2019-2020年高考英语 完形填空专题学生选练1.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 完形填空专题学生选练1完形填空Elaine was a saleswoman,who drove all over the city five days a week. When all the freeway lanes were at a dead stop,she would drive quickly along the emergency lane. While driving she usually_1_on her cellphone,drinking a soda or eating a sandwichher hands,legs and mouth were always_2_while she was driving.Last night she got_3_in Friday evening rush hour. She was going to be _4_for her date. She was already_5_when things seemed to be getting worse and all the traffic stopped. Elaine drove_6_over to the emergency lane. Soon she saw the red flashing lights in the mirror. She had to_7_her car. A goodlooking officer walked up.“Officer,my boyfriend left me after he got me pregnant. I have constant morning sickness. Im just trying to get to the nearest store to buy my_8_.” She looked at the officer with_9_eyes.He looked at her pitifully,then said_10_,“Okay,maam. Take the first exit. I hope youll be feeling better.”The officer walked back to his car and Elaine drove on. This was the second time that_11_had worked for her. She had one more thing to do before she got home. She had to mail a package. When she got to the shopping mall at 7 pm,no parking was_12_,except for the handicapped space. Elaine drove right into it. She would only be a minute,she told_13_.All she had to do was _14_the post office,get the package_15_,and pay the clerk.Fortunately,there was no_16_in the store. Everything was done so _17_that she was whistling while she walked back out to her car. Then she stopped_18_.There was an envelope on the windshield (挡风玻璃)She opened it slowly. She knew_19_it was,but not how much it was. She screamed when she saw the_20_.A dog started barking.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了在晚上回家的途中发生在女推销员Elaine身上的事情。1. A. dependedBcarriedCtalkedDsold解析她在开车时通常打电话、喝苏打汽水或吃三明治。talk(to sb.)on ones cellphone意为“用手机(和某人)通话”。答案C2A. full Bopen CfreeDbusy解析在开车时她的手、腿和嘴巴总是闲不住。busy忙碌的,符合语境。答案D3 A. stuckBhurt Cannoyed Dpunished解析昨晚她赶上了周五晚上的交通高峰期。get stuck in意为陷入。答案A4A. late Bready CexcitedDmad解析她的约会要迟到了。be late for迟到,符合语境。答案A5A. satisfiedBangry CexhaustedDcalm解析就在事情似乎变得更糟糕,所有的交通都停止的时候,她已经生气了。angry生气的,发怒的。答案B6A. reluctantly BimmediatelyCguiltilyDgratefully解析Elaine立即(immediately)将车开上应急车道。此空与文章第一段第二句中的“quickly”相呼应。答案B7A. stop Bstart Cdiscard Dspeed解析她不得不将车停(stop)下。答案A8A.gas Bticket CmedicineDpackage解析她说她只是想到最近的商店买点儿药(medicine)。答案C9A.innocentBaggressive CaddictedDproud解析她用无辜的(innocent)眼神望着那名警官。答案A10A. softly Brudely CstrictlyDskeptically解析他满怀同情地看着她,温和地(softly)说:“那行,女士。走第一个出口吧。我希望你会好起来。”答案A 11A. officer Bexcuse Cdriver Dmistake解析这是那个借口(excuse)第二次奏效了。答案B12A. adoptableBaccessible CacceptableDavailable解析当她晚上7点钟到达购物中心的时候,除了残疾人专区外,已没有可供使用的(available)泊车位。答案D13A. the clerkBthe guard Cthe workerDherself 解析她告诉自己,只会停一分钟。反身代词herself在此作told的宾语。答案D14A. take outBget out Crun into Dpush into解析她要做的就是跑进(run into)邮局,将包裹称重(weighed),并付钱给工作人员。答案C15A. weighed Bprinted Crepaired Dpaid解析参见上题解析。答案A16A. car Bline Cpolice Dservice解析幸运的是,不需要排队。