2019-2020年高中英语 Module 5 词汇练习 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 5 词汇练习 外研版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 5 词汇练习 外研版必修1VocabularyI. 将左框中的中文意思和右框中的单词连线。1. 调查2. 当地的3. 联络4. 专业的5. 就业6. 建筑7. 迷人的8. 挨饿 A. starve B. employment C. survey D. contact E. local F. fascinating G. architecture H. professional II. 根据句意及首字母提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. Stop b_ him. He needs a good sleep.2. Many t_ will go to the Great Wall if they go to Beijing.3. The fishing boats remained in the h_ because of the strong wind.4. We wanted to start early in the morning to avoid the t_ jam.5. The actors were so p_ that they seemed to have brought the characters (角色) to life.6. He is the only man who s_ the terrible fire.7. Every month the group meets, so its members can e_ their views.8. Robots are taking over m_ jobs in these factories.9. Our s_ is developing quickly, and we enjoy living here rather than in the downtown.10. I couldnt a_ a new car, so I bought a second-handed one from my friend.III. 根据中文意思补全下列句子(每空一词)。1. 郊区建了越来越多的楼房。More and more buildings have been _ _ in the suburb.2. 到目前为止我们已经为这个可怜的孩子募捐到了20万元。_ _, we have raised 200,000 yuan for the poor child.3. 躲开交通堵塞,去看看乡村的自然风光,真是太惬意了。Its nice _ _ _ from the traffic jams and see the natural beauty of the countryside. 4. 最近市场上有很多这种书。_ _ _ such books are sold in the market recently.5. 房价又涨了,我不得不租房住。House prices have _ _ again, so I have to rent a house.6. 去海边野餐听起来很有趣。_ _ interesting to have a picnic at the seaside. 参考答案I. 1-5 CEDHB 6-8 GFAII. 1. bothering 2. tourists 3. harbour 4. traffic 5. professional 6. survived 7. exchange 8. manual 9. suburb 10. affordIII. 1. put up 2. So far 3. to get away 4. A number of 5. gone up 6. It sounds


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