2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 Healthy eating Section III Using language练习 新人教版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 Healthy eating Section III Using language练习 新人教版必修3一、课前预习(一)重点短语1. 谋生 _2. 负债 _3. 瞪着 _4. 暗中监视 _5. 结合 _6. 提供 _7. 是而不是 _8. 减少 _9. 不久以后 _10. 增重 _11. 变成 _ (二) 重点句型1. Perhaps he would be able to _ _ _ after all and not have to close his restaurant.也许他仍然能够谋生,而不至于关张了。2. He did not look forward to _ _ _ because his restaurant was not longer popular. 他不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。3. Wang Peng was enjoying _ _ plate of dumplings so he sighed.王鹏正在吃第二盘饺子,他叹了一口气。4. They served raw vegetables with the hamburgers and boiled the potatoes _ _ fried them. 他们用生蔬菜配汉堡包,煮土豆而不是炸土豆。5. In this way they _ _ the fat and increased the fibre in the meal.他们减少了饭菜中的脂肪含量,增加了纤维素。6. Their balanced diets became _ _ _ that _ _ Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui _ _ more _.他们的平衡食谱非常有效,王鹏很快就廋了,而雍慧却胖了。二、易混易错知识点 cut down/cut up/cut in/cut off/cut out/cut throughcut down 砍到;缩减;删节cut up 切碎;剪碎cut in 插嘴;打断cut off 切掉;切断;使隔绝cut out 切掉;割掉;删掉cut through 刺穿;剪断 即境活用:(1) I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson _. A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up(2) With taxes increasing and prices rising, we have to _ on quite a lot of things-clothes, records, cigarettes and so on. A. cut up B. cut in C. cut down D. cut upglare, stare, glance的用法辨析(1) glare 表示“怒视”表示愤怒地看,如:They stopped arguing and glared at each other. 他们停止了争论,互相怒视对方。The Judge looked up from his notes to glare at him. 裁判官的头从文件上仰起来,对他怒目圆睁。 (2) stare 表示“盯着看”,指由于惊奇、害怕、生气或沉思而睁大眼睛全神贯注。In the West people think its rude to stare at a person. 在西方,人们认为盯着看人是不礼貌的。I see his eyes curiously stare on me. 我看见他的眼睛好奇地盯着我。 (3) glance 表示“瞥一眼”,强调快速地看了一眼。Let us glance at these advantages and shortings. 让我们来看一下这些长处和缺陷。即境活用:(1) She _ nervously at his watch.(2) The two boys _ at each other before they fought.(3) My father _ at the stranger for a long time as if they had known each other before.Before long和long before的区别(1) before long是个介词短语,在句中做状语,意为“不久以后;很快”,多于将来时或过去时连用。如:At the time I had fully expected to find work before long. 那个时候我还一心盼望不久就可找到工作。 Before long, the moon rose to follow the stars. 不久,月儿随着星星出来了。 (2) long before 是个副词短语,意为“很久以前”,多与完成时连用。They ve seen that TV play long before. 他们早就看过那部电视剧了。He will have gained his degree long before the age of thirty. 远不到30岁,他就会获得学位了。 即境活用:(1) There was a museum _.(2) I promised you shall see her again _. 三、课后自测(一) 基础知识自测I. 单词拼写1. He s in _(债) to the bank because he bought that big house. 2. Our life has a _(限度), but knowledge is without _(限度).3. An indirect _(好处) of a night light is a feeling of safety.4. After reading her daughters letter Mrs. White breathed a _(叹息) of relief.5. It is an important principle that we must _(结合) theory with practice.II. 完成句子1. 我一走近她的办公桌, 她就瞪我。 She _ me if I go near her desk.2. 我那时十二岁,体重开始增加,个子也开始长高了。 I was twelve, and starting to _ and grow taller.3. 渐渐地冻雨又有变成雪花的模样。 The icy rain seemed like to _ snow.4. 他很早就开始自行谋生。 He began to _ early.5. 我知道欠债是什么滋味。 I know what it is to _.6. 我希望不久就能收到你的信。 I hope to hear from you _.7. 这篇稿子太长, 得砍去一半。 The article is too long and should be _ by half.8. 杰克受雇于警察在暗中监视他的同事们。 Jack was paid by the police to _ his colleagues.9. 我认为她是健美而不是貌美。 I would describe her as handsome _ beautiful.10. 我们必须把理论和实践结合起来。 We must _.(二)能力提升自测I. 单项填空1. Last summer holiday, I went back to my hometown, _ the neighbours and the house _ I used to be familiar with were gone.Aonly finding; which Bonly to find; that Cto find; whom Dfound; that2. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people _ harm them.Amore thanBrather than Cother than Dbetter than3. They _ food and clothes for the sufferers.Asupplied Bgave Coffered Dprovided4. He was busy writing a story, only _ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.A. to stop B. stopping C. to have stopped D. having stopped5. The chairman asked me to _ my speech to 20 minutes. A. make B. give C. limit D. explain 6. The old lady _ by selling used newspaper. A. make her living B. makes a life C . earns her living D. earns a life 7. Lets _ my scientific knowledge and your business skills and start a pany.A. connect B. relate C. bine D. put8. She put on dark glasses because the sun was _ in her eyes. A. glaring B. staring C. exciting D. moving9. The traffic is heavy now, so Mike _ e late. Lets wait ten more