2019-2020年高中英语 unit3 A taste of English humour section3练习 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 unit3 A taste of English humour section3练习 新人教版必修4.单项语法填空1The man sat in the rocking chair, _(amuse) himself by reading.答案:amusing句意:这个人坐在摇椅中,读着书自娱自乐。amuse动词“逗乐,使某人愉快”。此处为现在分词作伴随状语。2My brother likes eating very much but he isnt very particular _ the food he eats.答案:about句意:我弟弟特别喜欢吃,但他不大挑食。be particular about对挑剔。3How do you react _ her unkindly behavior?Only silence.答案:toreact to“对起反应”。4The road became so slippery because of the snow that several cars _(slide) sideways into the ditch. 答案:slid考查slide的时态。从句中became可看出本句时态为一般过去时。slide的过去式为slid。5After living in the city for 10 years he returned to the small village _ he grew up as a child.答案:where考查定语从句。由句子结构和句意看,本句的先行词为village是表地点的名词,其后的定语从句缺少状语,故用where。6The little boy always makes his room _a mess, which makes his parents annoyed.答案:in句意:这个小男孩总是把房间弄得很乱,这令他的父母很烦恼。in a mess乱七八糟。7There are certain occasions_ you must interrupt people who are in the middle of doing something.答案:when句意:有些时候,你必须在别人正在做事情的时候打断他们。8What do you suggest we should do once _(lose) in the forest?答案:lost句意:一旦我们在森林中迷路,你建议我们应该做什么?be lost in./lose oneself in.“在迷路”。once lost相当于once we are lost。9The problem a creator faces is not running out of material;it is _to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.答案:what句意:创作者所面临的问题不是素材会耗尽;是如何利用敲击着想象大门的素材。what to do with.how to deal with.。10Have you told your parents about your decision?Not yet. I can hardly imagine how they_(反应)答案:will react句意:你告诉你父母你的决定了吗?还没有。我几乎不敢想象他们会如何反应。根据常识“把决定告诉父母”推知“他们肯定将会有反应”,故用将来时态will react。.阅读理解AWhen I was younger, I loved a book about a little girl whose grandma had passed away and went to heaven. Im not sure why I liked it, I didnt really know the words or exactly what they meant, but I know that I liked the sound of it being read.Before falling asleep one night, I asked my grandmother to read it to me. I closed my eyes and smiled sweetly as I heard her recite the words. When she finished reading, I looked into her light blue eyes.“Grandma,” I asked,“will you ever die?”“Unfortunately,” she said. “Will I? Hopefully not for a long time.”“Do all people die?”I asked.“ Yes,” she answered. “Finally.”“Why?”I asked.“How could you enjoy every second of life, if you knew you could live it forever?”“But,what if you die?”I questioned.“You never know how much you value something until you lose it.”I lay in bed that night,thinking about what she said. She must have thought that since I was only 6,I couldnt understand her. Yet I knew exactly what she had said,exactly.The next night I sat on my parents bed watching TV with them. The phone rang. My dad answered it. I saw his smiling expression tighten into gloom. Then he looked at my mom and me. He stared unblinkingly for what seemed like forever. Then he spoke ,“ Grandma is dead.”I then sat there still for the next few minutes. I had never lost anyone before in my life. I didnt know what to think. All that ran through my head was that I was never going to see her again. And through the sorrow, I smiled. At that instant, I loved my grandma more than I had ever had before. I thought of everything she did for me.Life changes the most when we dont expect it to. Of course I am upset when people die, but missing them makes me love them more every second. Life is only living, if you use every second to the fullest, because any second could be your last.文章大意:本文主要介绍了作者喜欢祖母给她读书,并且有一次和祖母讨论人最终要离开这个世界的问题,祖母告诉她:人直到失去某样东西的时候才会知道自己有多么珍惜它。1From the first paragraph, we know that the writer _.Apreferred reading books in childhoodBused to have her grandma read the book to herCknew many words through readingDliked the sound of her grandma答案:B推理判断题。结合第一段的第二句话可知作者并不知道书中那些词的意思,但是喜欢听书被读出来的声音,所以选B。A错,不是作者自己读书;C认识很多单词,没有事实依据;D错,作者喜欢的是书被读出来的声音,而不是她祖母的声音。