2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Women of achievement Section III Using language练习 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Women of achievement Section III Using language练习 新人教版必修4一、课前预习(一)重点短语1. 碰巧,凑巧 _2. (偶然)遇见;碰见 _3. 继续,坚持 _4. 做某方面的研究 _5. 吸引了我的目光 _6. 降低死亡率 _7. 使免受疾病(之苦)_8. 为某人设计或准备的 _9. 被摆到次于的位置 _ 10. 照看,照料 _ (二) 重点句型1. _for me to improve my studies.我现在努力提高学习成绩还不算晚。2. By now _find out more about her.现在我迫不及待地想多了解一些有关她的情况。3it _women in the countryside.这篇文章是为农村妇女写的。4. What did she do_?她做了什么给你的印象最深刻?5. _at medical college like ?为什么不像一样在医学院学习?carry on继续做,坚持,继承carry out执行,开展,实施carry through实现,完成,帮助某人渡过难关carry off赢得,获得奖品;成功地完成困难的事二、易混易错知识点归纳总结:即境活用:(1) Im determined_.我决意完成此事。(2) Her confidence_.信心使她渡过了难关。(3) Jackie _most of the awards that evening.杰基那天晚上赢得了大部分奖项。(4) We all _as if nothing odd was happening.我们继续唱歌,就像什么怪事也没发生过一样。(5) They _urgent repairs.他们正在抢修。(6) We _to the letter.我们不折不扣地执行了她的指示。四、课后自测(一) 基础知识自测I. 单词拼写1. Is the _(紧急情况) exit suitable for wheelchairs?2. Its our duty to preserve the planet for future _(几代人).3. Could you turn your music down and show a little _(考虑) for the neighbours!4. The course is _(为设计的) for intermediate-level students.5. She has a great _(决心) to succeed.6. Shes very_(谦虚的) about her success.7. Although shes recovering from her illness, her _(速度) of progress is quite slow.8. I took this new job because I felt that the _(事业) prospects were much better.9. The priest _(发表演说) a passionate speech against war.10. Drinking unclean water can cause _(疾病).II. 完成句子1. He tried to _(用给我深刻印象) his extensive knowledge of wine.2. _(突然我想到) difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.3. That was a generation when girls education _(总是被放在次于男孩的位置).4. _(还来得及) for me to improve my studies.5. Perhaps if they had an emergency they could not _(联系上) a doctor.(二)能力提升自测I. 单项填空1. -Lets go to the movie. -_? I heard a new film is on.A. CertainlyB. WhyC. Why notD. Im sorry2. At the opening ceremony, the chairman _a speech to wele the guests from more than twenty countries. A. deliveredB. spokeC. saidD. started 3. As is reported, the _of inflation (通货膨胀) decreased by 10% last year.A. rateB. speedC. valueD. influence 4. Dont be worried, Mrs Black. Ill _your baby while you are away.A. deal withB. argue withC. look forD. care for 5. You promised to _the goods to our place immediately, but we havent seen any of them yet.A. passB. relayC. deliverD. release 6. Recycling wastes slows down the rate _which we use up the earths finite resources.A. inB. ofC. withD. at 7. We should _their unfinished task if we want to achieve our final goal.A. carry upB. carry forwardC. carry outD. carry on 8. Either the teacher or the students _to have the classroom equipped with a puter.A. intendB. intendsC. are intendedD. is intended 9. Dr. Smith has devoted many years to carrying out the research _the properties of the material.A. ofB. withC. forD. into10. It suddenly _me why she was so interested in art.A. occurredB. hurtC. hitD. touched11. -Where is the chair _me?-It was occupied by a girl.A. intended toB. intendingC. intended forD. intended to 12. The suspected murder was observed _the room that day.A. enterB. to enterC. enteringD. entered13. - Its a long time since I saw my sister. -_her this weekend?A. Why not visitB. Why not to visitC. Why not visitingD. Why dont visit14. -Is your sister going hiking? -Hes signed up but he is considering_.A. not to goB. not goingC. wont goD. not go15. Act your own way. Dont _what others say.A. care ofB. care aboutC. care forD. take care of (三) 智能拓展训练I.