minutes.A. can B. need C. may D. shall10. Nowadays its hard for an ordinary family to stay _ if they buy a new house. A. out of danger B. in danger C. out of debt D. in debt11 Dont eat too much chocolate, or you can _ weight quickly.A. put into B. put out C. put up D. put on12. To keep healthy, one has to _ good eating habits. A. make B. take C. develop D. raise13. Let the children write on their own, _ they cant do as well as you expect.A. unless B. as though C. until D. even if14. They _ with each other for many years before they _.A. had been in love, got married B. fell in love; got marriedC. had fallen in love; married D. love; go married15. Its high time you had your hair cut; its getting _. A. too much long B. much too long C. long too much D. too long much (三) 智能拓展训练I. 阅读理解 A Next time a customer es to your office, offer him a cup of coffee. And when youre doing your holiday shopping online, make sure youre holding a large glass of iced tea. The physical sensation(感觉) of warmth encourages emotional warmth, while a cold drink in hand prevents you from making unwise decisions - those are the practical lesson being drawn from recent research by psychologist John A. Bargh.Psychologists have known that one persons perception(感知) of anothers “warmth” is a powerful determiner in social relationships. Judging someone to be either “warm” or “cold” is a primary consideration, even trumping evidence that a “cold” person may be more capable. Much of this is rooted in very early childhood experiences, Bargh argues, when babies conceptual sense of the world around them is shaped by physical sensations, particularly warmth and coldness. Classic studies by Harry Harlow, published in 1958, showed monkeys preferred to stay close to a cloth “mother” rather than one made of wire, even when the wire “mother” carried a food bottle. Harlows work and late studies have led psychologists to streets the need for warm physical contact from caregivers to help young children grow into healthy adults with normal social skills.Feelings of “warmth” and “coldness” in social judgements appear to be universal. Although no worldwide study has been done, Bargh says that describing people as “warm” or “cold” is mon to many cultures, and studies have found those perceptions influence judgement in dozens of countries.To test the relationship between physical and psychological warmth, Bargh conducted an experiment which involved 41 college students. A research assistant who was unaware of the studys hypotheses(), handed the students either a hot cup of coffee, or a cold drink, to hold while the researcher filled out a short information form. The drink was then handed back. After that, the students were asked to rate the personality of “Person A” based on a particular description. Those who had briefly held the warm drink regarded Person A as warmer than those who had held the iced drink.“We are grounded in our physical experiences even when we think abstractly,” says Bargh.1. According to Paragraph 1, a persons emotion may be affected by _. A. the visitors to his office B. the psychology lessons he has C. his physical feeling of coldness D. the things he has bought online2. The author mentions Harlow s experiment to show that _. A. adults should develop social skills B. babies need warm physical contact C. caregivers should be healthy adults D. monkeys have social relationships3. In Bargh s experiment, the students were asked to _. A. evaluate someone s personality B. write down their hypotheses C. fill out a personal information form D. hold coffee and cold drink alternatively4. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Drinking for Better Social RelationshipsB. Experiments of Personality EvaluationC. Developing Better Drinking HabitsD. Physical Sensations and Emotions BPeople diet to look more attractive. Fish diet to avoid being beaten up, thrown out of their social group, and getting eaten as a result. That is the fascinating conclusion of the latest research into fish behavior by a team of Australian scientists.The research team have discovered that subordinate fish voluntarily diet to avoid challenging their larger petitors. “In studying gobies we noticed that only the largest two individuals, a male and female, had breeding(繁殖0 rights within the group,” explains Marian Wong. “All other group members are nonbreeding females, each being 5% - 10%smaller than its next larges