2019-2020年高二英语试题3 含答案.doc

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xx.12019-2020年高二英语试题3 含答案第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AApply for a Library CardAny person who lives, works or attends school inNew YorkStateis qualified to receive a New York Public Library card free of charge.Adults and teen users may either apply online or in person at any New York Public Library location. Applications for children ages 11 and under must be pleted in person, and require the signature of a parent or guardian.When you apply for a card online, you will receive a 7-digit temporary barcode(条形码). This allows you to set a PIN (personal Identification Number).After you receive your permanent barcode, which is required to borrow materials, search library databases, or reserve a puter, you must validate(使生效) your card.Renew or Validate Your CardAll adults, teen and child library cards for cardholders in New York City and areas of New York State outside of New York City expire(期满) and must be renewed every three years. New library card applicants who applied for a card online must validate their card before full cardholder privileges can be extended.Cardholders inNew York Citymust visit any New York Public Library location to present the required forms of identification in order to renew or validate their card.Cardholders from areas of New York States outside ofNew York Citymay email scans or copies of the required forms of identification topatronaccountsnypl.org.Forget Your PIN?If you provide the library with a valid email address, you can click on theForget Your PIN?link on the login(登陆) screen of eitherBiliomonsorthe Classic Catalog. A link with instructions on changing your PIN will be sent to the email address on your account, giving you a brief period of time to update your information. You must select a 4-digit number PIN, with no repeating or obvious charaters (e.g. 1234 or 2222).If you have not provided us with a valid email address, you have to visit a library location with valid identification to have a staff member reset your PIN for you.21. If a 10-year-old boy wants to receive a New York Public Library card, he.A. can either apply online or in person.B. can ask his parents to apply for him.C. has to visit a library location in person.D. has to apply in person with a partner or guardian.22. Which is different for cardholders in New York City and those from areas of New York State outside of New York City?AThe full cardholder privileges.B. The way they apply for a card.C. The period of validity of their card.D. The way they renew or validate their cards.23. Which of the following may be a suitable PIN for a library card?A. 5862B.1357C. 4321D. 7777BPhillida Eves and her husband Tedd Hamiltonwerent unhappy living in the Galway countryside with their sons, Cian and Oisn, and their daughter, Soracha. “We had a lovely home, a car, lots of friends, and weekends sailing our boat,” says Phillida. “But theres a line from a poem that goes: Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? That says it all for me. We felt there was more to life.”So they quit their jobs, , took their sons, then aged six and nine, out of school and went to southern Spain where they bought a 15-metre yacht(游艇) and headed up the coast to Barcelona. Soracha was not even three. And they brought along Poppy, the family dog. Now, two and a half years and 10,000km later, they dont intend to stop. Tedd is a yacht engineer and can find work in ports. But, says Phillida, a supply(代数) teacher, “any family could do this.”The children are home-schooled using a correspondence(函授) course. “My son had a recent project on the weather. The weather is vital to us. My son knows more than most adults about weather systems, passes, maps and directions. The weather, for him, means life or death.”Other subjects have bee equally vivid.“Theyre living geography and history all the time. Weve sailed round Italy, Sardinia, Sicily, and seen tiny islands we didnt know. The kids learned about ancient Romans by visiting Rome.”But what about social development? Again, Phillida issanguine. “The children have bee much more socially confident since we set out. They play with tones of families of all nationalities on other boats we meet.”Living for the moment, they believe, is a huge life lesson. “Our children never say theyre bored.” The other day they stopped mid-ocean and the kids swam, 110km from land. “Thats the kind of freedom we want for them,” says Phillida. “Thats the kind of freedom theyve got.”24. The couple quit their jobs and took their children travelling because.A. their children wanted to make friends of all nationalities.B. they wanted to experience more in their life.C. their children wanted plete freedom.D. they are unhappy with their lives.25. The family made a living during their tour from.A. writing their own storiesB. doing temporary jobsC. selling their possessionsD. teaching English26. The underlined word “sanguine” in paragraph 5 is closet in meaning to “”.A. patientB. curiousC. excitedD. optimistic27. What we can learn about the family from the text?A. They plan to stop for a rest.B. They have toured for more than three years.C. They believe any family can do the same thing as they do.D. They have made several geographical and historical discoveries.CPerhaps you have seen them on the playground, at preschool drop-off or piano lessons, or even in TV shows likeUp All Night. They are the stay-at-home dads, and lately, it seems theyre everywhere.The latest research shows that 32 percent of dads regularly care for their children, and among those with preschool-age kids, one in five dads is the primary caregiver. In families