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The power of nature,Book 6 Unit 5,晨背佳作 积累素材,话题词汇 1.earthquake n.地震 2.tsunami n.海啸 3.famine n.饥荒 4.shelter n.避难所 5.victim n.受灾者 6.natural disaster自然灾害 7.stricken area受灾地区 8.a state of emergency紧急状态 9.the caring donation爱心捐赠 10.donate blood义务献血,话题佳作 近年来地震的频繁发生给人类的生存带来了严重影响,为此你所在的学校要求学生平时多了解关于地震逃生的方法。现在,请你用英语为班里的同学做一次地震时在室内如何逃生的讲解,请结合下面要点写一篇英语发言稿。 1.来不及跑时可迅速躲到坚固的家具下面或卫生间里面。 2.趴下,闭目,并用毛巾等捂住口鼻,以阻挡灰尘。 3.尽量关掉煤气开关或电器开关。 4.不要外逃或从楼上跳下,不能使用电梯。,佳作欣赏 My dear classmates,we all know that life is precious. Then how can we protect ourselves when we come across a horrible earthquake?Now let me give you some advice on how to survive an earthquake. When a serious earthquake takes place,we should hide in a bathroom or under some strong furniture immediately. At the same time wed better fall on the ground and close our eyes with a towel on our nose and mouth to stop the dust. If possible,please turn off the gas stop and the electric power switch. But you mustnt try to run out or jump off a building. And do remember not to use the elevator. Thats all. Thank you!,名师点睛 本文思路清晰,要点齐全,使用了丰富的词汇,如take place,turn off,jump off等,同时对句式的控制也比较得当,使用句式繁简交替,灵活多变。使用了时间状语从句、with复合结构及动词不定式等结构,增加了文章的可读性,提升了文章的档次。,基础排查 点拨要点,语篇训练 提升能力,内容索引,教材升华 综合运用,基础排查 点拨要点,A.写作必记单词 1.equipment n.设备;装备 (1)equip. .用装备 equip sb. .使某人具备的能力 (2)The course is designed to equip students for a career in nursing. 此课程旨在使学生能够胜任护理工作。,1,with,for,2.appoint vt.任命;委派 (1) n.约会,约定;任命,委任 adj.约定的;受指派的 (2)The manager appointed him (receive) the businessman. (3)I saw him looking at his watch and decided,since I was not busy my patient didnt turn up at the (appoint) hour,I wo- uld examine his wound. (4)They appointed him (as/to be) captain of the England team. 他们任命他为英格兰队队长。,appointment,appointed,to receive,appointed,3.wave n.波浪;波涛 vi.波动;起伏;挥手 (1)We each other.我们挥手告别。 (2)He waved her to come over.他挥手叫她过来。 4.suit vt.适合;使适宜 n.套装;一套外衣 adj.合适的,适当的 5.actual adj.实在的;实际的 adv.实际上,事实上,waved goodbye to,suitable,actually,6. n.候选人;候补者 7. vt.射中;射伤 shoot 朝射击 8.anxious adj.忧虑的;不安的 (1) n.担心;焦虑;渴望 (2) anxiety焦急地 be anxious 担心 (3)We are anxious for him to go at once.(同义句转换) We are anxious .,candidate,shoot,at,anxiety,with,for/about,that he (should) go at once,9.panic vi.& vt.惊慌 n.惊慌;恐慌 (1) panic惊恐地 get into panic陷入恐慌 (2)The banks were panicked selling sterling.(填介词) 10.guarantee vt.保证;担保 (1)He guaranteed (look) into the case at once. (2)The TV set is still (在保修期内).,in,a,into,to look,under guarantee,B.阅读识记单词 11.diagram n. 12.erupt vi. eruption n. 13.questionnaire n. 14.alongside adv. prep. 15.evaluate vt. evaluation n.,图解;图表;示意图,(指火山)爆发;突然发生,火山爆发;(战争等)爆发,问卷;调查表,在旁边;沿着边,在旁边;沿着的边,评估;估计;评价,评估;评价,16.fountain n. vi. & vt. 17.absolute adj. absolutely adv. 18.potential adj. n. I must say that I have the potential (work) as an instructor. (2014广东),源泉;喷泉,泉水般地喷出或涌出,绝对的;完全的,绝对地;完全地,可能的;潜在的,潜在性;可能性;潜能,to work,19.threat n. (1)threaten v. (2)Michael Horan wrote the letter mainly to show that some pedestri- ans are a threat road safety.(填介词) (2015湖南) (3)David threatened (report) his neighbour to the police if the damages were not paid. 20.precious adj. 21.document n.,恐吓;威胁,威胁;恐吓,to,to report,贵重的;珍贵的,文件;证件,22.tremble vi. 23.sweat n. vi. 24.diverse adj. diversity n. 25.bathe vi. (1)bath n. (2)The sun began to rise in the sky, (bath) the mountain in golden light. (3) (bath) in sunshine,we jumped and cheered with joy.,摇晃;颤抖;摇动,汗,出汗,多种多样的;不同的,多种多样;多样性,洗澡;游泳,洗澡;游泳,bathing,Bathed,26.appreciation n. (1)appreciate vt. (2)I would appreciate if you would help me with it.(填代词) (3)We shall appreciate (hear) from you again.,欣赏;感激;感谢,欣赏;感激,it,hearing,1. 与相比 (1)A third reason is that social intelligence develops in children before their general cognitive(认知的)skills,at least when (compare) with chimps.