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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 Module10 Fitness教案 外研版撰写人:_时 间:_I. Teaching goals 模块教学目标 Skill focus听Listen to conversation, advertisement about ways of how to keep fit说Talk about how they think about different types of exercises; talk about ways of keeping fit; discuss things they can do to be healthier读Read passages about healthy food; ways of keeping fit写Write a short passage about “Feed me better”Language focus功能句式Talking about preferenceDo you like it?Why do / dont you like it?How good are you at it?词汇1重点词汇 ache fit exercise healthy running strong weight training fat fresh healthy food junk food sugar tasty2短语a bit stay fit stay healthy train for take exercise go running语法Attributive clause connected by who/whose重点句子1. My legs ache a bit. P802. Dont give up if you want to stay fit. P803. Ive got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics. P804. Theres a boy in our team whose parents want him to go to a sports school. P805. Ive just bumped into the head teacher. P80 6. He doesnt look like someone whose fitness and health interest him very much! P807. Jamie Oliver is a young cook who wants to improve school dinners. P828. Children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon. P829. Then he talked to the people who worked in the kitchens. P8210. Jamie is a cook whose ideas are changing school dinners all over Britain. P8211. He told them they needed to ban junk food from schools, train the cooks, educate the children and spend more money on school dinners. P82II. Teaching material analyzing 教材分析 本单元围绕Fitness展开。 Unit 1 从听、说、读三个方面展开技能训练。要求学生通过本单元的学习能够讨论自己所认为的保持健康的最好的方式。通过讨论保持健康的方式来表达自己的观点、询问别人的意见。Listening and vocabularyActivity 1 要求学生根据所给图片,运用所给词汇讨论自己认为的最佳保持健康的方式。Activity 2 要求学生听录音选出对于Betty和Lingling而言最好的保持健康方式,然后根据所给图片描绘图中的人物是如何保持健康的。Activity 3是Lingling和她朋友的一段对话。学生将初步学习以whose为引导词的定语从句,同时帮助他们开始学习这个单元的新话题。Activity 4 要求学生根据课文回答问题,是对他们理解课文的一个检测。Activity 5 要求学生学习动宾搭配的习惯用法,并结队根据自己的实际情况回答文中所列的问题,此活动在帮助他们正确运用动宾搭配的同时练习讨论与Keep fit有关的话题。Pronunciation and speakingActivity 6 帮助学生根据意群朗读含有宾语从句的句子。Activity 7 要求学生结队讨论自己对所列运动方式的看法,帮助他们学习如何表达自己的观点。Unit 2 从说、读、写三个方面展开技能训练。要求学生通过学习Feed me better的文章,完成课本所列任务,并结合自己对于健康饮食的看法,能够自己写一篇关于Feed me better的文章。Reading and vocabularyActivity 1 要求学生看图,运用课本所提供的词汇,结合实际情况谈论自己比较喜欢哪种饭菜。Activity 2 是一篇有关健康饮食的文章。第一步要求学生快速浏览文章,给每个自然段的选出适当的小标题,在学习这篇文章的同时学习如何写类似的文章,以及词汇、用语。Activity 3 要求学生阅读文章,根据提示找出相对应的细节信息后完成表格。 Activity 4 要求学生在理解课文的基础上用自己的语言完成句子。Activity 5 通过让学生完成一段话,帮助他们正确理解和运用词语。Activity 6 要求学生在理解课文的基础上结合自己的实际情况讨论Activity 6 中所列的问题。WritingActivity 7 要求学生先在课本的提示下根据自己的实际情况列举具体细节。Activity 8 在学习本单元的基础上写一篇关于Feed me better的短文。 Unit 3 是对本单元一个综合性的总结与训练。帮助学生全面理解、运用和掌握本单元所学内容。Activities 1-3是帮助学生学习和练习以whose / who 为引导词的定语从句。Activities 4-8帮助学生运用所学词汇及表达。 Around the world 向学生介绍了欧洲传统的保持健康的方式之一Spa。 Module task 是综合技能的训练。要求学生找出保持健康的方法。III. Class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配 Period 1 Listening and speaking Period 2 Reading and writing Period 3 Language in use IV. Teaching plans for each period分课时教案 Period 1 Listening and speaking Teaching goals 教学目标1. Language goals 语言目标a. Key words 词汇 ache fit exercise healthy funning strong weight trainingb. Key sentences 重点句子 My legs ache a bit. Dont give up if you want to stay fit. Ive got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics. Theres a boy in our team whose parents want him to go to a sports school. Ive just bumped into the head teacher. He doesnt look like someone whose fitness and health interest him very much! 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to talk about their opinions towards different forms of exercises.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help students learn how to talk about their opinions towards different forms of exercises.Teaching methods 教学方法Listening, reading and discussing.Teaching important point教学重点Teach students to talk about different forms of exercise.Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Help them know different advantages of different forms of exercise and the importance of doing exercise.Teaching aids 教具准备Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Lead-ina. Lead students to start talking about a new topic. T: Everybody, whats the date today? How many days left to the Beijing 20xx Olympic Games? Do you think well get the most golden medals this time? Why?S1: There are so many famous athletes, such as Liu Xiang, Zhang YiningS2: The 20xx Olympic Games are held in our own country.S3: Thousands of Chinese will encourage and support our national team players.T: Well done! Our heroes strive for the golden medals for our country. How can they do that?S4: They train every day.S5: They do exercise very hard.S6: They have healthy food.T: Good! Because they train hard