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江苏GSJY2011-2012学期七年级英语期中模拟试卷(附答案)(时间:120分 满分:120分) 2011.10.25I 听力部分(共30分)一、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )1. A./B. /C. /( )2. A. /B. / /C. /u/( )3. A. /dres/B. /desks/C. /dks/( )4. A. /mek/B. /lak/C. /lek/( )5. A. 8:15B. 8:55C. 8:50( )6. A. 7:12B. 7:20C. 7:22( )7. A. lessonB. listenC. letter( )8. A. shortB. shirtC. shout( )9. A. a black birdB. a black bagC. a black board( )10. A. have a chatB. have a chairC. have a child二、根据你所听到的句子,将正确的序号填到相应的横线上。(5分)三、根据你所听到的对话和所给的问题,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )1. A. Yes, I am.B. Yes, we are.C. Im a student( )2. A. Of course, they do.B. Yes, you do.C. Yes, we do.( )3. A. Its black.B. Its white.C. Its black and white.( )4. A. Shes my grandmother.B. Its my grandmothersC. She likes sitting under the tree.( )5. A. Theyre my parents and I.B. There are three.C. My parents and I.四、根据你所听到的短文,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )1. A. Pink.B. Grey.C. Blue.( )2. A. Only one buy.B. Two boys.C. Three boys.( )3. A. At a restaurant.B. In a post office.C. In a shop.( )4. A. 5:10.B. 5:15.C. 5:45.( )5. A. Reading books.B. Doing her homework.C. Watching TV.五、根据你所听到的短文,填入所缺的单词。(10分)Hello, Im Alice. This is my school. Theres only one building in it. It two floors. On the floor, there are some , two toilets and an room. My classroom is on the floor. There arent halls in my school, but theres a room and two rooms in it. My school is , but its very. I love my school.II 笔试部分(共90分)一、单词辩音 在A、B、C、D四个选项中找出一个划线部分读音与其他 三个不同的选项。(本大题共10分,每小题1分) ( ) 1. A. jacketB. manyC. appleD. man( ) 2. A. milkB. bringC. climbD. pink( ) 3. A. eveningB. everyC. eggD. yes( ) 4. A. photoB. onC. onlyD. close( ) 5. A. downB. yellowC. knowD. window( ) 6. A. cream B. clean C. jeans D. great( ) 7. A. smallB. walkC. alwaysD. ball( ) 8. A. football B. cool C. soon D. food ( ) 9. A. thingB. orange C. singD. strong( )10. A. thankB. birthdayC. thinkD. these二、单词拼写 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)1. My uncle is a _ (有礼貌的)man. We all like him.2. Which is your _(最喜欢的) subject?3. There is a nice garden between the _ (大楼).4. Their classroom is next to _(我们的).5. Your English teacher _ (听起来) great.6. Ben often _ (洗) his face after he gets up.7. It takes us half an hour to _ (读) English every day.8. Their _ (爱好) are singing and dancing. 9. My mother often goes _ (购物) at the weekend. 10. Its too far away from our school. Lets _ (乘) a bus to get there.三、单项填空 (本大题共20分,每小题1分)( ) 1. - Is Sally from America? - No. Sally is an _ girl, but shes in _ now. A. America, England B. English, America C. American, English D. England, America ( ) 2. - _? - Theyre fine, thank you. A. How are you B. Who are you C. What are they D. How are your mother and father( ) 3. - Is this your ball, Nick? - Yes, _. A. this is B. its C. here is D. it is ( ) 4. There is an art room _ my school. A. on B. in C. of D. behind ( ) 5. Bill Gates is from the _. A. UN B. USA C. PRC D. HK( ) 6. Miss Fang is _ English teacher. _ is a good teacher. A. our; Her B. my; He C. a; She D. an; She( ) 7. - Whats in the reading room? - There _ a teacher, twenty desks and thirty chairs in it. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 8. - _ in the box? - There are twelve pencils in it. A. What B. Whats C. Are there any pencils D. Are pencils ( ) 9. - is this boy in the Art room? - Hes my new friend. A. Whos B. What C. How D. Who( ) 10.Look at the photo of my family. The boy _ my father and my mother is me. A. in B. on C. between D. of( ) 11.- The books on the chair _ Millies, right? - Yes, they are. A. is B. theyre C. its D. are( ) 12.- Whos Mr Brown? - Hes _ father. A. Tony and Sally B. Tonys and Sallys C. Tony and Sallys D. Tony, Sallys( ) 13.Mrs Wang is Toms mother. She is my aunt. Tom is my _. A. cousin B. twin brother C. son D. uncle( ) 14.- Is there a poster on the wall? - No, _. A. it isnt B. there isnt C. there arent D. they arent ( ) 15. In China, people walk _ of the street.(街道) A. on the left B. on the right C. in the middle D. on the left of( ) 16. Are there _ halls in the building? Yes, there are _.A. some; some B. any; any C. some; any D. any; some( ) 17. My birthday is _ April 8. A. on B. inC. at D. of( ) 18. The boy looks _. Yes. Today is his birthday. A. happy B. sad C. happily D. sadly( ) 19. _ you and Millie like walking after school? A. Are B. Do C. Does D. Is ( ) 20. What does WTO mean?A.世界贸易组织 B.世界卫生组织 C.国际奥委会 D.