高中英语 Unit4 The next step Language points课件 牛津译林版选修11.ppt

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Unit 4 The next step,1. I am writing this article to give you a quick preview of what to expect from university life either in China or abroad. preview n. 预知要发生的事 e.g. The job began every day with a preview of the days targets. The theatre magazine had several previews of upcoming plays.,v. 预言,预知 e.g. The president previewed his speech to his wife before the company dinner. The TV show previewed the new baseball season, one week before it was due to start. Next week, our TV show will be previewing the new art exhibition.,2. After look through numerous brochures and college catalogues look through 审阅,浏览 e.g. She looked through her notes before the midterm of English. 她在期中考试前浏览了一下笔记。,look 的相关短语 1. 环视,往四周看 2. 照看;照顾 3. look at 4. 回顾 5. 轻视,看不起,1. look about/around/round 2. look after 3.(仔细)察看,检查;思考,考虑,研究 4. look back (on sth.) 5. look down on/upon .,6. 寻找 7. 盼望;期待 8. look into 9. 看起来像 10. 旁观,6. look for 7. look forward to (doing) sth 8. 朝里面看;调查 9. look like 10. look on,11. 把看成 12. 注意,提防,当心 13. look sth. over 14. 转过头来看 15. 正视/直视某人 16. look sb. up and down,11. look on/upon as 12. look out (for sb./sth.) 13. 查看;检查 14. look over ones shoulder 15. look sb. in the eye 16. 上下打量某人,17. look up 18. look up (from sth.) 19.(在字典或参考书中)查阅 20. 钦佩;仰慕;尊敬 21. 你今天气色不好,17. 好转,改善 18. 抬头看 19. look sth. up in 20. look up to sb. 21. You dont look yourself today.,练一练: (1) Ive _all my papers but I still cant find the contract. (2) Only one man tried to help us, the rest just_ in silence. (3) _ those days, I still cant figure out what went wrong. (4) We need to _ very carefully _ ways of improving our efficiency. (5) Practical measures have been taken and things are_!,looked through,looked on,Looking back on,look,at,looking up,through 的相关短语 get through go through break through live through,接通;完成;通过 浏览;经历;检查,审查 突破 活过,经历仍然活着,练一练: 1. Our troops had no difficulty in _the lines of the enemy. 2. The old man cant _ the winter if not operated on immediately. 3. She _ her notes before the exam. 4. The country has _ too many wars. 5. _ the task, they went home.,breaking through,live through,looked through/went through,gone through,Having got through,e.g. He made adjustments _ the machine. 他把部机器加以调整。,to,3. Moving to Canada meant making some big adjustments to my life. make some big adjustments 做出大的调整,如果你想适应这儿的生活你不得不调整你的生活习惯。 If you want to become used to the life here, youll have to make adjustments to your life habits.,4. Although I knew everybody has to leave their nest at some point at some point 在某个时刻 e.g. 很多人在人生的某个阶段都会遭遇失败。 Many people suffer from failure at some point in their life.,More phrases: at all points 在各方面 at the point of 就要时候 in point of 就而言 off the point 离题的 to the point 中肯的,小试牛刀: After graduation she reached a point in her career _ she needed to decide what to do. A. that B. what C. which D. where 2) Do you agree with the point _ exams should be abolished so that students can really enjoy their studies? A. that B. what C. which D. where,D,A,5. Now I am getting used to Canadian food, and believe it or not, my new favourite food is pepper steak. believe it or not 信不信由你 e.g. Believe it or not, we have decided on having a holiday at the seaside. 信不信由你,我们决定去海边去度假。,Translation,1. 如果你留在这里的话,那你每年都需要申请工作许可证。 2. 每个人都得在某个阶段选择自己今后 所要追求的事业。,Youll have to apply for a work permit every year if you stay here.,At some point, everyone needs to decide which career he or she is going to pursue.,

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