2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module1 Europe考点规范练13(含解析)外研版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module1 Europe考点规范练13(含解析)外研版必修3.阅读理解From visiting museums to watching Changing the Guard,there are some amazing experiences for you to get while in London.Here we pick some of the best free activities in London.Changing the GuardFor a display of British ceremony,watch Changing the Guard outside Buckingham Palace.This is where one member of Queens Guards exchanges duty with the old guard.Both guards are dressed in traditional red uniform and bearskin hats,and the handover is acpanied by a Guards band.Guard Mounting takes place at 11:30 am.It is held daily from May to July,and on alternate(间隔的)dates throughout the rest of the year.Sir John Soanes MuseumSir John Soane was an architect.During his lifetime he collected some valuable antiquities(古董) from all four corners of the globe.They are now on display in Sir John Soanes Museum which gives a real insight into the life of this outstanding Victorian gentleman.Geffrye MuseumA very unique experience,the Geffrye Museum,located in 18th century almshouses(救济院),gives a fascinating insight into the lives of the British middle classes from the 1600s to the present day.Explore a series of room sets,plete with furnishing and textiles(纺织品)from each period.Hogarths HouseHogarth was very famous and criticized 18th century society in his engravings(雕刻),such as A Harlots Progress,A Rakes Progress and Marriage a-la-Mode.As the name suggests,Hogarths House is where he lived before he died in 1764,and its here that youll find the most extensive collection of his paintings on public display.Bank of England MuseumThe splendid Bank of England Museum traces the history of the bank from its foundation by Royal Charter in 1694 to its role today as the countrys central bank.There are many items you have never expected to see.1.What can we learn about the ceremony of Changing the Guard?A.Visitors need to pay when watching the ceremony.B.Visitors can listen to some music at the ceremony.C.The ceremony is held at 11:30 am every day throughout the year.D.Changing the Guard involves two groups of guards every time.2.For a group of Chinese students of art,the most attractive place might be .A.Buckingham PalaceB.Geffrye MuseumC.Hogarths HouseD.Bank of England Museum3.What can visitors learn about the British people at Geffrye Museum?A.The home life.B.The social life.C.The political life.D.The cultural life.4.What can we learn from the text?A.Sir John Soanes Museum is a good place to see old and valuable objects.B.Sir John Soane was a painter who lived in the Victorian era.C.Hogarths paintings were criticized by other painters of his time.D.The Bank of England Museum no longer functions as a bank now.完形填空I began training to swim the English Channel at 58 years old.The 1 I was asked over and over again was this:“Why?”When a student reporter of Indiana University recently asked me this question,I said,“First let me 2 you a question.What are your 3 for this summer?”He 4 that he was going to bag groceries(食品杂货)in the supermarket.I didnt have to say more;he understood my 5.A 6 and an element of adventure are wele whether you are 20 or 58 7 when you have a choice.But why did I 8 to swim the Channel at 58?It is the challenge that 9 about 100 swimmers every year who are willing to spend time,effort and money 10 it.I dont think that I am a superman.I do think I have three things going for me:First,I am training hard presently 11 7.5 miles a day.Before that time I also kept physically 12 by training moderately(适度地)hard.Second,I am a very goal-oriented(目标导向的)person for whom this swim has long been a 13.I have a feeling I will be 14 ready and wont do as a Channel swimmer did a few years ago.15,a young girl touched me,who was attempting to finish her swim when the ocean got 16.She was having a 17 time with the turbulent(汹涌的)and cold water,when her trainer shouted to her from the boat that he thought she should 18 and get out of the water.She 19,“Im doing the swimming and I will decide when to get out.”She 20 it.1.A.concernB.doubtC.questionD.reason2.A.askB.giveC.tellD.bring3.A.experiencesB.coursesC.plansD.suggestions4.A.realisedB.hopedC.agreedD.replied5.A.viewB.pointC.problemD.success6.A.challengeB.friendC.chanceD.boat7.A.probablyB.directlyC.especiallyD.simply8.A.failB.hesitateC.stopD.decide9.A.frightensB.attractsCfortsD.puzzles10.A.tryingB.provingC.examiningD.changing11.A.hikingB.walkingC.swimmingD.running12.A.attractiveB.fitC.desirableD.fresh13.A.goalB.habitC.formD.practice14.A.experimentallyB.economicallyC.theoreticallyD.psychologically15.A.For exampleB.Without doubtC.In additionD.As usual16.A.roughB.calmC.beautifulD.deep17.A.busyB.disappointingC.wonderfulD.hard18.A.go onB.look aroundC.call outD.give up19.A.warnedB.shoutedC.explainedD.repeated20.A.tookB.brokeC.madeD.caught.