everyday, they must be very Ss: Fit!T: Yes. Thats what well go to talk about this Module.Show the title of this Module to students-Fitness.b. Get students to talk about pictures on page 80.T: Next, look at the three pictures on page 80. Decide which is the best way to keep fit. You can refer to the words and expressions given.Get students to talk about the pictures in pairs. Later, ask some of them to talk about their opinions.T: Well, time is up. Whod like to say something about these pictures?S7: I think Taijiquan is the best way of keeping fit. It helps people keep calm. It is one of the key elements for people to keep away from diseases and live longer.S8: I think running is the best way of keeping fit. It helps our heart healthy, makes us full of energy and breathe enough fresh air.S9: I think weight training is the best way of keeping fit. It can help people lose unnecessary fat and keep good shape. It makes people strong. And it helps people get far away from diseases.T: Well done! Step II ListeningListeningGet students listen to the tape and fill in the chart given.T: Different people have their own ways of keeping fit. Next, listen to the tape and find out the best ways to keep fit for Betty and Lingling.Before playing the tape, get students look through the chart. Then play the tape recorder, get them fill in the chart. Later check the answers together.SpeakingGet students look at the photos again and describe how the people keep fit.Sample answer:People in the pictures do exercise to keep fit. In the first picture, an old man is playing Taijiquan. Its a kind of exercise that is suitable for old men. In the second picture, three women are running. Keeping running can help people keep healthy. In the third picture, a man is doing weight training with the instruction of the coach. Doing weight training can make people sweat which can carry away wastes in human body. Step III Conversation learningGet students learn the conversation in Activity 3.ListeningGet students listen to the tape and answer the questions in Activity 4.T: What can you do to keep fit in our school?Ss: Play basketball, football, table tennisT: Is there anyone here in the basketball team? How do you think about that?Ss: Its very tiring.T: Well, Tony thinks the same. Next, listen to the tape and answer the following questionsShow students the questions in Activity 4.1. How did Tony find the basketball training?2. Why does Lingling say Tony is lucky?3. What will the boy in Damings team need to do?4. Why isnt Tony allowed to use his fathers camera anymore?5. Who has Betty just seen and what does he want to talk about? Play the tape recorder and help them get the answers to these questions.Sample answers:1. He found it was OK, but he was a bit tired. His legs ache a lit.2. Because her friends brother is training for the Olympics, while Tony is only playing in the school team. 3. Hell need to take a lot of exercise -go funning or do weight training. 4. He thought his dad guessed that he nearly lost it at school dance.5. She has just bumped into the head teacher. He wants to talk about New Standard.Then play the tape recorder again, get students listen again and check the answers.ReadingGet students read the conversation.T: Now, read the conversation and underline what you dont understand.Give students several minutes to read. Later explain some language points to them.Language points1. It was OK, but Im a bit tired. My legs ache a bit. a bit: to some degree, rather 有点儿,稍微 ache vi. : to have or suffer a continuous, but not violent, pain “隐隐地,持续地”作痛2. Dont give up if you want to stay fit. fit adj.: physically healthy and strong, especially as a result of regular exercise3. Ive got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics. train for: to prepare for a test for physical skill, especially by exercising4. Ive just bumped into the head teacher. bump into: to meet by chanceStep IV DiscussingGet students do Activity 5.Step V PronunciationGet students listen to the tape. Learn how to read and express sentences with attributive clause according to the sense group.Step VI Speaking Get studentsLater, they are asked to talk about different forms of exercises according to the table.Sample answer: Do you like it?Why do/dont you like it?How good are you good at it?TaijiquanYes.esides it can keep me fit.I am being taught how to do it recently. And I can hardly complete itBasketballYes.lso, playing basketball make me 出汗 which carry away a lot of wastes from my body.I am good at playing it.RunningYes.Most of people like running. It can help improve our endurance which helps us deal with study and other hard work. It is good for our brain as well.I am not good at running, but I keep on running every morning on the playground.SwimmingYes.First it trains us the ability of endurance. The pressure of water helps exercise our whole body. And it is one of the best ways to lose weight.I am not good at it. But I often swim for fun.Fitness classNo.We should keep doing exercise every day. We cannot depend on a sudden exercise. It may not be good for our health.I never go to fitness class.StepVII Homework1. Finish the correspondent exercises in Workbook.2. Preview Unit 2. 