2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 A healthy lifel课时检测 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 A healthy lifel课时检测 新人教版选修6.词汇知识1 Did you find out the time of the train to Miami? Yes, the early train is _ to leave at 5:30 am.A. due B. likelyC. possible D. about答案与解析Abe due to do“按计划预定要做某事”。火车的时刻表是事先制订好的,不能说“可能”在什么时候出发,所以不选B项。possible一般以it作形式主语, be about to do不能与具体的时间状语连用,故C、D两项不对。2The conference has been held to discuss the _ of global warming on peoples lives all over the world.A. importance B. effectsC. protection D. attitudes答案与解析B句意:已经召开了会议讨论全球气候变暖对全世界人们生活的影响。effect“影响”,符合句意。importance“重要性”; protection“保护”; attitude“态度”。3Jim was _ to have troubled me with so many questions.A. guilty B. crazyC. miserable D. ashamed答案与解析D句意:吉姆问了我很多问题,感到很不好意思。be ashamed to do sth.“为做而感到惭愧”; be guilty of“犯有罪、过失”; crazy“疯狂的;狂热的”; miserable“痛苦的;凄惨的”。4 How do you find Qingdao, Mary? Its a beautiful seaside city. I have _ it for my next holiday.A. decided on B. tried onC. taken on D. carried on答案与解析A句意:玛丽,你认为青岛怎么样?它是一个非常美的海滨城市,下个假期我决定去那儿。decide on“选定;作出决定”,符合句意。try sth. on“试穿(衣物)”; take on“呈现”; carry on“继续”。5_ the heavy rain and flooding, lots of people have been forced to leave their homes.A. In spite of B. Due toC. Because D. Since答案与解析Bin spite of(尽管;不管)和due to(由于)后接名词或短语, because和since后接句子。句意:由于大雨和洪涝造成许多人被迫离开他们的家园。故选B项。.单句语法填空6Luis is _ a lot of stress right now because he has been addicted _ drugs.答案与解析under; tounder a lot of stress“有很大压力”; be addicted to sth.“对有瘾;对着迷”。7Every time he _ (e) to visit me, he will buy me some books.答案与解析esevery time在句中用作连词,引导时间状语从句,故应使用“主将从现原则”,即主句使用将来时,从句使用一般现在时替代将来时。8If you take _ risk of not wearing a seat belt, you will be at risk.答案与解析thetake the risk of .“冒着(做)的危险”; at risk“处于危险中;处境危险”。9Someone knocked on the door and Jimmy hurried to see who _ was.答案与解析itit指不明性别的人。10Weve been looking for cheap houses but havent found _ we like yet.答案与解析one句意:我们一直在寻找便宜的房子,但是还没有发现我们想要的房子。one不带任何前置定语,单独使用时,表示泛指,指同类事物中的一个,常替代前面提到的单数可数名词,此处one为不定代词,指cheap houses中的一个,且充当定语从句的先行词。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Victoria: Well, the main activities in the region were historically steel and paper processing, I think.Kenny: Yes, but Im not quite sure about the status of those industries now. _11_ you tell us something about that?Victoria: Yes, of course. In fact, they are less significant, but steelrelated manufacturing still accounts for 44% of industrial activity. So its still very important. In fact, 80% of Spains machine tools are from the Basque country. _12_ for paper processing, theres still a little. But its no longer _13_ it once was in the region. So, is that clear?Kenny: Yes, thanks.Victoria: Now, to get back to what I was saying, theres a lot of _14_ (employ) as well as geographical problems in the region.Kenny: Sorry, Victoria. What do you mean by geographical problems?Victoria: Well, what I mean is the area is very _15_ (hill), mountainous in parts. So there _16_ (use) to be transport problems, now though there are new train links and _17_ (good) roads, but it may be that some smaller towns inland remain not very well _18_ (connect), is that OK? Does that make sense? When we talk about specific location suggestions for the factory, well see this in more details, _19_ well e back to this question, OK?Kenny: OK, right.Victoria: So I was about _20_ (say) something about the work force in the region and the level of training and education. In general, its very good and improving.答案11.Could12.As13.what14unemployment15.hilly16.used17.better18.connected19.so20.to say.完形填空My husband and I were on our way home to Adlaide after holidaying in Queensland with our three children. It was late afternoon as we were heading for Narrandera, where we _21_ to stay the night.The car became difficult to control and we _22_ we had a flat tyre (轮胎). It was quite _23_ by the time wed _24_ all the camping equipment and _25_ the tyre. Then, not long after getting back on the road, another tyre _26_. But now we had no _27_. There was no traffic on the road and only farms along the way.Just as we were debating whether to sleep in the car or _28_ to the nearest farm for help, car headlights _29_ in the distance. My husband walked to the middle of the road to flag it down, _30_ the children and I sat in the car with the inside light on so the driver could _31_ we were a family and not a threat._32_, it was a lovely couple and their three children who lived on a nearby _33_ farm. We all piled into their car, and a short drive later we _34_ their farm. They suggested we spend the _35_ on the floor of their sittingroom.The next morning, after cooking us a great _36_, the farmer took my husband into the nearby town to buy new tyres. Our two _37_ got on so well that they _38_ us to stay on for another day to learn about the workings of the farm and watch their daughter _39_ ride one of the huge pigs.We finally continued home to South Australia, very _40_ for the kindness this family had shown us.21A. planned B. refusedC. managed D. hesitated22A. promised B. admittedC. remembered D. realized23A. cold B. hotC. dark D. light24A. loaded B. removedC. bought D. destroyed25A. changed B. affordedC. improved D. exchanged26A. blew B. cameC. stayed D. started27A. money B. timeC. spare D. share28A. escape B. returnC. drive D. walk29A. helped B. remainedC. appeared D. waited30A. since B. thoughC. while D. unless31A. hear B. seeC. smell D. prove32A. Luckily B. UnfortunatelyC. Strangely D. Naturally33A. chicken B. duckC. pig D. cow34A. got away from B. arrived atC. lived up to D. looked for35A. day B. holidayC. night D. weekend36A. supper B. lunchC. dinner D. breakfast37A. children B. familiesC. friends D. strangers38A. invited B. orderedC. required D. allowed39A. uselessly B. endlesslyC. fearlessly D. carelessly40A. eager B. readyC. sorry D. grateful答案与解析21A天气已晚,作者一家打算在Narrandera住一晚上。