2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 Working the land单元综合测试(I)新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 Working the land单元综合测试(I)新人教版必修4got _ mark. A. a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。 I was unemployed at the time and I was getting help from the government. One day, I was walking to a 36 when I noticed a little man 37 on a bench across from the store. I walked past him but could not stop 38 him. I turned back and went up to him and asked him if he was 39 . He said no. He said he hadnt 40 anything for two days. I told him, Dont 41 . Ill be right back. I turned back again and asked him what he 42 like. He said it didnt 43 . I then asked him to tell me 44 he hadnt had for a long time. He said a Pepsi (百事可乐). I went into the store and 45 a loaf of bread, some lunch meat, chips, cookies 46 food for a few days. The store I had gone into didnt have 47 so I had some change left over; it wasnt 48 because I wasnt working, but it didnt matter. I used the 49 of what I had to get him 50 Pepsi from the supermarket across the street. When I brought him 51 and the Pepsi he cried. I cried too. 52 he stood up to hug me, I had a 53 I had never felt before. I couldnt even 54 the feeling. I started walking home and had tears running down my face but when I turned 55 to see the little man, he was gone. 36. A. store B. restaurant C. market D. town 37. A. talking B. standing C. laying D. sitting 38. A. arguing with B. thinking about C. searching for D. looking for 39. A. OK B. ill C. happy D. fortable 40. A. read B. said C. eaten D. heard 41. A. worry B. wait C. plain D. fear 42. A. could B. might C. would D. will 43. A. have B. matter C. choose D. work 44. A. what B. why C. how D. which 45. A. gave B. took C. found D. bought 46. A. enough B. much C. extra D. plenty 47. A. chocolate B. sandwich C. chip D. Pepsi 48. A. appropriate B. much C. delicious D. tasty 49. A. first B. all C. part D. last 50. A. a B. their C. my D. our 51. A. goods B. things C. luggage D. everything 52. A. Since B. When C. If D. Though 53. A. sense B. feeling C. freedom D. regret 54. A. say B. feel C. understand D. explain 55. A. back B. up C. out D. down 第三部分阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 AThis Thursday is Thanksgiving, the holiday when many Americans eat turkey. However, people may have to pay a little more for their holiday bird this year although how much more will depend on petition between stores. Production costs are going up. Turkeys are fed mainly by corn and soybean (大豆). Corn was an average of two dollars a bushel (蒲式耳,容量单位) last year. This year it was three dollars, and, at times, it even topped four dollars. The Department of Agriculture says one-quarter of the record corn crop expected this year could be used to produce ethanol (乙醇). Also, higher oil prices mean higher transportation costs another reason for costlier corn. Not only that, soybean production is down from last year. Turkey producers in the United States are expected to raise two hundred and seventy-two million birds this year. That estimate is four percent higher than last year. The United States imported ten million dollars worth of live turkeys during the first half of the year and almost all of them came from Canada. During that period the United States had a five-million-dollar trade deficit (赤字) in live turkeys. A turkey can be a little tricky to cook. The breast meat cooks faster than the leg meat, so if you arent careful, it can dry out. There are many turkey cooking suggestions on the Internet. One we found called The Worlds Best Turkey calls for butter, two apples, a tablespoon of garlic powder, and salt and pepper to prepare it.56. All the following are reasons for the rising price of turkeys EXCEPT that _.A. the price of corn has risenB. the production of soybean is downC. the transportation costs of corn are higherD. the turkeys are imported from Canada57. The underlined word costlier in the second paragraph probably means _.A. more expensive B. a larger amount ofC. cheaper D. a smaller amount of58. The corn price is rising probably because _. A. lots of corn is being used to produce fuelB. most farmers dont want to grow cornC. farmers sell corn at higher prices D. production costs are going up59. The Worlds Best Turkey is about_. A. how to buy a cheap turkeyB. how to find the best turkeyC. how to cook the most delicious turkeyD. where to buy the best turkeyBFarming was once the chief way of life in