3. Remember vocabulary in Unit 1. Period 2 Reading and writing Teaching goal1.Language goals 语言目标a. Key words and phrases重点词汇和短语fat fresh healthy food junk food sugar tasty b. Key sentences重点句子 Jamie Oliver is a young cook who wants to improve school dinners. Children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon. Then he talked to the people who worked in the kitchens. Jamie is a cook whose ideas are changing school dinners all over Britain. He told them they needed to ban junk food from schools, train the cooks, educate the children and spend more money on school dinners.2. Ability goals能力目标 Enable students to write a short passage called “Feed me better”.3. Learning ability goals 教学目标 Help students learn how to write a short passage called “Feed me better”.Teaching important point教学重点Teach students learn how to write a short passage called “Feed me better”.Teaching difficult point 教学难点Attributive clause: relative pronoun who / whoseTeaching methods 教学方法Reading, speaking, writing and pair work.Teaching aids教具准备TTeaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Lead-inLead students to talk about how they think about healthy food and junk food. Bring packages of KFC and Menniu Milk, Yili Milk.T: Everybody, Look! What did I bring to you?Show students the packages of KFC and Menniu Milk, Yili Milk. Students give the answers immediately for they are so familiar with them.T: Now, look at the packages carefully. Can you find any difference?S: The color is different. T: Anything else?S: Menniu Milk and Yili Milk are the assigned products for the 20xx Olympic Games. But KFC is not.T: Thats it! What kind of food do you think is healthy, or good for our health? Next, describe the pictures and say which meal you would like to eat. Get students describe and talk about pictures on page 82. Later ask some of them to say their opinions.T: Whod like to say something about the first picture?S: In the first picture, there are fresh vegetables and fruit. They are healthy food and good for our health. I would like to eat this meal.T: Well done! We should eat healthy food. How about Picture 2?S: In the second picture, there is a hamburger, a cup of cola and a packet of French fries. They are junk food which contains too much sugar, fat and energy. They are bad for our health.T: Well done! Step ReadingGet students learn about the passage feed me better.a. Get students match the headings with the paragraph.T: What do you usually eat for lunch?Encourage students to talk about what they eat for their lunch.T: Most of you eat healthy food. Healthy lunch can help you behave better in the afternoon class. In Britain there is such a cook, his ideas are changing school dinners all over Britain. Today, well learn about this. First, look through the passage and match the headings with the paragraph.Give students several minutes to look through the passage. Later check the answer together.b. Get students do Activity 3.T: Next, read the passage again and get more details about the passage. YSample answers:Typical school mealHamburgers and chips, or pizza, and sometimes there is fruit and ice creamDisadvantage of junk foodJunk food isnt just bad for the body. Children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon.Healthy foodIncluding meat, rice, pasta and vegetablesMaking changes to the dietHe told them they needed to ban junk food from schools, train the cooks, educate the children and spend more money on school dinners.c. Get students look through the passage and finish Activity 4.1. In 20xx, Jamie Oliver went back to school to see what the children were eating.2. The teachers found that children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon.3. When he went into class with vegetables, Jamie found out that the children didnt know what they were.4. When Jamie changed the menu, a lot of teenagers refused to eat new food at first. 