2What did grandma teach the writer in the dialogue?AIt is certain that everyone lives one day at a time.BIt is impossible for us to have something forever.CIt takes losing something to know its value.DIt is lucky that you get what you have lost again.答案:C细节理解题。结合文章的You never know how much you value something until you lose it.可知只有在失去一件东西或者个人之后,你才会懂得其价值,所以选C。A表述错误;B、D不是祖母的观点。3After knowing the death of her grandma, the writer _.Adidnt believe the fact at firstBrecalled what her grandma saidCcried for not seeing her againDhad a stronger love for her grandma答案:D细节理解题。从倒数第二段的第六句话可知作者比以往更加爱祖母了,所以选D。A与事实不符;B中的said错误,回忆的是祖母为她做的事情;C错误,作者没有哭泣。4Why did the author write this passage?ATo remember her beloved grandma.BTo prove that life is really short.CTo explain why people die.DTo persuade people to love others.答案:A主旨大意题。作者通过回忆过去自己在小的时候,让祖母给自己读书,并且与祖母讨论人生的事情,以及祖母去世对于自己的影响等来怀念祖母,所以A符合作者的意图。BWhich es first, happiness or money? Are richer people happier? And if so, how do people get much richer? A recent study could tell you the answer. The study looked into thousands of teenagers and found that those who felt better about life as young adults tended to have higher ines by the time they turned 29. Those who were happiest earned an average of $8, 000 more than those who were the most depressed. The researchers, from University College London and the University of Warwick, said that very gloomy teens, no matter how tall or smart they were, earned 10% less than their peers, while the happier ones earned up to 30% more. Happier teenagers have an easier time getting through school, college and a job interview, chiefly because they always feel better about life. It may also be true that happier people find it easier to make friends, who are often the key to homework help or networking. A report in June suggested that professional respect was more important than dollars in terms of workplace happiness. In August scientists announced that they had found the gene for happiness in women, Alas(the same gene doesnt appear to have the same effect on men). And in October researchers in the UK and in the US announced that people who eat seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day report being the happiest. The big question is: if it is really true that happier kids end up being wealthier kids, is it necessary for parents to get their kids to do the homework? The fact is that no homework will make kids happy but surely hurt their grades. Studies do show, after all, that more education leads to betterpaid jobs, which may give us a deep thought. “These findings show that the teenagers happiness is important to their future success,”one of the reports authors writes. “But what is the most important is that we should find a way to help children gain more satisfaction from doing schoolwork.”文章大意:本文主要讨论了如何让人变得更加富有以及幸福与富裕有着密切的关系。经过调查发现, 感到最幸福的青年人比感到不幸福的青年人收入高。5. The underlined word “gloomy” in Paragraph 3 probably means“_”AupsetBgloriousChappyDwealthy答案:A词义猜测题。第三段中while表示对比, 意为“而, 然而”, while后面的句子的主语是the happier ones(较幸福的人), 据此可以推测出while前面的句子主语应该是“不幸福的人, 伤心的人”, 再结合本文叙述的主体“感到幸福的人和不幸福的人”可知A项正确。6The main reason why happier people have more chances to succeed is that_.Ait is easy for them to municate with othersBthey are good at doing their schoolworkCthey are hopeful and optimistic about their lifeDthey eat much more fruit and vegetables a day答案:C细节理解题。根据第四段中的Happier teenagers have an easier time getting through school, college and a job interview, chiefly because they always feel better about life. 可知, 感到较幸福的青少年更容易考上大学、找到工作, 主要是因为他们总是感到生活更美好, 所以态度乐观, 对待生活更加积极, A、B项表述不全面, 故C项正确。7What conclusion can the researchers draw from the recent study? AHappy teenagers grow up to be wealthier.BMoney can make people bee happier.CWealth has nothing to do with happiness at all.DSchoolwork can help teenagers achieve success.答案:A推理判断题。根据第二段最后和第六段的相关表述可知, 感到幸福的青少年更易于成功, 得到工资更高的工作。B项“钱可以使人更加幸福”的说法与本文相悖; C项“财富与幸福毫无关系”的表述错误, 文中提到感到幸福的人的收入趋向于较高; D项“课堂作业有助于青少年获得成功”, 文中未提及。故A项正确。