阅读理解 ADid you know that womens brains are smaller than mens? The average womens brain weighs 10% less than mens. Since research has shown that the bigger the brain, the cleverer the animal, men must be more intelligent(聪明的) than women. Right? Wrong. Men and women always score similarly on intelligence tests, despite the difference in brain size. Why? After years of study, researchers have concluded that its whats inside that matters, not just the size of the brain. The brain consists of “grey matter” and “white matter”. While men have more of the latter, the amount of “thinking” brain is almost exactly the same in both sexes.It has been suggested that smaller brain appears to work faster, perhaps because the two sides of the brain are better connected in women. This means that little girls tend to learn to speak earlier, and that women can understand sorts of information from different sources at the same time. When it es to talking to the boss on the phone, cooking dinner and keeping an eye on the baby all at the same time, its women who e out on top every time. There are other important differences between two sexes. As white matter is the key to spatial(空间的) tasks, men know better where things are in relation to other things. “A great footballer always knows where he is in relation to the other players, and he knows where to go,” says one researcher. That may explain one of lifes great mysteries: why men refuse to ask for directions and women often need to!The differences begin when fetuses (胎儿) are about nine weeks old, which can be seen in the action of children as young as one. A boy would try to climb a barrier (障碍物) before him or push it down while a girl would attract help from others. These brain differences also explain the fact that more men take up jobs that require good spatial skills, while more women speech skills. It may all go back to our ancestors (祖先) , among whom women needed speech skills to take care of their babies and men needed spatial skills to hunt, according to one research.If all this disappoints you, it shouldnt. “The brain changes throughout our lives according to what we do with it.” says a biologist.1. Which of the following is true according to the first paragraph? A. Womens brain is 10% less than mens B. Grey matter plays the same role as white matter. C. Grey matter controls thinking in the brain. D. Both sexes have the same amount of white matter.2. What can we infer from the second and third paragraphs? A. Women prefer doing many things at a time. B. Men do better dealing with one job at a time. C. Women do not need to tell directions. D. Men have weaker spatial abilities.3. Which of the following do you agree with according to the fourth paragraph? A. Young boys may be stronger than young girls. B. More women take up jobs requiring speech skills C. Women may have stronger feelings than men. D. Our ancestors needed more spatial skills.4. What is the writers attitude in writing this passage?A. Defensive.B. Persuasive.C. Supportive.D. Objective.BDanielle Steel, Americas sweetheart, is one of the hardest working women in the book business. Unlike other productive authors who write one book at a time she can work on up to five. Her research time before writing takes at least three years. Once she has fully studied her subjects , ready to dive into a book, she can spend twenty hours nonstop at her desk. Danielle Steel es from New York and was sent to France for her education. After graduation she worked in the public relations and advertising industries. Later she started a job as a writer which she was best fit for. Her achievements are unbelievable: 390 million copies of books in print nearly fifty New York Times best-selling novels and a series of Max and Martha picture books for children to help them deal with the real-life problems of death, new hobbies and new schools. Her xx book about the death of her son shot to the top of the New York Times best-selling list as soon as it came out. Twenty-eight of her books have been made into films. She is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for one of her books being the Times best-seller for 381 weeks straight.Not content with a big house, a loving family and a view of the Golden Gate Bridge, Danielle Steel considers her readers to be the