2019-2020年高考临门一脚英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高考临门一脚英语试题 含答案I 完形填空关键: 通读全文,理解大意;在语境中进行推理判断;关注上下文提示,把握好词汇信息。建议:先易后难,先做较确定的;标记不十分确定的空(试卷上),全篇一轮后,再补不那么确定的空,注意时间把握,不要为一两个空,苦想太长时间,影响后面的题目。Words can be misleading. When we need to reply on someones opinion to make a decision, _1_ is of great importance. One form of “informed opinion” is a product review, which considerably influences our purchasing decisions. In the Internet marketplace, reviews are very _2_, as the customer doesnt have direct access to the product. A product review of an “expert” or a customer, who has used the product, _3_ influences us. Many customers have been _4_ into buying low-quality products by false reviews. Here are some ways to spot the false reviews. There are plenty of _5_ stores which pay people to write good reviews of their products. _6_, these people write very short reviews, with sentences often like “Of all the bags I have used, this one is the best ever.” Look out, if the same product has multiple reviews published within a short time frame. That is a classic sign of a _7_ review-writers job. _8_on actual details and high on drama! That is another obvious sign of a fake review. The reviewer will be all crazy about the product, _9_it as the best product ever purchased, without going into much detail about its features. No _10_ will be discussed, and there will be more talk about how he is happy with the product, rather than why. Low detailing is a sure _11_ that the review is not written out of experience. _12_ the reviewer if he has a profile(档案). Fake reviews will typically get mon first names like Joe, Jim. The profile might reveal other reviews written by the same person. If you find him or her reviewing the same product over and over again or multiple products with _13_ wording and style, you have spotted a professional fake review writer!Not all reviews are reliable, but that doesnt _14_ there arent any reliable ones out there and that you shouldnt shop online. The trick is to read as much as you can about a product from _15_ sources, online as well as offline, before making a decision. This will help you get away from fake reviews and let actual facts influence your decision. 1.A. judgment B. argument C. requirement D. advertisement2.A. necessary B. useful C. important D. popular3.A. similarly B. largely C. generally D. regularly 4.A. persuaded B. admitted C. talked D. tricked 5.A. online B. large C. famous D. different 6.A. Significantly B. Actually C. Typically D. pletely 7.A. published B. prepared C. purchased D. paid 8.A. Low B. HighC. Large D. Reliable 9.A. attracting B. praising C. announcing D. making 10.A. details B. experiences C. disadvantages D. products 11.A. sign B. symbol C. detail D. source 12.A. Get B. Discuss C. Read D. Check 13.A. different B. similar C. unforgettable D. reliable 14.A. think B. keep C. mean D. find 15.A. various B. scientific C. professional D. typical 做完形填空题 我要注意: _ _II. 语法填空提点:意义+ 结构 分析句子结构、确定主谓结构- 谓语?非谓语? 根据句子成份、句意-判断词性、形式 复杂句子-化繁为简,理清结构及主从句,用准连词 词组搭配-用对介词 基础语法-冠词、代词、过去式、过去分词等 关注语法项目的分布、覆盖,大小写,书写规范Once a man was lost in the desert and he was dying of thirst. He stumbled (跌撞) along the way until he came to an abandoned house _16_ there was a pump outside. He was eager to pump _ 17_ (violence), but no water came _18_ the well. Then he noticed a small pot with a note _19_ (write) on the side, “You have to pour water down the pump, and fill the pot again before you leave.” He pulled out the cover and saw that _20_ pot was full of water. “Should I pour it down the pump? What if it doesnt work? _21_ I drink the water from the pot, I will not die of thirst.” He _22_ (wonder) what to do next. Suddenly, something from inside told him to follow the advice and choose the risky _23_ (decide). He decided to pour the whole pot of water down and finally he got the running water. Then he added his own words on the pot, “Believe me, it really works.” You have to give _24_ all away before you can get anything back and that is _25_ giving is important.16. _ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _ 21. _ 22. _ 23. _ 24. _ 25. _做语法填空题 我要注意: _ III. 