2019年高中英语 Unit 3 Section 3 Using Language强化练习 外研版必修4.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 3 Section 3 Using Language强化练习 外研版必修4.单词拼写1The audience _ (反应) readily to his speech.2Tibet is a _ (多山的) province.3Please clean up the house, which is in a m_ after the party was over.4Books are ships that pass through the _ (巨大的) sea of time.5“Hands up!” is a very _ (有趣的) film, and we all like it.6He told her the thing in a low w_.7To my surprise, the little boy ate five _ (烙饼) last night.8The pany hired a(n) _ (侦探) to look into the accident.9His only way of dealing with his problems was to go out and get d_.10In my friends home, I had a good supper, which included beef noodles and some _ (粥)答案:1.reacted2.mountainous3.mess4.vast5.funny6.whisper7.pancakes8.detective9.drunk10.porridge.完成句子1She told me the secret _ (小声地). (whisper)2_ (真是好笑) the little boy wore a little red Santa hat.3You _ (你本该来) here yesterday. (should)4_ (令我感到好笑的是), he burst into tears. (amusement)5_ (多有趣啊) it is to play in the snow or make a snowman in winter!6The workers have angrily _ (对作出反应) the plan. (react)答案:1.in a whisper/in whispers2.It is amusing that3should have e4.To my amusement5.What fun6reacted to.句型转换在B句中填入合适的词,使之在意义上同A句相同或相近。1A:Her job is to look after children.B:_ _ _is her job.2A:The boy who is playing on the ground is Tom.B:The boy_ _ _ _is Tom.3A:I found that they were painting the house.B:I found_ _the house.4A:China is still a developing country.B:China is still a country_ _ _.5A:When I was walking along the street, I happened to meet Mary.B:_ _ _ _ _, I happened to meet Mary.答案:1.Looking after children2.playing on the ground3them painting4.which is developing5.When walking along the street.单项填空1People were perhaps more honest a long time ago when life was very different from_it is today.AwhichBthatCwhat Dhow答案:Cwhat充当宾语从句中的表语,意思是“的样子”。句子意思是:很久以前人们可能更诚实,而当时的生活与现在差别很大。2Stop_in the corner; say whatever it is so that we all can hear it.Ato whisper BwhisperingCtreating Dto treat答案:Bstop doing sth.“停止做某事”;同时根据.say whatever it is so that we all can hear it.判断应该用whisper“低声说”。3(xx广东省深圳高级中学高一下期末)You really shouldnt have_to his ment on your work so violently._he meant no harm to you.Areacted; After all Bresponded; At allCacted; After all Ddone; In all答案:A考查动词和介词短语。句意:你真的不应该那么粗鲁地对待他对你工作的评价。毕竟他没有恶意。第一空react/respond to“对反应”;第二空after all“毕竟,别忘了”;at all常用于否定句和疑问句中以增强语气;in all“全部,总共”。4What took you so long?I got lost. I have no_of direction.Asense BideaCfeeling Dability答案:A考查名词。根据上文I got lost.,可判断这里是指“没有方向感”(have no sense of direction),have no idea of“对不知道”;have no feeling of“对没感觉”;have no ability of“没的能力”,都不能很好地表达句意。5She _ Japanese when she went to Japan for holiday. Now she can speak it freely.Apicked up Bturned upCmade up Dlook up答案:A考查动词词组在具体语境中的使用。pick up“拾起;(无意中)学会另外一种语言;整理;中途接人”;turn up“出现,拧大”;make up“编造,补充”;look up“抬头看,向上看”。句意为“当她去日本度假时,她学会了日语。现在她说得很流利了”。故选A项。6(xx安徽)When _ for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding. A. asking B. asked C. having asked D. to be asked答案:B本题考查状语从句的省略。句意:当被问到他对他的教学工作的看法时,菲利普说他觉得这份工作很有趣,很值得。