rubber fin (鳍) on a stick that created a trail similar to the swimming motion of a real fish. They operated the fin from outside the box, moving it from left to right or from right to left. The seal responded to the movement by turning its head in the direction that the fin had moved. The seal was able to sense and indicate the direction in which the fin travelled up to 35 seconds after the movement had stopped.Dr. Hankie believes that seals may also be able to “analyze” the structure of a trail to “work out” more about its source. He and his colleagues used different shapes of fin to create different water disturbances. “They seem to be able to detect differences between different shapes, which might even mean that they can make out different species of fish. We had a surprising result from an experiment with one seal following another,” he said. “The trail left by the first seal was two meters wide, and the second following seal was able to stay right in the middle of it, so it seems they can analyze the internal structure of a trail.”The researchers are now making experiments using live fish to see how closely seals are able to follow their moving path.66. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Seals can track movements in the water. B. An experiment on seals. C. Seals can make out different species of fish. D. Seal whiskers sense faraway fish.67. The underlined word “trail” means _. A. wave B. mark C. signal D. fish68. The seal wore blindfold and headphones so that _. A. it could listen to instructions of the scientists B. the scientists could spot the seal better in the water C. it could only detect the trail with its whiskers D. it could bee calm69. We can draw a conclusion that seal whiskers are _. A. dull B. sensitive C. artificial D. poisonous70. Why did Dr. Hankie and his colleagues use different shapes of fin to create different water disturbances? A. To make the result more correct. B. To find out whether the seal could distinguish different species of fish. C. To make the seal more enthusiastic and active. D. To see if the seal cold work out their sources.PART WRITING (45 marks)Section A (10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blankets by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.The search for sustainable sources of energy has led humans to study the energy potential of the sun and the wind, as well as the huge power created by dammed rivers. For example, it has been estimated that the oceans could provide nearly 3,000 times the energy produced by hydroelectric dams such as Hoover Dam. The oceans, too,represent an impressive source of potential energy. Yet, this source remains quite difficult to make use of.But this challenge has not prevented scientists from trying. Within the last few decades, several technologies that can transform the oceans huge forces into usable electricity have been invented and introduced. Some focus on capturing the power of the changing tides, while others rely on hot energy created by oceans in certain tropical region. However, the most mon and easiest technologies to develop are those designed to use the power in the oceans waves.The potential benefits of wave-based energy are hard to ignore. Once the proper machinery is produced and fixed, the energy is free. Maintenance costs are small and the equipment does not pose any threats of environmental pollution. And best of all the amounts of energy produced are enormous.However, these theoretical advantages have yet to be fully realized. In many cases, a lack of government funding has prevented the technologies from advancing. Protecting the equipment from the seas destructive forces, as well as the fundamental task of determining appropriate locations for collecting energy, also presents difficult challenges. All in all, while ocean power offers some attractive possibilities, the difficulties involved in using this energy source are substantial and will require more time to overe. 71 of sustainable energyThe power of the sun, the wind, 72 and the oceansOceans an impressive source of sustainable energyTechnologies to transform the oceans huge forces l capturing the power of the changing tidesl 73 hot energy created by oceans l using 74 Possible benefits 77 75 small maintenance costs 76 enormous amounts of energy 78 protecting the equipment 79 Conclusion: We need time to 80 in using ocean power.Section B (10 marks) Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.My name is Bob. My first full-time job after high school was selling vacation packages via telephone for a well-known pany. One day, the dialer (接线员) connected me to a man who answered the phone and sounded a bit out of breath. I started with my normal tone, and expecting to hear the normal response, “I dont want any”, and be hung up on.Instead he spoke in a weak voice and began to tell me how he wished he could take a vacation like the one I was offering,

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