2019-2020年高中英语 unit2 section3 Using Language同步练习 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 unit2 section3 Using Language同步练习 新人教版必修1.单词拼写1ISBN stands for International S_Book Number.2The German speak English with a strong German a_.3In which d_are you going, north or south?4Dont rock that baby on the rock while playing that r_music.5The place we live in is hot,_(尤其)in summer.6There was an_(表情)of anger on her face.7In the US.A, Kentucky and Tennessee are_(临近的)states.8_(闪电)is usually followed by thunder.9We_(承认)the problems youve faced and feel sorry for you.10This type of pine grows in the dry mountains of the_(西南)area of the US.答案:1.Standard译文:ISBN代表的是国际标准书号。2accent译文:那位德国人说英语时有浓重的德语口音。3direction译文:你要去哪个方向,北还是南?4rock译文:演奏摇滚乐时,不要惊吓到坐在石头上的孩子。5especially译文:我们住的地方很热,尤其是在夏天。6expression译文:她的脸上流露出愤怒的表情。7neighbouring译文:在美国,肯塔基州和田纳西州紧挨着。8Lightning译文:闪电过后有雷声。9recognize译文:我们承认你遇到的问题并对你深表同情。10southwestern译文:这种松树生长在美国西南部干旱的山区里。.完成句子1All the people present have _ _ _ _(强烈要求) that the fresh water should be supplied at once. (request)2The beauty of the Birds Nest is _ _(无法形容). (expression)3The captain_ _ _ _ _(命令他的人航行) to the port at a fast speed. (mand)4I didnt _ _ _(辨认出他的声音)on the phone last night. (recognize)5This is _ _ pen _(和一样) I bought yesterday. (as)6Chow YunFat _ _ _ _ (扮演主角)in the film Let the bullets fly.(play)7_ _ _ _(信不信由你), they will not carry out their promise. (believe)8_ _ _ _ _(沿着这条路一直走)and then turn right. (straight)9The street _ _(被阻塞) because of a heavy traffic accident. (block)10The young man has to stay at home. _ _(那是因为)his leg was hurt yesterday.(because)答案:1.made an urgent request2.beyond expression3manded his men to sail4.recognize his voice5.the same;as6.played a leading part7.Believe it or not8Go straight down the road9.was blocked10Thats because.语法单句填空1Sorry, I cant read the _(express) on her face. I dont know how to please her.答案:expression句意:对不起,我读不懂她脸上的表情。我不知道怎样使她高兴。expression表情,符合句意。2Mrs. Black took her children to the same place _ she visited two years ago.答案:that考查the same.that结构的定语从句。先行词是the same place,指地点,关系词在从句中作宾语,故用that。3Visitors are requested not_ the exhibits in Beijing Museum.答案:to touch考查request的用法。句意:在北京博物馆,参观者被要求不要触摸展品。request sb. not to do sth.要求某人不要做某事。4The officer manded that all the soldiers _(start) at dawn.答案:(should) startmand后面的that从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即“(should)do”形式。句意:军官命令所有士兵黎明时出发。5A straight road goes _(straight) from the school to our village.答案:straight考查straight的用法。句意:一条笔直的路直接从学校通向我们村子。straight既可用作形容词,也可用作副词。6Tom, you are late again.Yes, thats _ my car broke down on the way.答案:because考查because引导的表语从句。句意:汤姆,你又迟到了。是的,那是因为我的车在中途抛锚了。because引导表语从句,表示原因。7He usually speaks _dialect, so it is hard for everyone here to understand him.答案:in句意:他通常用方言说话,因此这里每一个人都很难理解他。8As I know, there is no_ car in this neighborhood.答案:suchno such car相当于not such a car。9I dont like the way_he talks and laughs.答案:that句意:我不喜欢他说话的方式和笑的方式。the way“方式”做先行词,定语从句的引导词可用that,in which或者不填。10The great role science and technology play _ our daily life is seen everywhere.答案:in句意:科技在日常生活中所起的作用随处可见。play a role/part(in sth.)表示“(在中)起作用;扮演的角色”。11What_good mand of English he has!答案:a考查mand的用法。have a good mand of是固定搭配,意思是“精通,能自由运用”。12The old pianist wouldnt listen to our repeated request that he_(play) in public again.答案:(should) play考查request的名词用法。request作为名词时,其后的同位语从句、表语从句中都应使用虚拟语气,即用“should动词原形”(should可以省略)。例如:Our request is that the class meeting(should)be put off till tomorrow evening.我们请求把班会推迟到明天晚上。.阅读理解(xx山西省大同一中高一期中)It is important to learn business English if you are going to be successful in another country where English is the primary language. It will also be a great idea to practice speaking and writing in business English. If a university offers a course on business English, it will be a good idea to take the class. Reading, writing and speaking English is necessary to start a business.Business English is different from asking where to find the nearest hotel. There are classes you can take to help you but there are things that you can learn on your own. Vocabulary and grammar are a good place to start with. You need to know what words mean. Later, try to pronounce the words and then look them up in the dictionary. Try using them in a sentence and ask someone who is good at English to help you. Once you have an understanding of English, you can use it in business English.In business you will have to learn such things as taking messages, answering the phones with proper words and municating with your coworkers. You may have to learn how to make travel plans. Business English is very different than spoken English. Grammar is the same but you have to learn things like expressing yourself in a proper manner or maybe making a report in your office.If you are working in the customer service sector (客户服务部门), you really have to learn business English. Dealing with the public is sometimes more important than asking your boss for a raise (加薪). Most businesses offer training classes and some panies offer classes on how to do the job with proper business English.