(2016江苏) (2)Shakespeare compared the world a stage.(填介词) 2. 保护免受伤害,2,be compared with,compared,to,protect.from.,3. 全部焚毁 4. 即将做某事;马上就要做某事 5. 前往 6. 匆匆看一遍 7. 由到不等 8. 生产;产生,burn to the ground,be about to do sth.,make ones way,glance through,vary from.to.,give birth to,1.Yet, ,we are not completely powerless. 但是无论我们多么脆弱,我们不是一点力量都没有的。 2. the information,I help other scien- tists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast. 收集和评估这些信息之后,我就帮助其他科学家一起预测熔岩接着 将往何处流,流速是多少。,3,however weak we are,Having collected and evaluated,3.I to sleep suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day. 我刚要再睡,突然我的卧室亮如白昼。 I was really disappointed and about to leave he walked out of a building.(填引导词) 4.The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study,but ,I stayed at the top and wat- ched them. 另外两人爬下火山口去收集供日后研究用的岩浆,我是第一次经历这 样的事,所以留在山顶上观察他们。,was about to go back,when,when,this being my first experience,5. this boy,who had a great gift for languages and persu- asion,is the father of the Manchu people. 据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,他具有语言天赋和很强的说服能力。,It is said that,It is said that.据说 It is thought that.大家认为 It is believed that.人们相信 It is hoped that.人们希望 It is reported that.据报道,同义句改写(用he作主语改写) (1)It is supposed that he is working in that big company. (2)It is said that he has written a new book about workers. (3)It is thought that he often helps the people in need.,It is well-known that.众所周知 It is supposed that.据推测,He is supposed to be working in that big company.,He is said to have written a new book about workers.,He is often thought to help the people in need.,教材升华 综合运用,.教材与语法填空 I often travel to unusual places and work alongside people from all over the world.Using scientific equipment and 1. (collect) information about volcanoes is my job.2. my job is occasionally dangerous,I dont mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive.3. is known,when lava from the volcano flows,many houses will be covered 4. lava or burnt to the ground.,collecting,Although/Though,As,with,However,my job helps other scientists predict 5. lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast,which can help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful 6. (force) on earththe volcano.I once 7. (experience) the eruption of Mount Kilauea and was lucky to have a close look at the 8._(absolute) fantastic sight.When it broke out,red lava was fountained hundreds of metres into the air.All the lava 9._(pass) slowly down the mountain caused great damage and buried everything in 10. path under the molten rock.,forces,experienced,absolutely,passing,its,where,.教材与短文改错 Changbaishan is at Jilin Province.It is kept in its natural state for visitor to enjoy it.The height of the land varies 700 metres above sea level to over 2,000 metres.It is home for many plants and animals.Many people come here to study the unique plants and animals when others come to see the spectacular waterfalls. But ,the most popular attraction in the reserve are Tianchi,or the Lake of Heaven.,in,visitors, from,to,while,However,is,If you are luck enough to visit it with your loved one,dont forget to make a wish to guarantee your love will be as deeply and lasting as the lake itself.,deep,lucky,.教材与微写作 写作素材(关于火灾) 1.李华是一个很有潜力的人。 2.大学毕业之后他被任命为一名消防员。 3.一天,他正要回家,这时他发现一栋楼房失火了。 4.他不惊不慌地挤过人群,冲进火海。 5.他冒着生命危险救出了被困的五个从5岁到15岁不等的孩子。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用who引导的定语从句,现在分词短语作状语等。,连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文),Li Hua is a person who has potential abilities.Having graduated from college,he was appointed as a firefighter.One day,he was about to go home when he found a fire broke out in a building.He made his way through the crowd without panic,and went into the burning building.He risked his own life to save five children varying from 5 to 15 trapped in the fire.,语篇训练 提升能力,. 