2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 讲读 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 讲读 新人教版选修8Warming up (小组讨论,集中发言)1. Can you tell the difference between a discovery and an invention?2. Why is Edison called a great inventor and Columbus a great discoverer?Pre-reading 1.Look at the pictures above. Can you tell when the telephone, the TV set and the air-conditioner invented?2.Here are the six stages of scientific research, can you reorder them? A. applying for a patent B. finding a problem C. doing research D. testing the solution E. thinking of a creative solution F. deciding on the inventionWhile-readingScamming1. What is the main idea of the passage? _2. Read and divide the text into four part and then match the main idea with each part. Part 1 (Para 1): A. The requirement of getting a patent.Part 2(Para2-3): B. The discovery of the problem of the snakes. Part 3(Para4-6): C. The research on the approaches to solve the problemPart 4(Para.7-8): D. The attempts to catch the snakes.Careful reading :Answer the following questions after reading each part of the passage.Part1 (Para 1) 1) Why did the writers mother was upset when her daughter called her up?_2) Why was the author was proud when her mother told her there were snakes in the courtyard?_Part 2(Para2-3)1) What was the first thing that she did?_2) What made the solution easier?_3) What are the three possible approaches she decided on?_4) What did she prepare?_Part 3(Para4-6)1) When did she put the frozen bowl over the snakes habitat?_2) What happened when she removed the bucket and the bowl?_3) When did she put the bowl and the ice-cubes over the snakes habitat?_4) What happened when she tried to picked the snakes up?_5) How did she succeeded in catching the snakes at the third attempt?_Part 4(Para.7-8)1) Why did she decide to apply for a patent?_2) How long have you to wait from the date you apply for the patent?_ Post-reading Read the text carefully again and choose the best answers. 1) How did the writer catch the snakes? A. Using something to attract the snakes into a trap.B. Taking their habitat to another place.C. Cooling the snakes so that they became sleepy.D. All the above.2) What instruments were used for catching the snakes?A. A bowl, ice-cube and male perfumeB.A bowl, a bucket and female perfumeC. A small net, ice-cubes and a bucketD. A small net, a bucket and powders 3). The biggest advantage of the writers new idea is that _.A. it makes the snake move slowly.B. it makes the snakes hardly bit us.C. it is easier for us to kill the snakes without hurting ourselves.D. it is easier for us to catch the snakes without killing them. 4) The writer succeeded in catching the snake in the _ attempt.A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 5) According to the text, which subject do you think can be given a patent? A. A new star discovered by a scientist.B. A new novel written by a young writer.C. A new kind of grass found in a mountain which can be use as a medicine. D. A new way to make dirty water clean.2.True (T) or False (F) 1) In this passage, the writer wants to encourage the readers to be creative and hardworking.2) The writers mother lived in the countryside and was annoyed by some snakes.3) The writer wanted to distinguish herself by catching the snakes or killing them.4) The writer was successful in catching snakes in the second attempt.5) An inventor can easily get the patent for the invention.6) If you have a scientific theory or mathematical model, you can get a patent.7) If your invention passes the test, your application for a patent will be published 18 months from the date you apply.3. Which of the following is likely to get a patent? A. the discovery of a new landB. a scientific idea or mathematical modelC. a new method to catch snakes without hurting themD. a new work of literature or artE. a new smoke without harmful smoke F. a game or a businessG. a puter programH. a new pencil box that can remind the own of his homework I. a new kind of green fuel J. a new animal or plant variety 4. Choose the best word to fill the passageThere were some snakes in our courtyard which made my mother 1)_. I seize the chance to 2)_ myself by inventing something to get rid of the snakes without 3)_ them. Early in the morning, I put a 4)_ bowl over the snakes habitat and ice cubes on top of the bowl. Then I covered the whole thing with a 5)_. After two hours, I removed then bucket and the bowl, but the snakes abruptly 6)_ into a hole in the wall. Then I did the same thing again, but I put the bucket and other things in the 7)_. When I returned to see the result the next morning, the snakes are still 8)_ enough to try to bite me. The third time I repeated the second procedure. With a fishing 9)_, I 10)_ to catch all the snakes without hurting them.Discussion:(四人一组讨论,合作探究,每组出一名代表发言。)What can we learn from the text?Now in the countryside, there are many rats that do harm to the villagers health and their crops. Can you think of a way to get rid of them without hurting them? 答案:While-reading:Scamming:1 The text tells the procedures of catching snakes and applying for a patent. 2 BCDACareful reading:Part 1. 1) Because there were snakes in the courtyard and they went near the house now and then.2) Because she thought it was a chance for her to distinguish her by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes without hurting them.Part 2. 1)To see if there were any products that might help her.2) The size of the snakes were small.3) Firstly, removing their habitat; secondly, attracting them into a trap using male or female perfume or food; and thirdly, cooling them so that they would bee sleepy and could be easily caught.4) an ice-cream maker; some jelly; ice-cubes; a bowlPart 3. 1) Early in the morning.2) The snakes disappeared into a convenient hole in the wall.3) In the evening.4) They tried to bite the writer.5) She collected the snakes in a small net.Part 4. 1) Her friends and relations urged her to do so.2) 18 months.Post-reading1. CCDCD2. FTFFFFT3. CEHI4. 1) upset 2) distinguish 3) hurting 4)frozen 5) bucket 6) disappeared 7) evening 8) active 9) net 10) managed

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