where mom works, that figure rises to nearly one in three. Stay-at-home dads have bee so mon that even toy makers like Mattel are catering to(迎合) them.A recent study finds that todays full-time fathers arent trying to be “Mr. Moms”. Instead, theyre carving out their own unique roles as parents. I spoke with some experienced stay-at-home dads, who agreed that their parenting styles are different. “I do let the kids take more risks on the playground, while my wife tends to get nervous that theyll fall and hurt themselves,” says Kyle, 38, an artist.Besides, as there are more and more stay-at-home dads, they are turning to each other for support. They have created Meet Up groups and held Dads Nights Out. Kyle admits he had noticed a change recently. “Several years ago, I was checking out at a store with the kids, and the cashier was very curious why I was buying food instead of my wife. I told her that I was a full-time dad, and she mented, Wow, I have never met one of you before. Now, my next-door neighbor is a dad who works from home and we often trades off watching the kids after school. ”As for my own husband, although he admits that being a full-time dad is encouraging, hes also proud of the strong bond with our daughter, which will offer her benefits that last for years. Children wit caring dads tend to have higher intelligence and more confidence, and do better in school. They also are less likely to experience depression or get into trouble, and have better social skills.28. Why toy makers catering to stay-at-home dads?A. Kids like playing with them.B. They influence the choices their children make.C. They are the money-makers in their families.D. Kids like toys bought by them.29. According to Paragraph 3, stay-at-home dads _.A. can never replace moms love.B. can be as good as moms at parenting.C. try to learn from moms about parenting.D. have different parenting styles from moms.30. What change has Kyle noticed recently?A. The founding of Meet Up groups.B. The change of peoples attitude towards them.C. The increase in the number of stay-at-home dads.D. The development of new munication methods.31. Children with full-time dads are more likely to be _.A. smart and positive.B. energetic and braveC. sociable and patient.D. confident and careful.DNowadays we all know that its best to eat healthily, limiting our intake(摄入) of fat, sugar and salt. We at Fineways Supermarket have reduced the levels of these in 1000 of our products and are doing so for a further 950 this year. In addition, we have introduced a new labeling system to help you make wise choices as you purchase food, in order to have a healthy diet and way of life.When you buy food, you the consumer need to know exactly what you will be eating. Some products are already labelled “Healthy” or “Low in fat”, but dont rely on that; we would rather the customer decides after reading the nutritional information on the packet. So our new food labels have bee clearer and more helpful.Our easy-to-read labels explain simply what is in your food. They show you:lhow much sugar, fat and salt there is in each serving(食物的一分)lhow many calories one serving containslthe percentages of your guideline daily amounts (GDAs) for each of theseWhat are Guideline Daily Amounts?GDAs are a guide to the total amount of calories, sugar, fat, salt and other elements(成分) we should eat in a day. According to experts, GDAs for a typical adult are:Caloriesxx kcalSugar90gFat70gSalt6gPlease note that children and active adults have different nutritional requirements.Numbers countHere is an example of our new labeling:Chicken salad sandwich packCalories25613%GDASugar3.1g4%GDAFat4.8g7%GDASalt1.1g19%GDAKnowing this kind of information about each product you buy can help you keep within the remended daily amounts, so be wise about your shopping with Fineways easy new healthy-conscious labels!32. The author of the text is probably.A. a dutiful housewifeB. a well-known nutritionistC. a staff member of a supermarketD. a manager of a fast-food pany33. How are Fineways new food labels more helpful than they used to be?A. They provided detailed information of each product.B. They show whether the food is green or not.C. They show whether the food is high in fat.D. They are printed in clearer ink.34. We know from the text that Fineways Supermarket.A. reduced the levels of fat, sugar and salt in all their products.B. asked experts to revise GDAs many timesC. tried to change the sizes of the packets.D. used a new labeling system.35. Whats the best title for the passage?A. What are GDAs?B. Whats on your food label?C. Are you healthy?D. Do you visit supermarkets often?第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Feel Attractive and Be Confident of YourselfFeeling attractive and confident has little to do with your appearance, and everything to do with how you feel about yourself on the inside. Every person is an individual and has attractive qualities to focus on.36.(1)Do what you can do.37. Dont plain about something that you are not willing to change. Begin dieting and exercising if you are overweight. Change your hairstyle, have your nails done or arch (使成弓形) your eyebrows.(2)38.Let your hands swing, keep your neck straight and hold your shoulders back. Walking confidently will make you feel more attractive and be more confident.(3)Dont pare yourself to others.You dont have to look like a model or a host on TV. However, you can learn to love yourself as you are.39. Make a list of your attractive qualities, and think about those each time you want to pare yourself with someone else.