阅读理解, . 七选五, . 完形填空,. 阅读理解,The earth is dying before us yet we sit and watch.If the TV or the game system breaks,we run off to the stores to get it fixed immediately no matter what the cost.Why arent we willing to fix our earth?Are our televisions and game systems more important to us than where we live?Where shall we continue to live,until the end of time?,The earth is our home and cannot be replaced.We must take care of it.We have come up with so much technology that limits us instead of helping us.Take that game system we run to repair.What does it do?It occupies kids time! The earth has already given kids plenty of ente-rtainment in the forms of fields and hills,forests and plains,water and land.However,instead of using what the earth has given us,and help-ing kids by giving them exercise as they run around,we decide to ruin kids minds with game systems that glue them to the screen for hours,and make them ignore their homework and chores.We have polluted this earth by making these things that do not even help us in any way!,We have already messed up this world.Weve ruined the air,water,and animals that it has so willingly provided for us.We need to stop this destruction of life and bring back the world we had before.It will not be easy,but everybody can help! What about something as simple as turning the lights off when you leave a room?Recycling what can be recycled?Picking up litter?Donating money to an environmental organization?None of these things are very hard.We cant just always say,“Oh,the earth is a mess.Ah,well,those big companies that are polluting so much can stop and fix it.” Instead,we need to help out.Its not only those big companies;its everyday things that we do too that are ruining the earth.So stop and think about what you can do to make a difference to our world!,1.Why does the author mention televisions and game systems in Paragraph 1? A.To make people better aware of the urgency to the protection of the earth. B.To expose the great harm done to the earth by too much technology waste. C.To show the relationship between overuse of those things with early death. D.To remind people to spend less on them and use the saved money in a wiser way.,答案,解析,1,2,3,4,推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,作者一连问了好几个问题,旨在提醒人们保护地球的重要性和紧迫性,故选A项。,1,2,3,4,2.It can be inferred from the second paragraph that the author . A.thinks we must take care of our irreplaceable homethe earth B.thinks running around in fields occupies too much of kids time C.takes an extremely negative attitude to things like game systems D.takes it for granted that technology gives kids plenty of entertainment,答案,解析,1,2,3,推理判断题。A选项和文中第二段第一句意思相同,故不是推断出来的,所以不选。从此段的感叹句及作者的表述可知,作者对于电子游戏占据孩子们的时间非常痛恨,因此持否定态度,故C项正确。,4,3.We can clearly feel that the author wrote this passage with deep . A.gratitude B.regret C.emotion D.hatred,答案,解析,观点态度题。由全文特别文中多个问句及感叹句可知,作者在写这篇文章时具有强烈的情感,故C项正确。,1,2,3,4,4.What is the main purpose of this passage? A.To criticize those big companies that ruin the earth. B.To ask people to save kids from the harm done by pollution. C.To give kids plenty of entertainment in a clear environment. D.To call on people to stop ruining the earth.,答案,解析,写作目的题。由最后一段中的“Instead,we need.make a difference to our world!”可知,作者的目的在于号召人们停止破坏地球,而要力所能及地去保护它。故D项正确。,1,2,3,4,. 七选五,(2016河北石家庄质检) Five Things Ambitious People Never Say “I cant do thisits too hard.” Ambitious people never limit themselves or undervalue hard work with these words. 1,答案,解析,G,They tell themselves they can do it.,前句提到有雄心的人从不说这些话限制自己也不低估困难,而G选项说他们告诉自己能做到,与前句形成对比,故选G。,“Im not good enough.” Ambitious people never say they are not good enough.Saying you are not good enough holds you back and makes you easy to quit when things get a little rough.And quitting when things get a little rough is never a good thing.The most successful people in the world are not quitters. 