most important resource (资源) and has kept in touch with them by e-mail. While she is often pared to the heroines (女主人公) of her own invention, her life is undoubtedly much quieter. But if she does have anything in mon with them, it is her strength of will and her inimitable(独特的) style. There is only one Danielle Steel.5. Danielle Steel is different from other writers in that _.A. she can write several books at the same time B. she often does some research before writing a bookC. she is one of the most popular American women writersD. she can keep writing for quite a long time without a break6. Children who have read Max and Martha picture books may know _.A. how to deal with affairs at school B. what to do if Max and Martha dieC. what to do when new babies are born into their familiesD. how to solve the difficult problems in their writing classes7. One of Danielle Steels achievements is that _.A. some TV plays were based on her books B. her picture books attracted a lot of young menC. one of her books became a best-seller in xxD. she wrote the Guinness Book of World Records8. We can learn from the passage that Danielle Steel _.A. lives an exciting life B. values her readers a lot C. writes about quiet womenD. is pleased with her achievementsSection III Using language一、课前预习(一)重点短语1. by chance2. e across3. carry on4. do some research on5. catch my eye6. cut the death rate7. keepfree from sickness 8. be intended for9. be placed second to10. care for (二) 重点句型1. It is still not too late2. I could not wait to 3. was intended for 4. to impress you most5. Why not study二.易混辨析即境活用:(1) to carry this through(2) carried her through (3) carried off(4) carried on singing (5) are carrying out(6) carried out her instructions四、课后自测(一) 基础知识自测I. 单词拼写1. emergency2. generations 3. consideration4. intended 5. determination6. modest 7. rate8. career 9. delivered10. sicknessII. 完成句子1. impress me with2. Suddenly it hit me how 3. was always placed second to boys4. It was still not too late 5. reach(二)能力提升自测I. 单项填空1. C. 考查情景交际。Why not?“好啊。”表示赞成对方的提议。2. A. 考查动词辨析。deliver a speech“发表演说”。3. A. 考查名词辨析。rate“比率”;speed“速度”;value“价值”;influence“影响”。4. D. 考查动词短语辨析。deal with“处理”;argue with“与某人争吵”;look for“寻找”;care for“照看,喜欢”。5. C. 考查动词辨析。pass“传递”;relay“接力”;deliver“递送、运送”;release“释放”。6. D. 考查介词辨析。at the rate“以速度”。7. D. 考查动词短语辨析。句意为“如果我们想实现最终的目标,就应该继续进行他们未完的事业。carry on有“继续进行”之意,而carry out一般只表示“执行”计划、命令等。8. A. 考查动词用法。intend to do意为“想要;打算”,而eitheror连接并列主语时,谓语动词的形式遵循就近一致的原则。9. D. 考查介词辨析。carry out the research into开展深入研究10. C. 考查动词辨析。It hit sb. +从句“某人突然想到”。11. C. 考查动词用法。句意为“-给我准备的椅子在哪?-它被一个女孩占上了。”根据句意此处需要后置定语,故选C。be intended for“为准备的或设计的”。12. B. 考查非谓语动词。observe sb. do sth.“看见某人做了某事”,在被动语态中要加上不定式符号to。13. A. 考查省略。该句是向对方提出建议。Why not do? Why dont you do? 表示相同的含义,都译为“(你)为何不干呢?”,用来向别人提出建议或提示。14. B. 考查动名词。consider (not) doing“打算(不)做某事”。15. B. 考查动词短语辨析。care about“在乎”;care for“喜欢”;take care of“照看”。(三) 智能拓展训练I. 阅读理解1. C. 推理判断题。由第一自然段的后两句可知。2. B. 推理判断题。根据第三自然段中的第二句可知。3. B. 推理判断题。由第四自然段中的“These brain differences also explain the fact that more men take up jobs that require good spatial skills, while more women speech skills.”一句可知。4. D. 推理判断题。本文作者既说明大脑构造上男性的优势和不利因素,也说明了女性的优点和不足,因此作者在本文的态度是客观的,故本题选D。5. A. 推理推断题。根剧第一段“Unlike other productive authors who write one book at a time she can work on up to five.”可知她和其他高产作家不同的是她可以同时写几本书。6. C. 推理判断题。根剧第二段“.a series of Max and Martha picture books for children to help them deal with the real-life problems of death, new babies and new schools.”可知“Max and Martha” 这套书可以教给孩子如何对待新生儿。7. C. 推理判断题。根据第二段“Her xx book about the death of her were shot to the top of the New York Times best-selling list as soon as it came out.”可知她的一本书在xx年成为最畅销的书。8. B. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Danielle Steel considers her readers to be the most importantresource and kept in touch with them by e-mail.”可知Danielle Steel把她的读者当成最重要的资源,所以她很珍视这些读者。

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