2019年高中英语 Module 2 Period Four Cultural Corner课时作业 外研版必修3.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 2 Period Four Cultural Corner课时作业 外研版必修3.语境填词1Well have an opportunity to _ (交换) views tomorrow.2This law applies to all places of public _ (娱乐)3He would _ (分享) his last pound with me.4We express our thought by _ (方法) of words.5This is just a _ (中等大小的) rock,not the biggest one.6The car is my _ (私有的) property.I bought it of my own.7Video games are very _ (受欢迎) among the children.8Under the _ (协议),most agricultural prices would be cut.完成句子1Go farther away!You _ (离我太近了)2She was caught in the traffic jam._ (结果),she was late for work.3Id like to give you my toy rabbit _ (交换) your cartoon book.4Id like to _ (和他共同使用这间房子)5He visits his parents _ (一两周).同义词辨析1用close或closely填空(1)We are _ friends and live _ to each other.(2)They are looking at some famous pictures _.(3)He is _ to being a famous basketball star.2用for oneself,by oneself或to oneself填空(1)The little girl went out _.(2)One shouldnt live _ alone.(3)When I dine in a restaurant,I like a table _.(4)He paid a visit to his teacher _ yesterday.单项填空1_ made the school proud was _ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.AWhat;because BWhat;thatCThat;what DThat;because2The two coats are _ the same size,but different _ colour.Aof;of Bin;inCof;in Din;of3He got his first book published.It turned out to be a bestseller.When was _?_ was in xx when he was still in college.Athat;This Bthis;ItCit;This Dthat;It4_ the wrongs he did to the innocent woman,he was sentenced to five years in prison.AAs a result of BBecauseCResulted from DLead to5Mary was absent from the lecture.Thats_she had to stay at home and look after her _ mother.Awhy;ill Bwhy;sickCbecause;ill Dbecause;sick6Students should find more time to get _ nature,which can encourage their creativity.Aclose to Bnext toCknown to Dfamiliar to7The technical cooperation and cultural _ between our nation and other countries are daily on the increase.Achanges BexchangesCattractions Drelations8Although there is some difference in spelling and pronunciation between American English and British English,both of the countries have much to_.Ashare BmunicateCspare Dimprove9We should respect food and think about the people who dont have_we have here and treat food nicely.Athat BwhichCwhat Dwhether 10Would she mind playing against her former teammates?_She is willing to play against any tough players.AI think so. BIm not surprised.COf course. DNot likely!.阅读理解I have a horror of what they call the “London particular”I feel miserable and muggy all through a dirty day,and it is quite a relief to pull ones clothes off and get into bed,out of the way of it all.Everything goes wrong in wet weather.And then,too,somehow I always find myself carrying more things in wet weather than in dry;and when you have a bag,and three parcels and a newspaper,and it suddenly es on to rain,you cant open your umbrella.They dont give you time to open or shut your umbrella in an English April,especially if it is an “automation”I bought an “automation” in April,and I did have a time with it!I wanted an umbrella,and I went into a shop in the Strand and told them so,and they said,“Yes,sir.What sort of an umbrella would you like?”I said I should like one that would keep the rain off,and that would not allow itself to be left behind in a railway carriage.“Try an automation,”said the shopman.“Whats an automation?” said I.“Oh,its a beautiful arrangement,” replied the man,with a touch of enthusiasm.“It opens and shuts itself.”I bought one and found that he was quite correct.It did open and shut itself.I had no control over it whatever.When it began to rain,which it did that season every five minutes,I used to try and get the machine to open,but it would not move;and then I used to stand and struggle with the wretched thing,and shake it,and swear at it,while the rain poured down in torrents (激流)Then the moment the rain stopped the silly thing would go up suddenly and would not e down again;and I had to walk about under a bright blue sky,with an umbrella over my head,wishing that it would e on to rain again,so that it might not seem that I was a fool.When it did shut it did so unexpectedly and knocked ones hat off.1What is the main idea of the first paragraph?ABeing tired of a life in London.BTo go to bed is the best way to avoid the bad weather in London.Cplaining about the bad weather in London.DIt rains suddenly and often in London.2The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to_.AApril BumbrellaCtime Drain3Why did the writer think he appeared to be a fool?ABecause he didnt use an umbrella properly.BBecause he didnt open or shut an umbrella.CBecause he held an umbrella on a sunny day just after rain.DBecause he was cheated by the shopman.4What did the writer intend to tell readers in this passage?ATelling them his funny experience with an “automation” in London.BDescribing the bad weather in London.CCriticizing modern technology.DThe quality of umbrellas should be improved.5Why did the umbrella knocked ones hat off when it closed?AIt already went wrong before.BIt should have closed earlier.CIt closed too quickly.DNo one had thought it would close.This(That) is because.这是(那是)因为1He came late.This was because he got up late.他来晚了,这是因为他起晚了。2He did not e.That was because he was ill.他没来。那是因为他病了。Period FourCultural Corner.1.exchange2.entertainment3.share4.means5mediumsized6.private7.popular8.agreement.1.are too close to me2.As a result3.in exchange of4share the room with him5.one week or two.1.(1)close;close(2)closely(3)close(1)close adj.亲密的;靠近的;adv.靠近地,强调距离上的近。(2)closely adv.紧密地,紧紧地;仔细地,强调抽象意义。2(1)by herself(2)for oneself(3)to myself(4)for himself(1)for oneself为自己;亲自。(2)by oneself单独地。(3)to oneself独自占有或享用。.1.Bwhat引导主语从句,而that引导表语从句。2Cbe of the same size大小相同,而表示“在某方面”时用in。3Dthat用于指代在前面刚提到的物或事情;it指代上文所提事物本身。4Aas a result of作为的结果;由于。B项改为because of正确;C项改为resulting from也正确;lead to通向,导致。5D句意为:玛丽没有来参加演讲,那是因为她不得不呆在家里照顾她生病的妈妈。“那是因为”用Thats because.;“生病的,有病的”作定语用sick,而ill作定语时,意思为“坏的,恶劣的”。6A句意为:学生应当多找些时间接近大自然,这可以激发他们的创造力。get close to接近;next to通常不与get搭配;get known to为所了解;get familiar通常不与to搭配。7B句意为:我国与其他国家之间的技术合作和文化交流正在与日俱增。exchange交流,符合句意。8Ashare共有;municate交流;spare抽出,省出;improve改进,提高。9C句意为:我们应当重视食物,珍惜食物,并为那些没有我们所拥有的食物的人们作些考虑。that引导名词性从句时不作句子成分,而此处引导词须作宾语从句中的宾语,故that不合适;which和whether的含义与句意不符;what引导宾语从句并在句中作宾语,符合句意。 10D句意为:她会介意与前队友进行比赛吗?不可能!她乐意与任何强劲的对手比赛。A项意为“我想是这样的”;B项意为“我一点也不吃惊”;C项意为“当然了”;D项意为“不可能”。根据句意可知,D项正确。.1.C段落概括题。由第一段第三句“Everything goes wrong in wet weather.”可知作者抱怨伦敦的坏天气。2B指代推测题。由上文“.open or shut your umbrella in.”可知it指代umbrella。3C细节理解题。由倒数第二段“.I had to walk about under a bright blue sky,with an umbrella over my head,wishing that it would e on to rain again,so that it might not seem that I was a fool.”可知C项正确。4A推理判断题。作者写此文的目的,就是与读者分享其使用自动伞的幽默经历。5D细节理解题。由最后一段可知雨伞该关的时候关不上,没想关它的时候,它突然关上了,打飞了人的帽子。


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