2 Be confident and believe in yourself,or no one else will.,答案,解析,E,They are hard workers who believe in themselves and their abilities.,前句提到成功的人不会半途而废,后句提到自信并相信自己,判断E选项“They are hard workers who believe in themselves and their abilities.”符合语境。,“I wont make it through the obstacles.” Challenges and obstacles are tests of your resolve and desire to succeed. 3 They say they will make it because they know better things lie aheadthe sun always shines after the storm.,答案,解析,D,Ambitious people never say they wont make it through the hard times.,前句提到挑战和障碍可以测试你成功的欲望,后句提到他们会说自己能克服,D选项内容也有克服困难之意,故选D。, 4 The only time people wont take you seriously is if you dont take yourself seriously.Insisting that people wont take you seriously is an excuse not to do what you know you should do.Ambitious people never say these words.Start respecting yourself and honoring what you do and people will respect and take you seriously.,答案,解析,A,“People wont take me seriously.”,后句提到如果你不认真对待自己,人们也不会认真对待你,A选项正是这句话的概括,故选A。,“Im going to fail for sure.” 5 It can teach you valuable lessons and redirect you to the right path.Ambitious people dont say they are going to fail and let that stop them from trying.They challenge the fear of failure by taking calculated risks because they know the only time you are truly defeated is when you dont try at all.,答案,解析,F,Failure is not entirely bad.,后句提到它可以给你上一堂有价值的课并重新使你走向正确的道路,正与F选项“Failure is not entirely bad.”相呼应,故选F。,A.“People wont take me seriously.” B.“People think me impossible.” C.Ambitious people say they can do everything well. D.Ambitious people never say they wont make it through the hard times. E.They are hard workers who believe in themselves and their abilities. F.Failure is not entirely bad. G.They tell themselves they can do it.,. 完形填空,(2016山师附中模拟) It happens every day,everywhere I go.At the supermarket and the post office,people keep telling me to enjoy my kids while they are 1 .,well身体健康的;humorous幽默的;funny有趣的;little小 的。由最后一段中的“enjoy their kids while they are little”可知,此处选D项。,1.A.well B.humorous C.funny D.little,答案,解析,I spend my days taking care of them and answering 2 questions about everything from why we have two eyes but one nose to 3 there are toilets in the heaven.,endless无止境的;boring令人厌烦的;strange奇怪的;special特殊的。因为孩子对任何事物都好奇,所以我要回答无休止的问题。故选A。,2.A.endless B.boring C.strange D.special,答案,解析,I spend my days taking care of them and answering 2 questions about everything from why we have two eyes but one nose to 3 there are toilets in the heaven.,how怎样;whether是否;why为什么;when当时候。from.to.从到。孩子问的问题从“为什么我们有两只眼睛却只有一个鼻子到是否天堂里有厕所”,故选B。,3.A.how B.whether C.why D.when,答案,解析,They 4 me from eating a full meal or getting a full 5 sleep.,keep sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事,故选D。,4.A.make B.turn C.take D.keep,答案,解析,They 4 me from eating a full meal or getting a full 5 sleep.,由常识可知当然是在晚上睡觉,get a full nights sleep睡一整晚。故选C。,5.A.days B.times C.nights D.beds,答案,解析,Yet,the other day,when I took my kids to a childrens museum,I began to 6 what people were trying to tell me.,realize意识到;admit承认,接纳;remind提醒;admire羡慕。当我带我的孩子去儿童博物馆时,我开始意识到人们之前对我说的话。故选A。,6.A.realize B.admit C.remind D.admire,答案,解析,It was the 7 time we had gone there without diaper(纸尿片) bag,baby bottle or stroller(小推车).,由下文中的“My babies weret babies any more.”可知,这是我们第一次没带纸尿片包、婴儿水壶和小推车去那里。故选C。,7.A.very B.real C.first D.best,答案,解析,hit击,打;throw扔;stick粘贴伸出;move移动,打动。句意为:当我注视着我的儿子们在那里画画时,我突然感到一阵伤感。故选A。,8.A.hit B.thrown C.stuck D.moved,答案,解析,As I watched my sons paint there,I was suddenly 8 by a wave of 9 .My babies werent babies any more.,happiness幸福;sadness悲伤;luck运气;failure失败。根据后面一句“My babies werent babies any more.”及下文可知,作者珍惜和孩子在一起的时光,而孩子突然长大,作者感到有点悲伤。故选B。