line队伍,行列,符合语境。答案B17A. quicklyBslowly CstrangelyDquietly解析一切都做得很快(quickly)以至于她往回走向汽车时竟吹起了口哨。答案A18A .talking BdrivingCthinkingDwhistling解析她停止吹口哨(whistling)。答案D19A. how Bwhy Cwhat Dthat解析她知道那是什么(what),但她不知道是多少。答案C20A.letter BorderCamount Dinvitation解析当她看到罚单上的金额(amount)时,她尖叫起来。答案C完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。“Yes, Ill be ready at nine. Goodbye, dear, and thanks again.” Mrs. Robinson replaced the 1 and crossed the hall into the 2 . It had not been an easy telephone call for her to make. Her daughter had been very kind, 3 , and had immediately agreed to 4 her up, but Mrs. Robinson 5 to admit that she needed help. Since her 6 passed away ten years ago, she had prided herself upon her _7 . She had 8 to live in their little house alone and had refused to go and live with her daughter.But on this evening, she was standing at her living-room window, 9 out at the “SOLD” notice in the small front garden. Her feeling were 10 . Naturally she was 11 at the thought of leaving here, as it was full of so many 12 .But at the same time she was looking forward to spending her last 13 near the sea, _14 in the little sea town where she was born. With the 15 from the sale of the house, she had bought a little flat there.Her husband had always been very 16 this house. She hadnt been 17_ here, but it didnt mean as much to her as it had to him. 18 most of the people who lived in the street had 19 away, and it was this that had made her decide to sell it. Next morning Mrs. Robinson 20 the house for the station in her daughters car. 1. A. book B. data C. receiver D. door 2. A. bedroom B. dining-room C. garden D. living-room 3. A. however B. of course C. therefore D. specially 4. A. pick B. bring C. cheer D. warm 5. A. liked B. hated C. tended D. pretended 6. A. lawyer B. friend C. daughter D. husband 7. A. independence B. future C. talent D. ideal 8. A. moved B. hoped C. continued D. dreamed 9. A. sticking B. staring C. reaching D. pulling 10. A. blamed B. excited C. embarrassed D. mixed 11. A. sad B. hard C. pleased D. delighted 12. A. pets B. folks C. descriptions D. memories 13. A. lives B. years C. wealth D. treasure 14. A. down B. up C. back D. away 15. A. insurance B. allowance C. reward D. money 16. A. fond of B. busy in C. afraid of D. interested in 17. A. funny B. lucky C. happy D. unhappy 18. A. Soon B. Shortly C. Recently D. Immediately 19. A. fled B. moved C. turned D. traveled 20. A. sold B. returned C. left D. locked【参考答案】15 CDBAB 610 DACBD 1115 ADBCD 1620 ADCBC完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The True Story of Treasure IslandIt was always thought that Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Stevensons imagination. _1_,recent research has found the true story of this exciting work.Stevenson, a Scotsman, had lived 2 for many years in 1881 he returned to Scotland for a 3 . With him were his American wife Fanny and his son 4 .Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long 5 over the hills. They had been 6 this for several days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse, Kept indoors by the heavy rain. Lloyd felt the days 7 . To keep the boy happy Robert asked the boy to do some 8 .One morning, the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island. Robert 9 that the boy had drawn a large cross in the middle of 10 . “Whats that?” he asked “Thats the 11 treasure “said the boy Robert suddenly 12 something of an adventure story in the boys 13 While the rain was pouring, Robert sat down by the fire to write a story. He would make the 14 a twelve-year-old boy just like Lloyd. But who would he the pirate(海盗)?Robert had a good friend named Henley, who walked around with the 15 of a wooden leg. Robert had always wanted to 16 such a man in a story17 Long John Silver the pirate with a wooden leg, was 18 .So thanks to a 19 .September in Scotland a friend with a wooden leg and the imagination of a twelve-year-old boy we have one of the greatest 20 stories in the English language.( ) 1AHowever BThereforeCBesidesDFinally【答案】A ( ) 2AaloneBnext doorCat homeDabroad【答案】D ( ) 3Ameeting BstoryCholidayDjib【答案】C( ) 4ALloydBRobertCHenleyDJohn【答案】A( ) 5AtalkBrestCwalkDgame【答案】C( ) 6Aattempting BmissingCplanningDenjoying【答案】D( ) 7AquietBdullCbusyDcold【答案】B( ) 8Acleaning BwritingCdrawingDexercising【答案】C( ) 9AdoubtedBnoticedCdecidedDrecognized【答案】B( ) 10Athe seaBthe houseCScotlandDthe island【答案】D( ) 11Aforgotten Bburied CdiscoveredDunexpected【答案】B( ) 12AsawBdrewCmadeDlearned【答案】A( ) 13AbookBreplyCpictureDmind【答案】C( ) 14AstarBheroCwriterDchild【答案】B( ) 15AhelpBproblemCuseDbottom【答案】A( ) 16ApraiseBproduceCincludeDaccept【答案】C( ) 17AYetBAlsoCButDThus【答案】D( ) 18AreadBbornChiredDwritten【答案】B( ) 19ArainyBsunnyCcoolDwindy【答案】A ( ) 20AnewsBloveCreal-lifeDadventure【答案】D1.【解析】表示转折,意指“然而”,最近的研究已经发现了这个令人兴奋的工作是真实的故事。2.【解析】从下文他返回苏格兰可知,他居住在国外。3.【解析】从句意他和他的孩子及美国妻子一同回家度假。for a holiday 为度假。4.【解析】同位语表明他儿子的姓名,同时。5.【解析】 从句意上理解,Stevenson每个早晨带他们去散步,故应用walk。6.【解析】从下文得知,在天气变糟糕之前,他们一直享受着好天气。7.【解析】由上文可知由于大雨使劳埃德整天呆在屋里,劳埃德感到无聊。故选B。8.【解析】句意为:为了使劳埃德高兴,他叫劳埃德画画。9.【解析】罗伯特注意到劳埃德在地图的岛的中间画了一个大十字。10.【解析】由上文知道,劳埃德拿着一副漂亮的岛的地图。故选D。11.【解析】由回答可知,此处是标明埋葬宝藏的地方。12.【解析】根据句意:罗伯特突然看出在这男孩的图画上有一些冒险的故事。13.【解析】依据上句可知。14.【解析】由前后句可以判断出来,他做海盗,而让劳埃德做英雄。15.【解析】从文章中可以看出,罗伯特有一个好朋友名叫亨利,他是腿残疾的人,在木制的假腿帮助下,才能行走。With the help of表示在帮助下。16.【解析】根据句意:罗伯特一直想在他的故事里有这样一个人。故事中的人物包括这样一个人。故用C。17【解析】因此,他的小说诞生了。18.【解析】由上文可知选B。19【解析】句意为:多亏雨天,使他将苏格兰木腿朋友和一个富有想象的十二岁男孩联系在一起。20【解析】从文章题目宝岛是真实的故事推断出是冒险经历。故选D。完形填空-AWhat a busy day! The three boys were fed, bathed and changed in to their nightclothes. Mary had _1_ them a story and finally they were asleep. “Babysitting照看the three boys aged eight, six and four is extremely _2_,” she thought.