2019-2020年高中英语 M6 黄金单选 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 M6 黄金单选 外研版选修621Whats that unpleasant noise?Oh, the road before the main gate .Ais repairingBis being repairedCis repairedDhas been repaired22Id like to Live somewhere the sun shines all year long.AwhichBthatCwhereDin which23A baby might show fear of an unfamiliar adult, he is likely to smile and reach out to another baby.AandBor CsoDbut24Most students believe that teachers know exactly how to put their positions .AcorrectBstraightCrightDwell25I to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldnt get away.Awas planningBplannedChad plannedDwould plan26According to the agreement, you must finish the work by this month.Dont worry. Were trying hard and it that long.Ahasnt lastedBwont lastCdidnt lastDdoesnt last27When Paul saw the truck ing towards him, he stopped his car to make for it to pass.AroomBa moveCan effortDtime28In face of failure, it is the most important to keep up good state of mind.A不填;aBa; 不填Cthe; 不填D不填;the29Neither her father nor her mother would give permission to buy that CD player.AhisBtheirCherDones30 to understand what he doesnt, he makes a fool of himself.AAlways pretendingBAlways pretendedCHaving always pretendedDAlways being pretended31If you a mistake in reviewing the report, please bring it to my attention.Ae alongBe acrossCe aroundDe about32The project is designed in this way and once , nothing can be done to change it.AstartsBstartingCstartedDhaving started33Your book, Tommy?No, Mom, its my friends.Remember to return it to name is on it.AwhatBwhichCwhoseDwhosever34None of them had expected that the middle-aged engineer died his design unpleted.AwithBfromCwithoutDof35 I stay with you?Well, I would rather you me alone for a while.AWill; leaveBShall; leaveCWill; leftDShall; left参考答案21.B 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.C 26.B 27.A 28.A 29.C 30.A 31.B 32.C 33.D 34.A 35.D 外研版 第六册 模块6 黄金单选221. After supper she would sit down by the fire,sometimes for _ an hour,thinking of her young and happy days A. as long as B. as soon as C. as much as D. as many as 22. Why didnt you tell Tom the truth? .A. Yes, I was afraid to be scolded by him B. No, but I wanted toC. But I did D. I always hate telling lies23. For quite _ students,their teachers advice is more important than _ of their parents Afew;one Ba little;some Ca few;that Da lot;many 24. Have you _ any information? No, Im going to _ the business department. A. picked up; call at B. picked out; call on C. got; call on D. received; drop in 25. Mr. Smith was much surprised to find the watch he had had was nowhere to be seen.A. it B. it repaired C. repaired D. to be repaired26. Are you ing to the English evening? Im not sure. I _ go to the concert instead. A. mustB. would C. shouldD. might27. They found it difficult for them to hard conditions they might face Aprepare themselves for Bprepare Cget it ready Dbe ready 28. Wont you go shopping with your mother? she promises to buy me a new sweater ANow that BIn case CIf DUnless 29. He is rather difficult to make friends with, but the friendship of his,_ ,is truer than any other Aonce gained Bwhen to gain Cafter gained Dwhile gaining 30. You have accepted the job offered by the pany,havent you? NoAnd Im now working in a better one AIm happy I didnt BI was happy I didnt CIm happy I have DI was happy I have 31. China became the 143rd member of the World Trade Organizationon December 11,xx,thus its 15-year wish to join the global trade body Ahaving realized Brealized Crealizing Dto realize 32. A pair of glasses _on the table,but the glasses _yours A. is;arent B. are;isnt C. is;isnt D. are;arent 33. He had meant to tour the deserted temple for _ fun but he didnt find _ fun for doing that. A. /; /B. /; the C. the; theD. a; the34. He has failed in the exam again. But _ that? He _ hard. A. have you expected; has never worked B. have you expected; had never worked C. do you expect; has never worked D. did you expect; had never worked 35. I shall never forget the day _ Shen Zhou V was launched, _ has a great effect on my life. A.that, whichB. when, which C. which, thatD. when, that 参考答案2135 ACCAC DADAA CABDB外研版 第六册 模块6 黄金单选321. Since you like the fur coat so much, why not buy it? Well, I cant afford _ coat. A. that expensive a B. a that expensive C. that an expensive D. an expensive that22. How is it that you are late for class again? _.A. By bus and then on foot B. Its quite all rightC. Because I missed the bus D. Its far from school 23. As we know, the sooner coastal populations are _ a ing tsunami (海啸), the greater their chances of escaping. A. used to B. informed with C. warned of D. known about24. It was 2 hours wait by the time the announcement , saying my flight was canceled .Ahad been made Bwas made Cmade Dwas making 25. I told you that you shouldnt waste your time playing the puter games, _?A. didnt I B. did I C. should you D. shouldnt you26. Always acting in a strange way, Einstein must have _ to people around to be mad. A. shown B. imagined C. appeared D. thought27. He never thought that they would choose him _ captain of the football team though he was already in _ late twenties. A. /; his B. a; his C. the; the D. a; the28. Mr. Green told his children to keep in _ the rules of safety when they swam.A. minds B. mind C. their minds D. their mind29. _ the reason may be, physical punishment to children is illegal(违法). A. For whatever B. Whatever C. No matter how D. However30. I dont feel very well. I think Im _ with the flu. A. going up B. dropped in C. getting in touch D. ing down31. ,the dancers practice hard to make their dreams e true .AInstead of being disabled BBeing disabled CDisabled as they are DIn case of being disabled32. Do you like swimming in a lake? _. I think swimming in big rivers is a lot more interesting.A.No problem B.Not so badly C.Probably not D.Not all that much33. Understanding the culture habits of another nation, especially _ containing as many as different subcultures as the United States, is a plex task.A. the one B. one C. that D. those 34. During the voyage the sailor caught a deadly disease _, in those days, medical science was helpless.A. that B. which C. to which D. against which35. The room is furnished _ .A. with a modern furniture B. with a set of modern furnitureC. for a piece of modern furniture D. for some modern furniture参考答案:2125 ACCBA 2630 CABBD 3135 CDBDB

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