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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册Unit 6 Detective storiesVocabulary教学案(无答案) 牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_Unit6 Detective stories总课时10第 4 课时课 题Period 4 Vocabulary课 型新授教学目标To understand and use vocabulary relating to crimes and criminalsKnowing how to express themselves whilst meetingTo develop the four skills of the students.教学重难点To understand key vocabulary items.集 体 备 课二次备课Lead-in Show the students a video about Detective Kenyan.Ask students : What does Kenyan do? What does a detective do? (students various answers) How many kinds of crimes do you know about? And what are they?Pre-task Ask students to match the words and the paraphrases.kidnapA. a person who takes another persons things secretlyrobB. steal sb. Away by force in order to get moneymurderC. a person who takes things from a shop secretlythiefD. unlawfully kill sb.shoplifter E. take things or money from a person or a place by forceTask A ,B(Page100 ): Ask students to write the correct word under each picture using the words from the box. Students peer checking, then present the correct answers.Extension Tell the students that we have learnt some names about crimes and criminals, here are some other names for them, could you guess their Chinese names?Crimes criminalsBattery attackerDrug dealing drug dealerMugging muggerRobbery robberVandalism vandalMoney laundering money laundererBurglary burglarForgery forgerGet students to look at the crimes from Part A, ask students what they think the punishment for those crimes should be. Present a list of penalties for them:$500 fine$1000 fine$1500 fine20 hours of voluntary work6 months in prison12 months in prison2 years in prison5 years in prison10 years in prison2 0years in prison50 years in prisonLife in prisonDeath penalty Ask students to have a discussion, and then present their conclusion. Task 1 fill in the blanks according to the Chinese He was charged with being the _(凶手).Those _(小偷)were caught at last.Therere many _(犯罪行为)in that city.It is said the boy was _(绑架)last Friday.She was fined three hundred dollars for _(从商店偷窃商品).Task 2 choose the words to fill in the blanks, pay attention to their formsYou can often hear the bus driver remind the passengers to be careful with t_.Homework Workbook Preview the part of grammar, finish the ex in the book教后记:4 / 4


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