“Sleep,” she considered, “if only I could!” But she had difficult homework to plete. Leaning back, she _3_ her feet onto the sofa to get fortable. Whoever said babysitting was aan _4_ way to make money obviously hadnt met the three boys, she thought. The television was on, the room was warm, and the lights were dim. Marys _5_ felt heavier and heavier. I mustnt sleep, she thought which was _6_ what she did, of course.Strangely enough, she soon _7_ that she was a world-famous chef主厨. She made a _8_ and wore diamonds and designer clothes. Most days she relaxed by the pool, meeting the rich and famous or _9_ her favorite hobby. She _10_ took the leading role in her own TV show.That is, until she became too _11_. “I am definitely the best in the world,” she thought, as she prepared a tasty chicken dish. But _12_ seemed to go right. She spilt the flour, she dropped an egg and she cut her finger. Despite all the troubles, she _13_ to get the chicken into the dove. Soon, smoke blanketed the room. The chicken was on fire. _14_ set in, but Mary could not run she was _15_ to the spot. She tried hard to move, but could not, _16_ a sharp sound awoke her.She got shocked and confused _17_ was pouring from the kitchen. Rushing to investigate, she was met by three _18_ little faces and some very burnt bread. “Sorry, we were hungry and you were _19_, so we tried to make some bread,” explained a boy. Relieved, Mary made them a snack and sent them back to bed. She_20_ them never to fall asleep on the job again!(C)1.A.givenB.writtenC.toldD.taught(C)2.A.successfulB.helpfulC.tiringD.surprising(B)3.A.shookB.putC.bentD.kept(D)4.A.difficultB.boringC.importantD.easy(A)5.A.eyesB.mindC.heartD.legs(B)6.A.nicelyB.exactlyC.curiouslyD.carelessly(D)7.A.realizedB.remindedC.learnt D.dreamt(B)8.A.decisionB.fortuneC.businessD.plan(B)9.A.cookingB.readingC.runningD.babysitting(C)10.A.justB.everC.evenD.only(B)11.A.selfishB.proudC.stubbornD.sensitive(D)12.AeverythingB.somethingC.anythingD.nothing(C)13.A.triedB.arranged C.managedD.prepared(A)14.A.PanicB.PainC.NoiseD.Stress(B)15.A.frozenB.draggedC.pushedD.brought(A)16.A.becauseB.untilC.asD.unless(C)17.A.smokeB.lightC.waterD.fire(D)18.A.cheerfulB.strangeC.guiltyD.confident(D)19.A.busyB.hungryC.worriedD.asleep(A)20.A.promisedB.allowedC.expectedD.persuaded1. 【解析】C。考查固定搭配,tell sb. astory给某人讲故事。2. 【解析】C。根据下文文意得知主人公作为保姆带三个不同年龄段得孩子,感受非常累非常辛苦。3. 【解析】B。A摇晃,B放置,C弯,D保持。根据意思, Mary在忙完工作后将脚架在沙发上休息。4. 【解析】D。A困难,B厌烦,C重要,D简单。根据本句意思“无论是谁说过照看孩子是很容易赚钱的方式,这个人对三个孩子明显没有尽心。”5. 【解析】A。根据前文,Mary因为很累眼皮越来越沉重,睁不开。6. 【解析】B。A很好地,B正是,就是,C好奇地D大意地。“我不能睡着,她想。-她当然也的确是这样做的。”7. 【解析】D 根据下一段得知Mary做了一个梦。下文正是对这个梦的内容展开叙述。8. 【解析】B。make a fortune = make much money.赚了大钱,很富。9. 【解析】B。根据本句句意,“大多数的日子里她都在游泳池边休闲,和有钱人聚会或者是做着她最喜爱的事-读书。这些都是比较悠闲的活动。很多同学误选A cooking,但文章中并没有体现主人公很喜爱做饭,而是强调她变有钱人后所过的生活多么丰富多彩。10. 【解析】C. 解析:对前文的递进增补,“甚至还做了自己电视节目的主演。”11. 【解析】B。根据下一句。Im definitely the best in the world.我一定是世界上最棒的,体现Mary骄傲的心情。12. 【解析】D “Nothing seemed to go right.什么都不对劲。”13. 【解析】C A努力去做,尽力去做,B计划去做,C设法做成某事,D准备去做。14. 【解析】A。根据文意Mary 此时非常焦急,焦虑。 15. 【解析】A A冻住,B拖,拉,拽,C推,D带来。Be frozen to the spot.站在一个地方动不了。16. 【解析】B。A因为,B直到,C因为,正如,D除非。根据句意,她努力想移动但是没有做到,直到一道尖锐的声音惊醒了她。17. 【解析】A。根据后文very burnt bread.可知厨房因为烤焦面包在冒烟。18. 【解析】C。解析:A振奋,B奇怪,C内疚,D自信。根据后文,孩子说抱歉,说明他们在厨房烤焦面包感到内疚,不好意思。19. 【解析】D。根据前文,得知Mary当时正在熟睡。20. 【解析】A。A承诺,B允许,C期待,D 劝说。promise sb. never to do sth. 向某人承诺不在做某事了。

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