句子的逻辑主语是Philip,与ask之间是被动关系,故排除A、C两项;再根据句意,此处表示过去的事情,而动词不定式表示将来的动作,故排除D项;此处用过去分词表被动,是省略的时间状语从句,补充完整为:When he was asked for his views about his teaching job,.。故B项正确。7The performer is _ the audience by standing upside down.Aamusing BorganizingCgreeting Dexhausting答案:A考查动词在具体语境中的使用。amuse“使发笑,使愉快”;organize“组织,成立”;greet“迎接,问候”;exhaust“用尽,耗尽,使精疲力竭”。句意为“那个表演者正在通过倒立取悦观众。”故选A项。8When the bus conductor asked me to pay for the ticket, I happened _ no money on me.Ahaving Bto haveChad Dand had答案:B考查happen的用法。It happens that.“碰巧”;sb. happens to do sth.“某人碰巧做某事”。句意为“当汽车售票员让我付票钱时,我碰巧身上没有钱”。故选B项。9He was sleeping, with the electric fan _.Arun BrunningCto run Druns答案:B考查with复合结构。the electric fan与run之间为主动关系,并且表示状态,所以用现在分词作宾语补足语。句意为“他正在睡觉,电扇在转着”。故选B项。10He must be a lazybone, for his room is always _.Ain surprise Bin orderCin a mess Din silence答案:C考查介词词组在具体语境中的使用。in surprise“吃惊地”;in order“整齐,秩序井然”;in a mess“乱七八糟”;in silence“保持沉默”。句意为“他一定是个懒惰的家伙,因为他的房间总是乱七八糟”。故选C项。.完形填空The story of how I got my job was a funny one.One day, I was_1_along a street to the interview_2_a yellow car suddenly cut in front of me._3_another car ing in the other_4_, I had to brake hard and_5_another cyclist. We both fell, but_6_neither of us was hurt. I became angry and cycled as fast as possible to the driver of the yellow car to tell him_7_I considered him. I told him what a bad_8_I thought he was and he was a(n)_9_to other people on the road. His face turned_10_. I warned him not to drive_11_in the future so that everyone else could enjoy a long life.I was in time for the_12_. Having walked into the room, to my_13_, I found one of the three interviewers_14_to be the driver of the yellow car. We looked at each other for a while,_15_silent. Then I decided to look_16_the whole matter as a great joke!I laughed and told him that I talked_17_the last time we met and this time it was turn for him to talk a great deal.Lost in thought for a while, he_18_that I was not going to say anything about his bad driving. The interview went_19_. Two days later, I received a letter offering me the job. I was pleased that the managerthe driver of the yellow car, didnt_20_my rudeness to him.Through the experience, I find something that seems impossible at first sometimes turns out to be good.1A.cycling BwalkingCrunning Ddriving答案:A根据文章第六行“.and cycled as fast as.”可知,cycle“骑车”符合语境。2A.then BwhenCwhile Das答案:Bbe doing sth. when.“正在做某事,忽然”,为固定句式,when引导时间状语从句,符合语境。3A.As BForCWith DBy答案:Cwith表示“与此同时,随着”,符合语境。4A.condition BpositionClocation Ddirection答案:D从上下文可知,另一辆车应该是从另一方向驶来,故选direction“方向”。5A.knocked BbumpedCbeat Drushed答案:B作者不得不急刹车,结果撞到了另一辆自行车。bump“撞到”符合语境。6A.happily BunfortunatelyCluckily Ddisappointedly答案:C由下文“我们都没受伤”可知,luckily“幸运地”符合语境。7A.which BthatCwhat Dhow答案:D此处意为“我是如何看待他的”,表示方式。how“如何”引导方式状语从句。8A.driver BworkerCcyclist Dboss答案:A作者赶到那辆黄色的车前,告诉车主他是个很不好的司机。driver“司机”符合语境。9A.pity BidiotCrisk Dfool答案:C作者认为开黄车的司机对行人来说是个危险,故答案为C项。10A.black BwhiteCpale Dred答案:D由于作者狠狠地说了那辆车的司机,所以他应该感到惭愧,脸红了。11A.carelessly BcarefullyCslowly Dpatiently答案:Acarelessly“粗心大意地”。carefully“小心谨慎地”;slowly“缓慢地”;patiently“耐心地”。12A.job BinterviewCmeeting Dappointment答案:B由文章第三段第二句“.three interviewers.”可以知道作者是去参加面试。