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2019-2020年高三英语上学期统一摸底考试试卷(含解析)新人教版A版题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分评卷人得分一、单项选择(题型注释)评卷人得分二、完形填空(题型注释)【小题7】Aslow down Bdrop out Cgo on Dspeed up【小题8】ATherefore BOtherwise CBesides DHowever【小题9】Awith delight Bwith fear Cin pain Din advance【小题10】Akeep Barrive Crace Dattend【小题11】Aeven if Bonly if Cunless Duntil【小题12】Aweaker Blonger Clower Dlouder【小题13】Awell enough Bsure enough Csurprisingly enough Dstrangely enough【小题14】Awhile Bwhen Cas Dsince【小题15】Afinished Bwon Cpassed Dlost【小题16】Acheer Bhope Cinterest Dexperience【小题17】Ahold on Bturn to Cbegin with Dstick with【小题18】Ameasured Bpraised Cweakened Dincreased【小题19】Asadness Bstruggles Cdiseases Dtiredness【小题20】Aor Bnor Cand DBut【答案】【小题1】C【小题2】D【小题3】C【小题4】B【小题5】A【小题6】A【小题7】B【小题8】D【小题9】C【小题10】C【小题11】A【小题12】D【小题13】B【小题14】B【小题15】D【小题16】B【小题17】D【小题18】A【小题19】B【小题20】D【解析】试题分析:本文讲述了作者在腿受伤状况下,参加运动会输了比赛,但依然获得观众的鼓励和赞扬,由此明白了真正的强者并不一定是那些成功者,而是那些永不言弃的人。【小题1】考查形容词比较级:A.slighter轻微的, B.worse更糟的,C.earlier 原先的,更早的,D.heavier 更严重的。由于作者脚还未复原,所以此处应为A项。【小题2】考查动词:A.expected 期望,B.supposed假设,认为, C.imagined想象, D.doubted怀疑。作者脚受伤了,所以就对能否参加比赛表示怀疑,选D。【小题3】考查形容词:A.late迟到的, B.eager想,渴望的, C.ready准备好的, D.thirty渴望。Be ready for sth 准备做某事。此处根据“Ready set ” 可知选择C项。【小题4】考查短语:A.落后,B.领先,C.在旁边,D.接近,根据下文可知作者是落后其他人,其他人应该是领先的,故选择B项。【小题5】考查形容词:A.ashamed惭愧的,B.astonished震惊的,C.excited激动的,兴奋地,D.frightened害怕的,根据文章as I fell farther and farther behind可知作为参赛者作者应该感到惭愧。【小题6】考查名词:A.cheer欢呼,B.whisper窃窃私语,C.cry哭泣,D.noise噪音,根据下文 When I finished, I heard a cheer可知此处应为欢呼声,故选A项。 【小题7】考查动词短语:A.slow down慢下来,B.drop out退出,C.go on继续 ,D.speed up加速,根据前文第一名到达终点时已经把作者甩了两圈,此时作者认为放弃吧,所以B项正确。【小题8】考查连接词:前面说到自己可能应该放弃比赛,后面紧接着决定坚持,所以前后相反,需要一个转折词,故选择D项。【小题9】考查短语:A.with delight 高兴 B.with fear害怕C.in pain痛苦D.in advance提前由前文作者打算放弃比赛,所以最后两圈应该是痛苦的跑着,故选择C项。【小题10】考查动词搭配:参加比赛应选择attend,所以选择C项。【小题11】考查连接词:A.even if 即使,B.only if 只有,C.unless 除非,D.until直到.才,根据It wouldnt be worth it可知作者认为参加这个比赛根本就不值,所以即使自己脚痊愈了,也不会再参加比赛了。此处选A项。【小题12】考查形容词比较级:根据It was the loudest _ I had ever heard at a meet可知此处描述cheer应选择louder,即D项。【小题13】考查语境:作者转过身去,由They must be cheering for the boys可知确信大家在为男子比赛组欢呼,B项确信为正确答案。【小题14】考查固定搭配:过去进行时+ when + 一般过去时,表示一件事正在发生时,另一件事突然发生,作者正准备离开时,几个女孩向我跑过来。选择B项。【小题15】考查动词:A.finished完成,B.won赢得,C.passed通过,D.lost输了,前面说到作者没有赢得比赛,所以应是D项。【小题16】考查名词:前面说到其他女孩为作者欢呼加油,这使得作者重新获得希望,故选B项。【小题17】考查动词短语:A.hold on抓紧,B.turn to求助于,C.begin with以.开始,D.stick with继续坚持,作者重拾信心,决定第二年继续参赛,选D项。【小题18】考查动词:A.measured判定,B.praised赞扬,C.weakened使变弱,D.increased增加,作者认为坚强和勇气并不总是用奖牌和胜利来判定,也在于我们所克服的挑战,故选择A项。【小题19】考查名词:A.sadness悲伤,B.struggles挣扎,艰难,C.diseases疾病 ,D.tiredness疲惫,疲倦,此处B项正确。【小题20】考查连接词:作者看来最强的人并不是那些总能赢的人,而是那些在失败时永不放弃的人,表示转折选择D项。考点:考查记叙文,寓理于事。评卷人得分三、阅读理解(题型注释)2One-hundred-and seventh birthdays arent usually celebrated for authors who arent alive anymore. But Theodor Seuss Geisel-better known as the childrens books author Dr. Seuss -who came into the world on 2 March, 1904, was an unusual man.Like generations of children I was raised on his wonderful stories. But when I now read them to my children its not just the childhood memories I enjoy. His writing is brilliant and imaginative and flows with a self-confidence as sure as the words of a Shakespeare poem. Readers ride his characteristic rhythm (韵律) with an effortless joy that cannot be matched by any other modern writer:You have brains in your headYou have feet in your shoesYou can steer yourself any direction you chooseAnd will you succeed?Yes indeed, yes indeed!Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed.Seusss brilliant cartoons and clever words make his books a delight for adults but they attract mostly children of course. His stories teach kids moral lessons but in indirect and entertaining ways.The first Seuss book I was given was The Lorax, written just as the 60s were being the 70s. Seuss was ahead of his time, and in this book the dawn of concern for environmental problems are shown as the Lorax “who speaks for the trees” battles against an evil businessman who wants to destroy the forest and make goods “which everyone needs”.Its not only a warning of the heavy price of environmental destruction, written well before most people had thought to worry, but its also a smart analysis of consumer societies: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not.” This is of course a moral message, but not of the kind designed to persuade the youngsters into behavior that adults want.I could go on, but hey, its a birthday, and Im sure you folks have some good toasts to raise for the party【小题1】Whats the purpose of this passage?A. To introduce Dr. Seusss life.B. To analyze Dr. Seusss books.C. To describe Dr. Seusss writing style.D. To celebrate Dr. Seusss achievements.【小题2】Why does the author include Dr. Seusss poem?A. To encourage readers to use their brains and choose their own way.B. To give readers a sample of Seusss story The Lorax.C. To provide readers with an example of Seusss writing style.D. To explain how relevant Seusss stories remain today.【小题3】 Why do adults also enjoy Seusss books?A. His words and pictures are imaginative enough to be enjoyed by all.B. His books give children obvious moral messages to learn from.C. He writes about adult topics in a way that is understandable to children.D. He was the first person to write about the environment.【小题4】When was the book The Lorax written?A. Early 1960s. B. Early 1970s.C. Late 1960s. D. Late 1970s.【小题5】 Which of the following is true about Seuss?A. Many of the issues he discussed attracted greater concern in later years.B. He is widely considered as the twentieth-century Shakespeare.C. His books are more popular now than when they were first published.D. Most readers thought his ideas were difficult to understand. 【答案】【小题1】D【小题2】C【小题3】A【小题4】C【小题5】A【解析】试题分析:这是一篇人物传记,本文讲述作者对著名儿童作家Theodor Seuss Geisel 的文学作品回忆,关于其写作风格,作品主题思想等,以及对于儿童的教育功能和社会影响力。【小题1】主旨大意题:文章开头说明是为了庆祝儿童作家Theodor Seuss Geisel, “One-hundred-and seventh birthdays arent usually celebrate.”和后面介绍了其写作风格,文学思想等等,可见是对其文学成就的赞扬,所以D项更具有概括性。【小题2】事实细节题:根据第二段His writing is brilliant and imaginative and flows with a self-confidence as sure as the words of a Shakespeare poem可知是对其写作风格的分析,加入这首诗作为实例,故选C。【小题3】事实细节题:第三段开始Seusss brilliant cartoons and clever words make his books a delight for adults but they attract mostly children of course可知Seuss作品语言形象富有想象力,对于成年人来说也喜欢。即A项更好。【小题4】推测判断题:根据第四段The first Seuss book I was given was The Lorax, written just as the 60s were being the 70s.可知作品the Lorax写于作者60多岁时,而作者生于1904年,所以应该是60年代后期完成的。【小题5】推测判断题:通过全文可以看出Seuss作品主题思想很有社会现实意义,而且也引起了广泛关注,而B项和C项文章并未提及,而且他的作品简洁易懂,故D项错误。考点:考查人物传记One day Bill went to eat at a restaurant in LondonSuddenly a young woman sat down beside himBill could not think what she wantedShe did not look very happyBill asked her what was wrong“The problem is,” she beganBut then she stoppedShe didnt find it easy to tell Bill about it, it seemed“My husband and I wanted to meet here for lunch at 12,” she said at last, “but he hasnt e”“Well, dont you know where he is? Can you ring him up?”