5. Jamie wanted the government to ban junk food from schools, train the cooks, educate the children and spend more money on school dinners.d. Language points1. Jamie Oliver is a young cook who wants to improve school dinners. improve: to make better2. He told them they needed to ban junk food from schools, train the cooks, educate the children and spend more money on school dinners. ban from : to forbid, esp. by lawe. Get students do Activity 5. Step III SpeakingGet students answer the questions in Activity 6 in pairs.Sample dialogue:S1: What junk food do you like?S2: I like hamburgers.S1: Me too. But hamburger contains too much sugar, energy and fat. We shouldnt eat it too often.S2: I agree. How can you improve your diet?S1: First, we should not go to eat junk food too often. Then we need to eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.S2: Good ideas. Do you think junk food should be banned? S1: Its not necessary. We can eat it one or two times each month, for its one of the ways of relaxing and enjoying ourselves. Its necessary for us to persuade people to eat healthy food.S2: What can you do?S1: We can give them a lot of examples that show what the harm junk food brings to us. And maybe our government can give rules to ask people eat less and less junk food.S2: I agree. Is it important to have a healthy meal at school?S1: Yes. If we do not have a healthy meal, we may behave badly and can not concentrate on our study. S2: Would you like to be a cook?S1: Yes! Id like to! I can do a lot of healthy food for people. The most important is that I can tell people what is healthy and what is bad. They will follow me, for I am a cook. Step IV WritingGet students write a short passage about feed me better.Sample version:Feed me better More fruit and vegetablesNot less than two portions of fruit and vegetables should be available per day per students. Meat, fish and other non-dairy sources of proteinA food from this group must be provided on a daily basis. Starchy foodAll schools must provide starchy food every day. Drinking waterThere should be easy access at all times to free, fresh drinking water. Snacks - RestrictedSavoury snacks high in salt and fat such as crisps are no longer allowed. Milk and dairy foodA food from this group should be available on a daily basis. Healthier drinksbinations of these. Salt and condiments - Restricted Deep-fried food - RestrictedDeep-fried food (including those deep-fried or flash-fried in the kitchen or manufacturing process) should not be served more than twice a week. Meat products - Categorised and restrictedOnly one meat product (manufactured or homemade) from each of the four separate groups can be provided within a fortnight. No confectioneryConfectionery should not be provided as part of school lunches.Step V Homework1. Remember the words in Unit 2.2. Finish writing feed me better.3. Preview Unit3.4. Do exercises in workbook. Period 3 Language in use Teaching goals 教学目标1Language goals 语言目标a. Key sentences重点句子One of the most traditional ways to stay healthy in Europe has been to spend a few days at a spa. it may not taste very nice but its meant to be good for you. and the city which gave its name to the hot springs, Spa in Belgium.b. Grammar point Attributive clause led by who / whose.2. Ability goals能力目标 Enable students to find ways to keep fit using what they have learnt in this module.3. Learning ability goal 学能目标 Help students learn how to find ways to keep fit.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点Usage of attributive clause led by who / whose.How to use vocabulary correctly and properly.Teaching methods 教学方法Listening, reading, speaking and writing.Teaching aids教具准备TTeaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Language practiceGet students learn attributive clause led by who / whose.a. Grammar pointExplain attributive clause led by who / whose to students.T: Everybody, lets look at the following sentences.Show students the following sentences with attributive clause:Ive got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics.Theres a boy in our team whose parents want him to go to a sports school.He doesnt look like someone whose fitness and health interest him very much! Jamie Oliver is a young cook who wants to improve school dinners.Children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon.Then he talked to the people who worked in the kitchens.Jamie is a cook whose ideas are changing school dinners all over Britain.Ss: They are all sentences with attributive clause.T: Well done! So tell me what is attributive clause?S1: An attributive clause is a clause that modifies a noun the same way an adjective or prepositional phrase does. The noun it modifies is called an antecedent.T: Wonderful! Can you say something about these sentences?S2: When we talk about people we use relative pronouns who, whom, whose in the attributive clause.T: Thats it!b. Practice Get students to do Exercises 1-3 on page 84. After students finish doing these exercises, check the answers.Step II Integrating skillSpeaking and writingGet students do Exercises 4 &5.ListeningPlay the tape recorder; get students do Exercises 6&7. After that, ask them to finish E


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