13A.excitement BjoyCanger Dastonishment答案:D根据上下文可知,作者发现面试者之一是被他路上批评的司机,所以感到惊讶。to ones astonishment“使某人惊讶的是”。14A.happened BwantedCseemed Dplanned答案:A面试官之一恰巧是那位司机。happen“碰巧;恰巧”符合语境。15A.making BkeepingCbreaking Dstopping答案:B根据上文“.for a while”,可知此处意为“保持沉默”(keep silent),故B项正确。16A.up BatCon Dinto答案:Clook on“看待;视作”。作者把整件事看作是个大玩笑。17A.much BlittleCmore Dless答案:A根据上文可知作者先前讲了很多话,故选much。18A.hoped BfoundCheard Dwished答案:B他思索了一会儿,发现作者不会提他不当驾驶的事情。19A.fast BterriblyCwell Dslowly答案:C两个人之间没有了心理负担,故面试进行得很顺利,答案为C项。20A.realize BwantCknow Dmind答案:D那辆车的主人,即公司经理没有介意作者的粗鲁录用了作者。mind“介意”,符合语境。.阅读理解Everyone wants to show the glamorous side of themselves. Who would like others to know their embarrassing(使人难堪的)moments?Taiwans cartoonist Wan Wan has the courage and willingness to draw all her bad experiences into her works. She has won lots of fans for her humor and selfmocking(自嘲). Her recent work I Hate to Study,But Enjoying My Life came out in September in the mainland. The book is about the “stupid mistakes” she made during her high school years. “I hope the jokes about myself can lighten up peoples life and make them laugh out loud,”she said. “Lots of them are living under stress. I want to show theres lots of fun during our life. Its not just filled up with homework and exams. ”In the book,she described situations that really happened to her,such as wearing pajamas(睡衣)to school or falling asleep during class after staying up late.Wan Wan started to read cartoons at the age of 3 and began drawing at 6. In primary school,she once sold her own book of paintings for 5 yuan to her classmates! A year ago,she started to put her work on her blog. To everyones surprise,she got over 10 million clicks! She soon published two books that became best sellers in Taiwan.She has been a careful observer and recorder in life. When something interesting happens to her or people she knows,she takes notes in her notebook or cell phone. So she wont run out of inspiration(灵感)when she starts drawing.1Which word can replace the underlined word “glamorous” in the first paragraph?ADifferent.BAttractive. CWild. DHumorous.答案:B猜测词义题。由第一段可知,人们都愿意展示自己_的一面而非使人难堪的一面。所以应该是吸引人的一面。2From the passage the author mainly wants to tell us_.Aa master of cartoonsWan WanBthe colorful school life of Wan WanCWan Wan owns the habit of observing othersDWan Wan has the courage to show others her bad experiences答案:A主旨大意题。全文介绍的是台湾著名卡通家Wan Wan。3The purpose of her drawing cartoons is to_.Alet out her stress because she has a heavy burdenBearn some money to continue her studyClet others laugh more to have an easy lifeDprove her ability to others 答案:C细节理解题。由第三段她所说的话可知。4All the following are true according to the passage EXCEPT that_.AWans recent book about her stupid mistakes came out in SeptemberBWan began to earn money when she was a little girlCWan is good at observing and recordingDWan has published four books in all答案:D细节理解题。全文无第四项内容的介绍。5We can learn from the passage that_.AWan has drawn cartoons for 15 yearsBthe books she published won great successCWan likes to go to school with her pajamasDher cartoons are all about herself答案:B细节理解题。由第四段可推知。


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