“No, I cant.” said the woman, “And I have had lunch now and I cant pay the billBecause I havent got any money with me”“Never mind, Ill pay the bill for youYou can pay me back later” Bill said“If you give me your address, Ill send you the money as soon as I get home” With these words she left the restaurantA few weeks later, when Bill was having lunch at another restaurant, he suddenly heard a familiar(熟悉的)voice, “Excuse meMay I just sit here for a moment?” Bill turned roundIt was the same young woman againThis time she was talking to a man with gray hair at a table not far from the gateBill smiled at the woman and got up from his chair and walked across the room3One day Bill came to eat at a restaurant _ Ato meet a young womanBto help a womanCto have lunchDto have the last meal of the day4The woman said she would _ Areturn Bills money as early as possibleBgo to Bills home to return the moneyCgive Bills money back the next dayDreturn Bills money at the restaurant5Bill walked across the room _ Ato pay the womans billBto say hello to the man with gray hairCto meet the womanDto go away from the woman【答案】3C4A5C【解析】试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文,Bill在一家餐厅吃饭时,突然一个女人坐过来,告诉Bill她没钱付账,Bill于是借钱给她,女人承诺尽快还钱,但没了下文。后来某天Bill在另一家饭店遇到那个女人用相同的伎俩骗人。3推理联想题:文章说到那个女人本打算和丈夫一起吃午饭,但丈夫没来,由此可以推断Bill当时在餐厅应该是吃午餐。4事实细节题:根据文中If you give me your address, Ill send you the money as soon as I get home,可知女人答应说尽快还给Bill钱,故选择A项。5推理判断题:Bill再次看到那个骗他钱的女人后,推理可知他可能会去揭穿女人的骗局或者向她索要被骗的钱,故选择C项更好。考点:考查叙事类文体6In a moment of personal crisis, how much help can you expect from a New York taxi driver? I began studying this question and found the answers interesting. One morning I got into three different taxis and announced, “Well, its my first day back in New York in seven years. Ive been in prison.” Not a single driver replied, so I tried again. “Yeah, I shot a man in Reno.” I explained, hoping the driver would ask me why, but nobody asked. The only response came from a Ghanaian driver, “Reno? That is in Nevada?” Taxi drivers were uniformly sympathetic when I said Id just been fired. “This is America,” a Haitian driver said. “One door is closed. Another is open.” He argued against my plan to burn down my bosss house. A Pakistani driver even turned down a chance to profit from my loss of hope; he refused to take me to the middle of George Washington Bridgea $20 trip. “Why you want to go there? Go home and relax. Dont worry. Take a new job.” One very hot weekday in July, while wearing a red ski mask and holding a stuffed pillowcase with the word “BANK” on it, I tried calling a taxi five times outside different banks. The driver picked me up every time. My ride with a Haitian driver was typical of the superb assistance I received. “Lets go across the park.” I said. “I just robbed the bank there. I got $25,000.” “$25,000?” He asked. “Yeah, you think it was wrong to take it?” “No, man. I work 8 hours and I dont make almost $70. If I can do that, I do it too.” As we approached 86th and Lexington, I pointed to the Chemical Bank. “Hey, theres another bank,” I said, “Could you wait here a minute while I go inside?” “No, I cant wait. Pay me now.” His reluctance may have something to do with moneytaxi drivers think the rate for waiting time is too lowbut I think he wanted me to learn that even a bank robber cant expect unconditional support.【小题1】Why did the Pakistani driver refuse to take the author to the middle of the George Washington Bridge?A. Because he was able to help the author to find a new job.B. Because he wanted to go home and relax.C. Because it was far away from his home.D. Because he thought that the author would mit suicide.【小题2】What is the authors interpretation of the drivers reluctance “to wait outside the Chemical bank”?A. The driver thought that the rate for waiting time was too low.B. The driver thought it wrong to support a taxi rider unconditionally.C. The driver was frightened and wanted to leave him as soon as possible.D. The driver did not want to help a suspect to escape from a bank robbery.【小题3】Which of the following statements is true about New York taxi drivers?A. They are ready to help you do whatever you want to.B. they often refuse to pick up those who would kill themselves.C. They are sympathetic with those who are out of work.D. They work only for money. 