,9.A.happiness B.sadness C.luck D.failure,答案,解析,As I watched my sons paint there,I was suddenly 8 by a wave of 9 .My babies werent babies any more.,accident事故;event事件;scene场景;moment时刻。句意为:我现在更加重视当我的孩子长大时再也不会有的时刻。故选D。,10.A.accident B.event C.scene D.moment,答案,解析,Now Im paying more attention to the 10 that wont happen when my kids are 11 .,见上题解析。故选B。,11.A.younger B.older C.worse D.better,答案,解析,Now Im paying more attention to the 10 that wont happen when my kids are 11 .,excitedly感到兴奋地;disappo-intedly感到失望地;lovely可爱的;shyly害羞地。孩子看到月亮应该感到兴奋。故选A。下文“it will take a rare Shrek card or something else to get him that excited”也是提示。,12.A.excitedly B.disappointedly C.lovely D.shyly,答案,解析,Im enjoying the minute when Christ looked up the sky and cried 12 “Wow!,day白天;week周;month月;year年。几年之后,使他兴奋的将是一张不同寻常的Shrek卡片或其他的某物。此处表示Christ长大后,应是“几年后”,故选D。,13.A.days B.weeks C.months D.years,答案,解析,The moon!” In a few 13 ,it will take a rare Shrek card or something else to get him that excited.,measure测量;please使高兴;treasure珍惜;surprise使惊讶。我珍惜这样的时光。故选C。,14.A.measuring B.pleasing C.treasuring D.surprising,答案,解析,Im 14 the moment when Nicholas put down his fork at dinner and asked,“Mommy,how are you doing?”,might可能;should应该;must一定;need需要。从现在起大约十年后,他可能不再关心我。故选A。,15.A.might B.should C.must D.need,答案,解析,About ten years from now,he 15 not care about me.,句意为:当他们上小学的时候,不会再想拉住我的手。故选B。,16.A.hair B.hands C.bag D.basket,答案,解析,When theyre in primary school,they wont want to hold my 16 any more.,句意为:上高中后,他们甚至不想被看见和我在一起。故选A。,17.A.seen B.talked C.carried D.treated,答案,解析,In junior high school,they wont hug me and say,“I love you,too.” In high school,they wont even want to be 17 together with me.,quickly 迅速地;slowly慢慢地;soon不久;more更多。此处作者感慨时间过得快,孩子们很快会长大离开父母。故选C。,18.A.quickly B.slowly C.soon D.more,答案,解析,Pretty 18 theyll both be gone.,come 来;go去;wander徘徊,闲逛,漫步;pass通过。句意为:我将单独徘徊在超市和邮局。故选C。,19.A.come B.go C.wander D.pass,答案,解析,And Ill 19 through the supermarket and the post office alone,warning young 20 to enjoy their kids while they are little.Hope theyll listen.,father父亲;mother母亲;people人们;lady女士。作者告诫年轻的妈妈们,当孩子小的时候要享受和孩子在一起的时光。照应文章第一段的内容。故选B。,20.A.fathers B.mothers C.people D.ladies,答案,解析,And Ill 19 through the supermarket and the post office alone,warning young 20 to enjoy their kids while they are little.Hope theyll listen.,以上语篇训练之 素材提炼再拓展,.词汇拓展 1.rare adj.罕见的;特殊的;不寻常的 rarely adv.罕有地,很少地 Rarely have I seen such a beautiful sunset. 我很少见到这样美丽的日落。,2.mess up搞乱;弄乱;弄糟 (1) a mess乱七八糟 a mess of弄乱;搞糟 (2)You are only one person,and you do not have time to waste on pe- ople who would rather cause drama or mess up with your purpose. (2016浙江) 你只是一个人,你没有时间浪费在那些带来惊险或扰乱你的计划 的人身上。,in,make,3.help out帮助摆脱困境 4.make it及时到达;成功;约定时间 (1)Lets make it 8:30.Is that all right for you? 我们约定在8点半吧,这对你合适吗? (2)The train wont leave for another ten minutes,so I think we can make it. 离开车还有十分钟,我想我们能赶得上。 (3)Hell make it; hes got a rich daddy. 他准会成功的,他有一个有钱的爸爸。,.句式升级 1.Its everyday things that we do too that are ruining the earth.(改为 含有what主语从句的复合句) ,What are ruining the earth are everyday things that we do too.,2.However,instead of using what the earth has given us,and helping kids by giving them exercise as they run around,we decide to ruin kids minds with game systems that glue them to the screen for hours.(用 prefer to do.rather than do.改写) ,However,we preferred to ruin kids minds with game systems,that glue them to the screen for hours rather than use what the earth,has given us and help kids by giving them exercise as they run around.,3.The most successful people in the world are not quitters.They are hard workers who believe in themselves and their abilities.(把两句合为 一句) .,The most successful people in the world are not quitters but the hard workers,who believe in themselves and their abilities,


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