(4)Avoid negative thoughts about yourself.40. View pictures that show you at your most attractive. Force yourself to think about the things you like about yourself rather than the things you dont like.A.Walk confidently.B.Focus on the areas over which you have control.C.Learn how to be attractive and confident from models.D.You will be happier when you dont need to pete with others.E.Focus on achievements that will make you confident and attractive.F.The way you carry yourself can make you feel more attractive and confident.G.Every time you think something negative, replace it with a positive thought or action.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.Im an adoptive mother. “Tell me the story of me, Momma,” my daughter always41when we snuggled(依偎) into my great-grandmothers rocking chair at the end of the day.“The first time I saw your beautiful face, it was42covered by a blue-and-white hat,43by a pale blue blanket.All I could44were two pleasantly fat cheeks and a little nose. ”“And I looked like a tiny fairy baby?” she asks.“You did,” I always answer. “The nurse45a tiny girl to me, and I was so surprised because you felt so46. I thought that if I opened the47, Id find no baby there at all,48air.”In that instant, I became a49. I was all50in a cold room with a stone floor, four thousand miles from home. There was no sterile(无菌的) hospital room, no crying husband-just the two of us. But that moment was just as special, just as magical as if shed e from my body51into my arms. She was my daughter in every way that52from that moment.I53my life to a woman Ive never met, who lives half a world away. Her54gave me all I could ever ask for, and I never forget for a moment that it was her55decision - her tears and her pain - that is the foundation on which Ive built this life love.As my daughter grows, shell understand that sometimes life is a56, and you never know who in this world will hand you your baton(接力棒). It could be someone youve never57, someone who lives a world away, someone youll never be able to repay for giving you the life you always wanted58never dared to imagine youd have.I believe the true gifts of our lives e from the most59of sources. If we go forward bravely with our60open, we will always be in the right place to receive them.41. A. standsB. asksC. sighsD. cares42. A. immediatelyB. nearlyC. heavilyD. hardly43. A. surroundedB. supportedC. deliveredD. saved44. A. seekB. needC. seeD. keep45. A. selectedB. tiedC. returnedD. handed46. A. lightB. sleepyC. shyD. strange47. A. packageB. ragC. blanketD. pocket48. A. indeedB. evenC. mostlyD. only49. A. nurseB. motherC. wifeD. teacher50. A. afraidB. sillyC. aloneD. upset51. A. eventuallyB. especiallyC. possiblyD. directly52. A. matteredB. functionedC. maturedD. existed53. A. devoteB. oweC. spareD. bring54. A. punishmentB. mercyC. sacrificeD. honor55. A. crazyB. quickC. wiseD. difficult56. A. fightB. petitionC. relayD. game57. A. praisedB. metC. acceptedD. missed58. A. orB. andC. butD. for59. A. unnecessaryB. unlikelyC. unfriendlyD. unlucky60. A. heartsB. eyesC. fistsD. ears第II卷第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)To many people even the word “work” sounds unpleasant ,not61(necessary)because they are lazy. The same man, who62(dislike) his job in the factory or even in the office ,may work hard at the weekend ,painting the house or63(dig) the garden.What is the64,then?In most cases ,it is because these people simply do not enjoy the job they are doing .It does not give them any real65(satisfy) .It may be quite easy ,like making up wooden boxes ,66it is very boring. Very often they are doing a job which is just a small part of a much67(large) one ,such as attaching a door handle to a car .But the part they play in actually68(make)the car is so small that they can never say :I have made something !Yet in modern society somebody has to do ordinary jobs such as cleaning streets because thisis the way society69(organize), No matter how ordinary a job is, it plays a part in society and therefore deserves our due respect. Society cannot function a single day70the “dull and boring” jobs.第四部分写作(共两节;满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。John Brown is a London taxi driver who love going to the Theatre .Last week his mother gave him two tickets for the play. The tickets were on Sunday evening. Then John read some reviews(评论) of the play, which all said it was a terribly one! He wouldnt go to see a play that no one liked it, But two hours before the play started, he left the ticket on the back seat of his taxi, Perhaps someone wanted to see the play would take them. However, while John went back home, the tickets were still there. In fact , there were four tickets on the seat. Someone has placed another pair of tickets on top of them!第二节书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑假中学生英语演讲比赛(speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。请根据以下要点给Tom写一封电子邮件:1.询问Tom的生活和学习情况;2.谈谈你的困难并请Tom帮忙;3.告诉Tom你打算赛后去看他。注意:1.词数:120左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。阅读理解:2140:CDABBDCBDCACADBFBADG完形填空: 4160:BBACDACDBCDABCDCBCBA语法填空:61. necessarily62. dislikes63. digging64. reason65. satisfaction66. but67. larger68. making69. is organized70. without短文改错:John Brown is a London taxi driver wholovegoing to the Theatre .Last week his mother(loves)gave him two tickets fortheplay. The tickets wereonSunday evening. Then John read some(a)(for)reviews(评论) of the play, which all said it was aterriblyone! He wouldnt go to see a play that(terrible)no one liked it,Buttwo hours before the play started, he left theticketon the back seat of his taxi,(So)(tickets)Perhaps someone wanted to see the play would take them. However,whileJohn went back home,(who/that)

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