nearly every country. People cannot live without food, and nearly all their food es from crops and animals raised on farms. Many other materials such as cotton and wool also e from plants and animals raised on farms. Not many people farm for a living any more, but farming remains the most important work in the world at present. Before the nineteenth century, the typical American family lived on a small farm. They raised pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, and planted corn, beans, fruits, garden vegetables, rice, and wheat. Everyone worked long and hard, but the results were often poor. Families harvested just enough food for themselves. This situation began to change during the last half of the 1800s and it changed remarkably (明显地) in the following century. Scientific methods and labor-saving machinery have made farming increasingly productive in the US. The development of improved plant varieties and chemical fertilizers (肥料) has helped double and even triple (三倍) the production of some major crops. More scientific animal care and animal raising have helped increase the amount of meat and other products animals produce. At the same time, the use of tractors and other modern farm equipment has sharply reduced the need for farm labor. As farming has bee less important as a way of life in the United States, it has bee more important as a source which offers materials to industry. Todays successful farmers are experts not just in agriculture but also in accounting (会计), marketing and finance (金融). Farms that are not run in a similar way have great difficulty peting.60. We are told in the first paragraph about _. A. the history of farmingB. the importance of farmingC. the development of farming D. the changes of farming61. Which of the following describes American farming before the 19th century?A. Farmers didnt work hard on their farms.B. Farmers used tractors to help them.C. Farming was the main way of living for most people. D. Farmers could supply materials to industry.62. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Traditional American farming.B. The increase in the number of crops in the US.C. Modern farming methods.D. American farmershard work. CJoan of Arc was only seventeen when she was riding at the head of the army that liberated France from the English. Sir Isaac Newton had largely discovered his famous laws by the time he was twenty-three. Henry Clay was sent to the United States Senate (参议院) at twenty-nine. Raphael painted his most important pictures at twenty-five. Of course, most of us will never have the prominence of these great people. But many people feel as if they should leave more of a mark on the world. It helps to remember that there is a time for everything and everybody. Our time to bear good fruit maybe e later. In fact, we may do our best work, or find our own places later in life. Colorado (科罗拉多) aspen (白杨) trees grow straight and tall. This often happens in the Rocky Mountains. After being destroyed by a forest fire, aspens are usually the first trees to return to life. They reforest an area quickly, providing shade for evergreen (常青树) trees. These evergreens grow slower, but may live many years longer than the aspens. Each tree grows in its own time. So does each person. Some people e to fruition (成就) quickly, but others do greater things in their late years. If youve not yet e into your own, dont worry. Do your work well and hope for your opportunity. Dont give up, and be fairly patient. Remember, storms and disease are destructive (破坏性的), but they can also make you stronger. With proper education, you will in time enjoy a full harvest. But the time to begin is now.63. The author uses the example of Colorado aspen trees to _.A. show those who e to fruition quickly are luckyB. show they are more useful than evergreen treesC. prove each one will do something great sooner or later D. prove aspen trees are stronger than other ones64. According to the author, if you dont succeed now you _.A. should work hard and wait for your chance patientlyB. can have a good rest and then hope for chanceC. should give up trying and live a mon life D. can ask others to help you and encourage you 65. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Everyone Has His Achievement B. One Is Never Too Old to Do Something C. Wait for Your Opportunity D. Learn from Aspen Trees D Streit was an experienced safecracker who never used force either against people or safes (保险箱). He was a real artist of his trade and it took him only 19 minutes to open the most difficult safe he had ever encountered. In about 10 years, helped by his brother Stefan and two friends, he took about $330,000 from the safes of 28 banks in Austria. On his last job, early in xx, he left the safe door open and $80,000 behind. With the money was a note, We dont need all that much. A witness (目击者) recognized his car and Streit was caught by the police. Then he was sent to Austrias Stein Prison to serve a six-year sentence. He boasted (吹嘘) at his trial that he would continue breaking the law, I am a thief and I shall use every opportunity. Despite the warn-ing, prison officials moved Streit to the prisons blacksmith (铁匠) shop. One day during the week before Christmas, Streit disappeared. Searchers found all his doors were well locked. Streit had managed to make a set of keys and let himself out. Not to freedom, though. After crossing into Bavaria, Streit attracted the suspicion (怀疑) of German customs police on purpose and got himself arrested. I want to be in a German prison,he explained to the surprised police. As German courts give much milder (温和的) sentences for crimes like mine and will reduce the time I would otherwise have served in Stein Prison. In prison, Streit persuaded his keepers to let him make a Christmas Eve telephone call to his former keeper, Karl Schreiner of Stein Prison. Im sorry if I caused trouble. I didnt want to embarrass anybody by escaping. Conditions werent that bad. In fact the food was better than it is here.66. The underlined word safecracker in the first paragraph means _.A. prisoner B. criminal C. stealer D. Robber67. Whats the correct order of the following events?a. Streit was caught by German customs police.b. Streit left a note in the bank.c. Streit was sent to Stein Prison.d. Streit worked in a blacksmith shop.e. Streit escaped from prison.A. d-b-a-c-e B. b-a-c-d-e C. b-c-d-e-a D. d-b-c-e-a68. What helped Streit escape from prison?A. His living alone in prison.B. His good relations with the prison officials.C. His cooperation with other prisoners.D. His working in the blacksmith shop.69. Streit was finally caught because _. A. his car was recognized by someoneB. he left a note in the bank safeC. he was recognized by customs police D. he made a phone call to his former keeper70. Streit preferred to serve his time in Germany because _.A. he hated working in the blacksmith shop in the Austrian prisonB. the life of prisoners in Germany was better than those in AustriasC. he wouldnt have to stay that long in a German prisonD. he could escape more easily from a German prison 第四部分写作(共两节,满分25分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Jack is only a primary school student but he enjoy drawing too much. One morning, he went to a small forest far from town, carrying a drawing board to draw some tree.He found only one tree still stand, and the rest had all been cut down. He began to set up his board. Just when, a strong young man ing with a big axe and began cutting down the tree. She cut it down quickly and pulled it away.When Jack got everything ready and started draw, he found the tree had been disappeared. Dear me! Where is the tree?Jack was very disappointing. He had no choice but to go home. 第二节书面表达(满分15分) 假如4月19日(星期六,晴)你们参观了一家农场,请根据以下内容写一篇120词左右的日记。要点如下:1. 清晨在校门口集合,然后前往农场,到达后受到热烈欢迎;2. 被带领参观农场,庄稼、蔬菜长势良好。人们可以呼吸新鲜空气,聆听鸟儿歌唱,不必为空气污染而担心;3. 中午在草地上野餐,之后唱歌、跳舞、讲故事,一直玩到下午;4. 向农场工人告别。_参考答案21-25 BBACA 26-30 BBCCA 31-35 BCDCB 36-40 ADBAC 41-45 ACBAD 46-50 ADBDA 51-55 DBBDA 56-60 DAACB 61-65 CDCAB 66-70CCDCC短文改错1. enjoyenjoys 2. toovery 3 . treetrees 4. standstanding5. whenthen 6ingcame 7. SheHe 8. draw前加to或drawdrawing9. 去掉been 10 . disappointingdisappointed书面表达(One possible version)April 19, Saturday Fine Today we paid a visit to a farm. Early in the morning we gathered at the school gate and set off for the farm. When we got there, we were given a warm wele. Then we were shown around the farm. We saw all the crops and vegetables were growing well. Living in the peace, the people there can breathe fresh air and listen to the songs of the birds every day. They neednt worry about air pollution. At noon we had a picnic lunch on the grass. Everyone enjoyed it very much. After that we began singing, dancing and telling stories. What a good time we had! We didnt stop until the late afternoon. We then all said goodbye to the farmers and returned home.

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