阅读理解提点按A,B,C, D篇的顺序做题, 以保证涂卡与题号相符;细心,不可大意,不要浮躁。可先浏览题目,再看短文;文章中的长难句, 复杂句, 须抓住句子的主干;找准关键词语,做各种记号,标记等。细节题: 回归有关的文段,用题干或选项中的关键词在文中搜索相关词句,以定位信息点主旨大意/best title题: 关键词,综合每段段意,特别注意首段, 尾段的提示,范围不要太窄或太宽;逆向思维猜词题: 前后词句联系理解, 替换理解,结合语境, 构词法来推测意思推断题: 综合理解(全文主旨及各个段落内容要点),作者意图+常识理解文章的基本结构:概括全文主旨及各个段落间的联系,分析他们相互之间的逻辑关系。理解作者的意图、观点和态度: 根据文中的措辞、体裁,注意表达感情色彩的词及所举的例子,推断作者的弦外之音。ADo you know of anyone who uses the truth to deceive(欺骗)? When someone tells you something that is true, but leaves out important information that should be included, he can give you a false picture.For example, someone might say, I just won a hundred dollars on the lottery(彩票). It was great. I took that dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars!. This guys a winner, right? Maybe, maybe not. We then discover that he bought $200 worth of tickets, and only one was a winnerHes really a big loser! He didnt say anything that was false,but he left out important information on purposeThats called a half-truthHalf truths are not technically lies,but they are just as dishonestSome politicians often use this trickLets say that during Governor Smiths last term,her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobsThen she seeks another termOne of her opponentssays, “During Governor Smiths term,the state lost one million jobs!” Thats trueHowever,an honest statement would have been,“During Governor Smiths term, the state had a net gain of two million jobs.”Advertisers will sometimes use half-truthsIts against the law to make false statements so they try to mislead you with the truthAn advertisement might say,Nine out of ten doctors advised their patients to take Yucky Pills to cure toothache. It fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky pany This kind of deception happens too oftenIts a sad fact of life:Lies are lies,and sometimes the truth can 1ie as well26The underlined word “opponents” in Paragraph 3 meansAenemyBpartnerCcooperatorDassistant27We may infer that the author believes people should Abuy lottery tickets if possibleBmake use of half-truths Cbe careful about what they are told Dnot trust the Yucky pany28How many examples does the writer give to show how the truth is used to deceive?AOneBTwoCThreeDFour29Which of the following is true according to the passage? AUsing half truths is against the law BTechnically,half truths are in fact lies CYucky Pills is a very good medicine for toothache DGovernor Smith did a good job during her last term30Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage? AHes really a big loser! BSometimes the truth can lie as well CAdvertisers will sometimes use half truthsDIts against the law to make false statements BAfter more discussion, Paul and John e to an agreement. Paul knows that the deal will fail if he doesnt get his act together quickly with the Chinese building suppliers. He tells John that if Johns pany keeps away from the South Korea market for the time being, hell get things worked out in about three weeks by lending the Chinese pany some of the money, without charging the usual interest for materials and labor costs to get them started on building the hotels almost immediately. John thinks that is a good idea but hes a hard businessman and drives a hard bargain. He wants two guarantees that the deal wont fail at the last minute. The first is that, if Paul cant e up with his side of the contract, then Pauls pany will have to pay 400, 000 pounds, but with an agreement to discuss the project again in six months time. Paul knows that his bosses wont want to part with that sort of money and agrees. However, the second guarantee is that, even if Pauls pany does start up on time but falls behind schedule, it will cost his pany 200, 000 pounds for every month lost. Paul thinks that is very hard and over-the-top, and he will have to look into it. But John says that is his bottom line , meaning that is the only deal he is going to make and Pauls