petitor. We wanted to find out how they maintain this precise size separation.”The reason for the size difference was easy to see. Once a subordinate fish grows to within 5% - 10% of the size of its larger petitor, it causes a fight which usually ends in the smaller goby being driven away from the group. More often than not, the evicted fish is then eaten up.It appeared that the smaller fish were keeping themselves small in order to avoid changing the boss fish. Whether they did so voluntarily, by restraining how much they ate, was not clear. The research team decided to do an experiment. They tried to fatten up some of the subordinate gobies to see what happened. To their surprise, the gobies simply refused the extra food they were offered, clearly preferring to remain small and avoid fights, over having a feast.The discovery challenges the traditional scientific view of how boss individuals keep their position in a group. Previously it was thought that large individuals simply used their weight and size to threaten their subordinates and took more of the food for themselves, so keeping their petitors small.While the habits of gobies may seem little mysterious, Dr. Wong explains that understanding the relationships between best and subordinate animals is important to understanding how hierarchical(等级的) societies remain stable.The research has proved the fact that voluntary dieting is a habit far from exclusive to humans. “As yet, we lack a plete understanding of how widespread the voluntary reduction of food intake is in nature,” the researchers ment. “Data on human dieting suggests that, while humans generally diet to improve health or increase attractiveness, rarely does it improve long-term health and males regularly prefer females that are fatter than the females own ideal.”5When a goby grows to within 5% -10% of the size of its larger petitor, it _. A. faces danger B. has breeding right C. eats its petitor D. leave the group itself6The underlined words “the evicted fish” in Paragraph 3 refer to _. A. the fish beaten B. the fish found out C. the fish fattened up D. the fish driven away7The experiment showed that the smaller fish _. A. fought over a feast B. went on diet willingly C. preferred some extra food D. challenged the boss fish8What is the text mainly about? A. Fish dieting and human dieting. B. Dieting and health. C. Human dieting. D. Fish dieting.Section III Using language一、课前预习(一)重点短语1. earn ones living2. be in debt3. glare at4. spy on5. bineand/with6. provide sb. with sth./provide sth for sb7. rather than8. cut down9. before long10. put on weight11. turn into(二) 重点句型1. earn his living2. being in debt3. a second4. rather than5. cut down6. such a success; before long; put on weight10. I would be grateful二、易混易错知识点1. (1) A (2) A 2. (1) glanced (2) glared (3) stared3. (1) long before (2) before long三、课后自测(一) 基础知识自测I. 单词拼写1. debt 2. limit; limit 3. benefit 4. sigh 5. bineII. 完成句子1. glares at2. put on weight3. turn into4. earn his living5. be in debt6. before long7. cut down8. spy on9. rather than10. bine theory and practice(二)能力提升自测I. 单项填空1. B. 非谓语动词和情态动词。only to do做结果状语;that引导定语从句在从句中做表语。2. B. 考查短语辨析。发展核科学应该去造福人类而不是伤害人类。rather than是而不是;more than多于;不只;other than除了;better than比更好。3. D. 考查动词搭配。provide sth for sb; offer/give sth to sb; supply sth to sb,都表示给某人提供某物。4. B. 考查非谓语动词。only to do表示出乎意料的结果,依句意显然不合理,stopping在此处作伴随状语,在写故事期间偶尔停下来抽支烟。5. C. 考查动词辨析。limit sth to 把限制在符合句意,把我的演讲限制在20分钟。6. C. 考查短语辨析。earn ones living谋生。7. C. 考查动词辨析。 binewith/and把和相结合。connectwith连接,联想;relate to有关联。8. A. 考查动词辨析。glare此处表示耀眼,stare表示盯着看不符合题意。9. C. 考查情态动词。 may在肯定句中表示对目前情况的推测。10. C. 考查短语用法。out of debt不欠债;in debt欠债,根据句意,买了房子,很难不欠债。11. D. 考查动词短语。增加体重put on weight。12. C. 考查动词搭配。养成习惯,develop habits。13. D. 考查连词用法。even if即使;尽管,引导让步状语从句,让孩子自己写,尽管他们写得不像你想的一样好。14. A. 考查动词marry 的用法。be married to sb 意为“与某人结婚”,可与时间段连用;get married表示动作,不能和表示时间短的时间状语连用。15. B. 考查形容词和副词的排序。你的头发太长了,too much修饰不可数名词表示太多;much too修饰形容词或副词,表示“太”。(三) 智能拓展训练I. 阅读理解1. C. 细节理解题。由文章的第一段第三句话可知。2. B. 细节理解题。根据第而段最后一句话可知。3. A. 细节理解题。根据文中倒数第二段中倒数第二句话可知。4. D. 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍的是人们对物理温度的感觉对人们情绪的影响,D项概括性较强。5. A. 细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句可知。6. D. 猜测词义题。根据前一句中的 “being driven away from the group”可知。7. B. 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句话可知。8. D. 主旨大意题。本文虽然提及人类节食的目的,但并未对之详细介绍,而主要介绍了鱼类的节食。


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