【答案】【小题1】D【小题2】B【小题3】A【解析】试题分析:这是一篇讲解纽约出租车司机不同情况下的状态,作者分别在三种情况下搭乘出租车,受到司机们不同反应,为读者展示了纽约出租车司机们的多面性。【小题1】事实细节题:根据 “A Pakistani driver even turned down a chance to profit from my loss of hope; he refused to take me to the middle of George Washington Bridgea $20 trip. Why you want to go there? Go home and relax. Dont worry. Take a new job.”可知这位司机希望作者不要轻生,重新振作起来,所以D项最好。【小题2】事实细节题:根据but I think he wanted me to learn that even a bank robber cant expect unconditional support.可知从作者观点来看,即使是个银行抢劫犯也不能指望别人给与他无条件的帮助。此处关键在unconditional一词。所以B项符合题意。【小题3】推理判断题:根据文章可知A项错误,B项并非纽约司机拒绝搭乘准备自杀的人,他们一般会开导鼓励轻生者。C项由Taxi drivers were uniformly sympathetic when I said Id just been fired. 可知司机们一般都具有同情心。D项文中没有提及。故选C项。考点:考查记叙文7Sri Lanka is known as the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean”, and it is easy to see why. This little country never fails to please visitors.ArriveThe national airline is Sri Lankan Airlines, which flies from Colombo to London and a couple of other European cities. The countrys main airport is Colombo Bandaranaike, located 29km north of the capital city. Why now? The best time to visit Sri Lankas southern beaches is from November to April. So by going early in the season, youll get the best weather. Also in November, Deepavali, known as “Diwali” or the “Festival of Lights”, is Sri Lankas main religious festival, celebrated throughout the country.See There is plenty to see in Sri Lanka. The ancient capital cities of Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura are worth seeing, and so are many outstanding ruins. Other mustsees are the rock fortress (要塞) of Sigiriya, towering over the jungle as far as the eye can see, and Dambullas cave temple, the countrys largest and best preserved. Both are UNESCO World Heritage (遗产) Sites. Kandy is a picture-like town, which was the last stronghold of the Kandyan Kings. Today it is a cultural relic centre where age-old customs, arts, and crafts remain.Do Sri Lanka owns about 1,600km of beautiful palm-shaded beaches as well as warm, pure seas and colorful coral reefs. You can explore the underwater world, and surfing and diving are available too. Away from the shore, wildlife is a big draw for Sri Lanka, and Yala National Park is one of the best places in the word to see wild animals including leopards (豹) and elephants.TasteSri Lanka is celebrated for its excellent food, with a particular emphasis on fresh fruit and vegetables on menus everywhere. Fish and seafood are a big part of the local diet. Did you know?Sri Lanka is known for its tea, but it is also the worlds largest producer and exporter of cinnamon(肉桂).【小题1】Which of the following is a cultural relic centre of Sri Lanka?A. Kandy. B. Anuradhapura.C. Polonnaruwa. D. Colombo. 【小题2】If you want to know something about “Diwali”, youd better go there in .A. September. B. October. C. November. D. May.【小题3】We learn from the passage that Sri Lanka .A. is in the Pacific OceanB. is famous for its excellent foodC. is the worlds largest producer of teaD. has only flights to London【小题4】The author wrote the article in order to .A. introduce the picturesque landscape of Sri LankaB. let readers know what is famous for in Sri LankaC. make Sri Lanka well known throughout the worldD. let people get more travel information about Sri Lanka【答案】【小题1】A【小题2】C【小题3】B【小题4】D【解析】试题分析:这是一篇说明文,重点介绍了斯里兰卡的风土人情,为读者展示了提供了许多关于这里的旅游信息。【小题1】事实细节题:根据Kandy is a picture-like town, which was the last stronghold of the Kandyan Kings. Today it is a cultural relic centre where age-old customs, arts, and crafts remain.可知A项正确。【小题2】事实细节题:根据Also in November, Deepavali, known as “Diwali” or the “Festival of Lights”, is Sri Lankas main religious festival, celebrated throughout the country.可知去那里的时间最好为十一月【小题3】事实细节题:由Sri Lanka is known as the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean”可知A项错误。