文章大意:如果你想在一个母语是英语的国家成功,学习商业英语是重要的。商业英语与口语英语是不同的,语法是相同的但你必须用一种合适的方式学习一些表达你自己的东西。1Why do people learn business English?AThey want successful munication.BThey want to ask the boss for a raise.CThey want to have their own pany.DThey will have a chance to get a better job. 答案:A细节理解题。根据文章第一句It is important to learn business English if you are going to be successful in another country where English is the primary language.如果你想在一个母语是英语的国家成功,学习商业英语是重要的。故选A。2We can learn from the text that business English _.Ais much more difficult than daily EnglishBpays more attention to the forms of expressions Cis required by most international panies Dcan give you a hand when dealing with people答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段中的Business English is very different than spoken English. Grammar is the same but you have to learn things like expressing yourself in a proper manner or maybe making a report in your office.商业英语与口语英语是不同的,语法是相同的但你必须用一种合适的方式学习一些表达你自己的东西或者在你办公室里做一份报告。从这里可知选B。3Whats the text mainly about?AThe development of business English.BThe tips on learning business English.CThe introduction to business English. DThe parison between business English and daily English.答案:C主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句It is important to learn business English if you are going to be successful in another country where English is the primary language.如果你想在一个母语是英语的国家成功,学习商业英语是重要的。及纵观全文可知全文在介绍商业英语,故选C。4The following language skills are mentioned of business English EXCEPT_.AlisteningBreadingCspeaking Dwriting 答案:A细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句Reading, writing and speaking English is necessary to start a business.读、说、写英语对创办一个公司是必要的。得知选A。.完形填空(xx福建省古田一中高一月考)If you are learning English because youre going to travel in England and wish to be_1_there, dont try to speak English perfectly,_2_ if you do so, no one will understand you. In London ninetynine in every hundred people speak_3_English. You may say that_4_they dont speak English well themselves, they can_5_understand it when it is well spoken. They_6_when the speaker is English. But when the speaker is a_7_, the better he speaks, the_8_it is to understand him.No foreigner can_9_stress(重读)the syllables(音节)and make the tone(声调) _10_and fall in question and_11_exactly as a_12_does._13_the first thing you have to do is to speak with a strong _14_accent, and speak broken, that is, English without any_15_. Then every English person you_16_will at once know you are a foreigner, and try to understand you and be ready to_17_you. He will not_18_you to be polite and use grammatical phrases. He will be_19_by his cleverness in making out(弄清) your_20_and being able to tell what you want to know.文章大意:到了英国,不要把英语说得太好,否则没人会听懂你的话,也不会有人帮助你。1AsettledBheard CunderstoodDknown答案:C如果你在学习英语,想到英国旅游并且想要别人“明白”你的话,不要说完美的英语。2空后也有understand与此处照应。2AbecauseBunless CwhateverDfor答案:A“因为”如果你这么做的话,没有人会听懂你的话。3AAmericanBbad CstandardDno答案:B在伦敦百分之九十九的人说“糟糕的”英语。4AbecauseBsince CwhenDeven if答案:D“即使”他们的英语说得不好,但是他们“至少”能相互理解彼此的话。even if“即使”。5AhardlyBreally Cat leastDat most答案:Cat least“至少”;at most“至多”。6AsayBcan CthinkDhope答案:B他们“能”听明白你的话,如果你是当地英国人的话。7Aforeigner Bnative CLondonerDtraveler答案:A但是当说话者是一名“外国人”时,那么他的英语说得越好,人们越“难”理解他的话。foreigner“外国人”;native“当地人”;Londoner“伦敦人”;traveler“游客”。8AbetterBeasier CharderDclearer答案:Chard“难”。注意此处的句式是“the比较级,the比较级”。9AneverBeven Cever Donly答案:Cever“(多用于疑问句、否定句和表示条件和比较的附属从句)在任何时候;从来;至今”。10ArightBexact CraiseDrise答案:Drise“上升,升起”,与该空后的fall互为反义照应。11ArequestBanswer CsentenceDphrase答案:Brequest“请求,要求”;sentence“判决,宣判”;answer“回答”。12AnativeBforeigner CchildDreporter答案:Anative“当地人”。从来没有一名外国人能重读音节,把握升降调,像当地人那样“回答”。13AWhileBAlthough CBecauseDTherefore(因此)答案:D“因此”,你做的第一件事就是说英语时带有“外国”腔。14ALondon BBritish Cforeign Dcountry答案:C见上题解释。15AgrammarBmistake CexpressionDword答案:A由前面的“speak broken”可知,还要把英语说得没有“语法规则”。16AknowBsee Clook forDspeak with答案:D那么,“和你说话的”当地人就会立刻知道你是一名外国人。17AweleBhelp CteachDpraise答案:B他们就会努力听你说话来“帮助”你。18.AexpectBscold CshowDthink答案:A他不“期望”你有礼貌,说的英语符合语法规则。19AstrictBsurprised CpleasedDpraised答案:C他会为自己弄明白了你的“意思”并能帮助你而感到“高兴”。pleased“高兴的”;strict“严格的”;surprised“吃惊的”;praised“被表扬”。20AwayBmeaning Cmistake Dcountry答案:B见上题解释。


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