语法填空Lucy:Do you have somewhere to stay in London,Peter?Peter:No,I dont.In 1.,I was about to ask you if you could arrange some places for me to live.Lucy:Yes,thats no problem 2.I am not in charge of it.Ill ask someone to arrange it for you.What kind of place were you considering?Peter:Well,I dont care if I share a flat with 3. people,but Im not good at housework.Maybe a home stay would be OK,but I dont like young children,because theyre 4.(noise) and its difficult to study.Hopefully,I can live with a lady 5. has retired.Lucy:OK,thats no problem.But I 6. warn you that living with a family in London is very expensive.Much 7.(expensive) than other small cities.Peter:Thats not a big problem.I 8.(save) some money.9.,I can always get a part-time job.Im working in a supermarket 10. a cashier now.So I dont think I will have trouble with money.Lucy:Sounds good.Ill call you if I get some information about that.Peter:OK!Thats great.Thank you very much.短文改错I always wanted to be great scientist.I had these dreams of inventing a new drug that would save the life of hundreds of people.Unfortunate,I was never very good at chemistry at school and the teacher used to getting very angry with me.After a while,I decided I would bee an inventor and designed an amazing new product would bee a household name.My parents were quite encouraged,but told me to be a little more realistic.A few weeks late,I had a clever idea for a pen that would write with upside down.To my disappointment,a friend of me pointed out it was not a new discovery.#.【语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文,主要向读者介绍了伦敦一些免费的著名景点。1.B细节理解题。根据“the handover is acpanied by a Guards band”可知交接仪式有音乐伴奏;根据第一段内容可知,这些活动都是免费的,因此A项错误;根据“Guard Mounting takes place at 11:30 am.It is held daily from May to July,and on alternate(间隔的) dates throughout the rest of the year.”可知,这种仪式只在5月份到7月份是每天进行的,因此C项错误;根据“This is where one member of Queens Guards exchanges duty with the old guard.”可知,是两个卫兵交班,而不是两队,因此D项错误。2.C细节理解题。根据Hogarths House中的介绍可知,其主要展出的是Hogarth的绘画作品(painting),因此艺术系的学生也许会对其感兴趣。3.A推理判断题。根据Geffrye Museum中提到的“Explore a series of room sets,plete with furnishing and textiles (纺织品) from each period”可知,主要展出的是家居生活,像是房屋构造,室内家具和纺织品等。4.A细节理解题。根据第二条信息可知,John Soane生前收藏了很多有价值的古董。.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一位58岁老人横渡英吉利海峡的故事。1.C根据后面的“I was asked”可知,作者被问得最多的问题是“为什么?”。2.A根据后面的“What are your.”可知是“问”问题,故选A项。3.C下句中的was going to表示对未来的打算或计划,故可推知答案为C项。4.D鉴于前一句是问句,因此这里用“回答”。5.B作者通过反问的方式回答了这位学生记者的疑问,因此,这里是指其理解作者的想法。6.A此处用challenge与下文中的“It is the challenge that.”照应。7.C不管你20岁或58岁,挑战或冒险都是受欢迎的,特别是当你有选择的时候。8.D根据开头“I began training to swim.at 58 years old”可知。9.B由后面的“who are willing to spend time,effort and money”可知此处选B项。10.A人们花费时间、精力和金钱是为了尝试这一挑战。11.C根据首句可知,为了横渡英吉利海峡,作者每天都要练习“游泳”。12.B锻炼带来的结果是身体健康。13.A从本句中的信息词goal-oriented可知答案。14.Dexperimentally意为“实验性地”;economically意为“经济上”;theoretically意为“理论上”;psychologically意为“心理上”。鉴于前一句谈的goal是属于心理范畴,故选D项。15.C作者在阐述决定游泳的其他原因。16.A从下句可知,这里指的是海洋变得狂暴。17.D根据下文“with the turbulent(汹涌的)and cold water”可知这个年轻女孩在水中游得很艰难。18.D从海上的恶劣条件看,她的教练认为这个小姑娘放弃是合乎情理的。19.B海上风浪大,且教练在船上,女孩在水中,shouted符合语境。20.C这里应是个正面、成功的例子,故选C项。make it 为固定习语,意为“达到预定目标”。.1.fact2.though3.other4.noisy5.who6.must7.more expensive8.have saved9.Besides10.as.I always wanted to be great scientist.I had these dreams of inventing a new drug that would save the life of hundreds of people.Unfortunate ,I was never very good at chemistry at school and the teacher used to getting very angry with me.After a while,I decided I would bee an inventor and designed an amazing new product would bee a household name.My parents were quite encouraged ,but told me to be a little more realistic.A few weeks late ,I had a clever idea for a pen that would write with upside down.To my disappointment,a friend of me pointed out it was not a new discovery.


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