plan符合文意。A项正确。22D汽车很难控制方向,作者才意识到轮胎没气了。realize“意识到”。D项正确。23C由上文可知,天色已晚,故选择dark。C项正确。24B卸东西在前,换轮胎在后。故不用load,而用remove。B项正确。25Achange强调“改变”;exchange强调“交换;兑换”。换轮胎用change。A项正确。26A从36空后的the farmer took my husband into the nearby town to buy new tyres可知,走了不多远,又有一只轮胎爆了。blow“爆胎”,A项正确。27Cwe had no spare是指we had no spare tyre。C项正确。28D车爆胎了只能走着去农场。D项正确。29C车灯在远处出现了。C项正确。30Cwhile表示对比,符合句意。C项正确。31B把车内的灯打开,目的是让司机看到作者一家人并且证明他们不构成威胁。B项正确。32A由下文可知作者一家得到了帮助和款待,故用luckily。A项正确。33C倒数第二段末句中one of the huge pigs提示,本题选pig。C项正确。34B一小段车程后到达了他们的农场。B项正确。35C他们建议作者一家在他们的客厅里过夜。C项正确。36D早上自然是吃早餐,D项正确。37B文章第一句说作者有三个孩子,故此处不能填children。B项正确。38A由to stay on for another day可知,他们一家是邀请作者一家再待上一天。A项正确。39Cuselessly“无用地”;endlessly“无尽地”;fearlessly“无畏地”;carelessly“粗心地”。他们的女儿勇敢地骑着一头大个儿的猪,fearlessly合适。C项正确。40D作者一家对这个陌生人一家的帮助非常感激。D项正确。.阅读理解 (xx湖南十二校第一次联考)Do you know the following expressions?Homeric laughterThe “Homer” in this expression is the Greek poet who wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey. People laugh differently. Some laugh silently, while others tend to laugh loudly. “Homeric laughter” refers to laughter of the latter kind. It is at times uncontrollable, and the entire body shakes during the process. This kind of laughter is called Homeric laughter because this is how the gods laughed in Homers classics.Faustian bargainAccording to most stories, Faust was a German scholar who was rather unhappy with his life. The devil (魔鬼), Mephistopheles, promises him that in return for his soul, he will give Faust unlimited power and knowledge. Faust agrees and experiences all kinds of pleasures, but, in the end, his soul is condemned to hell (地狱). A “Faustian bargain” therefore is a deal that finally results in ones ruin. It means a bargain made for temporary gain without taking future consequences into consideration.A three ring circusWhen you refer to a situation as being a threering circus, you are saying that it is a situation of plete confusion. There are so many activities taking place all together that they leave you confused or annoyed. The expression es from the world of entertainment the circus. The area where the artists perform their acts is called the “ring”. In the past, some of the circuses were so grand that they had three acts taking place simultaneously in three different “rings”. The audience had to decide which “ring” they wanted to focus on.In the swim (of things)When someone is in the swim of things, the individual is actively participating in the things happening around him, as in “Ive been ill, but soon Ill be back in the swim of things.” In the world of fishing, fishermen use the word “swim” to refer to the section of the lake/river where fish can be found in plenty. So, if you are a fisherman and wish to catch a lot of fish, where would you be? You would be “in the swim”!41According to the text, Homeric laughter _.A. was the way Homer laughedB. means nervous, silent laughterC. is a way to show disagreementD. es from a Greek poets works答案与解析D根据“The Homer in this expression is the Greek poet who wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey.”及“This kind of laughter is called Homeric laughter because this is how the gods laughed in Homers classics.”可知。The Iliad and The Odyssey(伊里亚特与奥德赛)是古希腊诗人荷马的作品, Homeric laughter (开怀大笑)就来自于这位古希腊诗人的作品。42If a person makes a Faustian bargain, _.A. he might e to a bad endB. he would be considered cleverC. his life would bee satisfyingD. he would gain power and knowledge答案与解析A根据“A Faustian bargain therefore is a deal that finally results in ones ruin”可知,如果一个人做了浮士德式的交易,那么他就会以遭遇不测而告终。43What does the underlined word “simultaneously” most probably mean?A. All of a sudden. B. Little by little.C. At the same time. D. One after another.答案与解析C根据该画线词的后面一句“The audience had to decide which ring they wanted to focus on.”可知。由于马戏团有三场表演“同时”进行,这使得观众必须决定到底看哪一场。simultaneously“同时地”,与C项意思一致。44What do we learn about the expression “in the swim (of things)”?A. It means having a lot of things to do.B. It has nothing to do with swimming.C. Originally it was used to refer to “going fishing”D. Patients use it to express their desire for health.答案与解析B根据最后一段首句可知。当说“When someone is in the swim of things”时,是指一个人在积极参与周围发生的事。in the swim (of things)的意思是“积极参加活动,合潮流;合时髦;熟悉内情”,与“游泳”没什么关系,故选B项。45What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To show the development of English phrases.B. To tell the readers some old, interesting stories.C. To explain some phrases meanings and origins.D. To correct some misunderstandings about words.答案与解析C纵观全文不难看出,作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍一些习语以及这些习语的起源。


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