pany can either take it or leave iteither they give both guarantees or the deal fails now. The business world can be a tough one.31. The writer writes this article mainly to _. A. show businessmen are hard to get along with B. show John is even tougher than Paul C. suggest the business world is a rather difficult one D. tell people how to e to a business agreement 32. What does Paul think about the second guarantee that John asks for? A. He thinks it is pletely unacceptable. B. He thinks it is quite wrong and decides to refuse it. C. He thinks it is something fair. D. He thinks it is unfair and wants to change it. 33. The underlined word them in the first paragraph refers to _. A. materials and labor costsB. the Chinese building suppliers C. the hotels to be builtD. the things to be worked out 34. To “drive a hard bargain” means John _. A. argues about the price violentlyB. does everything he can to persuade Paul C. gets everything cheaper greatlyD. makes sure that the agreement suits him best35. Paul and John didnt agree on each other _.A. before their discussionB. after their discussionC. after their argumentD. when they get the things worked out做阅读理解 我要注意以下几点:_ _ _IV. 信息匹配提点:不掉以轻心,不想当然,认真看题目:匹配要求利用标题,图片;选项归类;锁定范围,抓住关键,排除干扰(共同信息项,比对区别)先易后难;完成匹配后,一定记得涂所有阅读答案到答题卡。然后,再做写作首先阅读下面某国年会期间会举行的专题论坛会议内容介绍A. Forum1: ICT and Urban DevelopmentThe forum explores the cities future through the development of ICT ( Information and munication Technologies), focusing on issues of urban management, urban life and urban integration in the global economic framework. The forum includes three main forums and four in-depth sessions on key subjects: ICT and Urban Management -ICT and Industries -ICT and Logistics ICT and Urban Life -ICT and Education B. Forum 2: Cultural Heritage and Urban RegenerationCultural heritage and urban regeneration are parallel goals in a citys development roadmap. The government should seek to pursue both objectives and give expression to effective practical approaches. Cultural diversity, cultural integration, the preservation and extension of cultural heritage are key dimensions of the cultural aspects that are so vital to the city and its regeneration.C. Forum 3: Science &Technology Innovation and Urban FutureThis Forum will cover topical questions such as: what is the role of science and technology innovation in urban security and sustainable development? How to improve the cities overall petitiveness through science and technology innovation? How will science and technology innovation lead us to a better quality of life in the future? Focusing on the different aspects of safety, development, petitiveness, and lifestyle, the different sessions will connect science and technology innovation. D. Forum 4: Towards a Low-Carbon City: Environmental Protection and Urban ResponsibilitiesThis forum covers a wide range of issues involving urban environmental systems as well as the utilization, protection and governance of the environment. These issues are to be discussed by the government, enterprises from three different levels of responsibility, focusing on serious global and regional environmental problems involving climate change, water pollution, etc. The forum will deliver the message that a more harmonious environment would make a better city; that a resource-saving and environment-friendly urban development pattern would make our native earth better.EForum 5: Economic Transformations and Urban-Rural RelationsThis forum will focus on Economic Transformations, which is a vital proposition in the world economic theory and practice today. It will include discussions on how to deal with pressure from both the economic and the industrial structure conversion(转换), in which the key question is how to realize the transformation from a traditional agricultural society to a modern industrial one. The forum will also focus on lessons about urban and rural development from other developing countries. FForum 6: Harmonious City and Livable LifeThis forum will debate key issues such as: How to create a city that can satisfy the different needs of peoples settled life? The forum will cover three major areas: urban space, urban society and urban environment. It will also present in-depth discussions on the relationship between a livable city and its munities, focusing on the following hot topics: the Harmonious City Housing Policies and Harmonious Life Social Policies and the Harmonious City 下面是五位不同职责的人,请根据他们的职责匹配合适他们参加的论坛会议46. Mr. Green Studying key issues on promoting economic and social development with science and technology;47. Mr. BlackManaging the cultural and artistic industry; directing the reform of the cultural system; drawing up the policies on cultural industry; participating in planning and implementing(贯彻) the construction of the civic cultural infrastructure.48. Mr. JacksonDrawing up plans for environmental protection; supervising pollution prevention and ecological protection in key areas and key rivers fixed by central, provincial or municipal government; supervising and managing pollution prevention of water, air, gas, noise, solid waste and poisonous chemicals in the city49. Mr. BrownFormulating policies for industrialized agricultural operations; providing guidance to adjust the industrialized agricultural structure; putting forward suggestions on deepening the rural economic restructuring across the city; providing guidance to set up the system of non-government services in agricultural development,50. Mr. WhiteEnforcing state laws, regulations, guidelines and policies related to munications and post telemunications; Assuming medium-and long-term plans of the local munications and telemunications sectors, as well as their key annual technical renovation projects.做信息匹配 我要注意以下几点:_ _ V. 书面表达第一节 基础写作提点:高考英语书面表达写作素材都是与中学生的日常生活相关的话题,会避免出现考生不熟悉的话题,也不会出现农村或城市学生不熟悉的话题,注重考查考生的语言表达能力。应用文的写作居多,话题涉及社会热点:光碟行动(节约),英语学习,高三周末、假期不准补课,或高考后暑假的安排等与中学生的实际生活密切相关。审题时,先确定写作要点,分配好句子,书面表达一定要注意准确性,句子数符合要求,上下文连贯,并使用一定变化的句式结构。书写卷面整洁;写好首句xx年奥运会将在巴西(Brazil)的里约热内卢(Rio de Janeiro)举行。请跟据以下写作内容,写一篇短文介绍里约热内卢这个城市。概况巴西第二大城市, 人口约6,094,000经济南美经济最发达的地区之一旅游风景优美,旅游资源丰富,每年吸引大量游客;高38米的基督像(Cristo Redentor) 是世界新七大奇迹之一申奥曾于xx年申办奥林匹克运动会但未成功。xx年10月3日凌晨,被宣布成为xx年第31届奥林匹克运动会的举办城市,巴西因此成为第一个举办奥林匹克运动会的南美国家【写作要求】1 只能用5个句子表达全部内容。2 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。_做基础写作, 我要注意以下几点:_ _ _ 第二节 读写任务提点:概括:抓要点(34点):根据文体写:记叙文:某人做了某事 + 作者的看法观点、经验或感悟 (六要素)说明文:介绍一个事物的性质功用:对象 + 性质功用 + 利好 说明一个问题及措施:问题 + 解决方案 说明一个现象及原因:现象 + 原因 + 结果议论文:论点+论据(+结论)段意合并,找各个段落的主题句;从题目中获得提示:写作的中心即为原文的主要话题;写作的三个要点可能是原文的主要细节。注意:不照抄原句,表达无误。 主体部分:细致审题,抓住写作关键词,分析各个写作要点与写作话题的关系。写作时按要点内容分段,可以不必起草,但建议事先写好各段主题句;各段支撑句恰当运用关联词语,逻辑连贯合理;需要举例或写经历时,素材要reasonable/convincing;可以从阅读材料中挖掘有用的素材,巧妙借用。语言表达准确、规范。Not content with clipping fur, and massaging their dogs, pet owners in Beijing are now trying to turn mans best friend into something else entirely. From between 7 to 300 US dollars people can turn their pup into a tiger or a panda. Old English Sheepdog, Kung Fu is 10 months old. Once well known in his neighborhood for being a cute puppy - now hes famous for his panda-like qualities. Queenie Yang, Kung Fus owner, said, Before he was dyed, he was a star in our munity. After he was dyed, he became even more famous. Wherever he goes, people like him, especially children. They think he is a real panda. Sun Ruowen, owner of Ruowen Pet Spa, says shes catering to dog owners wishes: they cant own a panda, but they can have a panda-like dog. After all, pandas and tigers are rare, so if owners have dogs like them, they would be very satisfied. Critics say the new trend is inhumane because dogs are sometimes forced to undergo hours of unnecessary dyeing. Tian Haiyan, vice-director of Beijing Guanshang Animal Hospital, said, Dyes of bad quality could hurt an animals skin. Besides, dyes could affect a dog if they inhale the fumes. 1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。2. 以约120个词对“把狗染成别的动物的现象”进行议论,内容包括:(1) 人们为什么喜欢把他们的宠物狗染成其它动物;(2) 你对人们把宠物狗染成其它动物的看法;(3) 假如你处在那些狗的处境,你会有什么反应;_

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