由Sri Lanka is celebrated for its excellent food可知该地食物也是很出名的,B项正确。由but it is also the worlds largest producer and exporter of cinnamon(肉桂) 和 which flies from Colombo to London and a couple of other European cities可知C,D均不对。【小题4】推理判断题:作者写这篇文章的目的是提供更多关于斯里兰卡的旅游信息,以此来鼓励更多人去此处旅游。所以D项最好。考点:考查说明文第II卷(非选择题)请点击修改第II卷的文字说明评卷人得分四、单词拼写(题型注释)评卷人得分五、短文改错(题型注释)8第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)下面是你同学的一篇英文习作,请你帮助修改这篇作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改仅限一次。2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Editor,Im the boy student in a key middle school in our city. I fond of play the piano. It is known by us that the college entrance examination is approaching. I must get good prepared for it. So I have only fifteen minutes to play the piano on every day. I dont want to give up my favorite, and my parents forbade me to continue playing it. They think it a waste of time to do it now. How do you think of it? Could you give me some advices on how to deal with the problem? I am looking forward to your early reply.Thank you. John【答案】Dear Editor,Im the boy student in a key middle school in our city. I fond of 【小题1】a 【小题2】amplay the piano. It is known by us that the college entrance examination is approaching. I 【小题3】playing 【小题4】tomust get good prepared for it. So I have only fifteen minutes to play the piano on every day. I 【小题5】well 【小题6】(去掉)dont want to give up my favorite, and my parents forbade me to continue playing it. They 【小题7】but 【小题8】forbidthink it a waste of time to do it now. How do you think of it? Could you give me some advices 【小题9】What 【小题10】adviceon how to deal with the problem? I am looking forward to your early reply.Thank you.John【解析】试题分析:这是一篇书信题材的文章,介绍个人兴趣在现实生活中面临的困难,通读文章之后对文中错误进行纠正。【小题1】考查冠词:一位男同学即a boy student,而the强调特指。【小题2】考查固定表达 be fond of doing sth,此处缺少be动词。【小题3】考查介词:of后应用playing。【小题4】考查介词:为.所知,用介词to而不是by,by表示被动。【小题5】考查副词: get well prepared for sth此处不用形容词good。【小题6】时间状语everyday前不需要加任何介词。【小题7】考查连接词:作者不愿放弃兴趣爱好,但父母却不赞成,此处表示转折,and表示顺承关系,应改为转折词but。【小题8】时态错误,整个文章选择一般现在时,而forbade是过去式,应改为forbid。【小题9】考查表示对.看法,应该是what 引导的。【小题10】advice是不可数名词,没有复数形式,所以应该选择advice。考点:书信格式的改错题,考查对文本的整体感知。评卷人得分六、阅读填空(题型注释)评卷人得分七、信息匹配(题型注释)评卷人得分八、书面表达(题型注释)91972年联合国在瑞典的斯德哥尔摩召开了有113个国家参加的联合国人类环境会议。会议讨论了保护全球环境的行动计划,通过了人类环境宣言。并将6月5日定为世界环境日,以唤起全世界人民都来注意保护人类赖以生存的环境,自觉采取行动参与全球的环境保护。为此联合国教科文组织就如何处理垃圾问题向全世界中学生征文。请你以Saving Our City为题,写一篇150词左右的短文。文章包含以下几点: 1. 城市垃圾的危害: 污染环境; 有害健康。 2. 处理垃圾的措施有:垃圾分类; 报纸、玻璃的等回收再利用;有害垃圾的处理; 废水处理; 制定法律。作为一名中学生你该如何做【答案】One possible version: Saving Our CityIt is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities. Rubbish must be treated properly, otherwise it may cause problems. It may pollute the air and water. If people breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted water, they may get ill. Our city has begun to pay attention to the problem. For example, rubbish is sorted. Some rubbish, such as newspapers and glass, is recycled. The rest, which is believed to be harmful, is sent to a certain place and buried. Laws have been passed to protect the environment, so waste water should be and is treated before it is poured into rivers. Weve been trying, but there is still a long way to go. As a student.(We should do our best to fight against pollution.)【解析】试题分析:考查半开放性作文。这篇作文给出了一个话题saving our city,罗列了一系列要点。考生应该充实要点内容,要言之有物,不能干巴巴的几句话。考生对于话题比较熟悉,有话可说,但对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。同时也要求考生自己表达自我观点,自己该怎么做。作文题材为议论文,从分析问题,解决问题来组织文章。同时要熟悉一些常见表达,做到以不变应万变,游刃有余。考点:考查半开放式书面表达评卷人得分九、其他(题型注释)10Recently some American scientists have given a useful piece of advice to people in industrialized nationsThey say people should eat more of the same kind of food eate

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