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初二英语第四单元测试一、听力 ( 20分 ) ( A ) 根据所听句子选出应答句或选图 A B C D E 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) ( B ) 根据所听内容判断正误 ( ) 6. Sandy, Billy and Sue are with their teachers at the zoo.( ) 7. There are many animals and birds in the zoo. ( ) 8. They go to see the lion.( ) 9. Sandy and Billy pull the lions tail.( ) 10. The lion eats the two boys for his breakfast.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. I am _ in the places of _ because they are very _ (interest)2. I cant decide which one _. (choose)3. The workers were very tired and they stopped _ (have) a rest.4. Who writes _ (careful) of the three?5. She didnt go to school today. Because she wasnt _ (her) today.6. There are fewer _ (wolf) in the world than before.7. If I _ (arrive) here tomorrow, I _ (call) you at once.8. Its _ (danger) for the children to play with fire.9. She was _ (worry) about her little son.10. _ (sad), we lost the match in the end.三、选择填空(15分)1. The old man lives _, but he doesnt feel _ .A. alone, alone B. lonely, aloneC. alone, lonely D. alone, alone2. My mother _ 160 yuan on this skirt. A. cost B. paid C. took D. spent3. Does _ know it? A. somebody else B. anybody else C. somebody D. something else4. I like _ with my friend when I am free. A. chatting B. chating C. chat D. to chat5 -_ does he go swimming? -Once a week. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far6. There is a hospital on one side of the road and a school on _. A. another B. the other C. the others D. other side7. The little boy kept _ and his mother was _. A. to cry, worried B. cry, worrying C. crying, worried D. from crying, worried8. If I _ free next week, I _ the film with you. A. will be, will see B. am, see C. will, will see D. am, will see9. _ are one of the most dangerous animals on land. A. Tigers B. Whales C. Dogs D. Elephants10. He spent two hours _ the wolf. A. to hunt B. hunting C. hunted D. hunt11. The students in our school are really _ with one another. A. friend B. friendship C. friendly D. good friend12. If she _ up, she _ the early bus. A. dont hurry, wont catch B. doesnt hurry, will catch C. doesnt hurry, will miss D. hurries, will miss13. He lay in bed _ read todays newspaper. A. and B. but C. with D. or14. He is very tall. I dont think he can sit _ the classroom. A. in front of B. in C. before D. in the front of 15. His father _ five years ago. A. was die B. dead C. die D. was dead四、句型转换(20分)1. I cant leave my sister alone, she is too young.I cant leave my sister _ _ _, she is too young.2 He tried to speak more clearly so that we could understand him more easily. He tried to speak more clearly _ _ _ understand more easily.3. How old were you when I first saw you?How old were you when I saw you _ _ _ _.4. Hurry up, or you wont catch the early bus. _ _ _ hurry up, you wont catch the early bus.5. A kangaroo runs so fast that it can catch up with a train. A kangaroo runs _ _ _ catch up with a train.6. We not protect them, there not be any bears soon. (用if连成条件句)7. Li Lei had to look after her pet last Sunday. (改为否定句) Li Lei _ _ to look after her pet last Sunday.五、完形填空 ( 10分 ) Cats and dogs have different ways of showing their feeling. If a dog barks you know someone is at the door of your 1 . But cats 2 do that. Although ( 虽然 ) 3 wag ( 摇) their tails, it means 4 feelings. 5 a dog wags its tail, you know its 6 . However, when a cat wags its tail, it is angry. They also lick ( 舔) their owners. It is a way dogs 7 their love for the owner. 8 not for cats. If cats lick your hand, they just want to eat 9 salt on the hand. Nothing more. To show they 10 you, they may sit on your head.( ) 1. A. house B. office C. school D. shop ( ) 2. A. often B. usually C. always D. never ( ) 3. A. one of them B. both of them C. each of them D. neither of them( ) 4. A. different B. the same C. similar D. true ( ) 5. A. Then B. And C. If D. But ( ) 6. A. angry B. happy C. sad D. tired ( ) 7. A. bark B. sing C. talk D. show ( ) 8. A. And B. Or C. So D. But ( ) 9. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 10. A. believe B. hate C. know D. love 六、阅读理解 (A) 阅读短文或对话,判断正误 A Cat and a Parrot A French writer tells a story about a cat and a parrot ( 鹦鹉 ). A friend of his came to visit him one day. The friend said, Im going away for a short time. Will you please look after my parrot for me? The writer said he would do so, and his friend brought the parrot to the house. The cat saw the parrot and wanted to know if it was a bird or not. If so, it would be nice to eat. Very slowly the cat came nearer and nearer. It was thinking it would be nice to have this animal for its meal. The poor parrot was very much afraid. It didnt know what to do at first. It kept quiet anddidnt move until the cat was near enough to jump on it. Then, suddenly, the parrot asked, Havent you had your breakfast?The cat was frightened. It ran away as fast as it could. Maybe it was saying to itself. That thing can speak. It cant be a bird. It must be a man. ( ) 1. One day, a friend asked the writer to look after his cat. ( ) 2. The cat wanted to eat the parrot very much. ( ) 3. The parrot was so afraid that he spoke to the cat like a man. ( ) 4. The cat didnt dare to eat the parrot because the parrot was much stronger than the cat. ( ) 5. In the story, both the cat and the parrot were afraid of each other. (B) 阅读短文,选择填空 There are many kinds of ants in America. One kind is very strong. People are afraid of it, and animals are afraid of it, too. These ants move in large groups. They eat all the animals, and they can eat wood houses. Sometimes even people are killed by them. When the ants come near, people leave their homes. But people are sometimes glad after the ants pass through, because they can see no insects ( 昆虫 ) or snakes .( ) 1. Some ants in America can be very . A. heavy B. strong C. light D. thin( ) 2. People and animals are afraid of . A. one kind of ants B. all kinds of ants C. small ants D. big ants( ) 3. People get away from the ants because . A. they can eat and kill elephants B. they can also eat wood houses C. they travel in large groups D. they can even kill people( ) 4. Where are the insects or the snakes after the ants pass through? A. They hide themselves under the ground. B. They have moved to other places before the ants come. C. They have been killed and eaten up by the ants. D. They have been killed by people.( ) 5. Which is the best title (题目) for the story A. Ants B. American Ants C. A Big Ant D. A Strong Ant (C) 阅读短文,根据各种要求作题 (10分) Toto was a baby elephant. Her trunk was only one meter long. When she heard her father making a noise, Toto raised her trunk, too. The only noise that she could make was very very little, like a toy whistle ( 啸叫 ). (2 ) Toto saw her mother pulling leaves from the top of a tree to eat them. She tried to reach the lowest ( 3 ) branch, but she couldnt. So her father and mother had to help her to break the branch and it fell down to the ground. Toto was happy that she could eat the leaves.As it was a hot day, flies ( 苍蝇 ) sat in the corners of her eyes. She shook ( 摇 ) her head, but the flies stayed there. She saw her mother pulling some grass with her trunk to drive off the flies. ( 4 ) Toto 发觉这一点都不难。When the elephant walked to a river, her father would help her have a bath. He put the water in his trunk and poured it onto Totos back. She was very happy and cool.1. 回答问题:How long is the baby elephants trunk? _2. 译成汉语: 3. 猜测词义:_4. 译成英语: 5回答问题:How did the father help the baby elephant to have a bath? _七、写作 以We should protect wild animals为题,写一篇短文,不少于80词。(15分) _第四单元 答案一、听力 ( A ) 1. A: What is the animal? It looks like a mouse. B: Its a baby panda. It is only ten days old. 2. A: What do you know about a giraffe? B: I know a giraffe has only seven bones in its long neck. 3. A: The animal has a pocket on its body. What do you call it? B: We call it kangaroo. 4. A: Which animal do you like best? B: I like the dolphin best. It is lovely. 5. A: Are you afraid of a bear? B: No. If you dont trouble it, it doesnt attack. ( C D B E A ) ( B ) Sandy and Sue are at the zoo with their father and mother. Billy is at the zoo with them, too. They can see many birds and animals in the zoo. The birds and animals are all in the cages. “Lets go and see the lion,” Billy says, “the lions cage is over there.” Now they are standing near the lions cage. A big lion is sitting in the cage, but he isnt looking at the children.“Look at this long tail. It is outside the cage.” Sue says. “Pull its tail, Billy.” Sandy shouts. “OK. Let me do it.” Billy says. Maybe the lion can hear Sandy and Billy. Now it is looking at Sandy and Billy. It is opening its mouth, too. “It is looking at you.” Father says. Billy and Sandy arent laughing now. “Look at its big teeth! Maybe it is saying,I can eat two boys for my breakfast. Im just hungry.” Father says. ( F T T F F )二、1. interested, interest, interesting 2. to choose 3. to have 4. most carefully 5. herself 6. wolves 7. arrive, will call 8. dangerous 9worried 10. Sadly三、C D B A C B C D A B C C A D D 五、A D B A C B D D C B 六、 (A) F T T F T ( B ) B A D C D ( C ) 1. Only one metre long. 2. Toto 看见妈妈从树上掰下叶子来吃。3. 树枝4. Toto found this was not difficult at all.5. He put the water in his trunk and poured it onto Totos back.

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