8What can be the best title for the text? AThe way to educate kids.BThe source of happiness.CHow to achieve your goal.DThe secret of being wealthier.答案:D主旨大意题。本文主要讨论的是幸福能让人更加富有。故D项正确。.阅读填空根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Puppy FoodA puppy (young dog) is a precious addition to any family. The excitement of bringing home a little furry friend will always live in our memories. Like all of us, though, your puppy must have adequate nutrition right from the start to make certain that itll have a long and healthy life._1_ You might ask yourself what is the best for your new pet with all of the different varieties on the market in all of their attractive packaging. Some dry food produced specially for puppies is the best for the development of their teeth. _2_Contrary to the belief of many firsttime puppy owners, it is not always the best idea to purchase food that is too high in calcium (钙), protein, and vitamin levels. _3_ In addition, a high intake of calcium is associated with bone disease in largebreed dogs. If you have a “smallbreed” puppy, you can buy that kind of food.It is not a good idea to feed the food you eat to your puppy frequently, as your puppy may bee selective about food. _4_ Some people think that dog biscuits and other treats are fine, but they should not be a main part of a puppys diet.Young puppies should be fed three times a day. Each puppy is unique, so feeding them twice a day is acceptable. After ten to twelve weeks of age, feed your puppy twice per day. Allow your puppy to eat as much as he would like in fifteen minutes. _5_ If you let your puppy eat too much or too often by keeping food accessible at all times, he may bee overweight and have health problems as an adult. Like humans, your puppy will not enjoy the food any longer if it is there at all times.APick up the dish with the remaining food.BProper food is a basic necessity for your puppies.CRemember to give your puppy the food he would like to have.DIt can also cause an upset stomach due to an unbalanced diet.EA further benefit is that it is less expensive than the canned food.FOne example is that extra helpings of nutrients do harm to digestive organs.GIts good to provide the extra nutrients a puppy needs until he grows larger.答案:本文介绍了如何给宠物合理的饮食。1B根据下文中You might ask yourself what is the best for your new put with all of the different varieties on the market in all of their attractive packaging.可知,适当的食物是你的宠物所必需的。2E上一句讲到干粮对宠物的牙齿好,此处进一步说明干粮的好处。3F根据上文中.it is not always the best idea to purchase food that is too high in calcium, protein, and vitamin levels.可知,本段讲营养过剩的饮食的坏处。F项符合语境。4D根据上文中本段讲喂宠物吃自己食物的坏处,D项符合语境。5A根据下文中If you let your puppy eat too much or too often by keeping food accessible at all times.可知,以防下文情况发生,就要捡起有残食的盘子。.短文改错On October 3rd, xx, a police car was parked on front of my house when I returned back home from a football game. I walked into the kitchen and my mom looked worriedly. I asked him what had happened. She told me “your dad was missing! The police thought he had killed anyone in a car accident or driven away.” I was shocked hear that. About a hour later, my dad came back and was surprised to see the police. It turned out that the police were wrong. My neighbor was using my fathers cars when the accident happened. My father said the neighbor had lent it from him two days before.答案:On October 3rd, xx, a police car was parked front of my house when I returned back home from a football game. I walked into the kitchen and my mom looked . I asked what had happened. She told me “your dad missing! The police thought he had killed in a car accident or driven away.” I was shocked hear that. About hour later, my dad came back and was surprised to see the police. It turned out that the police were wrong. My neighbor was using my fathers when the accident happened. My father said the neighbor had it from him two days before.

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