联合国教科文组织四、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)1. Everyone in his class _ (fly) kites every Sunday.2. Tom, _ (not feed) the birds here. 3. What time _ Lucy and Lily often _ (have) supper?4. She would like _ (do) some shopping.5. Simon enjoys _ (score) goals on the football field.6. Can you _(speak) it in Chinese?7. Going _ (run) in the morning is good for our health.8. We love _(play) football very much.9. Sandy is good at (swim).10. My uncle _ (live) on the first floor.五、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,每空一词。(本大题共10分,每空1分)1. 你的毛衣是什么颜色?是褐色的。 What _ _ your_? _ brown.2. -这是你的裤子吗?-不,是我表弟的。_ _ your trousers? No, _ my _.3. -放学后,你哥哥步行回家吗?-不,他骑车回家。 _ your brother _ home after school? No, he _ a bike home.4. 我们上像音乐、美术、体育等其他课。We have _ lessons, _ Music, Art and P.E.5. 书包里有一块橡皮和四本书。它们是丽莉的。There _ a _ and four _ in the bag. Theyre _.6. 我们每周上五节英语课。We have _ _ _ every week.六、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选出最佳选项。(本大题共20分,每小题2分)(A)Two friends are having a picnic(野餐) together. Their names are Jim and Tim. Tim is very lazy. On the first evening of their holiday Jim says to Tim, “Heres some money. Go and buy some meat.”“Im not happy,” answers Tim. So Jim goes to buy the meat.Later he comes back. He says to Tim, “Now heres the meat. Please cook it.” But Tim answers, “No, Im not good at cooking. You do it.” So Jim cooks the meat. Then he says to Tim, “Go and get some water.”“No, I dont want to get my clothes dirty.” Tim answers.At last Jim says, “The meals ready. Go and eat it.” “Yes, Ill do that,” answers Tim. “I dont like saying No all the time.”( )1. Whats the Chinese for “lazy”? A. 累的B. 懒的C. 调皮的D. 油滑的( ) 2. -Why doesnt Tim cook meat? -Because _. A. he is tiredB. hes not good at cookingC. he doesnt want to get his clothes dirtyD. he is very lazy( ) 3. What does Tim do after the meal is ready? A. He eats it with Jim.B. He puts dishes on the table. C. He carries water.D. He does everything.( ) 4. What does Jim do before the meal? A. NothingB. SomethingC. Say “No” twice (两次)D. Have a picnic( ) 5. What does Jim feel about Tim? A. HappyB. InterestingC. AngryD. Helpful(B)Nora is an American girl. She studies in a middle school. She has a little sister. Her name is Kate. Kate is only four. Nora likes Kate very much.Today is Sunday. Nora wants her pen. She takes out her pencil case. “Oh, dear! Wheres my pen?” She cant find her pen. She goes to ask her sister in her bedroom.“Kate! I cant find my pen. Can you seeOh, what are you doing with (用) my pen?”“Im writing to my friend, Betty.” Kate answers. “But how can you? You dont know what to write.”“It doesnt matter (没关系). Betty cant read.” Kate says.( ) 6. Who are sisters? _ A. Nora and Kate. B. Nora and Betty. C. Betty and Kate. D. Nora, Betty and Kate.( ) 7. _ cant find her pen. A. Kate B. Nora C. Betty D. Noras friend( ) 8. Where is Kate? _ A. In the school. B. In a shop. C. In her bedroom. D. In her fathers car.( ) 9. Which is not right? _ A. Nora finds her pen in Kates room. B. Kate cant write. C. Kate is writing with her sisters pen. D. Betty is older than Kate.( ) 10. Betty and Kate are not _. A. sisters B. Americans C. at home D. schoolgirls七、书面表达(本大题共10分)假设美籍老师Bruce国庆节后到你校执教,阅读下表后写一篇短文介绍Bruce,不少于8句话。姓名年龄国籍工作性格Bruce35美国英语老师努力、有礼貌、乐于助人家庭一儿一女,在阳光中学(Sunshine Secondary school)读书喜欢做遛狗;和学生一起打篮球不爱做做饭,洗碗感受食物美味;非常喜欢这儿的生活江苏GSJY2011-2012学期七年级英语期中模拟试卷参考答案一 听力部分(共30分)一、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。(5分)12345678910BCBACBABCA二、根据你所听到的句子,将正确的序号填到相应的横线上。(5分)1234553142三、根据你所听到的对话和所给的问题,选择正确的答案。(5分)12345BACAB四、根据你所听到的短文,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。(5分)12345ABCBC五、根据你所听到的短文,填入所缺的单词。(10分)1. has2. ground3. offices4. art5. first6. any7. music8. reading9. small10. beautifulII 笔试部分(共90分)一、单词辩音 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)12345678910BCABADCABD二、单词拼写 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)1. polite2. favourite3. buildings4. ours5. sounds6. washes7. read8. hobbies9. shopping10. take三、单项填空 (本大题共20分,每小题1分)1234567891011121314151617181920BDDBBDBBDCDCABBDAABA四、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的形式填空。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)1. flies2. dont feed3. do, have4. to do5. scoring6. speak7. running8. playing9. swimming10. lives五、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,每空一词。(本大题共20分,每1分)1. colour2. is3. sweater4. Its5. Are6. these7. theyre8. cousins9. Does10. walk11. rides12. other13. like14. is15. rubber16. books17. Lilys18. five19. English20. lessons六、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选出最佳选项。(本 大题共20分,每小题2分)12345678910BDAAAABCDD七、书面表达(本大题共10分)略

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